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Benefits of Jumping Jacks: An In-depth Exploration into this Simple Exercise

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Jumping jacks are a simple yet effective full-body exercise. 
  • They have origins in military and athletic training. 
  • There are numerous variations to suit different fitness levels. 
  • Potential benefits of jumping jacks exercise include cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and improved balance. 
  • Can be easily incorporated into different types of workout routines. 
  • Practicing proper form and technique is crucial for safety and effectiveness. 
  • Calories burned and repetition recommendations depend on individual goals. 


Jumping jacks are proven exercises that may boost your health. Whether you’re a veteran athlete or just starting your fitness adventure, jumping jacks may play a key part in enhancing your overall well-being. In this article, we will delve deep into the world of jumping jacks. We will learn their background, the different ways to perform them, and the potential benefits they provide.  Lastly, we will answer some commonly asked questions regarding the topic, 

The Origins of Jumping Jacks 

  • Jumping jacks is an exercise that has been in use for many years during which it was referred to by various names throughout history. So, this age-old exercise brings with it history. Below we will be discussing the history related to jumping jacks. 
  • The exact birth of jumping jacks remains uncertain. However, it is known that they were named after General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, an American officer. He used the exercise as part of his soldiers’ physical training during World War I. 
  • There are other theories too. Some believe the exercise was borrowed from ancient Roman routines or it might have been created independently by different cultures at different times due to its simple and useful nature. 

The role jumping jacks play in military and athletic training 


  • Thanks to the full-body effect and stamina-building feature, jumping jacks have always found a place in the military and athletic training programs. 
  • They also may help in enhancing cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility. Coaches, trainers, and athletes find this appealing. 
  • Today, jumping jacks are a popular part of many physical fitness programs. They can be tweaked to meet the needs of different people, such as children, older adults, or pregnant women. 

Did you know?

benefits of jumping jacks

  1. Jumping jacks are a weight-bearing exercise that can help improve bone density. source: nih.gov
  2. Incorporating jumping jacks into a workout routine can improve coordination and agility. source: acefitness.org
  3. Regularly performing jumping jacks can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. source: cdc.gov
  4. Jumping jacks can be a fun and enjoyable form of exercise for people of all ages. source: kidshealth.org

Different Variations of Jumping Jacks 

Jumping jacks exercise can be changed to meet various fitness levels and goals. These are discussed below.  

1. Basic Jumping Jacks 

If you’re new to exercise or getting back to it, basic jumping jacks are a good start. 

  • Steps to perform basic jumping jacks 
  1. Stand with legs together and arms at the sides. 
  2. Broaden legs to more than shoulder-width while lifting arms overhead. 
  3. Bring back legs together and lower arms to the starting pose. 
  4. Repeat these steps for a set number of cycles or time frames. Ensure smooth and controlled movements. 

2. Squat Jacks 

Squat jacks combine squatting’s toughness with the continuous movement of traditional jumping jacks. 

  • Steps to perform squat jacks 
  1. Stand with feet together and arms at the sides. 
  2. Jump your feet apart beyond  shoulder width. At the same time, lower yourself into a deep squat and lift your arms overhead. 
  3. Push through your heels to jump your feet back together and straighten your legs, lowering your arms. 
  4. Go on swapping between the squat and standing positions at a quick but easy pace. 

3. Rotational Jacks 

Adding a bit of rotation brings in more fun. It also helps improve coordination and works the obliques for a stronger core challenge. 

  • Steps to perform rotational jacks 
  1. Start with your feet together and arms by your side. 
  2. Jump feet apart beyond  shoulder width while lifting arms overhead and rotating the upper body to one side. 
  3. Jump and bring your feet together, lower your arms, and turn your torso back to the initial stance. 
  4. Do the same steps again but rotate your upper body to the other side next time. 
  5. Keep changing sides for a set number of jumps or time period. 

4. Low-Impact Jumping Jacks 

If you prefer a less intense alternative, try modified jumping jacks. They also offer  similar effects. 

Process to perform low-impact jumping jacks 

  1. Stand tall with your feet together and your arms at your sides. 
  2. Move your right foot to the side, lifting both arms overhead at the same time. 
  3. Bring your right foot back to the  middle and lower your arms. 
  4. Do the same step with your left foot moving out, continue changing sides, and keep up a steady rhythm. 

Other Jumping Jack Variations 

Certain small variations can be added to break the monotony these are as follows.

  • Star jumps: Here you land with your legs farther apart, with arms stretched out to your sides. 
  • Cross-over jacks: Your arms cross in front of your chest as your feet move apart. 
  • Single-leg jacks: You only jump one leg out to the side each time and alternate sides.

Although jumping jacks are easy to do, it’s advisable that you the right technique from a trained professional to avoid chances of trauma and injury. 

In my opinion, the human body should be appropriately primed for activity in order to avoid injuries. Joint health is impacted by dynamic stretching, dynamic kicking, and circular motion. Jumping jacks, and running help improve blood flow and heart health. To prepare the body for training and lower the chance of injury, all of these elements are required.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Potential Benefits of Jumping Jacks 

Given their range of movements and adaptability, they are proposed to have certain health benefits which are discussed below.  

1. Full-Body Exercise 

Jumping jacks involve many muscle groups. They offer a full-body workout.  So, they are a smart pick for a more rounded exercise routine. 

The muscles focused on by jumping jacks  are as follows.  

  • Deltoids (shoulders) 
  • Abdominals (core) 
  • Hip flexors and glutes (lower body) 
  • Quadriceps and hamstrings (thighs) 
  • Calves (lower legs) 

2. Cardiovascular Fitness 

By raising your heart rate and increasing oxygen use, jumping jacks may help better your heart’s efficiency and overall aerobic ability. 

How jumping jacks exercise benefit the heart and circulatory system is as follows.  

  • It boosts heart rate to better cardiovascular fitness. 
  • It raises blood flow to ensure oxygen and nutrients reach muscles efficiently. 
  • Strengthen the heart by allowing stronger blood pumps with each beat. 

3. Building Muscle Strength and Power 

Jumping jacks benefits mainly on leg muscles, with some work on the upper body and core. By regularly exercising these muscle groups, jumping jacks may aid in developing strength and power in these areas. 

How jumping jacks help make key muscles stronger is as follows.  

  • Focus on large muscle groups like the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. 
  • Engage smaller supportive muscles for better balance and coordination. 
  • Encourage muscle growth and definition through regular, progressive load. 

4. Making Bones Stronger 

Weight-bearing exercises like jumping jacks may provide huge benefits for bone health, particularly as we get older. 

The benefits of jumping jacks for bone health are as follows.  

  • It  promotes the creation of new bone tissue by applying mechanical stress to the bones. 
  • Better bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. 
  • Support joint health by helping maintain cartilage and connective tissue. 

5. Balance and Coordination 

Jumping jacks are a dynamic exercise that requires a mix of balance, spatial awareness, and multiple muscle groups to work together. They’re an excellent pick if you want to improve your motor skills and complete coordination. 

How jumping jacks improve balance and coordination skills are as follows.  

  • It needs the activation of multiple muscle groups at once. 
  • It  improves body awareness and spatial cognition. 
  • It  fosters the growth of proprioception, or the ability to sense the position and movement of one’s body parts. 

6. Enhancing Athletic Performance 

Whether you’re a seasoned sportsperson or a weekend fitness enthusiast, jumping jacks may contribute to improvements in functional athletic performance. 

How jumping jacks enhance sports performance is as follows.  

  • It develops power and quickness by focusing on fast-twitch muscle fibers. 
  • It improves agility and multi-directional movement abilities. 
  • It supports overall cardiovascular fitness and stamina for sustained athletic activities. 

7. Convenience and Flexibility 

You don’t need special gear or a gym to do jumping jacks. They can be done almost anywhere, making them an accessible option for people with busy lives or limited resources. 

Why jumping jacks are ideal for a range of settings and fitness levels?  

  • It requires very little space to perform. 
  • It can be done using your own body weight or you can add additional resistance. 
  • It has scalable intensity levels to match everyone from beginners to advanced exercisers.

Jumping jacks may help the lungs. Researchers have found that regularly performing them may gradually teach your lungs to expand, allowing you to breathe in more oxygen and raising your threshold for physical exertion. I strongly recommend you indulge yourself in the regular practice of a few jumping jacks to kick-start your day.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Including Jumping Jacks in Your Exercise Routine 

Thanks to their versatility and results, jumping jacks can be added to various types of workouts to meet your personal likes and goals. 

1. Using Jumping Jacks as a Warm-Up Exercise 

Jumping jacks make an ideal warm-up activity. They ready your muscles and bones for a more intense workout. 

How to make the best use of jumping jacks to prepare your body for exercise?  

  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 to 30 repeats, focusing on smooth and easy movements all through. 
  • Swap between classic jumping jacks and modified versions like seal jacks or squat jacks to target different parts. 
  • Mix with other dynamic stretches and mobility exercises for a full warm-up routine. 

2. Adding Jumping Jacks in High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workouts 

For those seeking a more active workout experience, jumping jacks can be easily added to HIIT circuits. 

Suggestions for adding jumping jacks in HIIT cycles are as follows.  

  • Pair jumping jacks with other cardio-driven exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, or double unders. 
  • Use jumping jacks as a ‘station’ of active recovery between more challenging sets. 
  • Try timed parts, finishing as many jumping jacks as you can in a set period. This helps burn more calories and promotes cardiovascular gains. 

3. Creating an Entire Workout Around Jumping Jacks 

If you really love jumping jacks, consider designing a workout focused entirely around this versatile movement. 

Ideas for creating a workout centered on jumping jack types are as follows.  

  • Mix several different jumping jack kinds, like basic, squat, rotational, and low-impact ones. 
  • Build the workout with similar types grouped together, each separated by short rest times or active breaks. 
  • Aim for 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 repeats per exercise. Adjust the volume and intensity to match your fitness level. 

Safety Measures and Careful Steps 

Safety is always important. Keep safety measures and the right form in mind when adding jumping jacks to your exercise routine. 

1. Correct Form and Technique 

Doing jumping jacks with the right form is key to maximizing their potential benefits and reduce the risk of injury. 

Crucial factors to think about when doing jumping jacks are as follows.  

  • Land softly on the balls of your feet and keep a slight bend in the knees to absorb impact. 
  • Keep your shoulders loose and your arms close to your body during the motion. 
  • Use your core and keep the right alignment of your hips, knees, and ankles. 

2. Adjusting Jumping Jacks for Different Fitness Levels 

For individuals who may need a less tiring or harder jumping jack workout, changes can be used to meet various needs. 

How to modify jumping jacks for beginners and advanced exercisers?  

  • For those with joint issues or limited mobility, replace high-impact jumping jacks with low-impact step jacks. 
  • Increase the intensity by adding squat jumps, rotational elements, or extra resistance such as hand weights or a weighted vest. 

3. Jumping Jacks and Pregnancy 

Although pregnant people should generally avoid high-impact exercises like jumping jacks, modifications may allow for their inclusion with proper care and medical advice. Always incorporate only after approval by your gynecologist.  

Careful steps and changes for pregnant individuals that can be taken are as follows.  

  • Consult your healthcare provider about the suitability of jumping jacks during  pregnancy and follow their advice closely. 
  • Consider replacing classic jumping jacks with lower-impact ones like step jacks or more pregnancy-friendly exercises. 

Possible Risks and Injuries 

While jumping jacks are generally a safe and effective exercise, it’s important to know about possible risks and injuries that may come up from the wrong form or overuse. 

What to be careful with when doing jumping jacks regularly?  

  • Wrong landing methods can cause joint stress and possible injury, mainly in the knees and ankles. 
  • Doing too much or not resting enough can result in muscle strains or other related injuries to the muscles. 

Calories Burned and Number of Jumping Jacks Recommended 

Lastly, how many calories you burn during a jumping jacks workout and how many times you should do them depends on your personal fitness objectives and current ability levels. 

Guessing Calories Used up During Jumping Jacks 

The calories you burn while doing jumping jacks will change based on factors like body weight, exercise time, and intensity. 

A way to compute calories used up is as follows.  

  • A person weighing 150 pounds roughly burns about 19 calories by doing jumping jacks for about 2 minutes (100 repeats). 
  • Completing 10 minutes of jumping jacks through a day could possibly burn up to 94 calories. 

Suggested Repetitions and Sets 

The best number of sets and repetitions of jumping jacks to use in your workout routine depends on your fitness level, goals, and overall exercise plan. 

General tips for adding jumping jacks into your routine: 

  • Beginners can start with 1 to 2 sets of 10 or more repetitions. 
  • Intermediate and advanced exercisers can aim for 3 to 4 sets with increased  repetitions and intensity. 
  • Play around with different jumping jack types and progressions to ensure continuous challenge and growth. 


As we’ve seen, jumping jacks are a simple yet powerful exercise that can hugely add to a well-rounded fitness routine. From cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength to balance and coordination, adding jumping jacks into your workouts may offer a multitude of rewards for everyone at all stages of their fitness journey. 

So, embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of this classic full-body movement. Explore the various kinds available and make sure you do them correctly. Whether as part of a warm-up, a high-intensity session, or a whole workout, jumping jacks give a versatile and easy way to promote health and physical prowess. Also, in pregnancy always discuss with your doctor before including it.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I lose weight by doing jumping jacks every day?

Yes, you can. Regularly performed jumping jacks, as part of a comprehensive exercise routine accompanied by a balanced diet, may help lose weight.  

How many jumping jacks should I do per day to burn calories? 

Depends on many things.  Your current fitness level, aims, and overall activity plan. Beginners can start with 1 to 2 sets of 10 or more repeats, while experienced exercisers may go for 3 to 4 sets with increased reps and intensity levels. 

Are jumping jacks safe for people with knee or back problems? 

It would be best to consult a healthcare provider if you have joint issues, like knee or back problems, before beginning jumping jacks or any other workout routine. You might consider low-impact alternatives such as step jacks, after talking to your medical professional. 

Can I do jumping jacks while pregnant? 

Pregnant individuals should generally avoid high-impact exercises like jumping jacks. Some changes may allow their inclusion with proper care and medical guidance. Make sure to discuss to your healthcare provider for personalized advice. 

Is it better to do jumping jacks fast or slow? 

The best tempo depends on your personal fitness level, goals, and overall activity plan. Beginners might find it beneficial to focus on getting the form right at a slower pace. If you’re more experienced you can try out increased speed and intensity levels, to challenge your cardiovascular fitness. 

Are jumping jacks good for you?

Jumping jacks are beneficial for overall health, catering to both seasoned athletes and beginners. They enhance cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and can be a valuable addition to any workout routine.

What muscles do jumping jacks work?

Jumping jacks primarily target several major muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and shoulders.  And can contribute to reducing overall body fat, including in areas such as the arms, back, and face, through calorie burning and overall body toning. 

What do jumping jacks do?

Jumping jacks are a dynamic exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular fitness and agility. They improve coordination and stamina while burning calories, making them an effective component of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Is jumping jack a HIIT exercise?

While jumping jacks can be included in a HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout, they’re not exclusively categorized as such. They can effectively contribute to the high-intensity intervals within a HIIT regimen, enhancing cardiovascular endurance and calorie burning

Is jumping jacks good for heart?

Yes, jumping jacks are beneficial for heart health. They elevate heart rate, improving cardiovascular endurance and circulation, which can contribute to a healthier heart over time.

Is jumping jack aerobic or anaerobic?

Jumping jacks are primarily an aerobic exercise, as they involve continuous movement and engage large muscle groups, requiring oxygen for sustained energy production. However, they can also have anaerobic elements, especially when performed at a high intensity or as part of interval training.

Are jumping jacks good for legs?

Jumping jacks are beneficial for leg muscles as they engage various lower body muscles, including quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Incorporating jumping jacks into a workout routine can help strengthen and tone the legs over time.

Are jumping jacks as good as running?

Jumping jacks offer a different set of benefits compared to running. While both are effective cardiovascular exercises, jumping jacks primarily engage the muscles of the legs, arms, and core, whereas running primarily targets lower body muscles. Both can be valuable components of a well-rounded fitness routine, offering unique advantages depending on individual goals and preferences.

Are jumping jacks good for diastasis recti?

Jumping jacks may not be suitable for individuals with diastasis recti, as they can exacerbate abdominal separation. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist for personalized exercises that are safe and effective for managing diastasis recti.

Does jumping jacks increase height?

Jumping jacks alone cannot significantly increase height, as height is primarily determined by genetics and bone growth factors. However, regular exercise like jumping jacks can improve overall posture and strengthen muscles, contributing to a more upright appearance, which may give the impression of being taller.

Does jumping jacks reduce buttocks?

Jumping jacks can help tone muscles and burn calories, which might lead to some reduction in buttock size when combined with a healthy diet and other exercises. However, doing jumping jacks alone won’t specifically target buttock fat.

Does jumping jacks reduce breast size?

Jumping jacks can contribute to overall calorie burning and muscle toning, which might lead to some reduction in body fat, including in the breast area, when combined with a balanced diet and exercise regimen. However, spot reduction of fat in specific areas, such as the breasts, is not guaranteed through jumping jacks alone.

Does jumping jacks increase stamina?

Yes, jumping jacks can increase stamina as they are a cardiovascular exercise that improves heart and lung function over time. Incorporating jumping jacks into a regular exercise routine can enhance endurance and overall physical stamina.

Can I do jumping jacks during periods?

Yes, you can do jumping jacks during periods if you feel comfortable doing so. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust the intensity or opt for alternative exercises if you experience discomfort.

Are jumping jacks good for kids?

Yes, jumping jacks can be a fun and beneficial exercise for kids, helping to improve coordination, cardiovascular health, and overall fitness levels. However, it’s essential to ensure proper supervision and appropriate instruction to prevent injuries.



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