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Benefits of Cloves Sexually: Exploring Evidence-Based Enhancements

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Cloves are historically used for their potential sexual health benefits. 
  • They are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 
  • Potential sexual enhancements include increasing libido and improving stamina. 
  • Additional proposed health benefits are related to inflammation, infections, liver health, and blood sugar control. 
  • Safe use of cloves in whole form, supplements, and extracts.  
  • Possible risks and side effects must be considered be for use. 


There are many herbal remedies that have been used over the years for sexual health.  Cloves are one of them. Cloves are dried flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree and are known for their rich flavour. They are also proposed to have strong healing properties. 

In this article we will delve into how cloves may support sexual health. We will discuss their nutritional  profile, and other proposed health benefits. We will also discuss safe ways to add cloves to your daily routine. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked question regarding this topic.  

Researchers have found that small amounts of clove intake on a regular basis may increase the levels of testosterone in men. In my opinion, one should consult their doctor prior to any adaptation to avoid any side effects.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Nutritional Profile of Cloves 

Essential vitamins and minerals 

Despite their small size, cloves are big on nutrition. Numerous essential vitamins and minerals are found in cloves which are as follows.  

1. Vitamin K 

Vitamin K helps our blood clot and maintains bone health. These in turn may support sexual well-being, indirectly.  

2. Manganese 

This vital trace mineral aids brain function and bone growth. It also maintains hormone balance. All these may aid sexual health. 

3. Fiber 

Fiber keeps our digestion running smoothly and lowers heart disease risk. Good digestion and overall health may affect sexual health as well.  

4. Rich in antioxidants 

Apart from vitamins and minerals, cloves harbour compounds known as antioxidants. 

5. Eugenol 

Eugenol, the lead compound in cloves, showcases strong anti-inflammation, anticancer, antioxidant, and pain-lowering traits. These traits may aid sexual health and overall wellness. 

To my knowledge, clove is known as a natural aphrodisiac, a substance that might increase sexual performance, desire, and pleasure. So before indulging in any sort of self-medication, I suggest you consult your doctor to keep the ill effects at bay.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Did you know?

Other beneficial compounds 

Cloves also have other antioxidants like flavonoids, terpenoids, and tannins. Each of them protect cell from damage due to oxidative stress. Such cell protection may support sexual function. 

Potential Sexual Enhancements of Cloves 

The nutrient-rich nature of cloves, together with their unique useful compounds, may aid sexual health. 

1. Increasing libido 

A healthy sex drive is crucial for a satisfying sexual life.  

  • Evidence in animal studies 

Studies on male rats given clove extract show a marked increase in sexual behaviors. For instance, mounting frequency and intromission frequency rose, versus control group rats.  More studies in humans are needed to confirm the same benefits.  

  • Potential mechanisms of action 

We do not know how cloves might raise libido. Studies hint that eugenol’s anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may be responsible. By lowering oxidative stress and keeping hormone balance, cloves might play a role in sexual health. 

2. Improving sexual performance 

 Cloves may enhance sexual performance as well. This is described below.  

  • Aphrodisiac properties 

Since ages, cloves have been used as aphrodisiacs in traditional medicine systems. The possible aphrodisiac traits might come from its eugenol and antioxidant content. These support cell health and may thereby support sexual function.  

  • Effects on stamina and energy 

Cloves are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that might raise overall energy and stamina. This may potentially aid sexual performance. 

3. Promoting blood circulation 

Healthy blood flow is vital for maintaining erectile function and sexual health. 

  • Impact on erectile function 

Eugenol, found in cloves, has traits that may improve blood flow to the genital region. This helps keep erections, thus aiding erectile function. 

Researchers have found that clove oil, rich in vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates, may have an association with the potential increase in sperm count. Hence, in my opinion, the use of clove oil may lead to an increase in sperm count, a crucial factor in male fertility. I advise you to consult your doctor before using clove oil to avoid any unknown effects.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

Additional Health Benefits of Cloves 

Other than potential sexual health benefits, cloves may exhibit many other health benefits. These are as follows. 

1. Fighting inflammation 

Chronic swelling can lead to various health issues, including heart disease, and cancer etc.  The high amounts of eugenol and other antioxidants in cloves may help fight inflammation. 

2. Role in reducing oxidative stress 

Oxidative stress harms many processes, sexual function included. It arises when an imbalance occurs between free radicals and antioxidants. Cloves’ rich antioxidant content may aid in keeping free radicals at bay. By reducing oxidative stress, it may support sexual health.  

3. Protecting against infections 

Antimicrobial traits of cloves may help safeguard against various types of infections, even those infections which affect reproductive health. 

4. Antimicrobial properties 

Clove oil, rich in eugenol, has displayed antifungal and antibacterial abilities. These may help fight pathogens that typically cause infection. Even mouthwash studies with clove show decrease in harmful bacteria in the mouth. This may protect against pneumonia infections in at-risk people. 

5. Implications for reproductive health 

More research is needed, true, but antimicrobial traits of cloves may benefit reproductive health. Clove may possibly reduce genital area infections, thereby aiding overall sexual health. 

6. Supporting liver health 

Some compounds in cloves may aid liver health, potentially bettering overall body health. 

7. Detoxification effects 

A healthy liver is crucial for hormone control and maintaining a proper hormone balance. This, in turn, may help achieve optimal sexual health. As cloves have useful antioxidants and eugenol. These may help detoxify the liver by neutralizing harmful toxins and promoting liver cell growth. 

8. Regulating blood sugar levels 

Some evidence suggests that cloves may help keep blood sugar levels stable, potentially feeding into sexual and overall health. 

9. Potential impact on sexual health 

Blood sugar fluctuations can negatively impact energy levels, mood, and sexual desire. Thus, the ability of cloves to help regulate blood sugar levels may indirectly affect sexual health in a positive way. 

Also Read: Does Masturbating Lower Testosterone? Unveiling the Scientific Truth

How to Use Cloves for Sexual Enhancement? 

There are many ways to introduce cloves into your everyday routine and extract their potential sexual benefits. These are described below. 

1. Cloves in the whole form 

Using whole cloves for daily meals is one simple way to get them into your diet. Crush them into a  powder and use them as spice in a variety of dishes or brew them up for a clove tea. 

2. Incorporating into meals 

Try adding ground cloves to soups, stews, meat dishes, and sweets. Do this if you like a warm, fragrant flavour.  

3. Making a clove-infused tea 

For a comforting cup of clove tea, simmer 5-10 whole cloves in boiling water for 5-10 mins. Add honey to taste or lemon for a fresh twist if you want. 

4. Supplements and extracts 

Clove supplements and extracts come in various forms, like capsules and liquids. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement. 

Recommended dosages 

Limited research does not let us know the best dosage for potential sexual benefits, but you should seek advice from your healthcare provider on proper dosages of clove supplements. Clear instructions  for each specific product must be followed for the safest and most effective use. 

Precautions and potential side effects 

Like any supplement, there could be possible side effects and interactions with other drugs. Talk to your healthcare provider about any existing health conditions and possible side effects before starting clove supplements. 

Clove is believed to be one of the spices that might increase the chances of women to conceive, if consumed regularly in moderation as suggested by the doctor. Consulting a physician before using clove for any form of treatment is advisable to ensure it aligns with your individual health conditions and doesn’t interact negatively with any ongoing medications.

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, MD

Combining cloves with other natural aphrodisiacs 

Pairing cloves with other natural aphrodisiacs might form a well-rounded approach to sexual health and enhancement. This approach may also be combined with a balanced diet and attention to physical and emotional health to further improve the outcomes. 

Examples of complementary herbs and spices 

Think about adding other well-known natural aphrodisiacs to your diet to maximize the potential sexual benefits of cloves. Some suggestions are as follows.  

  • Ginseng 
  • Maca 
  • Ashwagandha 
  • Horny goat weed 

Possible Risks and Side Effects 

Like any natural remedy or supplement, we should know the risks and side effects tied to cloves. These are described below.  

1. Clove overconsumption 

Enjoying cloves in moderation is generally safe for most people, but eating too many cloves might have negative effects. High intakes of clove or clove oil could cause gut irritation or allergic reactions in a few people. 

2. Gastrointestinal issues 

Eating too many cloves might lead to stomach pain, nausea, and gut discomfort. Stick to the recommended dosages of cloves and products to fend off these potential side effects. 

3. Allergic reactions 

People allergic to cloves or plants in the Myrtaceae family should steer clear of clove products. They could cause allergic reactions like hives, swelling, and finding it hard to breathe. In such cases, seek medical help immediately.  

4. Drug interactions 

There might be negative drug interactions with cloves or clove supplements, though cloves are generally safe when taken in moderation. 

5. Blood-thinning medications 

Cloves might increase the risk of bleeding if taken with blood-thinning drugs like warfarin. Check with your healthcare provider before mixing cloves and these drugs for safe use. 

Other potential interactions 

Besides, cloves might interact with other drugs or herbal supplements which affect blood sugar levels or blood clotting. Always consult your healthcare provider about potential interactions before starting on cloves. 

  • Pre-existing medical conditions 

People with existing health issues like liver disease or a bleeding disorder should seek advice from their healthcare provider before using clove products or supplements. 

When to consult a healthcare professional 

You must get urgent professional medical help if you have any strange symptoms or side effects after eating cloves or if you are taking other medicines like those that act on blood clotting processes or those that act on blood sugar levels. 


Those aromatic flower buds named cloves hold potential sexual benefits. Added to their other potential health benefits, they’re an interesting choice for people seeking to increase their sexual health. You can start unlocking their potential for better sexual function by folding cloves into a balanced lifestyle. This lifestyle should give equal importance to physical and emotional health as well. 

Even so, it’s vital to get a healthcare professional’s opinion before trying out cloves. This is even more important if you have existing health issues or are on medications that cloves might interact with. Though initial studies involving cloves are promising, more research is needed. Only then will we know the right dosages and potential long-term effects tied to their use. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can cloves actually improve sexual function? 

Research hints that cloves may provide various potential sexual  benefits, like raising libido and improving sexual performance. However, we need more research to find out the best dosage and usage methods for cloves for the purpose sexual function. 

How much clove should be consumed for sexual benefits? 

We do not know the best dosage of cloves for sexual enhancement. Please consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice on adding cloves to your daily routine. 

Are there any side effects of using cloves for sexual enhancement? 

Most people can safely enjoy cloves in moderation. However, eating too many may cause gut irritations or allergic reactions in some people. You must speak with your healthcare provider to confirm safe use and find out about possible medication interactions. 

Can cloves be combined with other natural aphrodisiacs? 

Yes, cloves may be paired with other natural aphrodisiacs, like ginger, cinnamon, and ginseng. This may form a rounded approach to sexual health and enhancement. Always consult your healthcare provider before pairing cloves with other natural remedies or supplements. 

How long does it take to see the sexual benefits of cloves? 

The time it takes to see the sexual benefits of cloves may vary greatly. It depends on factors such as dosage, how you consume it, and individual physiological facets. Consult with your healthcare provider for personal advice and guidance on using cloves for sexual enhancement. 


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