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What Causes Dimples: Exploring the Science Behind This Cute Trait

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Dimples are caused by variations in facial muscle and connective tissue structures. 
  • Genetic factors play a significant role in dimple formation and inheritance. 
  • Cheek, chin, and sacral dimples are different types of dimples. 
  • Dimples are considered attractive due to their cultural significance and the psychology surrounding facial features. 
  • Some medical complications may arise from certain types of dimples, particularly sacral dimples. 
  • Cosmetic procedures can create, or remove dimples by modifying facial structures. 


Dimples are considered an attractive facial feature. In this article, we will discuss how they are formed, their genetic aspects, and about their social and cultural significance. 

We will also discuss all the various types of dimples which are cheek, chin, and sacral dimples, and how common they are in the general population. Lastly, we will answer some commonly asked questions regarding this topic.  

what causes dimples

The Science of Dimples 

Not everyone has dimples. Why some people have dimples, and some don’t and the science behind dimples are discussed below.   

The Anatomy of a Dimple 

Changes in your facial muscles, the way the fat tissue is distributed, and the soft tissues under them determine the formation of dimples. These changes move your skin over the muscles when you smile or make a face which leads to dimples. 

How Do Dimples Form? 

Face muscles, fat, and soft tissues that are below the skin form the base for dimples. Genes and other things also aid in their creation. 

The Role of Facial Muscles and Connective Tissue 

The key to dimples lies in facial muscles and what’s around them. For example, smiling makes some people’s skin pull in, creating cheek dimples. This is because their face muscles connect to the skin in a unique way. 

Genetic Factors in Dimple Formation 

Genes do play a major part in deciding if you will get dimples. Some changes in your genes may change the make-up of your face muscles. This can lead to dimples. 

Did you know?

Different Types of Dimples 

There are several dimple types seen. Each one comes with its own make and cause. Cheek, chin, and sacral are the most common ones. 

1. Cheek Dimples 

When people smile, sometimes you see small dips on their cheeks. These are cheek dimples. It has to do with how the zygomaticus major facial muscle attaches to the skin. They usually pass on from parents to kids. 

2. Chin Dimples 

Chin dimples or cleft chins, come from a gap in the two halves of the lower jawbone during early growth. This gap gives rise to a clear cleft or dimple on the chin. Like cheek dimples, these ones also pass from parents to kids.  

3. Sacral Dimples 

Unlike face dimples, sacral ones are close to where your backbone ends. Most of them may cause no harm. But, you might need health checks if these show signs like back pain. 

The Rarity of Dimples 

Only around 20-30% of people have cheek dimples. Chin and sacral dimples are even rarely seen.  

Exploring the Genetics of Dimples 

Genes play a crucial role in the occurrence of dimples which is explored here.  

1. Dominant and Recessive Genes 

One hypothesis is that dimples come from a strong/dominant gene. So, if your mom or dad has them, you probably will too. There are ongoing studies to explore this and figure out how such genes work.  

2. Genetic Inheritance Patterns 

Even though dimples are seen as strong traits, their transfer is not always in order. For example, two parents with dimples might have a child without them. It’s the other way too. Some researchers tag dimples as an “irregular dominant trait” because of this. 

3. Genetic Variability and Expression of Dimple Traits 

We don’t know the names of dimple-causing genes. But, many genes could be at play. Your age and weight might also change how your dimples look.  

4. Twins and Dimples 

Twins may help shed light on the mystery of dimple genes. For siblings having the same genes, both will have dimples if they carry dimple genes. Half-related siblings could go either way like the rest of us. 

The Attractiveness of Dimples 

People all around the world find dimples cute. Here we will discuss about their appeal.  

1. Societal Perceptions of Dimples 

As fewer people have dimples it ends up becoming more desirable. Also, it makes the face look more young and happy. As a result of these societal perceptions of dimples, it is more desirable to have them.  

3. Cultural Significance of Dimples 

Dimples can mean many things in different parts of the world. Some people link them with good luck, wealth, or beauty. This could be why we find them so charming. 

3. The Psychology of Facial Features and Attractiveness 

Your brain plays a big role in deciding what looks good. Dimples might make your smile stand out. This can charm people in social settings. 

Researchers have found that families may have dimples that resemble one another in subsequent generations. In one family, for instance, the dimples on both cheeks of the siblings, their father, uncles, grandfather, and great-grandfather all looked alike. Some families do not see dimples in more than one generation, but they may appear in a child.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Dimple-related Complications and Management 

Dimples are nice until they cause problems. Even though most do not, sacral ones might. In such cases, it’s best to discuss it with a doctor to find a suitable management plan. 

Sacral Dimple Risks and Complications 

Most sacral dimples do not harm. But, if they are big, close to a skin tag, or lump, talk to a doctor. Below are the possible health issues a sacral dimple may be hinting at.  

  • Spina Bifida Occulta 

Spina bifida occulta occurs when one part of the spine does not cover the spinal cord. This usually needs no management.  

  • Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome 

In this, tissue stuck to the spinal cord stops it from moving freely. This might lead to weak legs and bad control over bladder or bowel movements. Remember, just having a sacral dimple doesn’t mean you have this complication. It is advised to consult a doctor if you are concerned. 

Not everyone is born with dimples. Your cheeks have dimples, which are indentations. When you smile, you notice dimples. They add to your smile and make you cute!

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

When to Consult a Doctor? 

Sacral dimples may be associated with health concerns. So, if you notice them and have concerns regarding them it is advised to consult with your healthcare provider.  

Medical and Surgical Options for Dimple Removal 

Not everyone likes their dimples. If you want to fix them, a surgeon can guide you. They may advice medical creams, laser  technique, or surgery. 

  • Cosmetic Procedures for Dimple Creation 

Surgical procedure, known as dimpleplasty, can make dimples for those who want dimples to appear when they smile. It includes adding sutures under the skin and muscle. Always discuss this with a registered plastic surgeon first. 

The human body has a variety of dimple forms: dimples of the shoulder, elbow dimples, dimples of the back, gluteal dimples, pilonidal dimples, dimples on the cheek, chin, and zygomatic dimples. In my experience, dimples may occasionally be present permanently and other times they are not.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.


Dimples though look appealing, they are actually quite complex. Many aspects of anatomy and genetics combine to create them. They might seem charming, but some may be associated with health issues like the sacral dimples. 

It is possible to create or remove dimples later in life and by knowing more about dimples, we can make smarter choices about them. However, professional advice is mandatory if you are looking for these options. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can you develop dimples later in life? 

Yes, you can. Changes in your facial muscles and genes could make them appear as you age. 

Are dimples considered a birth defect? 

No, they are not counted as traditional birth defects. They usually do not affect your health. 

How do dimples disappear over time? 

As you turn older or lose weight, your face changes. This can make dimples less obvious. 

Is it possible to influence the genetics of your child to have dimples? 

At this point, science does not know how to do this. 

Can dimples be passed down to future generations? 

Yes, usually they follow the family line. But, many genes can alter this process. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). New Landmarks for the Surgical Creation of Dimples Based on Facial Form [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5955629 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Human Facial Expressions as Adaptations:Evolutionary Questions in Facial Expression Research [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2238342 

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