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Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom: A Research-Supported Health Exploration

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Introduction to the history and identification of turkey tail mushroom. 
  • Nutritional profile comprises of antioxidants, polysaccharides, fatty acids, and minerals. 
  • Potential immune system boosting benefits with particular emphasis on cancer patients. 
  • Potential for cancer therapeutics in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy. 
  • Additional potential health benefits include combating HPV, supporting heart health, and improving athletic performance. 
  • Risk factors, side effects, and potential interactions with medications. 
  • Guidelines for using turkey tail mushroom supplements and incorporating them into your diet. 

Introduction to Turkey Tail Mushroom 

History and Traditional Uses 

Turkey tail mushrooms have been used for centuries as a traditional medicine. People everywhere have been using these healing fungi to manage health issues. In China, they call it “Yun Zhi.” It’s well-known for helping with breathing problems. In Japan, it’s known as “Kawaratake.” Here, its role in boosting the immune system is well-regarded. 

Identifying the Turkey Tail Mushroom 

This mushroom resembles a well-spread show of a turkey’s tail feathers. These mushrooms have colors like brown, tan, and gray. You can find these mushrooms on fallen logs and tree trunks in many wooded areas throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. When you are out looking for these mushrooms, always make sure they are turkey tail. Some other types of fungi can look similar. 

Researchers have found that Turkey tail may improve endurance and combat fatigue to improve sports performance. Turkey tail extract was found to improve strength and endurance in a study that used mice. Additionally, the extract decreased the physical exhaustion and their blood sugar levels both before and after activity. I recommend you to consult your doctor before consuming excess of Turkey tail mushroom for these benefits.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Nutritional Profile of Turkey Tail Mushroom 

1. Antioxidants 

Turkey tail mushrooms are packed with antioxidants. These are powerful substances that battle free radicals and oxidative stress. Thus, they may be able to reduce inflammation and support immunity in the body. Phenols and flavonoids, along with other important ones known as quercetin and baicalein are the main antioxidants present in turkey tail mushrooms. 

2. Polysaccharides 

Turkey tail mushrooms also offer polysaccharides, a type of carbohydrate bound to proteins. These include Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK), Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP), and others that are proposed to play  an important role in supporting immunity in the body. They are potentially able to do this by controlling certain types of immune cells and keeping inflammation down. 

3. Essential Fatty Acids 

Our bodies can’t make essential fatty acids that’s why we need to get them from the food we eat, and turkey tail mushrooms are a great source. 

4. Minerals 

These mushrooms are also a powerhouse of needed minerals for healthy body functions. They contain important nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. 

Studies have shown that Turkey tail mushroom has the potential to enhance gut health by encouraging the development of good bacteria that aid digestion. Gut microbiota balance and health are associated with better immune function, fewer gastrointestinal illnesses and diseases, and better digestive health. Occasionally enjoying meals containing Turkey tail mushroom should be typically safe.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Potential immunity supporting Benefits 

1. Antioxidant Properties 

Turkey tail mushrooms are possibly crucial for immunity due to their load of phenol and flavonoid antioxidants. These may aid the immune system by lessening inflammation and prompting the release of protective compounds. What’s more, studies indicate that a specific antioxidant called quercetin may spike the making of proteins that protect immunity while keeping pro-inflammatory enzymes from releasing. 

2. Immunomodulatory Polysaccharopeptides 

  • Polysaccharide-K (PSK) 

It’s a vital polysaccharopeptide found in turkey tail mushrooms. It has immunity supporting  properties that may help combat infections and disease. 

  • Polysaccharide-PZ (PSP) 

This is another useful polysaccharopeptide found in turkey tail mushrooms. Studies show that PSP may support our body’s defense system by increasing monocytes, a type of white blood cell.  

3. Strengthening Immunity in Cancer Patients 

  • Breast Cancer 

Interesting stuff from recent research suggests the use of turkey tail mushroom extracts may support immunity and outcomes among breast cancer patients. These extracts have been used along with standard cancer  therapy. In one study, they saw an increase in lymphocyte production in women with breast cancer when given these extracts and radiation therapy. 

  • Colon Cancer 

Turkey tail mushroom extracts seem to have anti-cancer properties too. They may slow down the growth and spread of human colon cancer cells. This quality might be linked to their immune-boosting impact, resulting in better outcomes for people with cancer. 

4. Enhancing Gut Health 

  • Support for Healthy Gut Bacteria 

Turkey tail mushroom extracts also possess properties supporting gut health.  This is key for overall good health and strong immunity. Research has shown that using turkey tail extracts may influence the balance of bacteria in your gut in a good way. It increases the number of beneficial bacteria and reduces harmful ones. 

  • Potential Impact on Obesity 

Some initial research shows turkey tail mushroom compounds like protein-bound beta-glucans might aid in avoiding obesity. The research found that mice that were given  turkey tail extract had less risk of obesity. This was due to improvements in their gut bacteria balance. 

More research studies are needed to corroborate all the above-mentioned health properties of turkey tail mushroom.  

5. Cancer Therapeutics Potential 

  • Role in Radiation and Chemotherapy 

Many research studies suggest that turkey tail mushroom extract may be added to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. By giving an extra push to the immune system during these intense therapies, the mushroom extracts could contribute to better patient results, survival rates, and improve their quality of life. 

  • Improved Management Efficacy 

6. Reducing Side Effects 

Turkey tail mushroom extracts given along with cancer therapy may help manage side effects associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients. These include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. 

7. Enhancing Patients’ Quality of Life 

Turkey tail mushroom extracts may also enhance the overall quality of life for patients going through cancer treatment. Research looking at the use of these mushroom extracts alongside cancer treatments saw a clear trend towards an uptick in patient satisfaction, overall health, and well-being. 

Other Potential Health Benefits 

1. Combating Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 

Turkey tail mushroom extracts have shown potential in fighting human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a common sexually transmitted infection. Studies show that using a gel with turkey tail mushroom extracts might help clearing oral HPV  quickly. Combining turkey tail mushroom extracts with reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) extracts may also be effective in managing HPV infection. 

2. Supporting Heart Health 

They have properties that may support heart health by lessening inflammation and lowering cholesterol levels. Plus, they improve blood flow too. Studies suggest that these mushrooms are supposed to have the power to raise good HDL cholesterol levels while lowering bad LDL. This reduces the risk of heart issues. 

3. Potential for Athletic Performance 

Some early research indicates that turkey tail mushrooms may be good for athletic performance. According to mice studies, turkey tail extract boosted exercise endurance, cuts down on fatigue signals, and managed blood sugar levels during rest and after exercising. 

Although studies have shown beneficial health properties in turkey trail mushroom, more large-scale human research is needed to confirm these findings.  

Risks and Side Effects Associated with Turkey Tail Mushroom 

Safety and Precautions 

Generally, turkey tail mushroom is safe to eat but causes few side effects. Yet, if you’re allergic to mushrooms or mold, it’s best to skip them. Also, if you’re about to have a baby or are breastfeeding, it’s better to get advice from your healthcare providers before trying turkey tail mushrooms or supplements. 

Common Side Effects 

The potential side effects that might come up if you eat turkey tail mushrooms or supplements are as follows.  

  • Bloating and gas  
  • Burning sensation in the chest (heartburn) 
  • Diarrhea episodes  
  •  Nausea/vomiting episodes  
  • Darkening of stools 
  • Fingernail discolouration 

Possible Interactions with Other Medications 

Even though turkey tail mushrooms are quite beneficial, you should always take caution with possible interactions with medications you’re using. These are described below.

  • Diabetes medicines: Turkey tail may bring down blood sugar levels, which might cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) when used with diabetes medications. 
  • Anticancer Drugs: Some compounds in turkey tail mushrooms may change how certain anticancer drugs get processed and purged from the body. This could tweak their efficiency and side effects. 

Before you add turkey tail mushrooms or supplements to your day-to-day routine, always consult with your healthcare provider. 

Using Turkey Tail Mushroom Supplements and Extracts 

Extracts and Powders 

You can eat whole, dried mushrooms or use the more concentrated extracts and powders. These potent forms provide a strong dose of the mushroom’s helpful compounds and are simply easier to add to your daily routine. 

Dosage Recommendations 

Without firm guidelines, most makers suggest starting with 1-3 grams each day. Just make sure to follow the dosage instructions on the product and talk to a healthcare professional before starting. 

Assessing Quality and Authenticity 

Make sure the product is from organic, 100% fruiting bodies. These hold the most beneficial compounds. Also, check if the product has been third-party tested by a reliable organization like the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) or ConsumerLab. 

Incorporating Turkey Tail Mushroom into Your Diet 

Cooking and Preparation Ideas 

Just slice up the dried mushrooms and throw them into soups, stews, stir-fry dishes, or casseroles. Even turkey tail mushroom powder can be mixed into smoothies, sauces, and other recipes for a nutrient lift. 


Here,  are two simple recipes described below.  

1. Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea: 

  • Chop dried turkey tail mushrooms and let them steep in boiling water for 10 minutes. 
  • Strain the drink and enjoy it as it is or with honey and lemon for flavour. 

2. Turkey Tail Mushroom Soup: 

  • In olive oil, sauté onion, garlic, and chopped dried turkey tail mushrooms until softened. 
  • Add vegetable stock, your pick of chopped veggies, and seasonings, then let it simmer until tender. 
  • Use an immersion blender to mix the soup until you get the thickness you want. 

Also Read: Benefits of Mushroom Coffee: A Complete Research-Based Guide


Turkey tail mushrooms are nature’s gift. They are supposed to be health boosters that have been used for centuries for different conditions. Packed with antioxidants, polysaccharides, and fatty acids, these mushrooms may support immunity, aid gut health, and even play a role in cancer. The options are endless to include turkey tail mushrooms in your diet, making the benefits of these mushrooms easy to access. Also always consult with your healthcare provider before adding turkey tail mushrooms into your day-to-day routine. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is turkey tail mushroom safe to eat? 

Turkey tail mushroom is often safe for most people. But if you’re allergic to mushrooms or moldy items, let it pass. Always ask your healthcare provider before eating turkey tail mushroom or using its supplements if you’re expecting, nursing, or have an ongoing health issue.

How can I tell if a mushroom is a real turkey tail? 

A real turkey tail mushroom is fan-shaped and has varying coloured bands like the tail of a turkey. Colours seen include tan, brown, and gray. Be extra sure it’s not another type of fungus that looks similar.

What’s the suggested dose for turkey tail extract? 

Most makers suggest starting with a daily dose of 1-3 grams of turkey tail extract. But it’s always best to  consult your healthcare provider for custom dosage advice fit for your needs and health status. 

Can I use turkey tail mushroom along with my regular medicines? 

Before you start using turkey tail mushrooms or supplements, always first discuss it with your healthcare provider. This is because there might be likely interactions with specific drugs, especially diabetes and anticancer medications. 


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