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Can Covaxin Provide Better Protection Against Omicron Than Other Vaccines?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

The COVID-19 Pandemic has wreaked havoc in our lives since 2020 and we have seen our world going through many ebbs and flows for this in the last two years. One moment, everything seems to go in the right direction, whereas in the next we are preparing for a new wave. But even in these uncertain times, we have managed to create many effective vaccines for our protection. This is no easy feat and we have our brilliant scientists to thank for that.

But the one thing that is more unpredictable than the outcome of the virus is the virus itself. It has been mutating heavily, and people are confused whether the existing vaccines are going to be effective against it or not. The current mutated variant – the Omicron variant stands as the most infectious one, and we must find out if our vaccines can protect us against it or not.

What is Omicron Variant and How Dangerous Is It?

Not a lot is known about the Omicron Variant, but we know that it was first reported in South Africa. We know with the help of current reports and studies that the Omicron variant is far more infectious than the Delta variant or even the earlier COVID-19 strains such as Alpha or Beta. According to the CDC, the Omicron variant is known to spread from an infected person to another very easily even if they do not inhabit any symptoms, or even if they are fully vaccinated. But there have been fewer reports of people being in critical condition after getting infected with the Omicron variant.

Are Vaccines Effective Against the Omicron Variant?

Vaccines should be effective against the Omicron variant, just like they have proven themselves to be effective against all the previous ones. But even then, more research is being carried out to know just how effective the vaccines are against the Omicron variant. The research will reveal if two doses will suffice, or how effective a booster dose will be, what percentage of antibody boost can we expect from a 3-vaccine schedule, etc.  

Is Covaxin Effective Against Omicron?

For Indians, the good news is, scientists have found that Covaxin is effective against Omicron. Covaxin has proven itself to be extremely effective against the Delta variant as well as the others, so there is no reason why it shouldn’t work at all against Omicron. It has even been supported by Samiran Panda, the head of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Studies are ongoing to find more evidence to back up the initial findings. So, in the Covaxin VS Omicron battle, it is the home-grown vaccine that is going to come out as victorious. Research is ongoing to determine whether a third dose of Covaxin is required or whether people vaccinated with Covaxin should opt for cocktail vaccination, which means the third dose should be of another vaccine such as Covishield.

Also Read: Precautions to Take Against Omicron Variant

What Else Can You Do To Stay Safe Against The Omicron Variant?

You need to continue following the general precautionary rules that have been in place for the last two years.

  • You should steer clear of crowds and follow social distancing to stop the spread of the disease. 
  • Try to keep a mask on as much as possible.
  • Stay indoors as well to stay protected. 
  • Follow hand hygiene and respiratory etiquettes.
  • State governments are issuing new circulars in the light of the impending third wave, please pay heed to the new measures.

Another way that you can increase your chances against the virus is by getting yourself fully vaccinated. In this Omicron VS Covaxin war, if you want Covaxin to win, then get both doses of the vaccine. If you choose the right side in this contest between Omicron VS Covaxin and follow the basic COVID rules, you can keep yourself protected against the disease and even reduce its spread of it.  

Also Read: Is Covishield Effective Against Omicron?


It is extremely important to stay cautious during these uncertain times and get yourself tested anytime you see any symptoms. This is going to be a difficult battle against COVID-19, but if we follow the rules we will win and emerge victoriously. 

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