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Does Boric Acid Make You Tighter? Evidence-Based Insights Into Vaginal Health

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Key Highlights:

  • Boric acid is an antifungal and antimicrobial compound used for various purposes.
  • Evidence supports the use of boric acid in treating vaginal infections, such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis.
  • Boric acid’s effect on vaginal tightening is not well-researched and needs more study.
  • There are risks and side effects with using boric acid such as irritation, discomfort, and possible harm to pregnant women.
  • Follow the right directions and be careful when using boric acid suppositories for safe treatment.
  • There are other treatments like over-the-counter drugs and natural cures for different vaginal health issues.


The health of your vagina is key to your overall health. Many infections and health issues can mess up the balance in the vagina. In their search for things to fix this, many turn to boric acid. This post digs deep into boric acid and whether it can treat different vaginal conditions. We also check if it can make the vagina tighter.

In this article, we talk about what boric acid is, why it is good, and its risks. We also guide you on how to safely use boric acid suppositories, other treatments, and tips to stop infections and keep the vagina healthy. Last, we answer frequent questions related to boric acid and how it is used in vaginal care.

Understanding Boric Acid

What is boric acid?

  • Chemical composition

Boric acid is a substance found in nature. It is made up of elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, and boron. It is a white powder or colourless crystal that follows the formula H3BO3. It comes from boron, found in things like borax, and is often used in many home goods and industrial uses.

  • Properties and uses

Boric acid has many great uses, like its antifungal, antimicrobial, and antivirus features. Because of these abilities, it can be found in things like bug sprays, cleaning supplies, and medical formulas. When it comes to human health, boric acid has shown its power to fix problems like skin rashes to fungal and bacterial infections.

How boric acid works

  • Antifungal and antimicrobial effects

Boric acid’s anti-fungal and anti-bug abilities let it treat different vaginal infections. Studies show that it can slow pathogen growth, the stuff causing these infections. These include Candida species (that cause yeast infections) and Trichomonas vaginalis (that cause trichomoniasis). Boric acid is also good against bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis.

  • pH regulation

A major part of vaginal health is keeping the pH level acidic in the vagina. An acidic spot can protect the vagina from infections by slowing the growth of damaging micro-organisms. Boric acid can help keep this acidity, making for a healthier vaginal ecosystem.

Did you know?

  • Boric acid suppositories have been found to be effective in treating recurrent vaginal yeast infections. source: NCBI
  • Boric acid can be used as an alternative treatment for bacterial vaginosis. source: NCBI
  • Boric acid vaginal use is not recommended for treatment of sexually transmitted infections. source: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov
  • Boric acid vaginal use may cause serious conditions like lower abdominal pain and foul-smelling discharge. source: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov

Boric Acid and Vaginal Health

1. Evidence-based benefits

  • Treating yeast infections

Boric acid has been studied for yeast infections. These are mostly due to Candida species. Studies point out that boric acid may be good at clearing not just common Candida albicans strains but also the tougher Candida glabrata strains. Suppositories with boric acid can halt the growth of these yeast fungi and may soothe infection symptoms within a few days to two weeks of treatment.

  • Addressing bacterial vaginosis or BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is another common infection. Boric acid suppositories can be used to help treat this. Research on this topic is limited, but some small studies suggest that boric acid could be used as a backup or added therapy for persistent or recurrent BV. However, there needs to be more research to confirm its effect in this context.

  • Eliminating trichomoniasis

Some evidence shows that boric acid suppositories might be good for treating trichomoniasis. This is an STI that comes from the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite. Even though more extensive research is needed, what exists so far suggests that boric acid might be great at slowing and stopping Trichomonas vaginalis growth.

2. Does boric acid make you tighter?

  • The tightening effect of boric acid

There isn’t enough evidence yet to say that boric acid can directly help make the vagina tighter. Most research has been on its antifungal, antimicrobial, and pH-controlling uses. More study is needed in order to understand if boric acid can help tighten vaginal tissues.

  • Comparing boric acid to other tightening methods

Boric acid’s ability to tighten vaginas hasn’t been studied that much. Because of this, it’s important to look at other ways this can be done, such as through pelvic floor workouts or surgical procedures like vaginoplasty. It’s very important to talk with a doctor when looking for vaginal tightening measures so it’s safe and works well.

3. Boric acid and vaginal moisture

  • Effects on natural lubrication

Some people say that boric acid suppositories can help keep the right level of vaginal moisture. It does this by supporting the bacterial ecosystem, leading to good natural lubrication. However, more extensive research needs to be done on this topic to make sure of boric acid’s possible role in promoting vaginal moisture.

  • Balancing vaginal pH

Apart from its antifungal and antimicrobial actions, boric acid also helps in regulating vaginal pH. By preserving an acidic setting in the vagina, boric acid can help retain overall vaginal health and could help keep a more balanced and stable level of natural lubrication.

Commonly available as gelatin capsules, boric acid can be inserted into the vagina to cure yeast infections symptoms like itching and burning and maintain acid-base balance, please note that boric acid is highly poisonous when taken orally. It should only be used as a vaginal suppository when prescribed by a doctor and should be used only after you complete your periods.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Risks and Side Effects of Boric Acid

Possible side effects

  • Irritation and discomfort

Even though boric acid suppositories are often safe for adults, some users might find minor side effects like irritation at the insertion site, watery discharge, redness in the vaginal area, or a gritty feeling in the vagina. If these side effects get worse or become too uncomfortable, stop using it and see a healthcare provider.

  • Allergic reactions

In rare cases, users might show allergies to boric acid. This can result in symptoms like hives, trouble breathing, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. If any of these signs show up, stop using the product and go to a medical professional right away.

When to avoid using boric acid

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Pregnant women and those breastfeeding should not use boric acid suppositories. This is because they could harm the unborn baby or the child being breastfed. Your healthcare provider can give advice on good treatments to use when pregnant and breastfeeding.

  • Open wounds or cuts

If you have open wounds, cuts, or ulcers in your vagina, don’t use boric acid suppositories.

How to Use Boric Acid Safely

Boric acid suppositories

  • Correct usage and dosage

When using boric acid suppositories, follow the right instructions and talk to your healthcare provider for guidance. Generally, any interactions between the conditions you’re treating should be fully addressed. For example, use one suppository per day to treat yeast infections.

  • Application process

Before putting in a suppository, wash your hands well and follow the packaging instructions for the right application process. Wear a panty liner, as some discharge might come from the use of suppositories. Watch for any side effects or symptoms and quit using it if any discomfort or irritation goes from bad to unbearable.

Precautions to take

  • Proper storage

Keep boric acid suppositories in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat exposure. If exposed to high temperatures, capsules might melt, so it is important to keep them in their protective packaging until they are ready for use.

  • Monitoring side effects

While using boric acid suppositories, watch for any side effects. If symptoms continue or worsen, speak to your healthcare provider. If any serious or worrying reactions occur, stop using it.

Alternative Treatment Options

1. Antifungal creams and ointments

For treating yeast infections, there are antifungal creams and ointments that your doctor may prescribe. They can give relief from infection symptoms.

2. Oral medications

Oral antifungal medicines can be given by a healthcare provider to treat vaginal infections. This is especially for yeast infections due to Candida species.

3. Probiotics

Consumption of Probiotics can help bring back the balance of good bacteria within the vagina. They can be useful for fighting vaginal infections and are good for overall vaginal health.

Yeast Infection Prevention Tips

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

  • Diet and exercise

A diet with lots of nutrients and staying active can help the overall health of your vagina. These things can support the immune system and keep infections away.

  • Stress management

Having less stress can help keep a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of infections naturally. Try to lower your stress with mindful activities such as meditation, yoga or having fun!

Personal hygiene

  • Avoiding douching

Cleaning out your vagina can mess with the delicate balance of the vaginal environment and add to the risk of infections. Don’t douche and instead clean gently with water.

  • Wearing breathable underwear

Go for loose, breathable cotton underwear to lower the risk of yeast infections. Tight, airy fabrics can create a warm, moist place that lets yeast and unhealthy bacteria grow.

When to See a Doctor

Recognizing persistent or worsening symptoms

  • Infections

If you experience symptoms like an unpleasant smell, itching, burning or pain around the vagina, it’s important to see a doctor for the right, diagnosis, and treatment.

  • Severe pain or discomfort

In cases of serious pain, discomfort, or other worrying symptoms, get medical help right away to ensure you get the right care and treatment.

Seeking professional diagnosis and treatment

  • Accurate identification of infections

Seeing a doctor is crucial to rightly tell what type of infection is affecting the vagina and then get the right treatment.

  • Tailored treatment plans

A healthcare provider can help make a custom treatment plan based on your needs, making sure it’s safe and effective in treating vaginal infections.

Also Read: What is a Hymen? Exploring its Biological Function and Common Misunderstandings


At the end of the day, boric acid is a versatile substance with many uses in the realm of vaginal health. Its antifungal, antimicrobial, and pH-balancing qualities have made it a chosen alternative for various infections, such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. However, if it has a role in making the vagina tighter remains unclear, and more research is needed to look into this aspect. To use it safely, it is necessary to follow safe usage guidelines, think of alternative treatments, and see a healthcare provider for personal advice and treatment plans when dealing with vaginal infections.

Remember that vaginal health is a major part of overall well-being, and having a healthy lifestyle, practising good personal hygiene, and getting medical help on time can make a big difference in protecting vaginal wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take for boric acid to treat a yeast infection?

Usually, boric acid treatment can clear a yeast infection within 1 to 2 weeks. This may vary from person to person.

Can boric acid be used preventively against yeast infections?

Some doctors might advise using boric acid to stop recurring yeast infections. In such cases, doctors may advise to use of a boric acid suppository once or twice weekly for 3 to 4 months.

Who should avoid using boric acid?

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use boric acid, as well as those with open wounds or cuts in the vaginal area.

Does boric acid make you more wet?

There is some evidence that boric acid suppositories can help maintain the right vaginal moisture levels; however, more research is needed to be sure of boric acid’s possible role in helping vaginal moisture.

Does boric acid make you smell better?

Boric acid is not a fix for vaginal odour or discomfort but may soothe symptoms related to certain infections.

How long does it take for boric acid to dissolve in the vagina?

Boric acid suppositories usually dissolve within a few hours after insertion.

What are the benefits of boric acid?

The benefits of boric acid include its antifungal, antimicrobial, and pH-balancing qualities, making it another option for treating vaginal infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis.


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Boric acid for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: the clinical evidence [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21774671
  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Treatment of vaginitis caused by Candida glabrata: use of topical boric acid and flucytosine [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14634557
  3. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Clinicians’ use of Intravaginal Boric Acid Maintenance Therapy for Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6878170
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). BASIC study: is intravaginal boric acid non-inferior to metronidazole in symptomatic bacterial vaginosis? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4514959
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vaginal Candidiasis [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/candidiasis/genital/index.html
  6. ScienceDirect. Boric Acid [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 11]. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/boric-acid

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