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Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth: A Comprehensive Research-Based Guide

By Dr. Aastha Manchanda +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Importance of hair health and yoga’s proposed role in promoting hair growth. 
  • Understanding the hair growth cycle and factors influencing it. 
  • The connection between yoga and hair growth: improved blood circulation, reduced stress, balancing hormones, and detoxification of the scalp. 
  • List of 8 Yoga Asanas for hair growth with detailed step-by-step instructions, potential benefits, and precautions. 
  • Additional tips for healthy hair growth: diet, nutrition, scalp care, and stress management. 
  • Summing up the importance of yoga for hair growth and the need for consistent practice. 


The world is now acknowledging the importance of hair health, and people are actively seeking ways to ensure that they have strong and shiny locks. Yoga, an ancient discipline with numerous potential physical and mental health benefits, has lately gained popularity as a means to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss. In this article, we will explore the science behind yoga’s proposed role in promoting hair health and delve into specific yoga asanas that may aid in hair growth. 

Understanding Hair Growth and Factors Influencing It 

In this section, we will try to explain the hair growth cycle and the factors that influence it.  

yoga asanas for hair growth

Hair growth cycle 

Your hair doesn’t grow all at once. It goes through three key phases which are thenagen,  catagen, and telogen phase. 

1. Anagen phase 

Anagen phase is the “growth” phase spans 2 to 6 years. In this time, hair grows half an inch per month. 

2. Catagen phase 

Next comes the catagen phase. For 2 to 3 weeks, hair growth slows down. The hair follicles become smaller and disconnect from the blood supply. 

3. Telogen phase 

Finally, we have the telogen or “resting” phase. Hair follicles take a 3-month break. You might lose 50 to 100 hairs every day during this stage. This is normal and one need not worry regarding this loss.  

Factors Affecting Hair Growth 

Several factors affect hair growth which are listed below.  

1. Genetics 

Genes play a big role in our hair health. They decide the thickness, colour of our hair, and even how fast it grows. They also make us prone to certain hair conditions. 

2. Hormonal imbalance 

Hormones affect our hair growth too. Health issues like PCOS, thyroid problems, and hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can lead to hair loss. 

3. Nutritional deficiencies 

A lack of vitamins, minerals, and proteins in our diet can weaken our hair and stunt its growth. For healthy hair, we need a balanced diet. 

4. Stress 

Stress is bad for our hair. High levels of stress can mess up our hair growth cycle.  This results in hair loss or thinning. 

5. Physical damage 

Too much styling or rough handling can also damage hair, leading to breakage and hair loss. 

Did you know?

Connection Between Yoga and Hair Growth 

 Here we have the possible ways in which yoga may promote hair health.  

Improved blood circulation 

Some yoga poses increase blood flow, especially to the scalp. This ensures that hair follicles get vital nutrients and oxygen, boosting hair growth. 

Reduced stress and anxiety 

Yoga is said to reduce stress. By easing stress and anxiety, yoga may be able to lessen hair loss.  

Balancing hormones 

Doing yoga regularly may help balance body hormones and that’s essential for good growth of hair. 

Detoxification of the scalp 

Yoga may also help detox our bodies. When toxins are flushed out, our overall health and scalp health improves, which in turn may aid hair growth. 

In my experience, hair damage may arise from using hair dyes since they may weaken and thin your hair. According to an analysis published in 2021, permanent hair colours have the potential to eliminate the natural fatty acids found in hair. You’re advised to go for natural and non-permanent colouring options, other than yoga, to lessen the damage.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

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List of Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth 

In this section, we will describe the specific yoga poses that may help hair growth.  

1. Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Sit crossed-legged with a straight back. 
  2. Fingers on knees, palms facing upwards. 
  3. Breathe in deeply. 
  4. Breathe out fast, squeezing your tummy in. 
  5. Let breathing in be natural while focusing on fast exhalation. 
  6. Do it for a couple of minutes. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

The Kapalabhati Pranayama is said to cleanse and refresh the whole head. It is proposed to boost the oxygen supply, lowers free radicals, and fosters hair growth. It may also combat stress and anxiety which cause hair fall. 


If you’re pregnant or have heart issues, high blood pressure, hernia, stomach ulcers, or any breathing issues, steer clear of Kapalabhati. Practice it when your stomach is empty under the watch of a qualified yoga instructor. 

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Be on your hands and knees, hands shoulder-wide and feet hip-wide. 
  2. Press your palms hard into the mat, tuck your toes, and lift your hips high. 
  3. Stretch your arms and legs fully, and keep your ears in line with your upper arms. 
  4. Look at your navel and hang tight for 30 to 45 seconds. 

What It Does for Your Hair 

Doing adho mukha svanasana drives more blood to the scalp. This feeds hair follicles and thus may help hair growth. It is said to calm the mind and fend off stress, hence stopping hair loss due to stress. 


If you’re battling carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, dislocated shoulder, retinal detachment, weak eye capillaries, or diarrhea, don’t try this pose. 

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Lie on your back, arms by your sides. 
  2. Lift your legs and hips up, and use your hands to give your lower back support. 
  3. Keep your body line straight and perpendicular to the floor, and rest your weight on your shoulders. 
  4. Stay in the pose for a few breaths. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Sarvangasana increases blood flow to your head, leading to hair growth and reduction in hair fall. It balances bodily hormone levels, supporting overall hair health. 


Your doctor will let you know if you can perform Sarvangasana, especially if you have a slipped disc, heart problems, or high BP. Practice this under a yoga instructor’s guidance or better to avoid. 

4. Balasana (Child’s Pose) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Sit on your heels, knees folded and your legs touching your hips. 
  2. Inhale, bring your arms up and as you exhale, bend forward till your forehead and palms meet the ground. 
  3. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute while focusing on your breath. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Balasana is said to fight two major causes of hair fall one is  stress and the other is problems with digestion. Regular use of this pose may boost mental health, hair health, and digestive health.  


If you have diarrhea, a bad knee, severe back or neck pain, high blood pressure, vertigo, or a herniated disc, don’t practice Balasana. 

5. Sirsasana (Headstand)

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Kneel, and cross your fingers behind your head. 
  2. Lower forehead down, head crown supported by tied hands. 
  3. Raise legs slowly, keep them straight and close. 
  4. Keep the body steady on the head and forearms. Maintain a straight line from head to toe. 
  5. Stay in the pose for a few seconds before gently bringing your legs down. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Sirsasana improves blood flow to the scalp and thus may help to reduce hair fall, scant hair, and untimely white hair. The pose stimulates hair follicles, elevating hair growth. 


Sirsasana needs some skill and balance. Start under an experienced yoga teacher, and use a wall for support. No need to practice this pose if you’ve got high blood pressure, injuries in your neck or spine, or any eye problems. 

6. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Kneel, sit on your heels, heels near together, and touch your hips. 
  2. Hands on thighs face palms down. 
  3. Spine, neck, and head straight, look ahead as you hold for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Vajrasana is said to help digestion and bring down digestive issues enabling hair growth. It may help the body to take in nutrients better, promoting healthy hair growth. 


If you’ve got severe joint problems or sitting this way pains you, avoid Vajrasana. Use a cushion or blanket under your knees and ankles for support if needed. 

7. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Stand with your feet together. 
  2. Push your arms up, breathe in deep, and bend forward while breathing out, arms straight. 
  3. Try to touch the ground with your fingers next to your feet or clutch your knees, and head downwards. 
  4. Stay in this pose for 15 to 30 seconds, and take slow, deep breaths. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Uttanasana is said to stretch and relax muscles and increase oxygen and blood flow to the head. This pose may aid hair growth by feeding hair follicles and strengthening hair strands. 


Don’t do Uttanasana if you have injuries in your lower back or pain in your leg joints. 

8. Matsyasana (Fish Pose) 

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Lie down, cross your legs, and bend your knees inwards. 
  2. Hands by your hips, palms down. 
  3. Hold your core, lift your upper body, and bend your spine while your head stays on the ground, the top of your head touching the mat. Ensure that your neck bends fully. 
  4. Stretch as much as you’re able to and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. 

What It Does for Your Hair? 

Matsyasana may aid hair growth by stepping up blood circulation, easing stress, and promoting overall well-being. Regular use of this pose may tackle most hair problems, nourishing the scalp and making hair healthy. 


While bending, be sure not to strain your back as it may cause injuries. Always do Matsyasana at your comfort level and be mindful. 

To my knowledge, regular hair trimming may encourage the growth of strong, healthy hair. Removing split ends stops hair breakage by preventing them from moving up your strands. However, regular haircuts won’t accelerate the growth of your hair. Hair grows approximately 0.5 inches every month, regardless of how frequently you trim it.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Also Read: Natural Home Remedies For Grey Hair

Additional Tips for Healthy Hair Growth 

1. Diet and nutrition 

Eating a balanced diet helps hair growth. Make sure you’re getting enough proteins, vitamins, and minerals in your food. 

  • Role of protein 

Protein is hair’s best friend. It’s a key building block for hair follicles. Add protein-rich foods like eggs, lean meats, fish, and legumes to your diet. 

  • Vitamins and nutrients for strong hair 

Include fruits,  vegetables, and whole grains in your meals. This way, you get a good mix of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, and biotin, that nourish your hair. 

2. Scalp care 

Making sure blood flow to the scalp is good is key for hair growth. Boost it by massaging your scalp often. Use mild, nature-friendly hair products that take care of your scalp and hair. 

  • Scalp massage 

Giving your scalp a nice rub with your fingertips for a few minutes every day speeds up blood flow and helps hair growth. 

  • Clever cleansing and moisturizing 

Choose hair care products that clean yet moisturize your hair and scalp just right without taking away natural oils. This helps create a healthy scalp environment perfect for hair growth. 

3. Stress management 

Keep stress in check. Use calming techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. Always getting enough sleep also eases stress levels and boosts hair health. 


Yoga may work wonders for your hair’s health and growth if you include it in your daily routine. Yoga’s healthy balance of body and mind leads to possible hair growth.  

Remember, along with these targeted yoga poses for hair growth, a nutrient-rich diet, good scalp care, and effective stress management are equally vital. 

Also Read: How To Increase Melanin In Hair: A Research-Based Guide To Restoring Color Naturally

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can yoga work against hair loss? 

Yes, certain yoga poses may tackle hair loss by increasing blood flow to the scalp, feeding hair follicles, balancing hormone levels, and coping with stress. 

Which yoga pose is best for healthy hair? 

Of all, Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward-Facing Dog Pose is said to be most effective for hair health. It drives blood to the scalp and helps fight stress and this fosters hair growth. 

Does nail rubbing help hair growth? 

Yes, it’s believed that when you rub your nails (also known as Balayam Yoga), you stimulate nerve endings in the nails. These nerves are supposed to connect to hair follicles. So, nail rubbing might stimulate blood flow to your scalp and help hair growth. This is what is believed in yoga. Research is yet to corroborate this. But there is no harm in trying it out.  

Can yoga help thinning hair? 

Yes, yoga may tackle thinning hair by increasing blood flow, feeding hair follicles, balancing hormones, and combating stress. All factors that lead to hair loss. Regular practice of yoga poses for hair growth may make your hair thicker and healthier. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Impact of Yoga and Meditation on Cellular Aging in Apparently Healthy Individuals: A Prospective, Open-Label Single-Arm Exploratory Study [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jan 10]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5278216 

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