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Propolis Benefits: Uncovering the Science-Backed Health Advantages

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Propolis is a resin-like substance collected by bees from plants and trees. 
  • Rich in flavonoids and various other compounds, it offers numerous potential health benefits.  
  • Potential uses include wound repair, oral health, cancer risk reduction, chronic diseases, and more.  
  • Propolis is available in various forms, and dosages may vary depending on individual needs.  
  • Discuss with your healthcare provider before using propolis, as it may cause allergic reactions or interact with medications. 


Propolis is said to have many potential health benefits.  This unique compound comes from tree sap and plant mix with beeswax and bee saliva. In this article, we will delve into the potential health benefits of propolis supported by science, its sources, and possible safety concerns. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

What is Propolis? 

Propolis is a sticky product that bees collect from tree buds and sap. It’s used by bees to seal hive cracks and keep their home clean.   

propolis benefits

The origin of propolis 

Bees make this propolis also known as “bee glue”. Which they use to build and maintain their hives. They collect sap from plants and trees and mix it with their saliva and beeswax.  

Propolis composition 

Propolis is complex. It’s made up of over 500 various compounds. It all depends on what plants and trees the bees visit. Propolis has flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Flavonoids help the body fight damage caused by free radicals. 

How do bees utilize propolis? 

The use of propolis within the hive is for various reasons. Bees use propolis to fill gaps and cracks in the hive. And that’s not all. Propolis also helps maintain a sterile environment in the hive. Thanks to its germ-killing properties, it ensures the safety of the bee colony. 

Did you know?

  • Propolis has immune-modulating effects on honey bee cells, reducing the expression of antimicrobial genes. source: USDA NIFA
  • Honey bee colonies with a propolis envelope are more productive and have fewer disease symptoms. source: PLOS ONE
  • Propolis deposition in colonies improves honey bee social immunity and disease resistance. source: PLOS ONE

Active Compounds in Propolis 

With its varied compounds, propolis offers lots of medicinal properties. Think of features like antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. There’s evidence it may even help fight cancer. 

1. Flavonoids 

Flavonoids play a big part in propolis. They are powerful antioxidants. They support our health by fighting off harmful free radicals. 

2. Phenolic compounds 

Like flavonoids, phenolic compounds found in propolis also have antioxidants. They also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Above all, these compounds augment the overall medicinal power of propolis. 

3. Amino acids 

Propolis is rich in several key amino acids. These acids are vital for protein production and cell function in the body. They support general health and may help the immune system. 

4. Minerals 

Propolis has minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. They play a key role in maintaining bone health, nerve function, and enzyme action. 

5. Vitamins 

Propolis also contains vitamins A, C, and E. These can help keep the skin healthy, aid immune function, and improve overall fitness. 

Potential Health Benefits of Propolis  

Propolis, packed with helpful compounds, offers many potential health benefits.  

1. Wound  Repair 

Propolis has shown good results in wound repair and recovery. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties are responsible for it. One study showed that putting propolis on wounds helped new skin cells grow. It also lessens inflammation and aided in the recovery process. 

  • Accelerating recovery process 

Flavonoids in propolis may help speed up wound repair.  By controlling harmful microbe growth and reducing inflammation, propolis helps tissue repair. 

2. Cold Sores and Genital Herpes 

Creams that contain propolis have shown promise in managing cold sores and genital herpes. They do so by controlling the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Studies propose that propolis doesn’t just reduce HSV infections. It also defends against future outbreaks. 

  • Viral suppression 

Propolis has antiviral properties that may aid reduce HSV growth. Thus, reducing symptoms and shortening outbreak duration. 

  • Regulating immune response 

 As an immune modulator, propolis has shown promise in supporting the immune system. In turn, it lessens the risk of HSV-related problems and boosts our body’s viral defense. 

3. Oral Health 

Propolis is gaining fame for its use in oral health. It helps with dental plaque, gingivitis, and tooth decay. Its antibacterial properties may reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth. This aids overall oral hygiene. 

  • Dental plaque reduction 

Research suggests that propolis may help stop dental plaque development. Plaque is a bacteria build-up on teeth causing tooth decay. By stopping plaque build-up, propolis may keep teeth and gums healthy. 

  • Gingivitis risk reduction 

Gingivitis is a common oral issue caused by gum inflammation due to bacterial infection. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis may help fight off harmful bacteria in the mouth, thus reducing the risk of gingivitis. 

  • Tooth decay risk reduction 

By lessening the bacteria that cause plaque and gum disease, tooth decay may be avoided. Using propolis-based oral care products daily may be a good shield against tooth decay. 

4. Cancer 

Early studies propose that propolis has anticancer properties. These include halting cancer cell growth and strengthening the immune system. We need more studies to confirm these findings. But for now, propolis shows promise as a supporting remedy for certain cancer types. 

  • Inhibiting cancer cell growth 

Certain compounds in propolis, such as caffeic acid phenethyl ester, have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in laboratory studies. More research is needed which includes human trials, but early results show promise. 

  • Boosting the immune system 

By supporting the immune system, propolis might slow down cancer progression. A strong immune system is key in targeting and getting rid of abnormal cells before they become tumours. 

5. Chronic Diseases 

Propolis has several properties that may lower the risk of chronic diseases. These include reducing inflammation and antioxidant activity. By controlling the body’s inflammatory response and neutralising free radicals, propolis may help avoid or manage various health issues. 

  • Inflammation reduction 

Propolis has shown anti-inflammatory effects in animal and cell studies. With inflammation being a factor in various chronic diseases, propolis may lessen the negative effects of inflammation on health. 

  • Antioxidant properties 

Propolis’s antioxidants neutralise harmful free radicals. These are substances that may lead to chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Propolis thus may support overall health and well-being. 

6. Cardiovascular System Effects 

Some studies suggest that propolis may lower the risk of heart problems and stroke by improving blood lipid levels, controlling blood pressure, and supporting overall heart health. 

  • Diabetes management 

Early research suggests that propolis may aid in the management of type 2 diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels. But more human studies are needed to dig into this potential benefit. 

  • Immune system enhancement 

Propolis shows much potential as an immune modulator. It supports the body’s emergency defense against infections and diseases. This may help fight chronic illnesses. More scientific probing is required.  

Where to Get Propolis? 

Propolis is catching on due to its many potential health benefits. It’s available in a variety of forms, including pills, liquids, and creams. 

  • Propolis forms and sources 

You can buy propolis from health stores, supplement shops, and online platforms. It comes in various forms such as pills, liquid extracts, and creams or ointments. 

  • Points to consider before purchasing 

Before buying propolis, make sure the product and manufacturer uphold high quality and purity standards. Check for third-party testing on labels. This can give you more faith in the product’s safety and quality. 

How to Use Propolis? 

How you use propolis depends on its form and proposed use. If it is your first time using propolis. Make sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider. Follow their advice on dosage and how to use it. 

  • Different forms of propolis are available 

Whether you’re eating propolis or applying it on the skin, make sure to choose the right form. For better oral health, think about a propolis mouthwash or toothpaste. For skin applications like wound care, opt for a cream or ointment with propolis. If you plan to eat propolis, pick tablets, capsules, or liquid extracts. 

  • Dosage and safety guidelines 

Though there’s no standard dosing guide for propolis, manufacturers often suggest dosages on the product label. It’s key to follow these guides and discuss with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement. 

Always do a patch test before using propolis on your skin to make sure you don’t have allergic reactions or sensitivities. 

Safety Concerns and Potential Side Effects 

Though propolis is safe for most people at reasonable doses, it can cause bad reactions in some people. 

  • Allergic reactions 

If you’re allergic to honey or bee products, you may also be allergic to propolis. Before using propolis, do a patch test or discuss with your healthcare provider to ensure its safety for you. 

  • Pregnancy and lactation 

There’s not much data on the safety and effects of propolis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To be safe, it’s best to avoid propolis during these times unless your healthcare provider says otherwise. 

  • Interactions with medications and medical conditions 

Though there’s limited information on propolis’ interaction with medicines or health conditions, always  discuss with your healthcare professional before using propolis. This is especially if you’re on prescribed medicine or have existing health issues.  

Insufficient Evidence for Other Benefits 

While propolis has potential benefits for various health issues, more research is needed to firmly establish its effectiveness for certain conditions. Not enough research has been done for propolis’ effectiveness in: 

  • COVID-19 

Though propolis has shown some promise as an immune booster and antiviral agent, there’s not enough evidence yet to support its use for COVID-19 risk reduction or management.  

  • Diabetes management 

While some studies suggest at potential benefits of propolis for managing diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels, more research in human subjects is needed to confirm this. 

  • Allergies 

Claims have been made about propolis benefits for people with allergies,  but the evidence supporting this is limited. More studies are needed to scrutinize the possible effects of propolis on allergy symptoms and control. 


Propolis, a natural bee product, offers myriad potential health benefits for humans. From repairing wounds to boosting oral health, from supporting cancer defense to reducing the risk of chronic disease, this all-rounder compound promises to be a natural remedy for a variety of health issues. However, we need more research to fully understand how best to use propolis for specific conditions. 

Though generally safe to use, it’s important to discuss with your healthcare provider before using propolis. This is especially so if you have allergies or ongoing health issues. But once you understand the potential benefits of propolis and use it responsibly, you can tap into its natural medicinal power to improve health and wellness. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 

What are the benefits of taking propolis? 

Propolis may deliver a host of health benefits. These include repairing wounds, supporting oral hygiene, reducing the risk of cancer, and managing chronic diseases. But remember, more research is needed to fully understand and confirm its effectiveness for each use. 

Is it safe to take propolis daily? 

Propolis is largely safe when taken at reasonable doses. But always discuss with your healthcare provider before taking propolis every day, particularly if you have allergies or ongoing medical issues. 

What is the medicinal power of propolis? 

Propolis has compounds like flavonoids and phenolic compounds that have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These traits play a part in its potential power to tackle various health problems. 

Is propolis better than honey? 

Both propolis and honey bring unique health benefits and simply comparing them as “better” than one another may not be fitting. While honey is known for its antibacterial and wound-repairing properties, propolis has a wider range of possible benefits. Like supporting oral hygiene, boosting immune function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.  

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