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Prithwish bhunia

Nice suggestions during lockdown

SujitKumar Mitra

Nice article

Susanta Ranjan Ghosh

Good suggestion

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Great article, exactly what I was looking for.

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COVID-19 – 7 Foods You Must Stock Up On!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

During this lockdown period, we have to take all the necessary steps to stay healthy.  

But how will we remain healthy if we couldn’t pick and choose what food we should consume? Many people have been purchasing the wrong kinds of food which is why they have to keep going back to grocery stores for the things they need.  

How do we limit visits to the market?

We should all try to limit our visits to the markets and local grocery stores as much as possible. How can you accomplish that? By preparing a careful list of all the foods you might need in the upcoming weeks.  

And remember, let’s not panic buy, we might be buying up more food than we need and denying others their rightful share.

Things to remember when you stockpile foods

You have to carefully prepare a list of foods that will see you through to the end of the lockdown. There are 2 criteria that you must apply before you decide which food items you need.

  1. The foods should have a high nutritional value.
  2. The foods have to be non-perishable so that they can last at least 2-3 weeks.

To help you prepare your shopping list here is a list of 7 foods you need to stock up on right now.

Foods you must stockpile for COVID-19 lockdown

1. Grains

Buy as much of these grains as possible-

  • Wheat
  • Rice
  • Millets
  • Broken wheat or dahlia
  • Barley or sattu
  • Buckwheat
  • Pearl sago or sabudana

Grains are the staple of Indian cuisine. Besides, whole grains have plenty of health benefits.-

  • They are a good source of carbohydrates that provide us with energy.
  • Whole grains prevent escalation of blood sugar level (diabetes is a co-morbidity of COVID-19).

2. Pulses and legumes

Dal is a popular high protein dish in India. Get yourself as many different types of dal or legumes/pulses as possible. Here are some nutritious pulses-

  • Peas
  • Green moong
  • Urad
  • Masoor
  • Toor
  • Matar
  • Chickpea

How will pulses help us?

  • They are low in fat. During the lockdown, we are not physically active so dal will keep us in good shape.
  • They are loaded with protein; the nutrient your body needs to repair muscles. ·

  3. Whole wheat biscuits

Just because we are in the middle of a pandemic doesn’t mean we should forgo snacks! Get yourself a few packets of whole wheat crackers. These crackers taste good and munching on them can give us a moment of happiness during these bleak times. Besides, they are good for your health too –

  • They keep you full and prevent you from binge eating.
  • Whole-wheat biscuits can lower your risk of heart problems (another COVID-19 co-morbidity).

It’s time to change your routine if most of your snacks are sweet, oily, or excessively salty. You may have healthy alternatives for a fast snack if you make better replacements when you buy your essentials. A tasty, wholesome, and crispy whole-grain snack option is popcorn. Popcorn kernels and a reasonably priced popper machine are the substitutes. Even air poppers for the microwave are available.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

  4. Vegetables that can stay fresh for long  

Good news lovers of vegetables and health freaks! There are a few vegetables that you can store for a long time. So go ahead and buy-

  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Ginger
  • Squash
  • Radishes
  • Garlic and onion

Some of these veggies like beets, carrots, radishes, will have to be refrigerated. But they will easily last a couple of weeks. Vegetables will –

  • Boost your immunity.
  • Keep your hormonal levels steady.

In my opinion, one can consider having peanut butter in moderate amounts. Peanut butter can function as a readily available source of protein and as a quick snack. Choose natural peanut butter as it contains natural, healthy fats that keep you full and have half the sugar. Additionally, keep your intake to 2 teaspoons to avoid overindulging.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

  5. Milk powder

Liquid milk is in short supply right now. That is why you should buy a few packets of milk powder (shelf life of 1-2 years when unopened). You can use it as an additive for your tea or coffee or simply dilute it in warm water and drink it as milk. Powdered milk has all the benefits of liquid milk and will-

  • Keep your muscles strong.
  • Provide you with vitamin D, which you might not be getting enough of as your sunlight exposure during this time is limited.

  6. Nuts

These are filling snack options that stay edible for months. Nuts like peanuts, almonds, cashews will-

  • Keep your kidneys and liver healthy.
  •   Supply healthy fats to the body.

7. Ghee and butter

If push comes to shove and vegetables and pulses become hard to come by, you can consume chapatis or rice with ghee. Ghee and butter have loads of benefits-

  • They are a source of important micronutrients like Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin A present in them can strengthen your immunity.

Do not go out multiple times to purchase foods you need. Make a list and shop wisely. With the foods we mentioned, you can stay strong and healthy throughout lockdown. Stay at home, follow the social distancing guidelines and you will emerge from the COVID-19 crisis healthy and fit.

You can now assess yourself and your loved ones for Coronavirus risk at home with PharmEasy’s AI-Powered Bot – Covid Assist. Click below.

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