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Is Lemon Good for Hair? Exploring Research-Based Facts and Myths

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Lemon juice may offer potential benefits for hair, such as natural lightening, glossy appearance, reduced oiliness, dandruff control, and improved scalp conditions. 
  • Be cautious about the side effects of lemon juice on hair, including potential hair damage and dryness when used in excess. 
  • Best practices for using lemon juice with your hair include performing a patch test, diluting lemon juice, avoiding overexposure, and practicing proper aftercare. 
  • Learn about various lemon juice hair management options that you may try at home for lightening, conditioning, and promoting hair growth. 
  • Consuming lemon juice may also have positive effects on your hair and scalp health. 


Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C. It’s proposed to benefit your hair. For example, it may lighten your hair and make your hair shinier and stronger.  

In this article, we’ll find out the truth about lemons and hair health. We’ll discover how you may use lemon juice to lighten, condition, and grow your hair. Plus, we’ll look at how drinking lemon juice may help with hair growth and scalp health. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

is lemon good for hair

Did you know?

Lemon Juice and Hair Benefits 

Lemon juice is full of vitamin C and other nutrients like citric acid, calcium, and flavonoids. These nutrients may help improve hair health. The potential benefits of lemon juice for hair are described below.  

1. Hair Lightening 

Lemon juice is famous for its natural hair-lightening effect. The citric acid in lemons, along with sunlight, may help make your hair colour lighter. It works better for blonde and light brown hair. But it may not work as well for darker hair. 

2. Glossy Hair 

Lemon juice may also make your hair shine more and smoothen it out.  

3. Reduced Oil and Dandruff 

If your hair is oily, lemon juice may help. The acidity in lemon juice controls the oil on your scalp. It reduces too much oil that causes greasy hair and dandruff. Plus, lemon juice has antifungal properties that may handle dandruff and other scalp problems. 

4. Managing Scalp Conditions 

Lemon juice may help manage scalp conditions in the following ways.  

5. Scalp Itchiness, Dryness, and Flaking 

By applying lemon juice to your scalp, you may balance the pH level. This action may help lessen itching, dryness, and flaking. Just remember to use it in moderation or else it could dry out your scalp instead. 

6. Seborrheic Dermatitis 

Lemon juice is said to have antifungal properties. They are proposed to manage seborrheic dermatitis, the cause of dandruff. Lemon juice may also control oil on your scalp, helping with the dandruff issue. 

Before incorporating lemon juice into your haircare routine always discuss with your dermatologist first. 

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Lemon Juice and Hair Risks 

Even though lemon juice has many potential benefits, it also carries risks. It can damage your hair and skin if used improperly. In this section,  we will go through the possible dangers and ways to use lemon juice safely. 

Side Effects of Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice can have side effects described below.  

1. Skin Irritation 

Lemon juice may irritate your skin. Its natural acidity might cause redness, itching, and discomfort. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin or scalp conditions like eczema or psoriasis. 

2. Contact Reactions 

Some people can get contact reactions like phytophotodermatitis. This happens when lemon juice touches their skin. It leads to inflammation, blisters, and spots that last for weeks. Be careful if you’re prone to reactions with citrus fruits or other plants. 

3. Dryness and Brittleness 

As we discussed, using lemon juice repeatedly on your hair can harm the cuticle, as the acid in the lemon can weaken the cuticle. This can lead to dry and brittle hair. To avoid this, use lemon juice carefully and take care of your hair after using it. 

From my experience, I suggest mixing around 3ml to 4ml of lemon juice diluted and made to 10ml of solution with water. This much quantity is sufficient to inhibit the growth of Malassezia furfur, which causes hair and scalp infections.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Best Practices for Lemon Juice Application 

Here are some guidelines on how to use lemon juice on hair.  

1. Patch Test 

Before you put lemon juice on your hair, do a patch test. Apply some on a hidden spot on your skin (like the inside of your elbow) to see if there’s a reaction. 

2. Diluting Lemon Juice 

Always mix lemon juice with water or other liquids before putting it on your hair or scalp. Pure lemon juice is too acidic and can harm your hair and skin. 

3. Avoiding Overexposure 

Don’t stay in the sun for too long after putting lemon juice on your hair. The sun can damage your hair’s cuticle. 

4. Aftercare  

After using lemon juice on your hair, rinse it out well. Follow with a moisturizing conditioner or hair mask. Doing deep conditioning regularly may help repair any damage from the lemon juice. 

How To Use Lemon Juice For Hair Health 

There are many ways in which you can use lemon juice on your hair at home. You can lighten your hair, condition it, or promote hair growth. Let’s look at how to do each one. 

1. Hair Lightening with Lemon Juice 

If you want to lighten your hair, lemon juice is a good choice. Here’s how to do it and what to watch out for. 

  • Instructions 
  1. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a spray bottle. Add an equal amount of water. 
  1. Spray the mix on your hair. Focus more on the parts you want to lighten. 
  1. Stay in the sun for 1-2 hours. This steps up the natural bleaching effect of the lemon juice. 
  1. Rinse your hair well and follow with a moisturizing conditioner. 
  • Precautions 
  • Do a patch test even if you’ve used lemon juice before. 
  • Avoid getting the lemon juice mixed in your eyes. It can hurt or blind you for a short time. 
  • Limit your time in the sun to avoid damaging and drying your hair. 

2. Hair Conditioning with Lemon Juice 

If you want silkier, shinier hair, lemon juice may help. Here are two ways to add it to your hair care routine. 

  • Lemon Hair Rinse 
  1. Mix one part lemon juice with two parts water in a container. 
  1. After shampooing and conditioning, rinse your hair with the lemon mix. 
  1. Let the mix stay in your hair to enhance its shine. 
  • Lemon-Infused Shampoo 
  1. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your favourite shampoo. Mix until the oil is spread evenly. 
  1. Shampoo your hair as usual. Massage the lemon-infused shampoo into your hair and scalp. 
  1. Rinse your hair well and use your regular conditioner. 

3. Lemon Juice Mixtures for Hair Growth 

If you want to grow your hair, you may try these simple mixtures at home. 

  • Lemon Juice and Coconut Water 

Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon of coconut water. Put it on your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it out with a sulfate-free shampoo. This may balance your hair’s pH and control oiliness. Use it once a week. 

  • Lemon with Castor Oil and Olive Oil 

Combine two tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of castor oil, and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Massage it into your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with  sulfate-free shampoo. Repeat 2-3 times a week. 

  • Lemon Juice and Aloe Vera 

Mix two tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Put it on your hair and scalp. Leave it in for 30 minutes before washing it out with a sulfate-free shampoo. Use it 1-2 times a week to add volume and make your hair easier to manage. 

  • Lemon and Honey Hair Mask 

Blend one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of olive oil, and a few droplets of rosemary essential oil. Apply to your hair for 20 minutes. Rinse with a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Do this once a week to hydrate and soften your hair. 

In my experience I have seen that even though lemon juice can help your hair, it damages the layer of protein at the base of the hair. This is the main reason that makes your hair strands weaker and this can directly mess up the process of your hair growth.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Proper Application of Lemon Juice Hair Health 

To see good results and avoid risks, follow these steps when using lemon juice for hair. 

  1. Do a patch test before starting, especially if your skin is sensitive or you’re allergic to citrus fruits. 
  1. Always dilute lemon juice with water or other liquids to avoid irritation and potential hair damage. 
  1. Manage your sun exposure when using lemon juice on your hair, as too much sun can further damage your hair. 
  1. Rinse lemon juice out of your hair completely and use a moisturizing conditioner or hair mask afterward. 

Consuming Lemon Juice for Hair Health 

There’s not much scientific research on drinking lemon juice for better hair health. But we know that lemons are full of helpful nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and plant compounds with antioxidant properties called flavonoids. These nutrients may aid weight loss, lower heart disease risk, anaemia, reduce kidney stones, and help digestion problems. Given these health benefits, it’s possible that drinking lemon juice could lead to healthier hair and scalp. But more research is needed to prove this. 


Lemon juice may do many potentially beneficial things for your hair. It may lighten your hair, increase its shine, reduce oil and dandruff, and improve your scalp health. However, don’t use too much of it or apply it incorrectly. That can damage your hair, irritate your skin, and cause reactions. 

To make the most out of lemon juice, dilute it, test it on your skin, limit your time in the sun, and care for your hair after using it.  

While there’s no strong evidence that lemon helps hair health, we know that it’s packed with good-for-you nutrients. We also know that eating a healthy diet may help hair growth and scalp health. So, adding lemon to another otherwise healthy balanced diet may help with hair growth.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can I apply lemon directly on my hair? 

It’s best to dilute lemon juice before you apply it. It’s very acidic and can irritate your skin or cause reactions. 

What are the side effects of lemon juice on hair? 

Lemon juice can damage your hair, irritate your skin, cause reactions, and dry out and weaken your hair if used too much or without diluting. 

Is it safe to put lemon in my hair? 

Yes, it’s safe if done right. Dilute the lemon juice, follow the rules for applying it, and watch your sun exposure to avoid damage and dryness. 

Does lemon juice lighten your hair? 

Yes, it can. The natural bleach in lemon juice can make your hair colour lighter. But it works best on blond and light brown hair. It might not work very well on darker hair. 

How often should I use lemon juice for hair treatments? 

That depends on the requirement. For hair lightening, once a week is a good start. For other needs like conditioning, 1-2 times a week might be better. Your hairstylist can give you more advice. Also, before starting it is always advisable to discuss with your dermatologist.  

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