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MIS-C Symptoms – A Rare Yet Worrisome Post COVID-19 Complication In Kids


Although COVID-19 causes comparatively milder problems in children than in elderly individuals, some kids may need extra medical attention because of MIS-C symptoms. Children may rarely develop unusual and severe symptoms even after they have recovered from COVID-19. MIS-C after COVID-19 is a severe and fatal complication in children that needs prompt diagnosis for a reliable cure. The full name of this condition is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children. It can affect children with a history of COVID-19 infection even weeks after the children are free from the COVID-19 infection.

MIS-C in children can lead to inflammation of some of the most vital organs such as the brain, heart, lung and kidneys. MIS-C can also cause swelling of eyes, skin and other organs in the digestive system of children. Prompt medical attention is significant because these symptoms can lead to fatal complications in children. MIS-C might harm vital organs, including the heart, because of extensive blood clotting. The swelling or inflammation caused by MIS-C in children is also harmful to the digestive system, blood vessels, brain and kidneys. 

Most children who catch the COVID-19 virus have only a mild illness. But in children with MIS-C , after infection with the COVID-19 virus, the blood vessels, digestive system, skin or eyes become swollen and irritated. MIS-C is rare. It most often happens within 2 months after having COVID-19.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Understanding Key Symptoms of MIS-C

Observation of MIS-C symptoms plays a vital part in early diagnosis and treatment. MIS-C is a syndrome, which means it is an assortment of signs and symptoms that may involve multiple organs.

One should immediately consult a qualified medical practitioner if the following symptoms are present:

Besides these symptoms, one should also look for the following emergency signs that need prompt medical attention:

You need to remember that the severity and variety of signs and symptoms can differ for different children. One must take the child to an emergency care clinic in the presence of any one of the emergency signs of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children highlighted above. 

Like in children, adults who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 can develop MIS (MIS-A) days to weeks after getting sick with COVID-19. Compared with MIS-C, MIS-A can also be more difficult to distinguish from acute COVID-19. However, like children with MIS-C, adults with MIS-A appear to recover quickly from the most dangerous heart-related complications.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

What are the Causes of MIS-C?

Since MIS-C is a relatively new syndrome, there is very little knowledge about the exact cause of this post-COVID-19 complication in kids. It may be because of an over-aggressive, defensive reaction of the body to the invading virus. Medical researchers also suspect secondary infection and COVID-19 that may cause multiple signs and symptoms of MIS-C. 

Some researchers feel that failure to treat COVID-19 can lead to MIS-C symptoms in children. 

They also attribute MIS-C to genetic factors and several theories are being put forward to establish links between genetics and MIS-C, which is a rare condition. It can affect kids ranging from three years old to twelve years old. Failure to diagnose COVID-19 in primary stages and subsequent lack of treatment can lead to MIS-C symptoms.  

The best way to prevent MIS-C is to protect against getting SARS-CoV-2 infection, including staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and other prevention actions.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Suggested Course of Action if One Observes Symptoms of MIS-C 

Observing a child for the symptoms is the only way to detect the onset of MIS-C in time. One should be careful about the occurrence of critical signs, including bluish nails, lips or skin, severe breathlessness and difficulty in staying awake. Doctors will conduct some routine tests including blood, urine, swab, chest X-ray, ECG and so forth. 

Doctors follow MIS-C treatment guidelines in India to manage the symptoms and critical health conditions of the child. They give the treatment of MIS-C in a hospital or kids intensive care unit.

Even if you feel that signs of MIS-C in your kid are mild, get the child to a doctor for an expert opinion. Minor symptoms of MIS-C can also lead to long-term problems for the heart or nervous system. Your doctor will recommend some routine tests to rule out any possibility of damage to organs or suggest treatment for early recovery. Since there is limited medical knowledge about the causes and treatment of MIS-C, the only option is to watch the child for symptoms and report to the child specialist immediately for prompt care.  

Also Read: COVID-19 Treatment Protocol For Children

Take Care of the Following

Children who develop some problems with the heart may have to avoid outdoor sports for some time. Incidence of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) is extremely rare. One can prevent it only by preventing COVID-19 infection in kids. So it is necessary to make your kids follow all precautions and preventive measures such as safe distance, hand hygiene and mask usage. One should take special care of kids by avoiding contact with a family member who is COVID-19 positive. Ideally, safeguard kids by protecting every member of your family by observing all necessary precautions and following all instructions from the health authorities.


The best policy to avoid post-COVID-19 complications in kids is to protect them from getting COVID-19 infection. Symptoms of MIS-C may not be similar for every child, so there is no need to panic and rush to conclusions. Consultation with your doctor to find the exact cause of symptoms is the most prudent way to deal with such a situation. Most children recover with no complications of MIS-C COVID-19 provided they receive proper treatment in a hospital setup. Only a few of them may have to receive appropriate medical care for a slightly longer period. A recent study in the UK provides a respite to parents. It confirms that most of the symptoms of Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome or MIS-C fade away over six months.

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ICMR Guidelines | COVID-19 Home Testing Kits Approved


Recently there has been another medical breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has approved a home Rapid Antigen testing (RAT) kit for COVID-19. According to the ICMR, the COVID-19 home test kit manufactured by Mylab Discovery Solutions Ltd, Pune, has been validated and approved. The ICMR has clearly stated that since the COVID-19 home test is a nasal swab test it should be conducted as per the instructions given by the manufacturer in the user manual.

How Does The COVID-19 Home Test Work?

The COVID-19 RAT test enables people to collect their nasal samples and test if they are COVID-19 positive. With the pandemic spreading like wildfire in many states of India, there is immense pressure on diagnostic labs conducting RT-PCR tests. Moreover, the RT-PCR test takes two to three days to give results which delay the start of treatment for positive patients. The ICMR has now approved the COVID-19 home test kit as it gives quick results in fifteen minutes. The guidelines that need to be followed while conducting the COVID-19 RAT test are given below.

COVID-19 Home Test Guidelines:

COVID-19 Home Test: Do’s And Don’ts

Tracking Cases Across India

The company manufacturing the COVID-19 home test kits promises to make millions of kits for India and that too at an inexpensive price. India has a huge population and regular testing through RT-PCR is not only impossible but also expensive. As a result, many avoid getting tested despite having symptoms. The self-testing kit being cheaper is accessible to a huge portion of the population who earlier refrained from getting tested.

The person using the COVID-19 home test kit must download MyLab’s AI-powered mobile app to get their reports as soon as possible. The home testing mobile app is available in the Google Play store and Apple store and must be downloaded by all users. The mobile app submits the result to ICMR immediately so that patients can get their reports and start treatment if found COVID-19 positive.

The mobile app is a comprehensive guide of the testing procedure and will provide a positive or negative test result to the patient. All users ‘MUST’ click a picture of the test strip after completing the test procedure with the same mobile phone which has been used for downloading the mobile app and user registration.


The home RAT test for COVID-19 is a significant step in our fight against COVID-19. Although less sensitive, it gives patients a sense of direction to start isolation and treatment as soon as found positive. Rapid antigen tests are also cheaper compared to RT-PCR and reduce the excessive pressure and the dependence on RT-PCR tests. But you should consciously follow the instructions given by both ICMR and the home testing kit company before conducting the test at home.

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Gas Cylinder Colour Codes: A Necessary Observation During COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has taken on momentum in India, especially during the second wave in March 2021. It is named after coronavirus and caused particularly by the strain, namely Severe Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was first identified in Wuhan, China. The original strain has now undergone many mutations raising concerns over the spread and infectivity of the pandemic.

Many flu-like symptoms are observed in patients infected with the virus. One of the common offsets of the infection is the drop in blood oxygen saturation levels, leading to difficulty in breathing amongst many individuals. The national COVID-19 task force members have brought forward data suggesting that over 54.5 % of the hospital admissions during the second wave were due to decreased oxygen saturation levels in the patient. In this struggle to get oxygen and to improve healing, various states including Delhi and Punjab, have begun importing oxygen cylinders from neighboring countries such as China.

Oxygen Quality Check

The chaos continues to increase in developing countries such as India, where the poor management of oxygen supplies has not only seen a severe shortage of oxygen but reduced levels of oxygen provided. This has led to new diseases that worsen the existing health conditions, thereby placing immense pressure on the healthcare sector to cater to all the needs and requirements of the people. 

Due to the compromise in the oxygen quality, fungal diseases such as mucormycosis have increased rapidly and have now been declared an epidemic in various states. Another indicator of pure and impure oxygen that is now missed and underestimated is the colour code on the gas cylinder that provides an instant visual assessment of the cylinder’s contents. Giving a blind eye to these specifications of the oxygen cylinder colour code has added to the existing problems being faced by the people suffering from COVID-19.

Oxygen Cylinder Colour Code

The medical and pharmaceutical industry closely works with a variety of pure and isolated gases for development and storage. For example, carbon dioxide is used for growing specific cultures in the research and development department of the pharmaceutical industry. Likewise, various gases are isolated and used widely in different areas. For easy identification, safety purposes and to prevent mix-up in handling, the gas cylinders have been colour-coded. 

The colour codes are varied for the body and shoulder of the cylinder. For example, the nitrogen cylinder comes in a grey body and black shoulder-coloured cylinder. Hydrogen is contained in a complete red-coloured cylinder and the colour coding for the co2 gas cylinder is black on the body and silver on the shoulder. The oxygen cylinder colour code in India is a black body and white shoulder-colored cylinder. 

It is essential during this pandemic to identify the cylinder by the colour code and visually attest to the gas inside the cylinder before administering it to the patient. The basic colour codes that can be kept in mind are:

  1. Toxic or corrosive gas – Yellow colour
  2. Flammable gas – Red colour
  3. Oxidizing gas – Light Blue colour
  4. Inert gas – Bright Green colour

Hazards of Mixing Up Cylinders

In the distress of lack of oxygen cylinder availability, oxygen is stored in gas cylinders and coded for other gases. Inhalation of oxygen alongside remnants of other corrosive or inflammable gases can severely medically affect the patients inhaling the gas. Another safety precaution while handling the gas cylinder is preventing the lubrication of the valves of the gas cylinders with grease or oil. All manufacturers, suppliers and hospitals need to ensure that the right color-coded and medically suited oxygen must be administered to the patients needing oxygen.

Let’s Just Follow This

The pandemic has brought to light the crippled healthcare sector of various countries. This is related not only in terms of infrastructure but also to meet the patients simple supply-demand needs. One such instance is the need for oxygen cylinders for patients whose blood oxygen saturation levels have dropped below ninety. To provide the right isolated gas (oxygen in this instance), a national colour-coding scheme is mechanized to smoothen the visual identification of the gas being contained and transported.

Due to the severe shortage of oxygen in various states, the colour-coding seems ignored and oxygen is being filled in cylinders meant for other corrosive and toxic gases, thereby creating a lot of complications for the patients. Oxygen therapy at home can be practised by using oxygen concentrators, but beyond a specific level, even oxygen concentrators are of no help and hospital administration is required. Nowadays, we even see oxygen for home use due to the lack of hospital beds. Oftentimes the oxygen cylinder colour code is ignored.


It is essential to educate ourselves and be mindful of the handling, sourcing and administration of oxygen in hospitals to prevent undue complications and fatalities by observing simple things like the colour code of gas cylinders like, the colour of oxygen cylinder, co2 cylinder colour and nitrogen cylinder colour. It is to be noted that the oxygen cylinders are odourless and generally non-toxic at atmospheric pressure. They will not burn but support and accelerate combustion.

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Post-COVID-19 Complications, Recommended Diet And Physiotherapy Regime

India is currently facing a second wave of the Covid-19 infection and it has been observed that the increased pathogenicity of the current viral strain has increased. Consequently, India is seeing an increased mortality rate and post-recovery complications in survivors of the Covid-19 infection.

When patients who have recuperated from Covid-19 infection continue to experience symptoms of the disease even after four weeks after initial recovery, they are exhibiting post-Covid complications. This condition is referred to as ”long Covid” or ”long-haul Covid”. Since Covid-19 infection can affect your vital health in the long run, a healthy diet must be followed post-recovery.

Post-Covid-19 Complications

Long Covid symptoms can persist long after recovery. These symptoms should be medically addressed to ensure restoration of complete health.

Following is a list of post-Covid-19 symptoms experienced by survivors:

Apart from these, the survivors of the second wave of Covid-19 infection experience lung issues, renal malfunction and fungal infection. 

Older people and people with pre-existing medical complications (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) are more susceptible to experience these lingering symptoms. However, it does not mean that young people are not affected by them.

It is advised that those who experience these symptoms should get in touch with their doctors urgently.

Post Covid-19 Care

Recovery from Covid-19 is a long journey. A positive mind, proper diet and moderate exercise are the keys to beating the Covid-19 infection.

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, in its Post Covid Management Protocol, advises maintaining for Covid-19 behaviour – social distance, practising hygiene and the use of masks. It also advises that survivors should follow a nutritious diet, get adequate sleep, drink sufficient water and moderate exercise. Most importantly, the protocol recommends self-monitoring at home post recovery and immediate medical consultation on noticing any post-Covid-19 complications to ensure timely treatment.

Post-Recovery Diet

A balanced diet is crucial to regaining health after recovery from Covid-19 infection. You should consume freshly cooked and easily digestible food.

Survivors should include a wide range of fruits and vegetables, preferably seasonal, in their diet. Alternatively, they can consume fruit and/or vegetable juices to overcome weakness. These are high in minerals and vitamins, making one feel more energized.

A common myth currently being propagated is that consumption of meat, seafood and poultry products worsens Covid-19 symptoms. However, consumption of these products is recommended because a high protein diet is essential for post-Covid-19 management for immunity and to overcome weakness. Consume a high-protein diet with 75-100 grams of protein each day. Include as many eggs, lentils, legumes, milk products, soy, seeds and nuts in your diet as possible. Non-vegetarians can incorporate animal products such as lean meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

As per the Ministry of AYUSH, people can prepare and drink immunity-boosting beverages, such as warm turmeric milk. Milk provides the calcium necessary for strengthening the bones, while turmeric has antibiotic effects; this will aid elimination of physical weakness.

To improve energy requirements and further boost immunity, people can consume herbal teas like kadha (an indigenous drink prepared from a mix of spices and herbs), ginger tea, green tea and other herbal teas.

It is advisable to reduce salt and sugar intake. Use of iodized salt is recommended. Choose fruits and nuts instead of sugary treats such as cookies, cakes and chocolates to limit sugar intake.

The survivor must continue to take multivitamins (vitamins B, C, and D), zinc, iron and selenium pills as directed by the doctor. Daily intake of multivitamins is essential to aid the removal of toxins from the body.

One of the post COVID-19 complications is blood clotting. To keep yourself safe from such conditions, you can include Amla in your diet. Many studies show that Amla fruit extracts might be effective as an anticoagulant. Thus including it in your diet might be quite useful to avoid post COVID-19 complications.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Post Covid-19 Rehabilitation

Apart from a proper diet and adequate sleep, people who experience severe symptoms post recovery from Covid-19 infection may require rehabilitative support, such as physiotherapy, chest therapy, mental health support, etc.

The current strain of Covid-19 badly affects the lungs and the heart. People experiencing lung and cardiac issues could benefit from respiratory/chest physiotherapy from a qualified practitioner. Chest therapy – involving a set of breathing exercises using a respirometer – is especially helpful in releasing fluids trapped in the lungs. It aids the lung to regain its capacity and mitigate breathing issues. 

For improving breathing, people can also practice yoga asana, pranayama and meditation (Ministry of Health & Welfare). Walking is also a good exercise.

Additionally, with the support of physiotherapists, practising a set of activities – such as transitioning from a lying to a sitting posture, bedside ADLs (Active Daily Living Exercises), prone positioning – can significantly benefit the recovering patients.

But the following things can be kept in the mind: 

The following clinical outcome metrics are recommended for evaluating existing treatment objectives and setting new or changed treatment objectives for post-Covid-19 patients with chronic lung diseases:

People who do not exhibit severe long Covid-19 symptoms can undertake simple exercises that require less strength, such as deep breathing, knee lifts, side bends, etc.

In my opinion, including jaggery in your post COVID-19 diet can be beneficial. According to studies, jaggery has multiple benefits. It might help in reducing cold and cough-like conditions. It may also help in promoting relaxation of muscles to prevent fatigue. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, it may act as a blood purifier and might help in boosting immunity.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

In Conclusion

It is vital to keep in mind that most COVID-19 patients recover rapidly. However, because of the long-term consequences of the infection, it is even more critical to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by taking measures outlined by the government. Wearing masks, maintaining social distance, avoiding crowds, getting vaccinated as soon as possible and keeping hands clean are important yet simple precautions to take.

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Recovering From COVID-19? Here’s All You Need To Know About The Vaccines

Covid-19 has continued relentlessly in the country and the world for the last year and a half. Currently, the nation is battling the second wave of the pandemic, with over two lakh new Covid-19 cases being registered daily in India. Though the curve for the second wave is at its declining phase now, it has left us worrying and speculating the third wave. This could mean another surge in the number of infections at the national level.

However, there is good news about the Covid-19 vaccine. More than four crore Indians have been fully vaccinated and at least nineteen crores have received their first dose. The present eligibility status for the vaccines is eighteen and above and it includes lactating mothers. Also, India has reported clotting and bleeding in just 6 out of 10 million doses of Covishield administered. So, are you a Covid-19 survivor considering whether or not to take the vaccine? Read on to find your answers.

Why Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Necessary After Recovery?

Getting vaccinated is one of the surest ways for a person to gain immunity against Covid-19. But what about a person who has recently contracted the infection? Can they delay getting the vaccine jab or do they need to hurry?

Though the chances of being infected with COVID-19 twice are slim, getting the jab will effectively reduce such risks that can complicate your case. The vaccine also protects you from the mutant variants of the virus. Thus, even if you have caught the virus and are presently immune to it because of the presence of post-infection antibodies, the vaccine will help to further boost protection. Thus, it is wise not to ignore getting the vaccine.

Think of the vaccine as a way to get longer-lasting, consistent immunity against Covid-19 India because there is no concrete evidence on how long the post-infection immunity lasts. Besides, you need the COVID-19 vaccine post-infection because you might be an asymptomatic carrier and inadvertently spread the virus further.

When Should You Get Vaccinated If You’ve Had Covid-19 In The Past?

Vaccines for the general public are to be scheduled as and when available. But those who have recently tested positive or are in recovery after contracting the virus can delay the vaccination for several weeks. Past infections with coronavirus give natural immunity to a person for a while, though the exact timeframe is yet to be known. 

As per the recommendations of the National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19, patients who have already been infected can take the vaccine three months after their recovery. Those who have been infected after getting their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine also need to wait for three months before getting their second dose.

The usual timeframe for the vaccine is also worth mentioning in this regard. In the case of Covishield, after four weeks have passed, the next dose can be taken whenever possible, but within eight weeks. The earlier limit for Covishield was six weeks, but it has now been extended to eight weeks. The second dose of Covaxin can be taken between four to six weeks after the first. It is essential to state that vaccine doses are safe no matter when you take them. However, the effects are not as pronounced if taken within a month of getting the first dose.

The country is also facing a shortage of vaccines despite doubling production recently. So, delaying your dose by three months is not an issue if you have been infected with the virus before.

Covid vaccination is in fact strongly recommended for patients with comorbid conditions like heart disease, diabetes and kidney diseases as the impact of covid is severe in such patients, boosters are beneficial in them and elderly.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj , M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Covid-19 Vaccine And Blood Clots: What Do You Need To Know?

The connection between the vaccine for COVID-19 and blood clots is a highly discussed topic at present. As per a report submitted by the National AEFI (Adverse Events Following Immunisation) Committee to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, there is a very minuscule but definitive risk of thromboembolic events following vaccination. 

Instances of bleeding and clotting stand at 0.61 for every million doses, which the committee says is in line with the expected number of diagnoses of such conditions. In fact, it is way lower than the four cases per million reported by the Medical and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) of the United Kingdom. In preparing the report, the AEFI committee completed an in-depth case review of 498 serious and severe events, of which 26 cases have been reported to be potentially thromboembolic.

The term thromboembolic refers to the formation of a clot in a blood vessel that might also break loose and be carried by the bloodstream to plug another vessel. The complications arising from this can be life-threatening, such as heart attack or stroke. The symptoms of the condition include:

Such symptoms occur within twenty days of taking a vaccine shot, particularly of Covishield. AEFI reported that there were no potential thromboembolic events reported following the administration of the Covaxin vaccine.  

However, it is also important to remember that Covishield has definite benefits in terms of preventing and reducing the severity of the infection. More than thirteen crore doses of Covishield have already been administered in the country.


It is important to take the vaccine after recovery, provided you follow the minimum waiting period of at least three months after recovery. The vaccines are safe and effective with a good immunogenic response against the Covid-19 virus. Be prudent and get your vaccine when your turn comes.

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Airborne Vs. Droplet Infections: Measures To Minimise Indoor Transmission Of COVID-19


With a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections and deaths globally, the mode of transmission and precautions to minimise the spread of the disease need serious consideration. Earlier, the primary route of transmission of the virus was considered to be through larger respiratory droplets and direct contact with the infected people or surfaces. However, the recent surge in the cases is severe and researchers are speculating the chances of another mode of transmission, which involves inhalation of the airborne particles.

Preventive and control measures are necessary to stop the spread of infection. The current knowledge about the transmission points towards the airborne transmission of the virus through an aerosol generated from an infected person. When the patient exhales or sneezes or coughs, the virus in the aerosol may stay in the air for a long time. Here, we discuss the various modes of transmission of COVID-19 and the proper steps to minimise them, especially the indoor transmission of the virus.

Modes of Transmission of the COVID-19 Virus

While the COVID-19 infection affects your respiratory system causing severe illness and sometimes even death, some people might be asymptomatic after getting infected. The possible modes of transmission as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) are as follows:

1. Airborne transmission

The virus spreads through the air in the form of aerosolised infected particles, generated by an infected individual or during medical procedures and affects individuals coming in contact with these particles. Here, the particles are smaller than 5 μm in diameter, can remain in the air for long periods and transmitted to others over distances greater than 1m.   

Appropriate measures include sufficient and effective ventilation, possibly enhanced by particle filtration and air disinfection, avoiding air recirculation and avoiding overcrowding.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

2. Droplet transmission

When a person gets infected with the SARS CoV-2 virus, it makes its presence in the saliva and other respiratory secretions or droplets expelled out through coughing, sneezing, talking or singing. Suppose a healthy person comes in contact with the infected person; the virus from the respiratory droplet may reach the nose, mouth or eyes of the healthy person in the vicinity, thereby spreading the infection. Droplet transmission occurs when a person is in close contact, within 1 meter of the infected person.  

3. Surface transmission

The respiratory secretions or droplets may fall on the surfaces and contaminate them. If a healthy person touches this surface and then touches his/her mouth or nose, there are chances of infection. Although few reports suggest this type of transmission in hospitals or healthcare facilities treating COVID-19 patients, there is a possibility of a high viral load on the table surfaces, doorknobs, stethoscopes, etc.    

4. Other modes of transmission

Although there are reports of the SARS CoV-2 virus in stool, urine, blood and plasma samples, there is no substantial evidence to support the fecal-oral, urine, blood or mother-fetus transmission.

Transmission of the COVID-19 virus can occur by direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces in the immediate environment or with objects used on the infected person (e.g., stethoscope or thermometer), endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, open suctioning, administration of nebulized treatment, etc. are commonly implicated in the causation of airborne transmission.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Key Differences Between Airborne and Droplet Transmission

An infected person can generate aerosolised droplets nuclei that measure less than 5 µm in size in the air, during talking or exhaling. If healthy people come in contact with the aerosolised particles with a high viral load, they may get infected by inhaling the nuclei directly into the lungs. Furthermore, the aerosolised nuclei may remain suspended for an extended time in the air owing to their small size. However, in droplet transmission, the droplets generated are typically between 5-10  µm in size and can affect an individual only in a close radius of the infected person. 

Indoor Transmission of COVID-19

Several reports show indoor transmission of Covid-19 through the aerosolised droplets of sub-micron size present in the air.  

1. Indoor vs. outdoor transmission

The environmental conditions affect the viability and infectivity of the virus. Indoor transmission occurs in closed places such as daycare centres, universities, schools, offices or hospitals, where people spend longer durations in close contact with each other. On the other hand, the outdoor risks of transmission include viral load in the particulate air and wastewater system. In the outdoors, the virus may remain viable for hours and days on the surface. Although both environments pose a risk for transmission of COVID-19, indoor transmissions are considered more risky than outdoor due to the chances of crowding in a limited space and poor ventilation.

2. Studies conducted for indoor transmission

The indoor transmission of Covid-19 is reported in some research studies. Here are a few findings:

  1. One such study shows an indoor spread of the infection in a 2.5 hour long Skagit Valley Chorale choir practice held in Washington state, where 53 of 61 members were infected.
  2. Another study shows the indoor transmission of the virus in a bus that had recirculation of air. Out of the 67 passengers who rode a bus for a worshipping event in an eastern Chinese province, 24 were infected.  

3. Factors that boost the indoor spread

Research further shows that certain factors may increase the indoor spread of the COVID-19 infection:

  1. Poor ventilation.
  2. Faulty air filtration units in hospitals, buildings or restaurants.
  3. Facing towards airflow from the air-conditioner.
  4. Crowding and not maintaining proper distance.
  5. Infected surfaces at the workplace.

4. Measures to minimize indoor transmission of Covid-19

To reduce the transmission of COVID-19, the following actions are suggested:


Follow hygiene practices such as healthy and safe disposal of PPE kits and waste management.  If indoor environmental control recommendations are followed strictly, coronavirus transmission rates can be drastically minimised. In addition to the air control and ventilation measures, people must follow some essential hygiene etiquettes.

Maintenance of proper physical distance and personal hygiene and use of masks is a must. When coughing or sneezing, one must cover the mouth and nose with tissue paper, which should be properly disposed of after use. In absence of tissue paper or handkerchief, one should cough or sneeze into one’s elbow, not hands.

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Daily New COVID-19 Cases Less Than Three Lakhs After A Month In India


In the year 2020, the whole world witnessed the onslaught of the deadly Covid-19. The first Covid-19 case was reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. This virus soon made its way around the world and by January 2020, countries such as India, Russia and the United Kingdom had begun fighting this coronavirus.  

On July 17th 2020, India saw the highest death count so far which was around 2000 deaths a day. Wearing a mask, imposing lockdowns and curfews helped to reduce the spread of the virus. However, about seven months after the first wave, India experienced the second wave of Covid-19.

Second Wave of Covid-19

The Covid-19 cases started to increase rapidly from March 2021. India recorded the lowest number of new cases in that month on April 22nd, with around three lakh cases per day. On May 6th, 2021, India registered 4,14,188 new cases, the highest number of cases ever recorded. From May 9th onwards, India started seeing a steady decline in Covid-19 cases across the country. Due to government impositions and people’s vigilance, India slowly and steadily is recovering from Covid-19.

With the help of medical facilities and doctors, vaccines for this deadly virus were developed. To date, India has administered 187 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. So far, 3.1% of the total population of India, that is, 41,686,052 citizens, have been fully vaccinated. 

Safe and effective vaccines help ensure that COVID-19 does not result in severe disease and death, especially in vulnerable populations like children and the elderly. Vaccination protects against COVID-19 and reduces the likelihood of new variants from emerging.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Covid-19 in India 

In the initial days of the pandemic, the spread of the Covid-19 virus in India was low. But due its high transmissibility, it spread like wildfire, infecting millions of people in the country. Because the outbreak of Covid-19 in India was an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence, India was unprepared. Every individual was affected by the ongoing pandemic.  

In India, Covid-19 has had a major impact on the following: 

From the smallest state to the largest, all the states of India are still fighting against Covid-19. The worst affected states include Tamil Nadu with 1,842,344 active cases, Maharashtra with 5,579,897 active cases and Karnataka with 2,424,904 active cases and Kerala with 2,347,966 active cases.  

Covid-19, termed SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), affects a person’s lungs and respiratory system. In the first wave of Covid-19, the country was able to manage with its existing supply of oxygen and oxygen concentrators. However, when the second wave of Covid-19 came out of nowhere, the number of infected people skyrocketed, resulting in a surge in demand for medical equipment such as ventilators, oxygen cylinders and ICU beds. At that point, India was not prepared and could not keep up with the rising cases, which led to the collapse of medical facilities.  

India was faced with a shortage of the most basic medical facilities. With the help of medical aid, doctors and frontline workers, the government arranged oxygen cylinders and concentrators. Many other countries like Russia, UK and Malaysia helped India during the crisis by supplying oxygen and ventilators by air. So far, 11,058 oxygen concentrators, 13,496 oxygen cylinders and 19 oxygen generation plants have been set up to overcome the oxygen crisis in India.  

About 7,365 ventilators and five lakhs vials of life-saving medicines are being made to meet demand and are supplied to patients or hospitals by air or roadways as early as possible.    

India on the road to recovery

Though the second wave of Covid-19 was unpredictable, India was aware of how to combat the situation. Imposition of lockdowns and curfews proved to be effective in curbing the spread of  Covid-19. After three months of the arrival of the second wave of Covid-19, India’s recovery is visible and gradual. The National Recovery Rate has increased to 87.76% from 81. 77%. Vaccination administered in India exceeded 20 cores under Phase 3 of the vaccination drive in the country. To date, around 10 million healthcare and frontline workers working as warriors against Covid-19 have been vaccinated. For over a week consecutively, more than 20 lakhs tests have been conducted in India. 

As active cases are gradually decreasing, the recovery rate is increasing, which means reduced death tolls. States like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are the fastest recovering states. Restrictions have also been normalized to some extent. Restaurants, malls and offices are slowly being reopened with some restrictions. 

The March Ahead 

Though there is a decline in the number of active Covid-19 cases in India, the pandemic is still not over; not until 244 districts with more than 20% positivity rate and 479 districts crossing the 10% positivity rate meet WHO’s standard of 5% positivity rate. This can only happen when everyone strictly abides by the Covid-19 guidelines and gets vaccinated.

Testing plays a vital role in reducing the spread of Covid-19. The Indian Council Medical Research, with the help of hospitals and doctors, is trying to increase testing procedures in the remotest parts of India. There is more need for testing kits for districts with a 10% or higher positivity rate.


Scientists are now speculating that the third wave of Covid-19 will hit India by October 2021. India is learning from the second wave and is preparing itself so that conditions do not get out of hand. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan stated, “India would have procured 267 cores of Covid-19 vaccination doses by the end of 2021”. 

The government and doctors are trying their best to combat the situation. Still, as individuals, it is our duty to maintain social distance, wear a mask, and get tested if we experience any Covid-19 symptoms. It is also important to try to get vaccinated as early as possible. 

How to treat Covid-19 at home? 

If symptoms become severe, it’s better to get treated by doctors as soon as possible.  

Is the Covid-19 test painful? 

When will the Covid-19 pandemic end in India? 

To know about the Covid-19 live update visit –

Disclaimer: The information included at the site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation. 


Mucormycosis: The Deadly Fungal Infection In COVID-19 Patients


In India, patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are increasingly being detected with Mucormycosis or black fungus. This is a rare fungal infection caused by a group of fungi called mucormycetes, commonly found in the environment. Though this condition is rare and attacks individuals with compromised immune systems, not treating it in time can be potentially life-threatening. This is why recovering COVID-19 patients have been falling prey to this fungal infection. COVID-19 patients with uncontrolled diabetes and weaker immune systems are particularly at a higher risk of developing this condition.

Common Mucormycosis Symptoms

Mucormycosis occurs when a person inhales the fungal spores in the air. These spores can be found both outdoors and indoors, especially in hospital settings. Mucormycosis is not a contagious disease and does not spread from an infected person or animal.

The common signs and symptoms of mucormycosis depend on the part of the body where the fungus is growing. The symptoms of mucormycosis that affect the sinus and the brain are:

The symptoms of mucormycosis that affect the lungs include:

Other symptoms of mucormycosis that affect the skin and the patient’s gastrointestinal system include:

As mentioned earlier, mucormycosis is a rare fungal infection in humans. However, one may be at a high risk of contracting this disease in the following conditions:

Also Read: 14 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections

Treatment For Mucormycosis

The treatment for mucormycosis needs to be quick and aggressive to reduce the effects of the disease. Prompt action reduces the amount of tissue damage and helps reverse the existing damage. The usual course of treatment includes medical and/or surgical treatments and this depends on the severity of the infection and the patient’s overall health condition.

The treatment for mucormycosis may include:

Due to the complicated nature of mucormycosis, its treatment usually requires a team of specialists, surgeons and microbiologists. It is recommended that patients do not try self-medicating for the disease at home.

Also Read: 18 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections!

How To Prevent It?

Mucormycosis has a predilection for patients with comorbidities, making a few groups more vulnerable than others. 

Here are a few ways by which you can prevent mucormycosis in the post-COVID-19 scenario in a patient:


As stated above, mucormycosis is a very rare disease. It rarely affects a healthy individual. Hence, it is important to consult your doctor if you suspect a mucormycosis infection. If you or anyone you know is recovering or has recently recovered from COVID-19, closely follow the signs and symptoms of mucormycosis.

The key to effective treatment of mucormycosis is prompt detection, accurate diagnosis and immediate and aggressive treatment. Patients suffering from COVID-19 or those just recovering must practise impeccable personal hygiene to prevent mucormycosis.

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Which Medical Devices Are Essential In Home Healthcare?

The COVID-19 virus causes an infection that affects humans and animals such as camels, felines and bats. The infection often triggers the common cold, laryngitis and pneumonia in humans and it may also affect the human sensory system. With a sudden surge in COVID-19 positive cases across the globe, pharmacies and online retailers are unable to keep up with the demand for masks, hand sanitizers, etc. This is because people are stocking up on masks, hand sanitisers and other medical supplies to protect themselves from the virus.    

Home Treatment:

Undergoing a COVID-19 detection test is the easiest way to find out if you have contracted the disease. If the test results are positive, you can contact your doctor right away. Most people who come in close contact with the COVID-19 virus will only have a minor infection and will be able to recover at home. Home treatment for relief from the symptoms includes rest, high fluid intake, breathing exercises and over-the-counter medications. Pedialyte, powdered oral rehydration salts and sports beverages have electrolytes that can be used to keep yourself hydrated. At the point you feel dehydrated, drinking coconut water is one of the best ways to remain hydrated. Also, soups are easy to drink and digest when you experience dehydration.

Important Vitals and Readings that Need to be Kept in Check:

Testing your vital signs (temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen levels) while on home care for COVID-19 lets you monitor your situation and you can alert the doctor if your condition deteriorates. In such situations, the need for immediate medical attention arises. A pharmacy can provide thermometers and pulse oximeters, which can be used at home to monitor body temperature, blood oxygen levels and heart rate. Such medical equipment is a must-have for proper home treatment. Apart from these, you can keep several other medical equipments at home. Let us understand in detail how they work and how you can use them during home treatment.

Medical Equipment to be Kept at Home

Given below are the medical products in high demand that can aid in the fight against the coronavirus at home:

1. Pulse Oximeter

An oximeter is a gadget that measures the quantity of oxygen in the blood and the rate at which the heartbeats. They are particularly useful for COVID-19 patients who experience breathing issues because of low oxygen levels. While using this device, ensure that your hands are at room temperature. If they are not, rub your hands together to warm them up. Before you insert your finger inside the oximeter, sit down and rest. The pulse oximeter is to be placed on your index finger. While the pulse oximeter gets your reading, you will see the beat waves on the oximeter screen on your finger. The standard range of pulse oximeter readings is 95 to 100 percent. Values lower than 90% are considered low and suggest the need for additional oxygen.

2. Incentive Spirometer

You breathe in air through a tube connected to a wide air column containing a piston or ball when using an incentive spirometer. The piston or ball inside the column expands as you breathe in. The height of the piston or ball indicates the amount of air you inhaled. When you take a deep breath in for this exercise, you can feel dizzy. Stop exercising and relax if you feel dizzy or like you are about to pass out. At first, you would only be able to lift the piston or ball a few inches up the shaft. If you continue to use the spirometer, you should be able to take in more air and normal breathing may return.

3. Oxygen Cylinder

Compacted oxygen and clinical air chambers are refillable containers that store oxygen and clinical gases at high gaseous pressure in a non-fluid state. They have a valve and an oxygen level controller, like a simple knob that increases or decreases the oxygen flow accordingly. These cylinders are available from small mobile units to bigger 10L containers as per the requirement. The cylinders are available in standard sizes and have controllers and fittings as per global standards.

4. Patient Monitor Multi-parametric

These are medical devices that monitor patients by continuously measuring, calculating and displaying physiological parameters. They can be simple, measuring just one or two vital signs or complex, measuring several parameters and used in intensive care units and specialised surgeries for critical patients. At the bedside, there are battery-operated and electrically powered portable models. Depending on the parameters to be monitored (e.g., ECG, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate and respiratory gas concentrations), the instruments contain patient wires, monitors and adapters, configured to alert physicians about changes in a patient.

When to Seek Emergency Medical Treatment (ER)

Between the fifth and the tenth day of infection, cases of COVID-19 can begin mildly and progress to more serious side effects, with symptoms becoming more severe in the evenings. Knowing how to check your vital signs at home and which severe side effects to be mindful of will help you decide whether you need to go to an emergency clinic. Reading in 90% immersion of haemoglobin or less on a pulse oximeter is a medical emergency that should be treated at a clinic. 

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How Can Proning Boost Oxygenation In COVID-19 Patients?

Oxygenation is the most talked-about aspect of the Coronavirus treatment, as the country is grappling with the unprecedented shortage of medical oxygen. Difficulty in breathing is one of the most vital symptoms of COVID-19 infection. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has strongly advocated the use of prone positioning, which is also a medically approved strategy. Accurate implementation of prone positioning requires turning the patient who is lying on their back safely to make him or her lie on their abdomen. Proning is a simple way to improve oxygen saturation in patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Understanding the Importance of Proning

Improvement of ventilation and oxygenation are vital goals of treating patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) that is associated with the Coronavirus infection. We can achieve these key objectives of Coronavirus treatment with the help of prone positioning, which has become a well-accepted technique across the globe.  

Most patients with Coronavirus infection are being advised of home isolation, as there is an acute shortage of hospital beds. Monitoring of following health parameters is of utmost importance during home isolation:

Oxygenation is essential if the SpO2 level of any Coronavirus patient falls below 94%. Proning is an easy and safe option that assures instant benefits to patients who have tested positive for COVID-19. Our lungs comprise alveoli, tiny balloon-like structures that facilitate breathing by exchanging oxygen with carbon dioxide. Proning boosts oxygenation and improves breathing by opening up these alveoli. There are hardly any options to improve the oxygen intake of a COVID-19 patient who is undergoing home isolation. In such a situation, prone positioning helps improve oxygenation so that the patient can breathe comfortably using no equipment.  

Proning does two things to get more oxygen to your body. It decreases the amount of weight and compression on your lungs, allowing more air to get to your alveoli (improved ventilation). Improves your lung efficiency by getting oxygen to the parts of your lungs that get the most blood flow (improved gas exchange).

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

How to Perform Proning Correctly?

Prone positioning is a medically advised procedure and is also being recommended as a supportive Coronavirus treatment to boost oxygenation. Proning needs to be performed appropriately by following the recommended guidelines. The correct proning approach will not only ensure the patient’s comfort but will also improve ventilation and oxygenation as desired.

Before beginning with the procedure of proning, one should keep four to five pillows ready to provide support at unique positions of the body. One has to provide support at specific positions for deriving the maximum benefits. 

You should also include other positions besides the standard proning routine, such as lying down on the left side and right side. Combining these positions with regular proning will ensure the optimum exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the alveolar level. The recommended period for every position is a minimum of thirty minutes to a maximum of two hours.   

Ventilators, oxygen concentrators and high-flow oxygen are essential elements in the fight against covid 19 especially in severe cases requiring hospitalisations since oxygen diffusion and transmission are seriously impacted in such patients.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Useful Tips for Proper Prone Positioning

You should keep alternating proning positions while focusing on the comfort of the patient simultaneously. These positions are also ideal for self-proning while you are undergoing home isolation. You may adjust the pillows to make the patient feel comfortable and also to change the pressure regions. Pay required attention to any injuries or pressure sores while placing the pillows. 

According to the recent COVID-19 guidelines by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, proning should be done for a maximum of sixteen hours a day. There are few precautions to know and take before performing proning to support the Coronavirus treatment

These include avoiding proning immediately after meals and keeping the room sufficiently ventilated to facilitate the availability of fresh air. Second, proning should not be done at a single stretch, as it will cause strain. Ideally, one should keep an adequate interval between two cycles of prone positioning for greater convenience. 


For patients who are suffering from the COVID-19 infection, oxygen levels need to be maintained at an optimum value to prevent serious complications. Prone positioning is an extremely beneficial strategy to improve oxygenation and ventilation during home isolation or a hospital stay while the patient is undergoing Coronavirus treatment. You need to follow the steps and guidelines religiously to bring a noticeable improvement in SpO2 levels. Doctors strongly recommend checking SpO2 levels periodically to be on a safer side. 

Pregnant ladies should avoid proning as it may harm the foetus. Avoid proning if the patient is undergoing treatment for major cardiac diseases or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is treated in less than 48 hours. Doctors do not recommend proning for patients with pelvic fractures, unstable spine or femur. 

One should practice suggested positions of proning even if there is the slightest feeling of discomfort or difficulty in breathing. You can easily practice self-proning during home isolation if you can comfortably follow the guidelines with no help. Proning not only boosts oxygen saturation effectively but also reduces the need for any additional support for oxygenation. No wonder prone positioning is being strongly recommended as a routine for COVID-19 patients in India who are battling with falling SpO2 levels.  

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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