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MCT Oil Benefits: A Comprehensive Look at Research-Based Benefits

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • MCT oil is a dietary supplement derived from coconut or palm kernel oil. 
  • MCTs are digested and metabolized differently than other fats, providing quick energy and potential weight loss benefits. 
  • Research suggests MCT oil may also improve brain function, gut health, and blood sugar management. 
  • Although generally considered safe, MCT oil might not be suitable for everyone, and some people may experience side effects. 
  • When choosing to incorporate MCT oil or natural food sources containing MCTs, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. 


Recently, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and MCT oil have got a lot of attention due to their potential health benefits. People have started to turn to MCT oil for things like weight loss, better brain function, and energy boost. In this article, we will try to understand what is MCT oil, how is it different from regular coconut oil, its research-supported beneficial effects, and its side effects. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What is MCT Oil? 

Definition and Origin of MCT Oil 

 MCT oil is a supplement made from medium-chain triglycerides. These are a type of fat found in certain oils and dairy items like coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and milk. Many people take MCT oil to lose weight, feel more energetic, and boost their health. 

mct oil benefits

Differences between MCT Oil and coconut oil 

MCT oil and coconut oil both have MCTs,  but they aren’t the same.  

  • MCT oil is packed full of MCTs. Coconut oil has a mix of MCTs and long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). 
  • The MCTs in MCT oil are mainly caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10). Coconut oil mainly contains lauric acid (C12). 
  • We produce MCT oil by a process called fractionation. This process separates MCTs from coconut or palm kernel oil. 

Did you know?

  • MCT oil is a popular dietary supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • MCT oil is commonly used in ketogenic diets due to its ability to increase ketone production. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • MCT oil is derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil and contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are easily metabolized by the body. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • MCT oil is easily digested and absorbed by the body, making it a convenient source of quick energy. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov

How MCT Oil is Metabolised Differently? 

Digestion and absorption process of MCTs 

MCTs aren’t like other fats. MCTs get absorbed faster than LCTs. This makes them good for quick energy. Their shorter chain length means fewer steps during digestion and absorption. After we consume them, MCTs move straight from the gut to the liver. They don’t need bile salts, which LCTs do. Once they’re in the liver, MCTs can become instant energy. Or, they can turn into ketones, which fuel the brain. 

How MCTs provide energy more efficiently 

MCTs have something unique. They swiftly get absorbed and transported to the liver. So, they need less energy for digestion and metabolism than LCTs. Also, their fast conversion into ketones provides the brain with another energy source. This is particularly useful during low-carbohydrate diets when glucose is scarce. 

Research-Based Benefits of MCT Oil 

Weight Loss and Body Composition 

MCT oil is proposed for weight loss and improving body shape.  

  • Lower calorie intake 

Some studies suggest that MCTs could reduce calorie intake. By making you feel full compared to LCTs. But more research is needed to support this.  

  • Role in fat-burning 

Research has shown that MCTs may help burn fat and calories. In one study, overweight men who had MCTs managed to burn more calories and fat than those who had LCTs. Further probing is required.  

  • Appetite suppression and hormonal effects 

MCTs have been linked with a bigger rise in hormones that lower appetite and promote fullness when compared to LCTs. This may be a way to lose weight and manage weight better. More research is needed.  

2. Energy Boost and Increased Endurance 

Many athletes and bodybuilders are using MCT oil as an energy booster.  

  • MCTs as a quick energy source 

MCTs may act as a fast energy source. This is thanks to their fast absorption and movement to the liver. 

  • Effects on Athletic Performance 

Some studies indicate that taking MCTs may enhance endurance and intense exercise performance. However results are varied, and more research is needed to confirm these findings. 

3. Brain Function and Memory Improvement 

The brain loves MCTs. Many believe that they improve brain function and memory, especially with certain brain-altering conditions. 

  • Role in Alzheimer’s disease 

Early research has shown some positive effects of MCTs on brain health in people with Alzheimer’s disease. In some cases, ketones produced by MCTs have been shown to improve memory and thinking abilities. More research is warranted.  

  • Epilepsy management 

The role of MCTs and a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet – like the ketogenic diet, in controlling epilepsy has been studied. Some research suggests that MCTs may help reduce seizure frequency in persons with drug-resistant epilepsy. 

  • Autism management 

Although only a few studies exist, some suggest that  MCT oil may help manage some behaviors linked with autism. That’s when combined with a ketogenic diet. But more research is needed in this area. Further research is required.  

  • General cognitive enhancement 

Early research shows promise for MCTs as cognitive enhancers.  There’s some evidence that they may positively affect various aspects of brain function. However, more research is required.  

4. Gut Health and Antimicrobial properties 

MCT oil may be good for gut health and fight off microbes, as suggested in some studies. 

  • Fatty acids fighting yeast and bacterial growth 

MCTs, like lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid, have shown they may fight microbes and fungi.  

  • Impact on gut flora balance 

A few studies suggest that MCT oil might benefit the gut flora. It might promote the growth of good bacteria and reduce growth of bad ones. But more research is needed here. 

5. Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Management 

There are numerous studies examining how MCT oil affects blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

  • Effects on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels 

Some research indicates that MCTs might help with blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes. They may play a part in managing diabetes. 

  • Impact on lipid profiles and heart health 

Some studies link MCTs to better cholesterol levels, which could be good for the heart. However we need more research to fully understand how MCTs and cholesterol levels are connected. 

Potential Risks and Considerations of MCT Oil 

1. Possible increase in heart disease risk factors 

As MCT oil is a source of saturated fat, it might lead to a rise in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. This could boost the risk of heart disease. We need more research to fully understand how MCTs and cholesterol levels are linked. 

2. Stimulation of hunger hormones 

While some research suggests that MCTs can lower appetite, other studies report that they may increase hunger hormone levels. More research is needed to see how MCTs affect the appetite. 

3. High doses and liver health 

Taking a lot of MCTs might lead to excess fat in the liver. So those with liver disease or other liver problems should discuss with their healthcare professional before using MCT oil. 

4. Side effects and individual sensitivity 

Some people might have stomach issues like diarrhea, nausea, and cramps when using MCT oil. To lower the risk of side effects, it’s a good idea to start with a small dose. Then, gradually increase your intake as you get used to it. 

Food Sources of MCTs and MCT Oil 

Natural food sources containing MCTs 

  • Coconut oil 
  • Palm kernel oil 
  • Dairy items (milk, butter, and yogurt) 

MCT Oil supplements and selection criteria 

You can buy MCT oil supplements in various forms: liquid, capsules, and powders. You can get them in health food stores and online. Just make sure to choose products from trusted brands. They should have been tested by a third party for quality and purity. 

Dosage, Safety, and Usage of MCT Oil 

  • Recommended dosage and best practices 

MCT oil does not have a set dosage. But most studies have tested doses from 1 to 5 tablespoons per day. It’s wise to start with a small dose, like 1 teaspoon. Then, gradually increase your intake as tolerated. For personalised advice on MCT oil dosage, consult with a healthcare professional. 

  • Individuals with medical conditions and MCT Oil 

People with certain health issues, such as liver disease or high triglyceride levels, should discuss with a healthcare professional before using MCT oil. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also consult with a healthcare professional before using MCT oil, as safety data is limited. 

  • Storage and handling of MCT Oil 

Store MCT oil in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. No need for refrigeration. Keep it beyond the reach of kids’ and pets to avoid accidental consumption. Throw away MCT oil if it smells, tastes, or looks bad. 


So, MCT oil provides many potential health benefits. It may help with weight loss, body shape, brain function, and gut health. But it’s important to remember that taking MCT oil may also come with certain risks and factors to consider. These include a potential rise in heart disease risk factors and possible stomach side effects. Always ask a healthcare professional before using MCT oil. Don’t forget to also consider whole food sources of MCTs. Foods like coconut oil and dairy items come with other nutritional benefits. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is the main purpose of MCT Oil? 

MCT oil as a supplement may help in losing weight, boosting energy, and improving brain function. It’s also believed to help with gut health, and blood sugar control, and possibly assist with certain brain disorders. 

Is MCT Oil the same as coconut oil? 

No, they aren’t the same. MCT oil is a concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). We derive it from coconut oil or palm kernel oil. While coconut oil has a mix of MCTs and long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), MCT oil mainly consists of MCTs, particularly caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10), whereas in coconut oil, the MCTs present is lauric acid. 

Can MCT Oil help reduce belly fat? 

Some studies indicate that MCT oil may help with weight loss and body shape improvement. This includes reducing belly fat. But overall, the effect of MCT oil on weight loss seems to be modest. 

Who should avoid using MCT Oil? 

Individuals with liver issues or high triglyceride levels should discuss with a healthcare professional before using MCT oil. Also, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with a healthcare professional before using MCT oil, due to limited safety data. 

Are there any known drug interactions with MCT Oil? 

There have been no reported drug interactions with MCT oil so far. But it’s always wise to check with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine. Especially if you are taking medication or have any existing health conditions. 

Is MCT Oil safe for daily consumption? 

For most people, daily use of MCT oil in moderate amounts is generally seen as safe. But as this supplement is rich in saturated fats, consumption in moderation is key. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice on the right dosage and usage. 

Can MCT Oil have an anti-inflammatory effect? 

Certain research implies that MCT oil may have anti-inflammatory properties. This could help fight inflammation in the body. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects and discover the best dosage for reaping these benefits. 

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