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Benefits of Watermelon Sexually: Exploring Research-Based Effects

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

• Watermelon contains L-citrulline, which may play a role in sexual health. 
• May potentially act as a natural Viagra for managing erectile dysfunction (ED). 
• May improve libido, improve blood flow and circulation, and relieve stress. 
• Offers possible benefits include workout enhancement and overall health. 
• Easy to incorporate into your diet and available in various forms. 


Watermelon a juicy treat is filled with potential sexual health advantages. It’s often called “Nature’s Viagra.” In this article, we’ll learn about these benefits. 

benefits of watermelon sexually

We will delve into the helpful parts of watermelon. We will see how it may be a natural fix for ED. We will explore the other sexual health benefits it may offer. We will also discuss about how it may help with physical fitness and overall health. Plus, we will show you how to add it safely to your food. We will look at any risks or care you need to take. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

Other than potential benefits for male fertility, in my opinion, eating watermelon on a regular basis may help you stay healthy and lower your chance of developing long-term conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Its antioxidants, which assist in shielding your body from stress and slowing cell damage, are probably responsible for this.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Exploring the Nutritional Components of Watermelon 

The nutritional content of watermelon is as follows.  

1. L-citrulline and its role in sexual health 

L-citrulline is an amino acid found abundantly in watermelon. It gets converted to L-arginine in the body and during this process, it releases nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes and expands blood vessels. It improves blood flow in the body, including the sex organs. Thus, watermelon may aid sexual health.  

2. Antioxidants and their implications for sexual health 

Watermelon also has many antioxidants. These include lycopene and beta-carotene. These antioxidants fight harm done by free radicals, and may help reduce swelling, maintain hormonal balance, and functioning of blood vessels. All these properties may help watermelon aid sexual health.  

Did you know?

  • Watermelon can help increase your intake of antioxidants, non-protein amino acids, and lycopene. source: USDA
  • The antioxidants in watermelon help fight free radicals and slow down cell damage. source: USDA
  • Watermelon’s non-protein amino acids aid in body tissue repair, food breakdown, and blood pressure regulation. source: USDA
  • Watermelon contains more lycopene than a raw tomato, which promotes healthy eyes, heart health, and protection against certain cancers. source: USDA

Is Watermelon a Natural Viagra? 

People see it as a plant-made version of Viagra. It may be used to manage erectile dysfunction or ED. This use is explained in detail below.  

Managing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) with watermelon 

ED is defined as when a man struggles to achieve or maintain a strong erection. Watermelon has a lot of L-citrulline. This gets covnerted to L-arginine. That makes more nitric oxide, relaxes vessels, and increases blood flow to the penis. Now this is similar to what Viagra does. 

The science behind it 

Studies have spotted the role of L-citrulline. It may help with sexual health. This is mostly true for ED. As mentioned above it may help blood move better. That’s how Viagra and other ED drugs work. 

Research findings 

There aren’t many studies on watermelon and sexual health  as of now. The few done so far are hopeful. One study had 24 men with slight ED. They used L-citrulline supplements. These made their erections better. Mice studies also showed spikes in sex action after having watermelon extract. More research is needed to corroborate these findings. 

To my knowledge, watermelon has minerals that are particularly beneficial to the eyes. Antioxidants may aid in delaying or avoiding cataract development. They may reduce your chance of blindness from age-related macular degeneration. Watermelon’s vitamin A helps keep your cornea healthy as well. It also doesn’t take much—just one medium slice of watermelon can provide you with up to 11% of your daily requirement of vitamin A.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Comparing watermelon to traditional Viagra 

Watermelon and Viagra share some traits. Both may help sexual intercourse by aiding blood flow to genitals. However, they also have key differences. 

Key differences and similarities 

 The similarities are as follows.  

  • Watermelon and Viagra make more nitric oxide. They enhance blood vessel dilation. They also improve blood flow to sexual organs.  

 The differences are as follows.  

  • Viagra is a synthetic drug. Watermelon is a natural food. 
  • Watermelon’s L-citrulline might have fewer side effects than Viagra does. 
  • Viagra is stronger than watermelon for ED. It works longer and is associated with more side effects and drug interactions . Watermelon effects may vary from person to person.  

Additional Sexual Health Benefits of Watermelon 

Watermelon could do more than just help in ED. It also may have other sexual health benefits. This includes lifting libido, improving blood flow and circulation, and reducing stress. 

1. Improving libido in both men and women 

Watermelon has antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene which may improve hormone balance. That is key in keeping a healthy sex drive. This is applicable to both men and women. 

2. Improving blood flow and circulation 

L-citrulline in watermelon may improve blood flow and circulation. This may help support sexual arousal and performance. Enhanced blood flow makes erections firmer. For women, it may help improve blood flow to their targeted zones which makes for stronger climaxes. 

Watermelon’s plant-based polyphenols are believed to nourish the beneficial microorganisms in your gut. In addition to making digestion easier, this may strengthen your immune system and increase the amount of vital nutrients your gut absorbs.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

3. The role of watermelon in relieving stress 

Stress can have a bad effect on sexual health. Eating watermelon may cut stress levels. It might also help rest and relax.  

  • How stress impacts sexual health? 

 High-stress levels can affect both body and mind. They hurt sexual health. Stress can mess with hormone balance. This lowers the sex drive. It also adds to the physical symptoms of ED. 

  • Nutrients in watermelon that promote relaxation and mood improvement 

Watermelon has magnesium and potassium known to calm nerves. Thus, watermelon may cut stress and worry. Also, this fruit has a lot of water content. It helps keep you hydrated. This could lift your overall mood. 

4. Watermelon for Workout Enhancement and Overall Health 

Watermelon does more than just improve sexual health. It may also help improve workout performance which may add to your broad health. 

5. Boosting exercise performance 

The L-citrulline in watermelon may improve workout. It boosts the oxygen supply to muscles. As it aids blood vessel dilation, more blood flow means better performance and less muscle tiredness during and post the workout. 

6. Reducing blood pressure 

L-citrulline in watermelon may reduce blood pressure. As it improves nitric oxide production, this widens blood vessels and improves blood flow. Thus, the blood pressure drops. Thus, it may help people with high blood pressure. However, more research is needed on this at a larger scale.  

7. High fiber content and digestive health 

Watermelon’s fiber content isn’t as high as some other fruits. However, it still is a source that may help your digestion. Eating it may enable regular bowel movements. It may also cut risk of colon diseases. 

8. Hydration benefits 

Watermelon has a lot of water. This makes it a strong source of hydration. Proper hydration is key for good health. It aids organ working, controls body temperature, and more. 

How to Incorporate Watermelon into Your Diet? 

You can add watermelon to your meals easily. It is quite a versatile fruit. It’s a great addition to your meals each day. 

1. Selecting and storing watermelons 

When buying a watermelon, choose a heavy one. It should not have any dips or bumps. The outer peel should have a yellow spot at the bottom which is a sign of ripening. Store full, uncut ones at room temperature until used. 

2. Preparing and serving suggestions 

For getting a watermelon ready, cut off both ends. Remove the outer layer and the white part. Cut it into circles. Then cut those into cubes to your desired size. You can have it raw. You can mix it into smoothies or add it to salads for a fresh and healthy choice. 

3. Seed removal techniques 

Watermelon seeds are safe to eat. If you don’t want them, you can remove them. Just spit them out as you eat or opt for seedless variants. 

4. Watermelon supplements and alternative sources of L-citrulline 

L-citrulline supplements are another option. They offer more L-citrulline than watermelon does.   Always, discuss with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements. 

Doses and recommendations 

The right amount of L-citrulline depends on a person’s needs and goals. It is key to consult with a healthcare provider. They can find the right amount for you. 

Risks and Precautions 

Watermelon is usually safe and helpful.  However, there are some safety steps you need to think about. 

Potential side effects and interactions 

When you eat too much watermelon, it might cause tummy issues. You might feel pain. You might experience an upset stomach. You might have loose stools. However, these side effects tend not to happen with eating in moderation. 

Who should avoid consuming excessive amounts of watermelon 

People with kidney disease or allergies to ragweed pollen and fruits from the squash family should take care when eating watermelon. Those with diabetes should ask their healthcare provider for safe amount of watermelon that can be consumed. 

  • Kidney disease considerations 

Those with kidney disease should go easy on watermelon. Its diuretic effect and potassium content can be a concern for persons with kidney conditions. 

  • Talking to your doctor about watermelon and sexual health 

If you’re looking at watermelon for possible sexual health benefits, it’s key to see your healthcare provider first. They can help find if watermelon is right for you. They can give personal pointers on adding it to your routine. 

Also Read: Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness


Watermelon is not just for cooling off in summer. It is packed with L-citrulline and antioxidants. They may offer wide sexual health benefits. These include better blood flow, lifting libido and maintaining hormonal balance etc. Plus, it may offer benefits when working out and overall health. This makes it a useful and wholesome addition to your foods. 

By adding watermelon or its supplements to your everyday foods and talking with a healthcare provider, you might see improved sexual health and wellness.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What does watermelon do for women? 

Watermelon may improve blood flow and circulation. It may boost arousal and sex performance. It may aid hormonal balance. All these may help improve woman’s sexual health. 

How much watermelon should I consume for sexual health benefits? 

The right amount of watermelon to have for sex health benefits may change among persons. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personal pointers. 

Can eating watermelon help with weight loss? 

Watermelon is low in calories. That makes it a good snack or side for those looking to slim down. However, remember to have a balanced meal. Add different fruits and veggies for best weight loss results. 

Are there any health risks associated with eating watermelon? 

For most, eating watermelon is safe. It offers few health risks. But, persons with kidney disease, ragweed pollen allergies, or diabetes should take precaution. They need to ask their healthcare provider before adding watermelon to their foods. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21195829 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). l-Citrulline supplementation improves O2 uptake kinetics and high-intensity exercise performance in humans [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26023227 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Effect of L-citrulline supplementation on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30206378 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Fiber supplements and clinically proven health benefits: How to recognize and recommend an effective fiber therapy [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28252255 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Dietary fiber and health outcomes: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29566200 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Utilization of watermelon rind waste as a potential source of dietary fiber to improve health promoting properties and reduce glycemic index for cookie making [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30263285 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21195829 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Determination of citrulline in watermelon rind [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16007998 
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