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How to Get Rid of Armpit Fat: Strategies and Exercises

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Armpit fat is common and can be caused by genetics, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, axillary breast tissue, lymphedema, and poor posture. 
  • Incorporate a balanced diet, stay hydrated, improve sleep, and stress management, and focus on posture improvement strategies for overall health. 
  • Engage in a mix of cardio and strength training exercises, including pushups, cat-cow, downward-facing dog, triceps press, triceps extension, chest press, bicep curl, bench dip, triceps press down, seated row, cable pulldown machine, and row machine. 
  • Consider high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises such as jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and burpees to help reduce armpit fat. 
  • Consult a professional if persistent armpit fat occurs despite healthy habits. Surgical options for armpit fat removal include liposuction, brachioplasty (arm lift), and CoolSculpting. 


Armpit fat troubles a lot of people. It doesn’t just affect them physically but emotionally as well. For some, a little extra flab around the underarms is no big deal. For others, it affects self-esteem and comfort in certain outfits. This article will tell you why armpit fat develops. We will also share tips and workout plans that may help get rid of it.  We will also address the questions you might have regarding this topic. 

how to get rid of armpit fat

Did you know?

  • A balanced diet that includes lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can aid in reducing armpit fat. source: eatright.org
  • Liposuction is a surgical option for removing armpit fat, but it carries risks and should be considered carefully. source: plasticsurgery.org
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can effectively reduce body fat, including armpit fat. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • The triceps pushdown exercise can help tone and strengthen the muscles in the armpit area. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • A study found that women who performed resistance training exercises three times per week for 12 weeks experienced a significant reduction in arm fat. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Causes of Armpit Fat 

Knowing the causes may help you make the right choices in managing them.  


Your genes play a massive role in where your body stores fat. If you have close family members with armpit fat you might have inherited the same trait. You can’t change your genes, but knowing this information may help you alter your workout plan accordingly. 

Weight gain 

It’s hard to lose fat in just one area. So overall weight loss could be your best approach. A balanced diet and regular workouts may help reduce armpit fat. 

Hormonal imbalances 

Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can make breast tissue swell. This might make the underarm area seem fatty. This can happen during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. 

Axillary breast tissue 

This is extra breast tissue that might grow outside of the normal breast area. It can cause an armpit to look fat. It’s not common, but if you feel any lumps under your arm, check with a doctor. 

Lymphedema (swollen lymph nodes) 

Lymphedema means the swelling of lymph nodes and vessels. It can happen in your underarms. Swellings can happen due to infections, injuries, or medical issues like breast cancer. If you have swollen nodes under your arm, see a doctor. 

Poor posture 

Bad posture may not directly cause armpit fat. However, a forward-rolling shoulder posture can make it more visible. Standing and sitting straight can lessen the look of underarm fat. 

Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes 

Good nutrition and life changes may help decrease armpit fat. For weight loss and reducing underarm flab, eating right is key.  

Balanced diet to target armpit fat 

Foods to include 

  • Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables 
  • Chicken, turkey, fish, beans, and tofu 
  • Avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil 

Foods to avoid 

  • White bread, pasta, rice, and sweets 
  • Fried foods, packaged snacks, and high-fat meats 
  • Sugary drinks, desserts, and sweets 

Importance of staying hydrated 

Drinking enough water is key for health and weight control. It helps digestion, controls hunger, and boosts metabolism. This may help burn more calories and melt body and armpit fat. 

Adequate sleep and stress management 

Quality sleep and low-stress helps in weight control. Aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep each night for most adults may help. Deep breathing, yoga, or meditation may reduce stress. Getting enough rest and keeping calm may stop you from eating too much and make you feel good all over. 

Posture improvement strategies 

Bad posture can make armpit fat look worse. Working on better posture may help. Try exercises that strengthen your back and core muscles. Yoga or Pilates may also help keep you aligned right. 

Cardio and Strength Training Exercises 

A mix of cardio and strength training is needed in getting rid of armpit fat.  

The Role of cardio in reducing Armpit Fat 

Cardio workouts burn calories and may help reduce body fat, including underarm fat. They get your heart pumping and work on your overall fitness. With regular cardio workouts, your body sheds weight and burns fat better. 

The role of strength training in toning the underarm area 

Strength training helps build muscle mass, burns calories, and speeds up metabolism. Building strength in your chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms may get your underarms tight and toned. 

Tips for beginners 

If you’re new to cardio and strength training workouts, begin slow. Then build up in intensity and time. Listen to your body and rest when you must. Don’t forget to warm up before your workout and cool down after, to not get hurt. 

Exercise recommendations 

Below are exercise ideas for your underarms.  

1. Pushups and modifications 

Pushups work the upper arms, shoulders, and chest. Start in a plank pose. Lower your body then lift it again. For easier pushups, do them with your knees on the ground or against a wall. 

2. Cat-cow 

This yoga pose stretches and strengthens the back and chest. Start on all fours. Arch your back, then curve it while lifting your chest. Move between these poses while breathing deeply in and out. 

3. Downward-facing dog 

This yoga pose works the upper arms and chest. Start on all fours then straighten your legs. Push your hips up making an upside-down V shape with your body. Stay in this pose while tightening your triceps and shoulder blades. 

5. Triceps press 

Use hand weights for this. Sit down and lift your arms above your head. Bend your elbows, bringing the weights down behind your head, then raise your arms back up. Do two sets of 10-15 times with a 10-second rest in between. 

6. Triceps extension 

This is like the triceps press, but you lie on your back or a bench holding a free weight. Hold the weight above your shoulder and bend your elbow so your arm makes a 90-degree angle. Reach toward the ceiling, coming back to the bent pose. Do this several times over for both arms. 

7. Chest press 

For this, you’ll need a workout bench and hand weights. Lie back on the bench holding the weights at your chest with bent elbows. Press up sending your arms straight up but not locked while lowering down again to chest level. Repeat this movement many times over. 

8. Bicep curl 

Stand holding hand weights in long-arm pose. Bend your elbows, bringing the weights to your shoulders, then extend your arms again. Repeat this many times over, making sure to keep your elbows and wrists aligned. 

9. Bench dip 

Use a workout bench or even the edge of a sofa to do bench dips. Sit on the bench holding its edge. Shift your body off the bench and lower it by bending your arms, feet together and knees bent. Lift your body by using your arms then repeat this many times over. 

10. Triceps press down 

With a cable-pulley weight machine or resistance band, face the machine or band and grab the cable or band from the topmost position. Pull downward toward the floor while keeping your elbows by your sides and your arms straight. Return to the start pose and repeat the movement several times over. 

11. Seated row 

Either with a cable pulley machine or a rowing machine, do seated rows by grabbing the pulley with extended arms and pulling it toward your body. Focus on using your back and arm muscles. Pause before extending your arms back out to the start pose. Repeat this several times over. 

Tips for strength training exercises 

Work on large muscle groups first to maximize calorie burn and fat reduction before moving on to smaller muscle workouts. Give your muscles enough time to repair, not doing strength training more than a few days per week. 

Tips for cardio exercises 

Aim to do at least 150 minutes of mellow aerobic exercise per week to keep weight steady and overall health in check. Increase the length for more fat loss. Mix strength training and cardio in your regular workout routine for top results in trimming armpit fat. 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Arms 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a strong and efficient workout that may aid in reducing armpit fat.  HIIT combines short but tough exercise periods with times of rest or low-intensity workouts. HIIT workouts benefits include calorie burning, better heart health, and more useful workout time. HIIT workouts target armpit fat well by promoting total body fat loss and quickly boosting endurance and strength. Add a mix of cardio and strength training to your HIIT routine to tone up and trim the underarms. Here are examples of HIIT workouts to trim armpit fat: 

1. Jumping jacks 

This full-body cardio can be part of HIIT workouts by doing as many as you can in a fixed frame of time. Take a short break then go again. 

2. Mountain climbers 

This high-intensity core and cardio exercise includes quickly changing between bringing your knees to your chest while in a plank pose. Try these in your HIIT working out for a set amount of time then rest. 

3. Burpees 

This full-body workout requires you to jump from standing to a squat, then to a plank, back to a squat, and jumping up again. Add it to your HIIT routine by working out for a fixed time then resting before starting again. 

Also Read: Why Do My Armpits Itch: Research-Based Reasons and Remedies

When to Consider Professional Help? 

If making changes to your diet, regular workouts, and lifestyle hasn’t fixed your armpit fat issue, it might be time to see a professional. There are several surgical ways to remove armpit fat which have been described below.  

Surgical options for armpit fat removal 

  • Liposuction 

This cosmetic procedure sucks out undesired fat pockets. It’s often the choice for those with axillary breast tissue that affects their daily life. 

  • Brachioplasty (arm lift) 

Brachioplasty, or arm lift, is surgery that reshapes the underarm area by cutting out extra skin and fat. This gives a more toned look. 

  • CoolSculpting 

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction technique that uses controlled cooling to wipe out stubborn fat areas, including armpit fat. It’s less invasive than liposuction or brachioplasty but may need multiple sessions for the best results. 


In all, the secret to losing armpit fat lies in the right workouts, eating right, and a healthy lifestyle overall. Mix cardio and strength training into your regular workout routine, try HIIT workouts, and make needed food and life changes. These may help you beat armpit fat effectively. 

Keep in mind that being steady and patient is vital as you work towards your goals. Spot reduction might not be possible, but with time and hard work, you’ll build a stronger, leaner, and healthier body overall. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

How fast can one get rid of armpit fat through exercise and diet? 

The time it takes to reduce armpit fat differs from person to person. What matters is a steady lifestyle change and regular workouts. You could see results in weeks or months, based on your starting point and how dedicated you are. 

Why might someone have fat arms even when they’re skinny? 

Fat distribution differs between people. Genes play a big part in this.  So, it’s possible to have a lean body yet store fat in specific areas like the arms. 

Can armpit fat be entirely eliminated through exercise only? 

Spot reduction might not be possible. However, with regular cardio, strength training, and HIIT workouts, you may improve your overall body shape and maybe lessen the look of underarm fat over time. 

Which activities should be avoided to reduce armpit fat from worsening? 

Stay away from a sedentary lifestyle and bad food choices. These can build up fat. Regular workouts and healthy food choices may stop underarm fat from getting worse. 

How often should one exercise to effectively target armpit fat? 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises at least 150 minutes of mellow aerobic activity per week. Also, muscle-building workouts on two or more days per week. For more fat loss results, make your workouts longer and more intense. 


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