Blood Element Analysis Profile Test
Booked 13 timesAlso known as:
Comprehensive Blood Elements Profile, Blood Elemental Analysis Test
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Dietary Adequacy, Detoxification Therapy, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Kidney Function
The Blood Element Analysis Profile is used for the diagnosis of various disorders that can be caused by insufficient, as well as excess levels of certain elements in the body.
Our body has some naturally occurring elements such as Calcium, which should always be maintained in the right amount to avoid developing health disorders. Similarly, some other elements need to be maintained in just the right amount. Any deviation from the normal range can lead to disorders.
There are also certain elements like Cadmium and Lead, which should not be present at all in the body. However, because of various external and environmental factors (like rising levels of pollution), these harmful elements end up entering the body.
When these harmful elements stay in the body for a long and keep increasing, they can lead to severe health complications like metal toxicity, dysfunction of the immune system, kidney disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
So, to keep a check on the level of these elements in the body, your doctor may suggest you go for the Blood Element Analysis Profile test.
In India, the levels of pollution are rapidly rising in the surroundings. With a significant increase in air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, many harmful and toxic elements end up accumulating inside our bodies.
This accumulation of toxic elements over a period of time leads to several health issues in Indians. So, it is often wise to go for a Blood Element Analysis Profile test to get your level of elements in the body checked and begin therapy if the levels of these harmful elements are alarmingly high.
Other Names of Blood Element Analysis Profile Test
Comprehensive Blood Elements Profile Test |
Blood Element Analysis Test |
Blood Elemental Analysis Test |
What does the Blood Element Analysis Profile measure and who is this prescribed for?
The Blood Element Analysis Profile test helps in the following conditions:
- In the diagnosis of dietary inadequacy
Having an insufficient amount of nutrient elements in your body can become the root cause of a severe health concern. For instance, a calcium deficiency can lead to a health condition called Hypocalcemia, in which the bones become weak, and the person experiences muscle cramps and joint pains frequently.
Undergoing the Blood Element Analysis Profile test helps in giving you a good idea about whether or not you are taking enough nutritional elements in your diet. If you are not, this test can also become the diagnostic test for the related elemental deficiency.
- In monitoring the progress of Chelation Therapy
Chelation Therapy is only suggested to people who have significant amounts of toxic metals in their bodies and whose medical condition is severe. This therapy uses chemicals to get rid of harmful toxins.
To see how the therapy is progressing and whether or not it is depleting the level of toxic elements, the doctor can make the person frequently take the Blood Element Analysis Profile test.
- In studying the overall level of metal toxicity
Metal toxicity is a result of having too many toxic elements in your body. It is usually a direct result of increased toxic exposure. So, your doctor might suggest that you take the Blood Element Analysis Profile test if you work or live in an area with high levels of toxic elements to ensure that you are not at high risk.
There are also several symptoms that can prompt your doctor to ask you to take the Blood Element Analysis Profile Test. These symptoms are:
- Developing mood disorders like depression or anxiety.
- Experiencing fatigue.
- Chronic pain and inflammatory conditions.
- Suffering from diarrhoea and hair loss.
- Problems associated with vision.
The Blood Element Analysis Profile Test can be suggested to any gender and any age group.
Blood Element Analysis Profile Test Ranges and Interpretation
The following table can be used to interpret your Blood Element Analysis Profile test results for checking the levels of toxic elements in the body:
Test Results | Normal Range |
Cadmium | 0.0 to 4.9 ng/mL |
Lead | 0.0 to 4.9 mcg/dL |
Arsenic | 0 to 12 ng/mL |
Mercury | 0 to 9 ng/mL |
When the results of the Blood Element Analysis Profile test do not fall in the normal range specified in the table, you may be prescribed to take some medicines or therapy (if the levels are too high) to decrease these elements in your body.
Your level of nutrient elements may vary depending on various factors like your current health condition, your past health condition, any medicines you are taking etc. So, the normal range of nutrient elements (non-toxic elements) should be studied with your doctor’s expertise only.
Sample Type
For This test blood sample is required.
How Should You Prepare for the Blood Element Analysis Profile?
The test preparation may require you to fast for about 10-12 hours before giving your Blood Element Analysis Profile blood sample. However, not all labs suggest that you fast before giving your blood sample. You should make sure to confirm with your lab if they require you to fast or not.
If you are on any medication, you should inform your doctor and the lab technician well in advance because certain medications can change the level of some elements temporarily. So, to get accurate test results, you should make sure that you don’t take any such medicine or supplements.
The procedure involved in giving your Blood Element Analysis Profile blood sample is not very risky. You may experience weakness and dizziness right after the blood draw but it is nothing to worry about.
Blood Element Analysis Profile Test Parameters
Undergoing the Blood Element Analysis Profile Test means that your blood sample will be tested for the presence of a number of elements. A few of the primary elements that will be tested for in your Blood Element Analysis Profile Test blood sample are as follows:
- Nutrient Elements: These are the elements that your body needs to carry out various functions and stay healthy. An excess or deficiency of these elements can give birth to several health disorders.
These elements include Chromium, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, Potassium, Vanadium, and Zinc.
- Toxic Elements: These elements are harmful and are not needed by your body to stay healthy and keep performing all its biological functions. These elements are usually only found in the environment and can enter your body through the air or from the food that you consume.
Some of these toxic elements for which your Blood Element Analysis Profile blood sample will be tested are Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, and Tin.
Your Blood Element Analysis Profile test results may turn out to be different depending on any existing health issues you may have, for which you might be taking some medicines. In any case, if your test results are not in the normal reference range of the elements, then you should consult your doctor and see what factors may have affected your results.
How Frequently Should You Take the Blood Element Analysis Profile Test?
The Blood Element Analysis Profile test should be a part of your routine health checkup which can take place half-yearly or yearly, depending on what your doctor advised.
The frequency of the Blood Element Analysis Profile test can also increase if you are undergoing any kind of metal detoxification therapy or if you live in a highly polluted area where your exposure to harmful elements is always high.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is tested in a full blood count?
The full blood count measures all blood indices like red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets etc. This test can be an overall indicator of any diseases that you may be having.
What is the normal range for blood test results?
All blood tests have a different normal range of reference. The normal range for the Blood Element Analysis Profile Test is usually less than 5.00 µg/l for the number of toxic elements that may be present in your body.
What blood tests should I get annually?
The Blood Element Analysis Profile Test is a test that you should get done annually or as a part of your routine health check-up. Apart from the Blood Element Analysis Profile Test, there are also other blood tests that one can get done annually like Lipid, Liver, Renal Panel Test, Complete Blood Count Test, Thyroid function tests etc.
How do you get a blood test without a doctor?
It is not advised that you get your blood test done without the supervision of a doctor. However, there are rapid test kits available at pharmacies that use a needle to prick the finger and then give test results on the basis of the blood sample collected from your finger. These tests, however, may not be the best at giving as accurate results as a lab test.