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Essiac Tea: A Research-Based Guide to Its Potential Benefits and Uses

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Essiac tea is an herbal blend traditionally used by Native Americans for their potential health benefits. 
  • The main ingredients include burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and Indian rhubarb. 
  • It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • Mixed evidence on cancer-fighting properties; more research is needed. 
  • Potential side effects include allergic reactions, gastrointestinal issues, and drug interactions. 
  • Consult with a healthcare provider before using Essiac tea, especially if pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications. 


Essiac tea has attracted much interest due to its potential health benefits. Some believe it can combat cancer and promote wellness. Others say there’s not enough scientific support for it. We’ll explore the research regarding Essiac tea in this article. We will discuss its potential benefits and uses, any possible side effects, consumption methods, and its limitations. Lastly, we will answer frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

What is Essiac Tea? 

Essiac tea is an herbal mix from Native American culture. It gained fame for its potential health benefits, notably in potential cancer management.  

essiac tea

Origin and history 

Essiac tea comes from the Native American Ojibwa tribe in Canada. In the 1920s, a nurse called Rene Caisse brought Essiac tea to the people for potential cancer management. The name “Essiac” is an inversion of Rene’s last name. Despite its native origin, it’s now known beyond its initial audience due to modern popularity. 

Purpose and traditional use 

Originally, Essiac tea was proposed to have anti-cancer and immune system-supporting properties. It was also said to aid other health issues such as diabetes and digestive problems. Even with wide use and popularity, medical experts still debate its effectiveness.  

Modern popularity 

In the present day, Essiac tea remains a popular pick as a dietary supplement, natural health therapy, and a possible cancer management alternative. Various forms are available on the market such as powder, capsules, and tea bags. Many companies sell these.  

Did you know?

  • Essiac tea is a popular herbal remedy for breast cancer treatment in Canada. source: PubMed
  • Essiac users in the study were younger women with more advanced stages of breast cancer. source: PubMed
  • Essiac users reported taking Essiac to boost their immune systems or increase their chances of survival. source: PubMed

The main ingredients in Essiac Tea 

Essiac tea is a mix of four main plant-based ingredients. Each has its own potential health benefits. These components include burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and rhubarb root. 

1. Burdock root 

Burdock root is a primary ingredient of Essiac tea. Traditionally it was used for several medicinal purposes. 

  • Potential Health benefits 

Studies suggest that burdock root has numerous potential health  benefits such as: 

  • Boosting blood circulation 
  • Managing blood sugar levels 
  • Boosting skin health 
  • Offering antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Precautions 

Despite the good effects, it must be noted that consuming too much burdock root can cause side effects like dehydration, diarrhea, and low blood sugar levels. 

2. Sheep sorrel 

Sheep sorrel is another key ingredient in Essiac tea. Traditionally, it was used to purge or increase urine output. 

  • Potential Health benefits 

Sheep sorrel may have various potential health benefits which are as follows.  

  • Reduce cancer growth 
  • Offer antioxidant effects 
  • Increase urine output 
  • Fend off viruses 
  • Precautions 

Taking too much sheep sorrel can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, or kidney issues. So, always have it in controlled doses to avoid side effects. 

3. Slippery elm 

Slippery elm is a well-known ingredient in Essiac tea. Historically, it was used to handle several gastrointestinal issues. 

  • Potential Health benefits 

Some of the potential benefits of slippery elm are as follows. 

  • Management of inflammatory bowel diseases. 
  • Soothing damaged or irritated tissue in the digestive system. 
  • Rich source of antioxidants. 
  • Precautions 

While slippery elm is safe for most people, having too much of it might lead to allergic reactions. It can also disrupt  the absorption of particular medications. 

4. Rhubarb root 

Indian rhubarb root is the last main ingredient in Essiac tea. It’s known for its antioxidant and laxative properties. 

  • Potential Health benefits 

Rhubarb root may offer benefits like: 

  • Antioxidant properties 
  • Promotes liver health 
  • Can hinder the growth of certain cancer cells (as seen in animal studies) 
  • Precautions 

Having too much rhubarb root can lead to diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and an imbalance of electrolytes. 

Health-Promoting Compounds in Essiac Tea 

Several active compounds that are good for health are found in Essiac tea. These mainly include antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. 


Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals in the body. They avoid oxidative stress and guard against damage. This may help avoid chronic diseases like cancer and heart issues. 

Roles in the body 

Antioxidants perform various functions in the body, such as: 

  • Guarding cells and DNA from free radical damage 
  • Reducing inflammation 
  • Boosting immune function 

Potential Health benefits 

Some potential health benefits linked with foods and supplements rich in antioxidants include: 

  • Lower risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer 
  • Improved brain function and health 
  • Better skin health 
  • Enhanced eye health 

Anti-inflammatory properties 

These properties are key for fighting inflammation. It aids the body to repair itself naturally from injury, infection, or other irritants. 

Roles in the body 

Anti-inflammatory compounds do several things in the body, including: 

  • Reducing inflammation inside body tissues 
  • Promoting a healthy immune function 
  • Avoiding chronic diseases related to inflammation 

Potential Health benefits 

Some potential benefits linked with anti-inflammatory foods and supplements include: 

  • Decreased pain and discomfort due to inflammation 
  • Better respiratory health 
  • Lower risk of chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease 

Potential Benefits of Essiac Tea 

Despite its fame, more research is needed to fully support the potential benefits of Essiac tea. In the section below we will be exploring the mixed evidence that is available for the possible benefits of Essiac tea. 

1. Assessment of mixed evidence 

Some test-tube studies found that Essiac tea might have anticancer properties. On the other hand, other studies gave conflicting or unclear results. What’s more, most of the current research is outdated. Newer, higher-quality research is needed to figure out the true effects of Essiac tea. 

  • Cancer-fighting properties 

One of the reasons for the high interest in Essiac tea is its alleged cancer-fighting properties. But the evidence is not clear. While some research shows anticancer effects, others find no benefit. Some even imply potential harm, like promoting the growth of breast cancer cells. 

  • Research and studies 

Several test-tube and animal studies have looked into the effects of Essiac tea on cancer cells. Some of these show hopeful outcomes while others showed no effect, or negative impacts on certain types of cancer. 

  • Limitations and controversies 

One big hurdle in understanding Essiac tea’s cancer-fighting properties is the lack of human trials. Moreover, part of the available research has been of a lower standard or showed conflicting findings. This leads to doubts and debate about the supposed benefits of Essiac tea. 

2. Immune system support 

Essiac tea is often hailed for its immune-boosting effects. Yet, more research is needed to understand how it might impact the immune system. Some test-tube studies suggest that particular ingredients of Essiac tea, like Indian rhubarb, could reduce immune function. 

3. Digestive  Health 

Some of Essiac tea’s ingredients like slippery elm have been used mostly for managing digestive problems. However, there aren’t many studies that have looked into the effect of Essiac tea on digestive health. 

4. Detoxification 

Many claim that Essiac tea boosts detoxification.  However, evidence backing this claim is limited and mainly reports are only personal experiences. More studies are needed to find out if Essiac tea can aid in body detoxification. 

5. Skin health 

Certain ingredients of Essiac tea, like burdock root, might boost skin health because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Yet, research tying Essiac tea directly to skin health benefits is lacking. 

Potential Side Effects of Essiac Tea 

Even though Essiac tea is a natural product from plants, it could still cause some side effects. The most commonly reported side effects are as follows.  

1. Allergic reactions 

Some people could have allergic reactions to one or more of the ingredients in Essiac tea. They might get skin rashes, itching, trouble breathing, or swelling of the face, lips, or throat. 

2. Drug interactions 

Essiac tea might interact with certain medicines. It could hamper their usefulness or increase the chance of side effects. For instance, some research suggests that Essiac tea might interfere with chemotherapy drugs. 

3. Diarrhea and gastrointestinal issues 

Some elements in Essiac tea like sheep sorrel and Indian rhubarb might cause abdominal pain or diarrhoea in some people. 

4. Potential effect on blood sugar levels 

Burdock root, a primary ingredient of Essiac tea might affect blood sugar levels. While it has managed blood sugar in some studies, having too much might cause low blood sugar. 

Limited Research on the Effectiveness of Essiac Tea 

While Essiac tea is used widely as a natural health remedy, there’s not much research to back its benefits. This section will look at the existing work on Essiac tea. 

Assessment of existing studies 

Many of the studies looking into the possible effects of Essiac tea on health are outdated. More up-to-date work is needed. Most available work has been done on individual cells or animals, and there’s a huge lack of human studies. 

  • Quality of research 

The quality of existing research on Essiac tea is also concerning. Many studies have given unclear or conflicting results, making it hard to verify the true potential benefits of Essiac tea. 

  • Limitations in finding out benefits 

Due to the lack of reliable, steady research, it’s hard to make firm calls on the potential benefits of Essiac tea. Future work should focus on rigorous methods like randomized controlled trials with humans. 

The need for more research 

In conclusion, we need more research to fully grasp the possible benefits and limits of Essiac tea. Till then, if you’re thinking of using Essiac tea for its health benefits, always discuss it with your doctor to see if this herbal supplement is right for you. 

How to Consume Essiac Tea? 

  • Recommended dosage 

Manufacturers often advise taking 1–12 ounces (30–360 mL) of Essiac tea every day for the best effects. But, everyone’s needs may vary, and it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement. 

  • Picking the right product 

You should choose a high-quality Essiac tea product made from pure, natural ingredients. Go for trusted manufacturers and transparent products that list all the ingredients and any potential allergies or contraindications. 

  • Precautions and warnings 

As with any supplement, follow the advised dosage and discuss it with your healthcare professional before using Essiac tea. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking medicines.   


In conclusion, Essiac tea is an herbal blend with a rich history and many potential health benefits. Some research backs its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but evidence for its effects on cancer and other health issues is mixed and unclear. Also, some people might experience side effects. 

Given these limits, it’s very important to be cautious about Essiac tea and its benefits. Always discuss with a healthcare professional before using this natural remedy. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What does Essiac tea taste like? 

Essiac tea has a unique herbal taste that can feel a bit bitter or earthy based on the mix and ingredients. 

Does Essiac tea have caffeine? 

No, Essiac tea does not have caffeine. It’s made of herbal ingredients, including burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and Indian rhubarb, which don’t have caffeine. 

How long should I take Essiac tea? 

Recommendations for taking Essiac tea vary based on the reason for use. Some manufacturers suggest continuous use for up to 12 weeks, while others suggest a shorter time. Discuss with a healthcare professional before using Essiac tea to figure out if it is beneficial for your requirements.  

Can I take Essiac tea while on medication? 

It’s very important to discuss with a healthcare professional before using Essiac tea if you’re taking any medicines. There might be possible interactions or side effects. 

Is Essiac tea safe for all age groups? 

Most adults find Essiac tea safe when taken as per the advised dosages. However, there are no clear safety rules for specific age groups. So, it’s vital to discuss with a healthcare professional before using Essiac tea in children, older adults, or other at-risk groups. 


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