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Potential Benefits of Theanine: Exploring Its Impact on Health

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  •  L-theanine is an amino acid found in green and black tea, known for its calming and anxiety-reducing properties. 
  • Various potential benefits have been observed, including increased focus, cognitive performance, improved sleep, weight loss, immune system support, and blood pressure reduction. 
  • L-theanine may also support cancer therapy by enhancing drug efficacy and reducing side effects. 
  • Generally, recognised as safe,  L-theanine does have some side effects and interactions to be aware of. 
  • Dosage recommendations vary depending on the desired benefit and individual factors. 


 L-theanine is a unique natural compound, attracting much attention for its potential health benefits. Originating from green and black tea leaves, this bliss-inducing amino acid has become an increasingly popular supplement in recent years. Inquisitive researchers have explored  L-theanine’s numerous effects on our health and well-being, with considerable interest focusing on its calming and anxiety-reducing properties. 

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of  L-theanine, its science-backed potential benefits, possible side effects, safety considerations, ideal dosages, and frequently asked questions.

theanine benefits

Did you know?

Understanding L-theanine 

L-theanine is a non-protein amino acid. It’s a key reason why tea has a calming and soothing effect. You can find it in both green and black tea. The proposed benefits cover a wide range from reducing stress to boosting brain function. Unlike many amino acids,  L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier efficiently. This ability is said to enhance its impact on mood and cognition.  

Sources of L-theanine 

Green and black teas are the main  L-theanine sources. Some types of mushrooms also have this special amino acid. Despite this, the easiest way for most people to get its benefits is by either drinking tea or taking  L-theanine supplements. 

L-theanine Potential Benefits and Uses 

L-theanine is proposed to reduce anxiety and help us relax.  Their potential effect on health is discussed in detail in the section below.  

1. Anxiety and Stress Relief 

 L-theanine is famous for promoting relaxation.  Research shows it can fight anxiety and stress. It does this by reshaping the brain’s neurotransmitters called serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.  It is proposed to promote GABA which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that slows done electrical signals in the brain. As a result, L-theanine may produce alpha-wave brain activity, which is linked to calmness, thus softening the blows of stress and reducing anxiety. More robust scientific studies are needed to explore this proposed effect of L-theanine on brain activity. If you are considering using it to feel calmer or less anxious it is always advised to run it by your doctor before doing so.  

2. Increased Focus and Cognitive Performance 

L-theanine doesn’t merely combat anxiety. Research supports its role in boosting focus, attention, and cognitive function. It seems particularly powerful when paired with caffeine.  

  • L-theanine’s Role in Attention and Memory 

Studies show that  L-theanine boosts reaction times, working memory, and verbal fluency. There is also some evidence of combining  L-theanine and caffeine which helped improve attention, processing of information, and mental accuracy. 

  •  L-theanine and Caffeine Synergy 

The blend of L-theanine and caffeine leads to powerful cognitive performance improvements. This duo is linked to better attention, reaction times, number skills, and alertness. Many pick it to gain a mental edge.  More research is needed to corroborate these findings.   

3. Improved Sleep and Relaxation 

 L-theanine’s anxiety-relieving property is also said to enhance sleep. Research found that it helps people unwind before bed, fall asleep quicker, and enjoy more profound sleep. 

  • Theanine’s Impact on Sleep Quality 

As  L-theanine promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety, it is said to boost sleep quality. Regular consumers of this amino acid report improved sleep satisfaction, less wake time at night, and an overall improvement in sleep quality.  

  • Theanine for Sleep Disorders 

While more research is needed, early studies suggest that  L-theanine may aid those with sleep disorders like insomnia. One study indicated that administering L-theanine for eight weeks notably improved sleep quality among participants suffering from generalised anxiety disorder.  

4. Weight Loss and Metabolism Improvement 

L-theanine found in green tea may influence weight loss and metabolism. Green tea has compounds like catechins that boost metabolism.  L-theanine contributes to its distinctive savoury taste (umami flavour). 

  • Theanine’s Role in Fat Oxidation 

Drinking green tea is linked with increased fat oxidation, essential for weight loss and management. While  L-theanine isn’t the direct cause of this enhancement, its presence in green tea strengthens the overall benefits of the tea on weight loss. 

  • Effects on Appetite and Hunger Hormones 

Research suggests that the umami flavours in green tea, including  L-theanine, might help curb appetite. Eating less and hunger control play a key role in promoting healthy weight loss and maintaining a well-balanced diet.  

It is to be noted that green tea may be incorporated in your weight loss journey as an aid to regular exercise and a balanced diet, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.  

5. Boosting the Immune System 

The immune-boosting nature of L-theanine is proposed to support overall health. Studies have shown that  L-theanine may increase the body’s natural defense against ailments like colds and flu.  

  •  L-theanine’s Anti-inflammatory Properties 

Besides boosting the immune system,  L-theanine may help reduce inflammation. Lower inflammation levels in the body lead to overall better health and reduce the risk of chronic health conditions.  

  • Effects on Antioxidant Defence 

L-theanine is also proposed to help the antioxidant defense system in combating damaging free radicals. By protecting cells from such harm,  L-theanine indirectly is said to boost the immune system and overall health.  

6. Reducing Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure comes with countless health risks. By promoting relaxation and reducing heart rates, L-theanine’s stress-reduction properties may aid in lowering the blood pressure.  

  • How  L-theanine Affects Blood Pressure Regulation? 

Through its impact on neurotransmitters, namely GABA,  L-theanine lowers blood pressure. By boosting GABA levels, it relaxes blood vessels, decreases heart rates, and ultimately lowers blood pressure. More robust research is required to corroborate these findings.  

7. Supporting Cancer Therapy 

There are signs that L-theanine may help in the case of cancer. Various studies showed that it might enhance the impact of certain chemotherapy drugs and  reduce cancer therapy side effects.  

  •  L-theanine and Cancer Drug Efficacy 

One research study suggests that  L-theanine may increase the efficiency of the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin. This is because it promotes higher concentrations of the drug in cancer cells. 

  • Reducing Side Effects of Cancer Therapy 

The antioxidant nature of L-theanine might help reduce the harsh side effects linked with certain cancer therapy. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, it may support the body during cancer therapies. 

It is to be noted that it may aid the cancer therapy but is not a substitute for it and you may add this under the guidance of your treating doctor. Also, though studies have shown its potential benefits in cancer therapy, further large scale trials are needed to confirm these. 

L-theanine: Safety Profile 

Although  L-theanine has been recognised as generally safe, it’s important to understand any potential side effects or interactions with medications and other supplements. 

Potential Side Effects and Interactions 

Most people tolerate  L-theanine well with very few reported side effects. However, there may be instances where its use should be carefully used or avoided.  

Common Side Effects 

Common side effects from  L-theanine are few and mild, but some might include nausea. Plus, the caffeine in teas that have L-theanine can cause symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or a fast heartbeat when consumed in excess.  

Interactions with Medications and Other Supplements 

Before taking  L-theanine supplements, it’s crucial to check in with a healthcare professional if you’re also on other medications or supplements.  L-theanine could interact with drugs and supplements like: 

  • Blood pressure medicines 
  • Anxiety medicine and supplements 
  • Stimulant medicines (used for ADHD) 
  • Supplements that contain caffeine 

Safe Dosage Recommendations for L-theanine 

The best dose of  L-theanine may differ based on individual factors and the benefits you want. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, including  L-theanine. 

Dosage for Various Benefits 

The dosages mentioned below are the ones which have been studied but the response may differ from person to person: 

  • Anxiety and stress relief: 200-400mg daily 
  • Enhanced focus and cognitive performance: 100-400mg daily, often paired with caffeine 
  • Improved sleep and relaxation: 200mg daily 

Always remember never to self-administrate, incorporate it only under the guidance of a healthcare professional.  

Factors Affecting Optimal Dosage 

Factors like age, weight, and health status can determine a person’s ideal  L-theanine dose. Also, everyone’s response to it can differ. Always consult a healthcare professional to get advice on  L-theanine dosages. 


 L-theanine’s calming and anxiety-subduing properties, coupled with its potential benefits for sleep, cognitive performance, and overall health, make it an interesting natural option for those wanting to boost their well-being. Even though research has shown promising results up until now, more studies are needed to confirm  L-theanine’s health benefits. 

Always ask your healthcare professional’s advice before taking  L-theanine supplements. They will help decide the best dosage for you and check for safety. With the right guidance, L-theanine might add value to your health.  

Also Read: Shungite: Uncovering the Research-Based Potential Benefits and Uses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can L-theanine be used as a standalone management option for anxiety and stress? 

Though there’s anecdotal and therapeutic evidence that L-theanine can lessen anxiety and stress, always discuss it with a healthcare professional before using it as a standalone management option for these issues.  Always remember that self-medicating is not encouraged or advisable.  

How does L-theanine’s effect on focus compare to stimulants like caffeine? 

Both  L-theanine and caffeine may help boost focus and attention. But unlike caffeine,  L-theanine achieves this without the jitteriness or addiction potential that comes with stimulants. 

Is  L-theanine safe for long-term use? 

There’s currently no evidence that  L-theanine is unsafe for long-term use, especially if consumed through tea. However, always remember to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplement for a long time. 

Can I take L-theanine with other supplements or medications? 

Absolutely, but safety is first. Always check in with a healthcare professional before combining  L-theanine with other supplements or medications to avoid possible interactions.  If you are thinking of mixing  L-theanine with blood pressure or anxiety medications and supplements, or stimulants, it is advised not to due to drug interactions.  

Are there any known contraindications for  L-theanine use? 

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as those with a history of low blood pressure, should avoid  L-theanine.  


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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). L-theanine: A Unique Functional Amino Acid in Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) With Multiple Health Benefits and Food Applications – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9014247 
  1. PubMed. L-theanine in the adjunctive treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30580081 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). L-theanine and Immunity: A Review – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10179891 

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