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L Carnitine Benefits: A Complete Guide Based on Research Studies

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • L-carnitine is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in energy production and metabolism. 
  • Different types of L-carnitine include L-carnitine tartrate, Acetyl L-carnitine, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, and Propionyl L-Carnitine.  
  • May aid in weight loss, improve cognitive function, and have positive effects on heart health. 
  • Safety concerns and side effects need to be considered while taking L-carnitine supplements.  
  • It is naturally available in animal-based food sources like red meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products. 


L-carnitine is a product of the amino acids lysine and methionine. They help the body use fat to make energy. L-carnitine garners attention for its potential health benefits which include improving energy production, helping weight loss, and enhancing brain function.  In this article, we will discuss its potential benefits, mechanism of action, supplements, dosage, food sources, and side effects. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.   

What is L-Carnitine? 

L-Carnitine exists naturally in the body. It’s key for our cells to produce energy. The liver, kidneys, and brain make it. It’s also present in lots of foods, mostly animal sources. L-carnitine takes fatty acids and carries them to the powerhouses of cells. Here, they get converted to energy. So, by helping us get energy from fats, it supports overall health and well-being. 

l carnitine benefits

Did you know?

Different Types of L-Carnitines 

Carnitine comes in distinct forms. These bring along differing features and potential benefits. 

1. L-Carnitine Tartrate 

It’s a common choice for dietary use.  It costs less than other types. Also, its absorption is about 14% – 18% better. It might be linked with better athletic performance, weight loss, and overall health. 

2. Acetyl L-Carnitine 

This type is abbreviated as ALCAR. It’s absorbed at a faster rate. It can cross the barrier between the blood and the brain. As a result, it is often used to promote brain health. And it may aid people with diseases like Alzheimer’s. 

3. L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 

Many sports supplements contain this form. Its absorption is quick. Athletes may find it helps with muscle discomfort.  While some use it for improved exercise results, not all research supports this. 

4. Propionyl L-Carnitine 

This type is said to be useful for people with heart and vascular problems. Academic studies showed it may boost heart action. Improvements included cardiac output and ejection fractions from the left ventricle. 

Role of L-Carnitine in The Body 

In this section we will discuss the important roles of L-carnitine in the body. 

How It Help Metabolism? 

L-carnitine is vital to the way the body manages fat. It transports them to the powerhouses of the cells. Here, they are converted into energy that the body can use and energy is vital for all functions and processes that occur in the body.  

Brain Health 

 Acetyl L-Carnitine can cross the barrier between the brain and the blood. Because of this, it may help with brain health. It might even help those with neurodegenerative diseases or cognitive decline tied to aging.  

Energy Production 

The body needs power to work well. L-Carnitine is key to making that happen. By aiding the movement and conversion of fatty acids into energy, L-Carnitine ensures our cells have enough power to carry out their tasks. 

L-Carnitine and Weight Loss 

L-carnitine has been proposed to be helpful for weight loss. And this may be tied to its heavy work in breaking down fatty acids into energy.  

  • How Does L-Carnitine Support Weight Loss? 

As mentioned above L-Carnitine moves fatty acids into the powerhouses of our cells. Here, these fatty acids get transformed into energy. And that helps the body make good use of fat. This may lead to burning more calories and reduce fat storage. This may have an important role in weight loss.  

  • Available evidence on  L-Carnitine and Weight Loss 

Various studies try to assess the link between L-carnitine and weight loss. But they don’t all have the same results. Some found weight loss in those taking L-carnitine. Others didn’t see noteworthy changes. 

One review looked at 37 studies. It found a small, but significant, drop in weight with L-Carnitine (an average of 1.21 kg or 2.66 lbs). This reduction was mostly seen in those who ate fewer calories and did regular exercise. So, the results cannot be completely attributed to L-carnitine.  

Another study found no weight loss difference between the two groups. Both had the same eating and workout habits. But one took L-carnitine, and one did not. 

It seems then that L-carnitine might support weight loss for some, but not for all. A lot might depend on personal factors like lifestyle habits, diet, exercise, and more. Further large-scale studies can provide a clearer picture. 

Effects of L-Carnitine on Brain Function 

The possible benefits of L-Carnitine on brain function have sparked interest.  

1. Alzheimer’s Disease 

Alzheimer’s disease is a slow, neurodegenerative disease.  By  avoiding the breakdown or increase in the levels of the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine help delay the process as acetylcholine is key for memory and brain function. 

Research proposes that L-carnitine might help make more acetylcholine in the brain. Several studies looked at L-Carnitine’s usefulness for Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, they had mixed results. Some found good outcomes with L-Carnitine but others didn’t. Clearly, more research is needed to see whether it benefits Alzheimer’s patients. 

2. Memory and Focus 

L-carnitine might also improve memory and focus. But, like the research before, findings here are not consistent. 

Some research showed improvements in healthy people taking L-carnitine. But others saw no statistically significant changes. We need further study to see if L-Carnitine can enhance memory and focus. 

3. Brain Decline With Aging 

Some studies found that aged adults showed improved cognition with L-carnitine. One such study found it boosted cognition in elders with mild cognitive impairment. However, further research is needed. We need to see if L-Carnitine can impact cognitive decline and aging positively. 

4. Depression 

 Some studies found that older adults with dysthymic disorder (a long-term mild depression) had fewer symptoms. More work is needed to assess L-Carnitine’s benefits for depression. 

Other Potential Health Benefits of L-Carnitine 

L-Carnitine may offer other potential health benefits as well.  

1. Heart Health 

Research has looked at L-carnitine and heart health. Some papers suggest at L-Carnitine’s role in lowering risk markers and helping blood flow, especially in people with heart issues. 

A review of 12 trials found that taking L-carnitine was linked to an improvement in diastolic blood pressure, especially in overweight people. Another analysis of 17 trials showed that it could enhance heart function and reduce symptoms in people with heart failure. 

We need further research to define L-Carnitine’s impact on heart disease. 

2. Exercise Performance 

Because of its role in energy production,  researchers have studied L-Carnitine’s effect on sports performance. Some studies have noted improvements in different workout parameters, such as reduced muscle soreness and more endurance. But once again, results vary.  

It is crucial to note that L-Carnitine does not directly improve sports performance. Its role might be more about aiding muscle comfort, recovery, and other aspects of workout regimens. More studies are needed to investigate this. 

3. Dealing With Type 2 Diabetes 

There are some findings on L-Carnitine and type 2 diabetes. Some studies reported changes in blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, and fat profiles for those with type 2 diabetes. Especially when paired with other therapies, such as orlistat or sibutramine. 

On top of that, it may help with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This health issue affects nerve function and is often seen in diabetes patients. But again, we need more research to understand its role in managing type 2 diabetes and its complications.  

4. Countering Kidney and Liver Disease 

Some studies report potential benefits of L-carnitine for people with kidney or liver diseases. For example, L-carnitine might boost liver enzyme levels. And boost other markers of liver health in people with hepatic encephalopathy. 

Similarly, researchers have investigated  L-Carnitine in renal dysfunction. They have paid particular attention to supporting anemia management in patients undergoing dialysis. 

Once again, we need more research to corroborate these findings.  

Safety and Side Effects of L-Carnitine 

  • Types of Side Effects? 

Most people handle L-Carnitine okay. Up to 2g per day is thought safe for long-term use. But in higher amounts, it might cause issues such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, loose stools, and a fishy body smell. Always discuss with your healthcare professional before you begin any supplement, L-Carnitine included. 

  • Mixing with Medicines 

Some medicines, like anticonvulsants, can interact with L-carnitine. That might lead to lower carnitine levels in the blood. Don’t forget to check with your healthcare professional. Especially if you take other drugs before you start taking L-carnitine. 

  • During Pregnancy 

Pregnant and nursing women are advised to steer clear of L-Carnitine. This advice is due to the very little research done on its safety in these cases. 

L-Carnitine Food Sources 

While the bodies make L-carnitine, we can also find it in some foods which are listed below. 

From Animals 

  • Cow and sheep meat 
  • Bird meat (chicken, turkey)  
  • Fish (salmon, tuna)  
  • Milk products (milk, cheese) 

Sources From Plants 

L-carnitine isn’t really found in plant foods. But a few plants might give small amounts. They include: 

  • Avocado 
  • Full grains  
  • Seeds and nuts  
  • Some beans 

Should You Take L-Carnitine Supplements? 

  • Advice for Healthy Adults 

Healthy people don’t normally need L-carnitine supplements. That’s because the body make enough from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Plus, a balanced diet with animal and non-animal foods will provide plenty of L-carnitine. 

  • Dose Recommendations for Specific Problems 

Some people, like those with gene issues or special health issues, might benefit from L-Carnitine supplements. Before any supplementation, you should get advice from your healthcare professional. The right dose depends on your needs and goals. 

  • Need to Check with a Doctor? 

If you are thinking about supplements like L-Carnitine for certain health concerns always talk to your healthcare professional first. They can look at your medical history and current medicines. Then they can tell you whether L-Carnitine is good for you. 


L-Carnitine is key for our ability to make and use energy from fats. While it’s impressive how it may help in weight loss, brain function, and other health fields, we cannot forget  that taking L-Carnitine can’t replace consuming healthy foods and working out regularly. Always ask your healthcare professional before taking L-Carnitine. They will guide you on whether it meets your health needs and goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Why should you take L-carnitine? 

Taking L-Carnitine might support energy creation, weight loss, brain function, heart health, and other health conditions. 

What happens if you take L-carnitine every day? 

If you stick to the suggested dosage, L-Carnitine supplements are usually safe for day-to-day use. But always check with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement. Especially if you’re on any medications or have any pre-existing health conditions. 

Can L-carnitine help get rid of belly fat? 

It’s possible that L-Carnitine might help shed weight, as it helps the body break down fatty acids for energy use. But remember, it should not be a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. As we need more research to corroborate these findings.  

Is there anyone who shouldn’t take L-carnitine? 

While L-Carnitine is safe for most, some people should avoid it. Those with certain health issues or taking some medications should seek advice first. Pregnant and breastfeeding people are also advised against its use due to limited safety research. 

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