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Magnesium Oxide Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Potent Properties

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Magnesium oxide is a common form of magnesium supplement. 
  • It has various potential health benefits including managing headaches, reducing stress and anxiety, relieving constipation, lowering blood pressure, and regulating blood sugar levels. 
  • There are some potential side effects like diarrhoea, stomach pain, and interactions with certain medications. 
  • Dosage and method of administration vary depending on individual needs and the condition being managed. 
  • There are many other types of magnesium supplements to consider depending on your specific health needs. 


Magnesium is a mineral often missed when trying to maintain overall health.  Magnesium oxide, a well-liked supplement, is proposed to provide many health benefits. In this article, we will discuss the potential benefits, side effects, uses, and recommended doses of magnesium oxide, and explore how it differs from other types of magnesium. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What is Magnesium Oxide? 

Magnesium plays a big role in body functions. It helps produce energy, build proteins and regulate blood pressure. There are multiple types of magnesium supplements. Magnesium oxide is a common choice. Magnesium oxide is a combination of magnesium and oxygen and is a  common over-the-counter supplement available for some health issues.  

magnesium oxide benefits

How does it stack up against other magnesium types? 

  • Magnesium oxide may not get absorbed by the body as easily. It has lower bioavailability. 
  • You’ll often find it in over-the-counter remedies for food reflux, indigestion, and constipation. 
  • Even though it’s not easily absorbed, it may still improve some health conditions. 

Did you know?

  • Magnesium oxide supplementation can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. source: NCBI
  • Magnesium oxide has been shown to improve sleep quality in individuals with insomnia. source: NCBI
  • Magnesium oxide supplementation can improve exercise performance and reduce muscle fatigue. source: NCBI

Potential Health Benefits of Magnesium Oxide 

Magnesium oxide is known for its various potential health benefits which are discussed below.  

1. Managing Headaches  

Magnesium is key for nerve function. So, it’s proposed to be beneficial in managing painful episodes like tension headaches or migraine. Current research suggests that it’s effective at easing headaches. More research is needed to see if they are as efficacious or better than the prescription medicines used in migraine.   

2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety 

Since magnesium plays a vital role in nerve function, having enough of it may have a calming effect on the mind and body. But we need more research to back up this claim. 

3. Constipation Relief 

Magnesium oxide is mainly used for managing constipation. It acts as a natural laxative, helping to get bowel movements back on track. With powerful laxative effects, adults and kids often use magnesium oxide to relieve constipation. It is always advisable for you to incorporate magnesium oxide under the guidance of a doctor, never self-medicate. 5— 

3. Lowering Blood Pressure 

Magnesium affects heart health. Studies suggest that magnesium oxide may lower blood pressure. It might do this by regulating calcium levels in the body. This relaxes smooth muscle cells, maybe contributing to blood vessel dilation and improve blood flow. 

4. Blood Sugar Regulation 

Magnesium oxide might help with blood sugar regulation.  Research suggests that it may regulate blood sugar levels. Thanks to how magnesium works in the body, this supplement may help diabetes patients achieve healthier outcomes. However, further research is required. 

Potential Side Effects and Precautions 

Just like any remedy, magnesium oxide has side effects. It can interact with other drugs.  Knowing these risks matters a lot. It ensures that you take this supplement safely. 

Common Side Effects 

Some people may feel unwell after taking magnesium oxide. They may have: 

  • Feeling nauseated 
  • Throwing up 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Loss of appetite 

If you have these side effects, they’re normal and mild. They may go away as your body gets used to the supplement. But if they keep getting worse, seek medical help.  

Drug Interactions 

Magnesium oxide exhibits drugs interacting with other medicines.  It can change how well they work. It can interact with: 

  • Sevelamer carbonate/hydrochloride: a drug for controlling high blood phosphate levels. 
  • Antibiotics 
  • Diuretics 

Tell your healthcare provider about all drugs and supplements you’re on. This helps reduce the chance of unwanted drug interactions. 

Special Populations 

Some people need to be cautious about taking magnesium oxide. They include pregnant women and breastfeeding women.  Check with your healthcare provider to see if it’s safe and right for you. 

Dosage and How to Take Magnesium Oxide? 

The right amount of magnesium oxide depends on your needs and the specific problem you’re trying to tackle. 

Recommended Daily Intake 

For adult males, it’s best to take 400–420 mg daily. Adult females should aim for 310–360 mg daily. If you’re pregnant or nursing, you may need more. Do check with your healthcare provider. 

Forms and Methods of Administration 

Magnesium oxide comes in many forms such as: 

  • Oral capsules 
  • Tablets 
  • Powders 

Which one you choose depends on your preferences and the health issue you’re managing. Stick to the manufacturer’s instructions or check with your healthcare provider. They can help you find the right dose and way to take it. 

Natural Sources and Dietary Importance 

A well-balanced diet is key to maintaining magnesium levels in check. Doing so promotes overall health. 

Importance of Balanced Diet 

Eating a balanced diet that provides enough magnesium is a must. It supports body functions like energy production, nerve signal transmission, and bone health. If your diet includes lots of magnesium-rich foods, you might not need a supplement. 

Magnesium-Rich Foods 

Several natural foods have high amounts of magnesium. They are: 

  • Green leafy vegetables 
  • Nuts 
  • Peas 
  • Beans 
  • Whole grain cereals 

Add these foods to your day-to-day meals. This helps maintain the magnesium levels steady. 

Also Read: Potential Benefits of Taurine: A Research-Based Guide

Types of Magnesium and Their Distinct Uses 

Magnesium oxide is just one type of magnesium supplement you can find. Each type has its unique benefits and uses. 

1. Magnesium Citrate 

Said to relax smooth muscles. Proposed to manage constipation, kidney stones, premenstrual syndrome 

2. Magnesium Chloride 

Proposed for better skin health, easing muscle aches, and maintaining blood sugar levels normal.  

3. Magnesium Lactate 

Easy on the gut. Used for basic magnesium supplementation. 

4. Magnesium Malate 

Easily absorbed by the body. Proposed to boost energy production and ease fibromyalgia pain. 

5. Magnesium Taurate 

Might help regulate blood pressure and heart health. 

6. Magnesium L-threonate 

Might have mental benefits. Keeps the brain in good shape. 

7. Magnesium Sulfate 

Commonly in Epsom salts. Soothes sore muscles. 

8. Magnesium Glycinate 

Proposed to have  calming effects. Said to ease anxiety, sadness, trouble sleeping. 

9. Magnesium Orotate 

Proposed to boost heart health and energy production. 

Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement 

Picking the right magnesium supplement depends on: 

  • Your health needs. 
  • Side effects and how it interacts with other medicines. 
  • The specific health issues you have. 

Also Read: Magnesium Glycinate Benefits: A Science-Backed Examination


Magnesium oxide provides many potential health benefits, like reducing headaches, stress, anxiety, constipation, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. This handy supplement may support your overall health and well-being. 

But do take caution when using magnesium oxide. Be aware of possible side effects and how it affects other medicines. Always check in with your healthcare provider first. Understand your health needs and explore other types of magnesium supplements. This way, you can pick the supplement that gives you the most benefits.

Also Read: Potential Benefits of L-Arginine: Exploring the Research-Backed Findings  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What are the benefits of magnesium oxide? 

Magnesium oxide may help ease headaches, lower stress and anxiety, relieve constipation, control blood pressure, and manage blood sugar levels. 

Is it okay to take magnesium oxide daily? 

In general, it’s safe to take magnesium oxide every day. Stick to the recommended dose and always ask your healthcare provider for guidance. 

What is magnesium oxide commonly used for? 

People often take magnesium oxide to ease headaches, constipation, stress, and anxiety, and to maintain blood pressure and blood sugar levels normal. 

What does 400 mg of magnesium oxide do for you? 

A 400 mg dose of magnesium oxide may help in various issues like headaches, constipation, stress, and anxiety. But the dose and the effect can vary according to your health and the problem at hand. Always consult your doctor before adding it into your routine.  

How does magnesium oxide differ from other forms of magnesium? 

Magnesium oxide may not be as easily absorbed as other magnesium types; its bioavailability is lower. But it can still improve some health conditions. 

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