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Back Fat Exercises: Expert Tips for Effective Workouts

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Back fat is often caused by a combination of genetics, diet, and lifestyle factors. 
  • Reducing overall body fat through diet and exercise may help target back fat and improve overall health. 
  • Strengthen muscles in the lower, mid, and upper back with targeted exercises. 
  • Incorporate cardio workouts and strength training for optimal fat loss results. 
  • Set realistic expectations, practice patience, and stay committed to achieving a healthier body composition. 


Many people around the world have the problem of excess back fat which is hard to get rid of. In this article, we will discuss what causes back fat and the role that a healthy diet and lifestyle play. Also, we’ll delve into some specific exercises that may help shape up your back muscles. Next, we will focus on exercises for your lower, middle, and upper back. We’ll also share some extra tips and insights for a full-bodied workout routine.  

Understanding Back Fat 

What Causes Back Fat? 

Back fat might come from various sources which are described below. 

back fat exercises

  • Genetics: Where your body stores fat comes largely from your genes. Some people are more likely to store fat in their back region. 
  • Diet: If your diet is full of high-calorie, unhealthy fats, and sugars, you might gain body and back fat. 
  • Lack of physical activity: A lazy lifestyle can lead to gaining body and back fat. 
  • Aging: As we grow older, we tend to store fat more easily. The back is one such place. 
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Changes in hormones can change fat storage around the body, and sometimes add to back fat. 

Is Back Fat Unhealthy? 

It’s quite normal to have some back fat. But, too much of it can lead to health issues. High body fat can lead to problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Plus, people with more body fat might have lesser mobility and experience more joint pain.  

Strategies to Lose Back Fat 

1. Diet and Nutrition 

Having a balanced diet is key for removing back fat and boosting your health. Below we have discussed a few strategies you may try.  

  • Creating a Caloric Deficit 

You must cut back on calories to lose body fat like back fat. Aim for a slow and steady weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week by reducing daily caloric intake by 300 to 500 calories. 

  • Eating Nutrient-Dense Foods 

Include whole, nutrient-rich foods that offer plenty of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber in your diet. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. 

2. Avoiding Added Sugars and Saturated Fats 

Reduce added sugars and saturated fats, which add to weight gain and inflammation. Swap harmful fats with heart-healthy options, like avocados, olive oil, and oily fish. 

  • Reducing Salt Intake 

Reduce salt to avoid bloating and water retention. Use herbs, spices, and natural seasonings to boost your meals’ flavour. 

3. Mindful Eating 

Practice mindful eating. Listen to your body’s hunger signals and watch your portion sizes. Take your time with your meals and avoid overeating. 

4. Lifestyle Changes 

Making lifestyle changes may also help reduce back fat significantly. These can be done in the following ways.  

  • Managing Stress 

Chronic stress can raise cortisol levels which makes your body store more fat. Try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to reduce stress. 

  • Ensuring Adequate Sleep 

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, as less sleep can hit your metabolism and hormonal balance, both of which impact weight loss. 

  • Staying Hydrated 

Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall well-being. 

  • Being Physically Active 

Get some form of physical activity every day. Combine cardio exercise and resistance training for the best fat loss results. 

Exercises to Target Back Fat 

To help define and strengthen the back muscles, incorporate the following exercises into your workout routine. 

1. Exercises for Lower Back 

These exercises aim to work the muscles in the lower back, including the erector spine and glutes. 

  • Side Leg Lift 
  • Lie on your side with both legs stacked on top of each other. 
  • Lift both legs off the ground simultaneously, keeping your core engaged. 
  • Lower your legs back towards the mat, without letting them touch the floor. 
  • Repeat 6-8 times on each side. 
  • Reverse Hip Raise with Exercise Ball 
  • Position yourself face down on an exercise ball, with your hands flat on the ground for support. 
  • Squeeze your glutes and lift your legs off the ground, maintaining balance on the ball. 
  • Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering back down. 
  • Repeat several times. 
  • Side Jackknife 
  • Lie on your side with your legs stacked, resting one hand behind your head and the other on your hip. 
  • Engage your obliques as you draw your top leg towards your top arm, bending at the elbow. 
  • Lower your leg back down and repeat on the other side. 
  • Bridge Position 
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground. 
  • Engage your glutes and core to lift your hips off the floor, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. 
  • Hold the position for a few seconds before gently lowering back down. 
  • Repeat 12-15 times. 

2. Exercises for  Mid-Back 

These exercises focus on the muscles in the mid-back, including the trapezius, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi. 

  • Back Extension 
  • Lie face down on a mat, with your arms extended beside your torso and your palms facing the floor. 
  • Engage your core and lift your upper body off the ground, using the muscles in your back. 
  • Exhale as you lower back down, maintaining control throughout the movement. 
  • Repeat 6-8 times. 
  • Swimming 
  • Begin lying face down on a mat, arms and legs extended. 
  • Simultaneously lift your opposite arm and leg off the ground, mimicking a swimming motion. 
  • Alternate sides, performing 3 sets of 8 switches. 
  • Cat-Cow Stretch 
  • Start on all fours, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. 
  • Drop your belly and lift your chin and tailbone as you inhale. 
  • Exhale, arching your back, tucking your tailbone, and moving your chin towards your chest. 
  • Repeat this movement 4-5 times, focusing on your breath. 
  • Cobra Pose 
  • Lie face down on a mat, with your palms flat on the floor under your shoulders. 
  • Press up through your arms, lifting your upper body off the ground, while keeping your hips and legs on the floor. 
  • Hold for a few seconds before gently lowering back down. 

3. Exercises for Upper Back 

These exercises target the muscles in the upper back, including the posterior deltoids, teres major, and trapezius. 

  • Lateral Raises with Dumbbells 
  • Stand or sit holding a dumbbell in each hand. 
  • Slowly raise the weights out to the sides until your arms are parallel to the floor. 
  • Lower your arms back to your body with control. 
  • Repeat 10-12 times. 
  • Rowing 
  • Seated cable rows or utilizing a rowing machine work the muscles in your upper back, specifically the latissimus dorsi. 
  • Using a barbell or dumbbell, perform bent-over rows, engaging your back muscles as you bring the weight toward your chest. 
  • Speedbag 
  • Stand in a fighting stance with fists held high and a slight bend in your knees. 
  • Rapidly and alternately punch a speedbag, using controlled movements and a tight core. 
  • Renegade Rows 
  • Begin in a high plank position with a dumbbell in each hand. 
  • Row one arm up, driving your elbow towards the sky while keeping it close to your body. 
  • Lower your hand back to the ground before repeating on the other side. 
  • Resistance Band Pull-Down 
  • Hold the middle of a resistance band with both hands at a 45-degree angle from your shoulders. 
  • Bend your elbows and pull the band apart as it comes down towards your chest. 
  • Return to the starting position with control. 

Additional Exercise Tips 

1. Incorporating Cardio Workouts 

  • Benefits of Cardio for Fat Loss 

Cardio exercises like running, biking, or swimming play are proposed to play a big role in fat loss. They boost your fitness level and help burn more calories. 

  • Recommended Cardio Exercises 

Jumping jacks, skipping rope, high knees, and burpees are great cardio exercises that may aid in fat loss. 

2. Importance of Strength Training 

  • Its Role in Fat Loss 

Strength exercises and weightlifting build muscle mass. This is proposed to boost metabolism and aid fat loss. 

  • Full-Body Workouts 

Include full-body workouts in your routine for a well-rounded fit program. They should target all big muscle groups. 

3. Exercise Variation & Progression 

  • Avoiding Plateau 

Switch your workout routine often. This challenges your muscles and avoids plateaus, making sure you’re always progressing. 

  • Staying Motivated 

Keep up your spirit and stay motivated. Consistent effort and long-term progress should be your focus in your fitness journey. 

Can You Spot-Reduce Back Fat? 

As mentioned before, reducing fat from just one area of the body isn’t possible. But by leading a healthy and active lifestyle with proper diet and exercise, you may achieve overall fat loss. This will help in reducing back fat as well. 

Realistic Expectations and Patience 

Set real goals for how much and how fast you wish to lose fat. Meaningful results take time and need a lot of hard work. Rejoice in small wins along the way and be patient while working towards a healthier body. Also remember, if inspite of having an active lifestyle and following dietary restrictions, you still aren’t able to lose weight, you should consult with a doctor as an underlying medical condition could be responsible for this. 


Reducing back fat needs a mix of a good diet, regular workouts, and positive lifestyle changes. Adding specific back exercises along with cardio and strength training may put you on the path to reducing back fat. Toning up and strengthening your body are added benefits. But factor in patience, set realistic goals, and stay dedicated to your fitness journey. Embrace the process and cheer on every bit of progress you make. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 

What exercise is best for back fat? 

Exercises targeting the lower, mid, and upper back muscles, like lateral raises, bent-over rows, and back extensions, may help tone up and strengthen the back muscles. This may help reduce back fat. The is no exercise for spot reduction of fat. 

How can I reduce my back fat? 

Embrace a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and bring about positive lifestyle changes. This may help trim down overall body fat, which in turn targets back fat. 

Is back fat hard to lose? 

Whilst spot-reducing back fat isn’t possible, a consistently healthy lifestyle with cardio and strength training exercises may help you shed overall body fat, and that includes back fat. 

What triggers back fat? 

Genetics, diet, lack of physical activity, aging, and hormonal changes can lead to back fat. 

What type of diet should I follow to get rid of back fat? 

Follow a balanced diet full of nutrients. Your diet should focus on whole foods, maintain a calorie deficit, and make sure you stay well-hydrated. This promotes overall fat loss including back fat. 


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