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What is the Cause of Nipple Pain? Understanding and Managing Discomfort

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Nipple pain can stem from a variety of factors such as friction, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even medical conditions like eczema, infections, or cancer. 
  • Recognizing the triggers and understanding potential causes may help you address discomfort more effectively. 
  • Promptly consult with your healthcare provider if you experience persistent pain, infection signs, or unusual breast appearance changes. 
  • Proper observation, self-examination, and monitoring over time may help pinpoint your specific cause of nipple pain. 
  •  A range of options are available for managing the condition, which includes over-the-counter medications, topical creams, home remedies, and professional medical intervention. Always, consult with the health care professional before starting any kind of management methods. 


Nipple pain is a common issue that many women deal with. This discomfort isn’t only limited to women who are pregnant, on their period, or breastfeeding. You see, anyone can experience it. In this easy-to-understand guide, we’ll talk about the key reasons for nipple pain. We will shed light on how it’s diagnosed and the options available for easing your discomfort. With a better understanding and the correct care, managing nipple pain becomes a lot easier. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the major causes, such as friction, monthly periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding issues, and even skin conditions like eczema. In addition, we will walk you through how you may diagnose and manage the uncomfortable sensation. Plus, how to possibly avoid it in the first place. Also, in the FAQ section, we’ll answer some popular queries regarding this issue.  

In my experience, breast alterations are among the many physical changes that are brought on by pregnancy. Because of the sudden surge in hormones, sore nipples and breast discomfort might be an early indicator of pregnancy.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Did you know?

  • Nipple pain and fissures are common reasons for early discontinuation of breastfeeding. source: ncbi 
  • Menthol and warm water compress are effective treatments for preventing and treating nipple pain and fissures. source: ncbi 
  • Teaching correct breastfeeding methods is an effective treatment for nipple pain and fissures. source: ncbi 
  • Herbal medicines such as Aloe vera and Portulaca oleracea can be beneficial for preventing and treating nipple pain and fissures. source: ncbi 

Causes of Nipple Pain 

Let’s look at the most common reasons why people have nipple pain. 

1. Friction 

Friction is a major cause of nipple pain. It may be occurring due to rough clothes rubbing against your sensitive skin or any activities you do. 

2. Ill-fitting clothes 

Wearing tight clothes or those made from irritating fabrics can cause discomfort. To possibly reduce this, choose clothes that are soft and made from skin-friendly fabrics like cotton, satin, linen, etc. 

3. Exercise and sports 

Physical activities like running,  swimming, or cycling may lead to nipple discomfort. It may happen when your clothing isn’t aligned with your workout routine. If you take care to wear the right exercise attire, it may help lessen this friction-based annoyance. 

4. Periods 

The hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly period may cause tender breasts, including nipple pain. 

5. Hormonal level fluctuations 

Your estrogen and progesterone levels climb just before your period. This leads to fluid holding and breast swelling that results in discomfort. These symptoms usually fade away as your period starts. 

6. Pregnancy 

Pregnancy triggers several bodily changes. Among these are changes related to breasts and nipples that may induce discomfort. 

7. Early pregnancy symptoms 

Early pregnancy often comes with fuller and more sensitive breasts. Darkened and tender nipples are common too. These changes are due to major hormone shifts that support the growing baby. 

8. Breast growth and changes 

As the pregnancy progresses, changes in the breasts continue. This may lead to lasting nipple pain. Using well-fitted bras may help reduce discomfort throughout your pregnancy. 

9. Eczema or dermatitis 

Certain medical conditions like eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, may lead to nipple pain. Symptoms often include itching and irritation. 

10. Symptoms and triggers 

Eczema symptoms on nipples include dry, flaky, and itchy skin patches. By spotting and steering clear of triggers like harsh soaps or detergents, you may possibly lessen the nipple discomfort. 

11. Infection 

Infections in the breast or nearby tissue may cause pain and discomfort, piping right down to the nipples. 

12. Bacteria or fungi infection 

Yeast infections often target nipples, resulting in redness, swelling, and pain.  

13. Nipple piercing complications 

Nipple piercings increase your risk of bacterial or fungal infections. Bad piercing techniques or poor aftercare may result in infection. In this scenario, it is necessary to consult your healthcare provider immediately. 

14. Breast cancer 

Though not as common, nipple pain can be a warning sign of severe health conditions such as breast cancer. 

  • Warning signs and symptoms 

Look out for any nipple leakage, changes in breast look or feel, unusual lumps, or persistent pain even after self-care. Seeking advice from your healthcare provider is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. 

  • Paget’s disease of the nipple 

This rare cancer type targets the nipple and often teams up with tumors in the same breast. This can give rise to itching, tingling, and at times, nipple pain. 

15. Breastfeeding issues 

Breastfeeding may trigger nipple pain due to strong suction, improper latching, or other related factors. 

  • Improper latch 

A proper latch is key when breastfeeding. It may help you steer clear of nipple discomfort. If you need help, a lactation consultant may guide you on the correct method. 

  • Mastitis 

Mastitis is an infection that affects the breast tissue, leading to nipple pain as well as redness, warmth, and swelling. A quick antibiotic course from a healthcare provider may remedy this issue. 

  • Thrush in the baby’s mouth 

If your baby has oral thrush or a fungal infection in the mouth, it can lead to painful breastfeeding episodes. Here both mother and baby may need treatment help to manage the situation. 

Let’s simplify the causes with this helpful table: 

Cause of Nipple Pain Details/Contributing Factors 
Friction Ill-fitting clothes, exercise, and sports 
Menstrual periods Hormonal level fluctuations 
Pregnancy Breast growth, and changes 
Eczema or dermatitis  Triggers causing skin irritation, itching, dryness 
Infection Bacterial or fungal infections, nipple piercing complications 
Breast cancer Warning signs like leaking nipples, lumps, and persistent pain , Paget’s disease of the nipple 
Breastfeeding Improper latching, mastitis, and thrush in the baby’s mouth are some of the main issues  

Because of the hormonal changes that take place during your menstrual cycle, ovulation might result in sore nipples. On the other hand, nipple pain is more frequently felt in the days preceding menstruation. So there’s nothing to panic, or if it still persists for a longer period of time, consult your doctor.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Diagnosis and Management  

Let’s identify the real cause of nipple pain and the available options to possibly soothe the discomfort. 

1. Proper observation and self-examination 

Keeping an eye on your symptoms may guide you towards what’s causing your nipple discomfort. 

2. Identifying possible triggers 

Knowing the factors such as hormonal swings or exercise may help you identify what is leading to the pain. 

3. Monitoring changes over time 

Watch for changes in the way your breasts look, the pattern of your pain, or signs of infection. This will enable swift medical help when needed. 

When to see a doctor 

Are you dealing with consistent or worsening nipple pain? Have you noticed any suspicious symptoms? Then it’s time to seek medical advice. 

1. Persistent or worsening pain 

If your pain persists or worsens, despite self-care measures, it’s best to involve your healthcare provider. 

2. Suspected infection 

If you suspect an infection due to signs like tenderness, skin warmth, or redness, please reach out to your healthcare provider promptly. 

3. Alarming changes in breast appearance 

If there are strange changes in your breast look, texture, discharge from nipples, or the presence of lumps, then it’s immediate medical attention time. 

Pain or discomfort in the breasts is frequent in women. Usually harmless, it doesn’t lead to any issues. The majority of the time, it may resolve on its own or is treatable with over-the-counter pain relief medicines. If you experience discharge from your nipples or breast lumps in addition to nipple pain, I recommend you contact your healthcare professional.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

Potential management options 

A range of options may help deal with nipple pain. What you may need depends on the exact cause. 

1. Over-the-counter medications 

Over-the-counter meds like painkillers may help manage discomfort arising from various factors. This just deals with the issue symptomatically; it is not a cure. Even while taking these drugs, it is always advisable to consult your healthcare professional first. 

2. Topical creams and ointments 

For skin-related issues or yeast infections, your healthcare provider may suggest using anti-inflammatory or antifungal creams. 

3. Home remedies 

At-home remedies, such as warm or cold compresses, supportive bras, and avoiding harsh products, may provide relief from nipple pain. 

4. Professional medical intervention 

In more severe cases, antibiotics, antifungal medications, or possibly even surgery may be necessary. These are undertaken only under the guidance of your healthcare professional. 

Also Read: What is a Hymen? Exploring its Biological Function and Common Misunderstandings

Here’s a convenient table summarizing management options: 

Method of  management Applicable Causes 
Over-the-counter medications Friction, menstrual periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding 
Topical creams and ointments Eczema/ dermatitis, infection 
Home remedies Friction, hormonal fluctuations, breastfeeding 
Professional medical intervention Infections, breast cancer, breastfeeding issues 

Tips to avoid nipple pain 

Here are some ways to steer clear of nipple pain in the first place and manage it if it does occur. 

1. Minimizing friction 

Adopting certain steps may help you sidestep friction-based nipple discomfort. 

  • Well-fitted clothes 

Go for clothes that fit just right, not too tight or too loose, to cut down on nipple friction. 

  • Use of nipple protectors 

Think about using nipple guards or rash protectors during physical activities. They may shield your skin from the rub and irritation. 

2. Proper hygiene and skincare 

Regular personal cleanliness and skincare may help to avert several potential causes of nipple discomfort. 

  • Regular washing 

Wash your breasts and nipples gently every day using mild soap. Rinse well to avoid leftover soap that may irritate the skin. 

  • Moisturizing 

Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic lotion or cream on your skin to keep it moist and pliant. This may help avert skin-related nipple pain. 

3. Managing hormonal fluctuations 

Dealing with hormone-related nipple discomfort effectively may help you better manage the pain. 

  • Birth control options 

Talk to your healthcare provider about birth control choices. These may help manage hormonal swings that might affect nipple pain. 

  • Natural remedies 

Certain herbs and therapies could aid in hormone balancing. However, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting anything new.  

Here’s an easy table for reference: 

Tips to avoid nipple pain Key Recommendations 
Minimizing friction Wear well-fitted clothes, use nipple protectors 
Hygiene and skincare Regular washing, moisturizing 
Hormonal fluctuations Birth control options, natural remedies (consult with a healthcare provider) 


Having clarity about the causes of nipple pain, from simple friction to serious health conditions, is key to dealing with your discomfort efficiently. Through recognizing triggers, tracking changes, and applying measures to reduce them, managing your discomfort is possible. Always remember when you have persistent or worsening pain, or you see worrying changes in your breast appearance, ask for medical advice. With the right steps and advice from your healthcare provider, you may beat nipple pain and maintain better overall breast health. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What could cause sudden nipple pain? 

Sudden nipple pain may arise from intense workouts, ill-fitted clothing, or hormonal swings related to periods or pregnancy. 

Why do my nipples hurt when touched, even when not pregnant or on my period? 

Reasons might include sensitivity to friction or touch, skin irritation due to allergies, or other medical causes like infection or cancer. Always get in touch with your healthcare provider for a thorough examination. 

How can I tell if the pain in my nipple is due to a serious underlying issue? 

If you see persistent or worsening pain, unusual changes in your breast appearance, or signs of infection, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for the correct diagnosis and management options. 

How long does nipple pain last during pregnancy? 

Nipple pain duration during pregnancy may vary from one person to another. Generally, the pain subsides or becomes manageable as pregnancy moves forward. 

What can be done to alleviate nipple pain during breastfeeding? 

Proper latching, wearing a good supportive bra, using warm or cold compresses, and applying nipple balm may all help relieve nipple pain while breastfeeding. 

When should I be concerned about nipple pain and seek medical intervention? 

Check-in with a healthcare provider if you notice persistent or worsening pain, suspect an infection, or see any concerning changes in your breast look. 


  1. PubMed. Nipple Pain in Breastfeeding Mothers: Incidence, Causes and [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26426034/

2. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Breast Infection: A Review of Diagnosis and Management Practices [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6092150 

3. National Health Service (NHS). Oral thrush (mouth thrush) [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/oral-thrush-mouth-thrush 

4. American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/screening-tests-and-early-detection/breast-cancer-signs-and-symptoms.html 

5. PubMed. Paget’s disease of the breast [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11237774/

6. PubMed. Nipple Pain in Breastfeeding Mothers: Incidence, Causes and Treatments [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26426034 

7. PubMed. Paget’s disease of the breast [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11237774/

8. National Health Service (NHS). Breastfeeding and thrush [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/Pages/breastfeeding-and-thrush.aspx 

9. American Cancer Society. Treating Breast Cancer [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/treatment.html 

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