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Benefits of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) and How to Do it by Dr Himani Bisht

By Dr. Himani Bisht +2 more


Yoga is a mind-body therapy. It generally has three primary effects; it increases self-awareness of our inner perspective, encourages physical and mental health, and aids in recovery from a specific disease. Yoga teaches us the truth through the use of our body and mind. Yogasanas can increase the coordination between mind and body. Siddhasana is one such beginner-level asana having several benefits, such as enhancing blood circulation and stretching the lower back muscles.1,2 Let’s read and find out more about siddhasana.  


What is Siddhasana? 

Siddhasana is made of two words, siddha, which means perfect and asana, meaning pose. This is why it is also known as the perfect pose or the accomplished pose. It is called an accomplished pose since it might liberate people from their struggles. It can also be referred to as liberation pose or muktasana since it may give liberty.2 

How to do it? 

The process of siddhasana is as follows:2 

  • Sit on a mat or the ground with the legs in front of the body. 
  • Bend your right leg so that the sole of your foot is against the inner left thigh. 
  • Press your right leg heels against the perineum (the area midway between the genitals and anus). 
  • Then bend your left leg. Push your left foot’s toe and the outside edge into the gap between your right calf and thigh muscles. 
  • If necessary, you can expand this area by using your hands or temporarily adjusting your right leg’s position. 
  • Then place your left ankle across the right ankle, with the ankle bones touching and the heels above the other such that the genitals should lie between the space of two heels. 
  • You can press the pubis portion with your left heel. You can place the left heel near the pubis if it is difficult. 
  • Then, put your right toe into the space between the left calf and thigh. 
  • After that, adjust your body so that it is comfortable. 
  • Sit on top of the right heel. Once the body is in a comfortable position, press the heel down. 
  • The knees should now be touching the ground, and the left heel should be over the right. The legs get locked. 
  • Keep your spine straight throughout the process. 
  • Place the hands in the gyan or chin mudra (touch the index finger with the tip of your thumb) or chinmaya mudra (hand gesture that uses thumb and index finger) on the knees. 
  • Then, close your eyes and relax your body. 
  • You can do this pose for 10 minutes or as long as you are comfortable.  
  • To prepare for this pose, you can try the sukhasana pose. 

In my opinion, Siddhasana might have a fascinating effect on our body and mind. When you practice Siddhasana, it may guide the energy from the lower psychic centres upward along your spine, creating wonderful stimulation in your brain. As a result, it might help to calm and soothe your entire nervous system.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Do You Know? 

Some fun read facts about the siddhasana pose are as follows: 

  • In the 10th century, siddhasana was described in the ‘Gorakha Sataka’. It stated that this asana could help open the door of freedom in life along with the lotus pose. 
  • Siddhasana is called “king of all asanas” and “opening of the door of enlightenment” in Hatha Yoga Pradipika of the 15th century. It is also described that the pose can clean the impurities of 72,000 nadis or the energy channels our prana uses to travel around the physical and energetic body. 
  • In the 17th century, Gheranda Samhita stated the process of siddhasana, which results in freedom. 
  • The term “siddha” originated from the word “siddhi”. It involves developing a psychic talent or ability through yoga postures. Telepathy and clairvoyance, or the ability to see things others cannot see, are examples of siddhis. It can also possess the skill to disappear magically. Siddhasana is said to be the asana that helps in developing these skills. 

Let me tell you about a remarkable posture called Siddhasana. When you practice this pose, it potentially redirects the flow of blood to your lower spine and abdomen, giving a toning effect to these areas. It might work wonders for the lumbar region of your spine, the pelvis, and the abdominal organs. Not only that, but it may also help in balancing your reproductive system.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Benefits of Siddhasana: 

The following are the siddhasana benefits 

1. Benefits of exercise for psoriasis 

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that has remissions and relapses. According to Singh et al. (2015), yoga positions such as siddhasana help reduce inflammation in the body. It is also stated that it might reduce stress and maintain immune system balance. This can help with the management of psoriasis.1 However, kindly see a doctor for proper treatment. It is best to try this under the supervision of a trainer.  

2. Benefits of siddhasana for hip joint  

Lack of hip movement can cause all sorts of problems in everyday life. Therefore, it is advised to take care of hip movements and flexibility to avoid restrictions in movement. As per a study conducted by Gurmule et al., 2019, siddhasana could help strengthen the ligaments (which connect tissues to bones and joints) of hip joints. Siddhasana might also help by stretching the joint muscles and increasing flexibility.3 However, more research is needed to prove the effects of siddhasana on the hip joints in the elderly or people suffering from hip problems. Therefore, if you are suffering from hip joint issues, please consult a doctor before trying siddhasana in this condition.  

3. Benefits of siddhasana for mental health 

Kaushal, 2016 studied that yoga asanas such as siddhasana can be a remedial measure to manage stress, tension and anxiety. It may affect and modify stress reactions and a person’s attitude toward stress. It may also boost self-esteem and a sense of well-being. This may promote peace and relaxation.4 However, you should visit a doctor for better outcomes and to avoid severe problems. 

4. Benefits of siddhasana for digestive disorders 

Khadkutkar et al., 2012 showed that yoga practices such as siddhasana could effectively manage a digestive disorder called amalpitta, caused by hyperchlorhydria (increased production of acids). Amalpitta is the result of a faulty diet and lifestyle. Siddhasana and other poses may help improve the excretion and digestion process. Enhanced digestion might improve the balance of pitta in the stomach.5 However, you may consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. It is better if you do it under the guidance of your trainer. 

5. Benefits of siddhasana for blood pressure 

Pal et al., 2013 showed that siddhasana and other poses might effectively regulate blood pressure. After three months of yoga practice, there was a decrease observed in systolic blood pressure in the subjects. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries.6 This indicates the possible role of siddhasana in managing blood pressure. However, do not rely on siddhasana alone, as more research is needed to evaluate the extent of its effectiveness. So, kindly see a doctor for proper treatment. It is best to try this under the supervision of a trainer. 

6. Benefits of siddhasana for lungs 

In a study by Pal et al. published in 2013, siddhasana and other yoga poses effectively improved breath hold time (BHT) and oxygen consumption. This might help improve breathing. It also stated that yoga poses might increase anaerobic power, producing energy even with low use of oxygen to perform work with maximum speed. As a result, it might help improve the respiratory function of the individual.6 Even so, you must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

7. Other benefits of siddhasana:  

Some other benefits of siddhasana are as follows: 

  • It may improve blood circulation to the lumbar and abdominal regions.2 
  • It may also tone the lower spine.2 

Yoga practice may help develop the mind and body; however, it is still not an alternative to modern medicine. You must not rely on yoga alone to treat any condition. Please consult a qualified doctor who will be able to assess your condition correctly and advise accordingly. Moreover, it is necessary to practice and learn yoga under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher to avoid any injuries.  

Risks of Exercise 

  • Avoid siddhasana if you are suffering from sciatica. Kindly consult the doctor before practicing siddhasana. 
  • Try to avoid siddhasana if you have sacral pain (pain at the junction of the lower spine and pelvis). Kindly consult a doctor to help manage the same.  

With the guidance of a qualified and experienced yoga teacher/yoga expert, we can access and analyse the risk factors and continue to practice exercise with precautions.  

In my view, Siddhasana might go beyond the physical benefits and offer so much more. It may be suited for the advancement and development of not just your physical power, but also your spiritual and mental powers. It may provide a platform for you to tap into your inner strength and unlock your full potential.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.


Siddhasana is a beginner-level yoga pose stimulating supernatural abilities in individuals. Seating posture yoga, siddhasana, might be effective in improving blood circulation in the lower spinal region or lower portions of the body. In addition, it might help in the management of stress and anxiety. Kindly consult the doctor if you experience unpleasant symptoms while practising the siddhasana. Try to perform this pose under the guidance of the trainer. 

 Frequently Asked Questions 

Is siddhasana yoga good for hair growth? 

No. However, more research is needed on siddhasana to determine its effect on hair growth. However, please consult a doctor for hair related issues. 

What are the effects of siddhasana in pregnancy?  

Yoga, such as siddhasana, impact nervous system regulation and physiological system functioning and improve psychological well-being. It can also enhance physical fitness (e.g., strength, flexibility, and endurance). So, it might be helpful in pregnancy.7 However, more study is required to prove the effects of siddhasana on pregnancy. 

Is siddhasana posture helpful in migraine? 

No, although more research is needed to prove the effects of siddhasana on cancer. Kindly consult a doctor. 

Does siddhasana have an effect on cancer?

No, although more research is needed to prove the effect of siddhasana on cancer. Kindly consult a doctor if you suspect any cancer related symptoms. 

What are the benefits of siddhasana on spinal muscles? 

Siddhasana may help to tone the spinal region. It may also stretch the spinal muscles.2 Even so, you might consult the doctor for better health outcomes. 


  1. Singh S, Tripathi JS, Rai NP. Potential application of yoga therapy in psoriasis. World J Pharm Sci. 2015 Aug 16;4:1959-66. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342877865_POTENTIAL_APPLICATION_OF_YOGA_THERAPY_IN_PSORIASIS 
  1. Saraswati SS, Hiti JK. Asana pranayama mudra bandha. Bihar, India: Yoga Publications Trust; 1996. Available from: https://cdn.website-editor.net/749ffac5dc394e8c811205a3fd72ff17/files/uploaded/Asana%2520Pranayama%2520Mudra%2520Banda.pdf 
  1. Gurmule RK, Desai P, Badwaik P. Study of effect of Siddhasanadi Asanas on range of motion of hip joint on healthy volunteers. Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020;6:842-46. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342765735_STUDY_OF_EFFECT_OF_SIDDHASANADI_ASANAS_ON_RANGE_OF_MOTION_OF_HIP_JOINT_ON_HEALTHY_VOLUNTEERS 
  1. Kaushal V. PATANJALI ‘S YOGA ASANAS: A REMEDIAL MEASURE TO COPE WITH STRESS. Available from: http://hillquest.pratibha-spandan.org/www/files/issue2016/v3i22016/010.pdf 
  1. Khadkutkar DK, Dudhamal TS. Efficacy of Yogic and Naturopathic Procedures in the Management of Amlapitta (Acid peptic disorders). Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga. 2012 Jan;5(1). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277577041_Efficacy_of_Yogic_and_Naturopathic_Procedures_in_the_Management_of_AmlapittaAcid_peptic_disorders 
  1. Pal R, Saha M, Chatterjee A, Halder K, Tomer OS, Pathak A, Basavaraddi IV. Anaerobic power, muscle strength and physiological changes in physically active men following yogic practice. Biomedical Human Kinetics. 2013 Jan 1;5(1):113-20. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260481439_Anaerobic_power_muscle_strength_and_physiological_changes_in_physically_active_men_following_yogic_practice 
  1. Kannan M, Rajeswaran PS, Natarajan S, Vasudevan R, Muralidass SD, Devi MS. Yoga in pregnancy. Malaya Journal of Biosciences (MJB). 2015 Sep 28;2(2):104-9. Available from: https://crisiddha.tn.nic.in/SCRI_Publications/3.%202015%20-%202016/2.%20Dr.%20S.%20Natrajan_%20Yoga%20in%20Pregnancy_%20(2015)%20104-109.pdf 

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