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Reishi Mushroom Benefits: A Deep Dive into Ancient and Modern Research

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Reishi mushroom has a long history of use in traditional Eastern medicine for various potential health benefits. 
  • Components like polysaccharides, triterpenoids, and proteins in reishi mushrooms contribute to its potential health benefits. 
  • Reishi may boost the immune system, have anti-cancer properties, and improve heart health, among other possible benefits. 
  • Different forms of reishi supplements, such as extracts, powders, and teas, are available, but proper dosage guidelines need to be followed. 
  • Some side effects and contraindications have been reported, underlining the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before use. 


Reishi mushrooms are among the most revered medicinal fungi, offering a range of potential health benefits backed by both ancient wisdom and modern research. Delving into this unique ingredient can open new possibilities for supporting overall well-being, especially when considered in conjunction with existing medical knowledge and practices. In this article, we will explore the history, varieties, nutritional components, and potential health benefits of reishi mushrooms, backed by scientific research, while also addressing questions related to dosage, common forms, potential side effects, risks, and contraindications. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What are Reishi Mushrooms? 

Reishi mushroom  is also known as Ganoderma lucidum. It is used in Eastern medicine. It is eaten to live longer, delay tiredness, and handle breathing and liver diseases. Today, experts test these mushrooms to learn about their health effects. 

reishi mushroom benefits

History and Background 

  • Traditional Uses in Eastern Medicine 

Reishi mushrooms have a long history. In Chinese medicine, they were used over 4,000 years ago. They were thought to be spiritual and even immortal. In Japan, they called it “mannentake.” This means “mushroom of 10,000 years.” 

  • Modern Interest in Reishi Mushrooms 

Now, researchers and health experts are interested in reishi. They believe that it could be very healthy. However, we need more strong studies to prove it. 

Types of Reishi Mushrooms 

  • Wild vs. Cultivated 

You can find wild reishi mushrooms on dead wood or tree stumps. But they are rare. So, they are grown in many parts of Asia. This makes it easy to get good-quality reishi mushrooms. 

  • Varieties of Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma tsugae, etc.) 

Reishi mushrooms come in a lot of varieties and colours. The six main types are Aoshiba (blue reishi), Akashiba (red reishi), Kishiba (yellow reishi), Shiroshiba (white reishi), Kuroshiba (black reishi), and Murasakishiba (purple reishi). Each type has unique features and uses. 

Did you know?

  • Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) are considered a new-generation food and are of growing interest to consumers. source: PMC
  • Reishi mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and are particularly popular in Asian countries. source: PMC
  • The combination of Reishi mushroom powder and alcohol may have synergistic effects on liver injury. source: PMC

Reishi Mushroom Nutrition 

Reishi mushrooms have many nutrients which are listed below.  

Nutritional Components 

1. Polysaccharides 

Reishi mushrooms have polysaccharides. They are linked to many potential health benefits. This includes boosting the immune system and possibly fighting cancer. 

2. Triterpenoids 

Triterpenoids help the mushroom to reduce swelling. They also fight viruses and maintain lipid levels. This is good for heart health. 

3. Peptides and Proteins 

Reishi mushrooms contain peptides and proteins. Early findings show that these affect the immune system. 

4. Vitamins and Minerals 

Reishi mushrooms have important vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are good for health and well-being. 

Comparison with Other Medicinal Mushrooms 

Reishi mushrooms stand out among other medicinal mushrooms. This is due to their unique mix of polysaccharides and triterpenoids. They have various potential health benefits that make them powerful. 

Potential Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom  

The potential benefits of reishi mushrooms are as follows.  

1. Boosting the Immune System 

  • Immunomodulation: how Reishi support the defense mechanisms? 

The polysaccharides in reishi mushrooms are proposed to affect genes in white blood cells. These cells are key for a healthy immune system.  The polysaccharides are also said to alter pathways involved in inflammation.   More studies are needed to corroborate this and identify the mechanism of action.  

  • Antiviral and Antimicrobial Effects 

Reishi mushrooms may fight viruses and microbes. This is due to the polysaccharides and triterpenoids in them. They combat viral infections and stop harmful bacteria from growing. 

2. Anti-Cancer Properties 

  • Tumour Suppression 

Some studies claim that reishi mushrooms may help cause cell death in cancer cells. They may also stop tumours from forming. This may happen by boosting immunity and altering imflammatory pathways. 

  • Enhancing the Effectiveness of Cancer Treatments 

Reishi mushrooms may be used together with other cancer therapies. In some cases, they have been seen to heighten the impact of certain anti-cancer drugs. They may also lessen the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy. Thus, it leads to better living and health outcomes for patients. 

3. Reduce Fatigue and Depression 

  • Neuroprotective Effects 

Reishi mushrooms contain compounds that may soothe the nervous system. They are proposed to help decrease stress and improve relaxation. Some reports suggest they may also help reduce anxiety and depression. They offer natural aid for mental health.  

  • Mood Enhancement and Stress Reduction 

Clinical trials suggest reishi mushrooms may improve mood and decrease tiredness. They may boost overall well-being. They may also help  balance emotional health and manage stress. 

  • Improved Energy Levels 

Reishi mushrooms might aid in increasing energy levels owing to its immune-supporting and anti-inflammatory properties.  

4. Heart Health and Blood Sugar 

  • Cholesterol Regulation 

Reishi mushrooms contain terpenes. Terpenes are proposed to regulate lipids and help keep cholesterol levels healthy. But we need more research on this association.  

  • Antihypertensive Effects 

Reishi mushrooms have compounds such as triterpenes. These may lower blood pressure. We need more studies to prove this in humans. 

  • Insulin Resistance and Diabetes 

Reishi mushrooms may help regulate blood sugar in people with diabetes. They do this by affecting carbohydrate metabolism and boosting insulin secretion. But we need more clinical research to prove this. 

5. Antioxidant Properties 

  • Increasing Antioxidant Enzyme Activity 

Reishi mushrooms have lots of antioxidants. These antioxidants protect cells from damage and support overall health. 

  • Protection Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Damage 

The potential for reishi mushrooms to protect against oxidative stress damage is of interest. Through their antioxidant activity, they could help keep cells healthy. This lowers the risk of numerous long-term conditions. 

Although initial studies have shown the potential health benefits of reishi mushrooms, more large-scale research should be done to explore their properties. 

Dosage and Forms of Reishi Mushroom Supplements 

You can eat reishi mushrooms in many ways. This includes extracts, powders, teas, and decoctions. The right dose and type will depend on your personal choice and health needs. 

1. Extracts and Tinctures 

Reishi mushroom extracts or tinctures can go into drinks or be taken directly. These allow you to get the benefits easily without the bitter taste. 

2. Powders and Capsules 

You can also take reishi mushroom powder or capsules. They provide an easy way to eat this medicinally rich mushroom in controlled doses. Always pick products from trusted brands and stick to the recommended dose. 

3. Teas and Decoctions 

  • Preparation and Brewing 

Reishi mushroom tea can be made with dried mushroom pieces or commercial tea mixes. It gives a calming  experience. The reishi mushroom should be boiled in water for at least 30 minutes. This helps to extract its benefits. 

4. Dosage Recommendations Based on Research 

  • General Guidelines 

For reishi mushroom extract, a normal daily dose is between 1.5 and 9 grams. If you are eating the mushroom itself, you might need about 50 grams. 

  • Special Considerations for Different Health Conditions 

Like all supplements, you must discuss with a healthcare professional before starting a reishi supplement. This is vital if you have a health condition or are taking other medicines. 

Side Effects, Risks, and Contraindications 

Even though reishi mushrooms have been consumed for a long time, it is key to know the possible side effects, risks, and contraindications linked to their use. 

1. Common Side Effects 

Using reishi mushrooms might cause dizziness, upset stomach, skin rashes, and dryness of the mouth, throat, and nose. These effects are mostly mild and may go away over time. 

2. Rare and Severe Side Effects 

In some cases, reishi mushroom use has been linked with damage to the liver. This serious side effect makes it very important to  discuss with a healthcare professional before using reishi mushrooms.  

3. Drug Interactions 

The polysaccharides and triterpenoids in reishi mushrooms might interfere with some drugs. Examples of these drugs are blood-thinning medication, anti-platelet agents, and immune suppressants. Thus, it is key to discuss with a healthcare professional if you are on medication to ensure safe and correct use.  

  • Anticoagulants 

Reishi mushrooms might increase the effects of blood-thinning drugs. This increases the risk of bleeding. If you are on a blood thinner, discuss it with your healthcare professional before using Reishi products. 

  • Immunosuppressive Drugs 

Reishi mushrooms might go against the effects of immune-suppressing drugs by boosting the immune system. If you are on immune suppressants, have a discussion with your healthcare professional before using reishi supplements. 

4. Contraindications 

  • Allergies 

People who are allergic to mushrooms or fungus products should not use reishi mushrooms. They can cause allergic reactions in them. 

  • Pregnancy and Lactation 

There isn’t much information about the safety and benefits of reishi mushrooms during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant or breastfeeding ladies should avoid it.  

  • Autoimmune Diseases 

Since reishi mushrooms boost immunity, people with autoimmune diseases should be careful. They should discuss with a healthcare professional before using these mushrooms. 


The mix of old wisdom and new research gives us insight into the complex world of reishi mushrooms. This interesting fungus provides many potential health benefits. This includes boosting immunity and fighting cancer as well as keeping the heart healthy and improving mood. Looking into the potential of reishi mushrooms that are part of a health routine could open up new ways to personal wellness. As always, discuss with a trusted healthcare professional before taking reishi mushrooms or any supplement. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 

Are there any potential risks or side effects of consuming reishi mushrooms? 

Yes, eating reishi mushrooms might cause mild side effects like dizziness, upset stomach, and skin rash. In rare cases, liver damage has been reported. People with allergies, autoimmune issues, or on certain drugs should be cautious. It is always advisable to discuss with your healthcare professional before starting it as they can tell you if your not suited for it. Never self-medicate.   

Can reishi mushrooms be consumed as part of a daily diet? 

Yes, you can eat reishi mushrooms daily. You can have them as teas, powders, capsules, or extracts. However, it is vital to stick to the recommended dose and to discuss with a healthcare professional for safe and correct use. 

What are the best ways to prepare reishi mushrooms for consumption? 

Reishi mushrooms can be eaten in numerous ways. These include extracts, powders, capsules, teas, and decoctions. Pick the way that fits your preferences and lifestyle, but make sure to discuss with a healthcare professional for correct dosing advice. 

How do reishi mushrooms interact with the brain and cognitive function? 

Reishi mushrooms have compounds that might soothe the nervous system. They may help lower stress and improve relaxation. Some reports hint that reishi might help improve mood, lessen anxiety and depression, and boost overall mental health. 

Can reishi mushrooms aid in sleep and relaxation? 

Reishi mushrooms have been traditionally used to promote relaxation. They might help decrease stress, anxiety, and depression, potentially leading to better sleep. However, more research is needed to prove the exact effects of reishi mushrooms on sleep and relaxation. 

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