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Cupping Benefits: An Evidence-Based Health Analysis

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Cupping therapy is an alternative therapy with historical roots in traditional Chinese medicine. 
  • Techniques include dry cupping, wet cupping, fire cupping, and moving cupping.  
  • Studies support cupping therapy for pain relief, muscle recovery, and mental health benefits.  
  • Facial cupping is proposed to offer  specialised skin rejuvenation and relaxation benefits.  
  • Cupping can pose side effects and risks if not performed properly or by a qualified practitioner. 


Cupping therapy is gaining more attention. Many people hope to find help for their health issues from this  traditional method. For years, people around the world have used it. In this article, we will explore what cupping is, its history, potential benefits, various techniques, and possible side effects. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

What is Cupping Therapy? 

 It’s an old practice. It involves putting suction cups on the skin.  To get the blood flowing better. It may help you recover and find relief from tense muscles. This method began in China. Today, it’s used in many countries.  

cupping benefits

Historical Background 

People have used cupping therapy for ages. It began in Egypt, China, and Greece. An old Egyptian document (1550 B.C.) mentions cupping. Also, Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek ‘father of medicine’ wrote about it. Cupping has grown and changed over time. Now, it’s part of many traditional methods. These include Unani, Korean, Tibetan, and, of course, Chinese medicine. 

How Does Cupping Therapy Work?  

Cupping is simple process. It involves making a suction on the skin using cups. The cups can be made of glass, bamboo, ceramic, or plastic. The suction may aid blood flow and reduce pain. Many believe that cupping may help balance life energies (yin and yang). This might boost overall health and well-being. 

Did you know?

  • A study found that cupping therapy significantly reduced pain intensity in patients with chronic neck pain. Source: NCBI
  • Cupping therapy may help in the treatment of fibromyalgia by reducing pain and improving quality of life. Source: NCBI
  • A survey found that cupping therapy is commonly used by athletes in the United States for muscle recovery and performance enhancement. Source: NCBI
  • Cupping therapy can improve blood circulation and promote tissue healing. source: hopkinsmedicine.org

Scientific Evidence Supporting Potential Benefits of Cupping  

You might think cupping is peculiar.  But recent research is discovering its possible benefits. That said, these studies have limitations. We need more robust studies  before we can confirm it works for sure. 

What Studies Say About Cupping Therapy? 

Tests on cupping are still being carried out. A 2017 study found that it may help improve blood flow in the areas where the therapy is applied. It might also lift the immune system, reduce swelling, and ease pain. Another study in 2018 had similar results. These studies are just the start. They give us clues about how cupping might improve health.  But we’ll need more high-standard research studies to prove its function.  

Understanding the Limits of Scientific Evidence 

While some evidence is on the table, we still need careful testing in this field. We need to know more about how it works and where it could help. Always  remember to not discontinue your regular doctor visits. Cupping can be an extra, not a replacement, for  allopathic health care. 

Different Types of Cupping 

Cupping therapy has grown and changed over time. Now, there are many types to pick from. Your  requirements will decide which one is right for you.  

1. Dry Cupping 

Dry cupping is the most-used type. In this method, a cup is put on the skin. Suction is created within the cup without making any cuts or drawing blood out. For the suction, heat or a suction device may be used. This sucks up the skin and tissues below it into the cup. It’s believed to improve blood flow, lessen muscle tension, and aid tissue repair. 

2. Wet Cupping 

On the other hand, wet cupping, also known as bleeding cupping, involves drawing blood out. It starts like dry cupping, but then small cuts are made on the skin. When the cup is placed back, some blood is drawn out. The idea is that taking out some blood might help get rid of toxins from the body.  But keep in mind that you  need a licensed healthcare professional to do wet cupping. Also, another important factor to remember is the maintenance of asepsis. As a cut is being made on the skin, it is very important to use sterilised instruments and maintain highest level of asepsis.  

3. Fire Cupping 

Fire cupping uses glass cups and a flame to create suction. Firstly, a fire-lit cotton ball soaked in alcohol is put quickly into the cup then removed. When the air inside the cup cools down, it creates a vacuum. The cup is then placed on the skin fast, making the well-known suction mark. Fire cupping is not as popular nowadays. It’s often replaced with methods using manual or machine-made suction. 

4. Moving Cupping 

This is also called gliding cupping. First, oil is applied to the skin. Then the cups are suctioned in place. The worker then gently moves the cups over the skin. This is like massage and aims to improve blood flow, lessen muscle tension, and promote relaxation. 

The Cupping Process 

Knowing what to expect in a cupping therapy can help you decide if it’s right for you.  

1. Before a Cupping Session 

Before starting, make sure to let your worker know about any health issues or medicines you’re taking. It may be a good idea to avoid eating heavy meals 2-3 hours before your session. 

2. During a Cupping Session 

In a cupping session, the worker will place cups on certain spots on your skin. These spots depend on what you need the therapy for. The cups will create suction. You’ll feel a sucking sensation and some pressure. Sessions may last from 5-10 minutes for dry and flash cupping types. For wet cupping or mixed sessions like those involving acupuncture, they may last up to an hour. 

3. After a Cupping Session 

Once you’re done with cupping, you might see redness and circle-shaped marks on your skin. They are normal and will fade within a week. There shouldn’t be any big discomfort after the session. 

4. How Long Do Cupping Marks Last? 

The circular marks  are made by broken capillaries under the skin. The colour might vary based on your skin type and suction strength. Although they might seem scary at first, but remember that these marks typically fade within 7 days after your session. 

Potential Benefits of Cupping Therapy 

Many believe in cupping and say that it can help with different issues. And some science supports these beliefs. In this section, we’ll discuss some ways in which cupping might help. 

1. Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery 

Lots of people say cupping relieves muscle pain. For this reason, athletes and active people quite like it. It increases blood flow to the areas where therapy is applied and is said to speed up cell repair. Also, studies do show promise, saying that it may help with fibromyalgia, lower back pain, neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.  More research is needed to corroborate these findings.  

2. Skin Conditions and Inflammation 

Cupping might improve skin issues like acne and shingles. It may also ease related pain. It does this through improving local blood flow and maybe reducing swelling. 

3. Headaches and Migraines 

Some studies suggest that cupping may help reduce the pain and frequency of headaches and migraines.  We’ll need more tests before we can be sure. 

4. Improved Immune System and Detoxification 

More research must be done to prove it, but cupping might improve the immune system, stimulate inflammation locally, and promote toxin removal. These effects may aid overall health.  

5. Does Cupping Remove Toxins? 

As for how cupping might remove toxins, it’s not very clear. But cupping might do this by stimulating the immune response and lowering uric acid buildup. Lastly, cupping might stimulate the lymphatic system. This would help get rid of waste from the body. More research is needed to corroborate these findings.  

6. Emotional and Mental Health Benefits 

There’s not much scientific evidence, but many people who have tried cupping say it relaxes them, eases stress, and improves sleep. Cupping might indeed offer a sense of calm and well-being by boosting blood flow and having a relaxing impact like massage.  

Facial Cupping: A Specialised Application 

Facial cupping is a special form of cupping. It focuses only on the face. It’s proposed to rejuvenate and relax your skin, offering distinct benefits and precautions. 

How Does Facial Cupping Differ from Body Cupping? 

Although facial cupping shares some basic principles with body cupping, it does differ in a few ways. For one, it uses smaller, softer cups fit for your face. The suction is gentler and carefully draws up the skin and muscles without leaving any deep bruises. This method may help blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and boost facial tissue repair, without leaving any marks. 

Potential Benefits of Facial Cupping 

Those who carry out facial cupping say it gives many benefits. These include: 

  • A better-looking, younger-looking face. 
  • Fewer scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. 
  • A firmer and tighter chin, jawline, neck, and chest area.  
  • Less puffiness and sagging skin. 
  • Better waste removal through lymphatic drainage.  
  • Better uptake and effectiveness of skin care products. 

More research is needed to corroborate these claims.  

Precautions and Side Effects of Facial Cupping 

As with any skincare management, facial cupping may have some potential risks like redness, irritation, or discomfort during the session. It’s best to speak to a qualified therapist before trying facial cupping. It’s especially important if you have sensitive skin, active acne, or a history of skin reactions. 

Side Effects and Risks Associated with Cupping 

Even though cupping therapy is generally seen as safe, there might be some side effects and risks during or straight after the process. Knowing this and speaking with a qualified professional, can keep these at a minimum. 

Placement of Cupping Marks 

After cupping therapy, you might see round bruises where the cups were. These change colour based on the person who is undergoing the therapy and how much suction was used. They are caused by small blood vessels that rupture and usually fade away within a week after therapy. 

Potential Health Risks 

Aside from temporary cupping marks, other possible side effects and risks include: 

  • Skin irritation or swelling. 
  • Changes in skin colour or scarring. 
  • Burns from wrong use of heat.  
  • Infections from not keeping things clean.  
  • In rare cases, feeling dizzy, light-headed, or sick during the session. 

For people with certain medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders, sunburn, or open wounds, it is advisable to avoid  cupping therapy. 

How to Minimise the Risks? 

To reduce the risks tied to cupping therapy, always speak with a trained and certified person. They should explain the process, tackle any health concerns, and keep a clean, sterile place. Open talk during the therapy allows them to change the suction strength or stop the process if you feel uncomfortable or face any bad side effects. It is also advisable for you to discuss with your doctor before going for this therapy. Your doctor can guide you and determine if you are suited for this therapy.  

At-Home Cupping Options 

Today, many cupping sets can be bought on the market. Because of this, many consider trying this at home.  

  • Is It Safe to Perform Cupping at Home? 

It’s not so clear. If you’re new to this, you might find it hard not to bruise yourself or apply the cups evenly. Therefore, discuss with a professional therapist for advice before trying cupping at home. 

  • Tips for Selecting the Right Equipment 

If you still want to try cupping at home, make sure you select the right equipment. Discuss with  a professional for advice on trusted cupping kits and learn about the different materials and sizes of cups. 

  • How to Choose Qualified Professionals? 

When choosing who to go to for cupping, make sure they are good.  Check their training, credentials, and certificates. Ask about how they keep things clean and safe. Choosing a licensed and experienced professional will ensure that you receive the best care and lower the possible risks tied to cupping therapy. 


Cupping therapy is a unique mix of old culture and new health interest. While the science behind it is growing, we still need to explore how well it really works. Even though the evidence isn’t sufficient, many people say they feel better, have less pain, and feel better overall after cupping. So, if you’re thinking about trying cupping, remember to discuss with your doctor.  

Many people around the world are eyeing cupping therapy. It offers a unique recovery experience. It mixes old wisdom with new medical knowledge. Trying this therapy might lead you to better health, more vitality, and overall wellness. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What are the Disadvantages of Cupping? 

Some potential risks of cupping include changes in skin colour, scars, burns, infection, and discomfort. But these risks are greatly lessened when working with a qualified professional who follows safe practices. 

What Should You Avoid After a Cupping Session? 

You can generally follow your regular daily routine after a cupping session. However, you might want to avoid hard exercise or exposing the areas to which therapy is applied to bright sun until the cupping marks have gone away. 

Can Cupping Therapy Replace Medical Therapies? 

Cupping therapy should not replace any medical therapies prescribed by your healthcare professionals. Instead, you should use cupping as an extra option on top of your existing management plan to improve your overall well-being. 

How Long Does a Cupping Session Last? 

Cupping session length varies. Generally, it lasts between 5-10 minutes for dry and flash cupping. Wet cupping or mixed therapy sessions with acupuncture could last up to an hour or more, based on what the professional is aiming to do. 

How Many Therapies Are Needed for Optimal Results? 

The number of sessions needed for the best results is down to you and you’re  goal. Your therapist may suggest a plan of action at first. They could then make changes based on your progress or needs. Regular maintenance therapy could also be recommended for lasting benefits. 

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