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Nitric Oxide Benefits: A Comprehensive Research-Based Analysis

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Nitric oxide is a crucial molecule for various bodily functions including blood vessel dilation, immune function, and cellular communication. 
  • Potential health benefits associated with increased nitric oxide levels include improved cardiovascular health, enhanced athletic performance, support for erectile function, and managing type 2 diabetes.  
  • Nitrate-rich and antioxidant-containing foods are said to boost nitric oxide production.  
  • L-arginine and L-citrulline are common nitric oxide supplements that may improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and manage erectile dysfunction.  
  • Natural ways to increase nitric oxide production include regular exercise, stress reduction, and sleep optimization. 


Nitric oxide plays a key role in keeping the body healthy. Its role is varied and wide-ranging. Which includes vasodilation, support to the immune system, and aiding cell communication. In this article, we will delve into the potential benefits of maintaining nitric oxide levels in the body. We’ll discuss how vital it is for health. Additionally, we will discuss how diet and supplements can increase the body’s nitric oxide levels, the possible risks and precautions to take while on nitric oxide supplements, and natural ways to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.   

Did you know?

nitric oxide benefits

  • Nitric oxide (NO) is a colorless gas with the CAS number 10102-43-9. Source: cdc.gov
  • The NIOSH REL for nitric oxide in the United States is 25 ppm (30 mg/m3) TWA. Source: cdc.gov
  • The lethal concentration data for nitric oxide in rabbits is 249 ppm for 15 minutes. Source: cdc.gov
  • Guinea pigs have survived exposure to nitric oxide at 175 ppm for an unstated period. Source: cdc.gov

Overview of Nitric Oxide 

Nitric oxide plays a vital part in the body. It also has a hand in several key body function which are discussed in this section.  

Chemical composition and production 

Nitric oxide (NO) has one atom each of nitrogen and oxygen. It’s made by the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. It’s important for regulating blood flow and maintaining the cardiovascular system healthy. By turning the L-arginine amino acid into a molecule known as NO synthase. 

Role of nitric oxide in the body 

  • Blood vessel dilation 

Nitric oxide is great at widening blood vessels. It relaxes the smooth muscles in the vessels. This leads to increased blood flow and lower blood pressure. This helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body.  

  • Immune function 

Nitric oxide plays a role in how the immune system responds. It aids the body in fighting off germs, bacteria, and viruses. Nitric oxide production also helps control swelling and gets defense cells into action with the ultimate goal to keep harmful substances away from the body.  

  • Cellular communication 

Communication between cells is key for the body to function correctly. Nitric oxide works as a signaling molecule. It helps cells talk to each other, making sure they can run important body systems well. 

Potential Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide 

Making nitric oxide in the body has many potential health benefits. These range from better heart health to good athletic performance and more. 

1. Improving cardiovascular health 

More nitric oxide in the body is said to have benefits for the heart. These include lower blood pressure and lower risk of atherosclerosis. 

  • Lowering blood pressure 

As we stated before, nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels. This leads to more blood flow and lower blood pressure. This process helps keep the heart safe from possible harm due to high blood pressure. In the end, it boosts overall heart health. 

  • Reducing atherosclerosis risk 

Atherosclerosis is when plaque builds up in the arteries. It might lead to blocks and trigger strokes or heart attack. Nitric oxide helps by improving blood flow all over the body. This helps lower risk of plaque build-up in the arteries. The odds of getting atherosclerosis then go down. 

2. Enhancing athletic performance 

Raising nitric oxide production is said to benefit athletic performance. This happens mainly through increased blood flow and better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles at work. 

  • Increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery 

Nitric oxide promotes vasodilation. This permits more oxygen and nutrients to be sent to active muscles while exercising. Better blood flow can increase overall athletic performance. This happens when there is added help for muscles at the smallest level. 

  • Reducing muscle soreness and fatigue 

Nitric oxide also helps reduce muscle soreness and tiredness which is seen mainly after heavy or long sessions of exercise. By sending more blood flow to muscles at work, nitric oxide might help get rid of waste products which cause fatigue and soreness.  

3. Supporting erectile function 

Nitric oxide is key in helping erections happen. It signals the smooth muscles in the penis to relax and fill up with blood. Nitric oxide thus acts as a natural blood vessel dilator, boosting blood flow to penile tissue and helping erectile function. Some studies suggest that nitric oxide supplements might help those with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. They possibly boost erection strength and overall sexual performance. 

4. Managing type 2 diabetes 

Type 2 diabetes is often marked by the body not making good use of insulin. Nitric oxide has been linked to better insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. This suggests that more nitric oxide production might aid those with type 2 diabetes. 

  • Improving insulin sensitivity 

Some studies suggest that nitric oxide might help improve insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes or those at risk. By boosting blood flow and aiding efficient nutrient delivery to muscles, nitric oxide might help promote insulin function and overall blood sugar control.   

  • Increasing blood flow to muscles 

Lots of blood flow to muscles might play a part in tackling some challenges tied to type 2 diabetes. These include slow repair of wounds and muscle breakdown. By boosting efficient blood flow and supporting effective oxygen and nutrient delivery, nitric oxide might help to optimize overall muscle health and tissue repair for individuals living with type 2 diabetes. 

Although studies have shown potential benefits of nitric acid, more long-term research is needed to confirm these and to check how effective nitric oxide supplements are. 

Diet and Nitric Oxide Levels 

A healthy diet may help support nitric oxide production in the body. Specifically, consuming nitrate-rich vegetables and antioxidant-containing foods may promote the production and maintain the stability of nitric oxide. 

  • Nitrate-rich vegetables for nitric oxide production 

Vegetables with a lot of nitrates include celery, cress, chervil, lettuce, beetroot, spinach, and arugula. Eating these vegetables helps boost nitric oxide production, as nitrates are turned into nitric oxide in the body. Increasing nitric oxide production through the eating of nitrate-rich vegetables has been linked to several potential health benefits. These include lower blood pressure and better exercise performance.  

  • Antioxidant-containing foods for nitric oxide support 

Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains, play a crucial role in maintaining nitric oxide levels within the body. Antioxidants work to neutralise free radicals that contribute to the breakdown of nitric oxide, helping to preserve and stabilise nitric oxide concentrations. Consuming an antioxidant-rich diet may help promote optimal nitric oxide production and support overall health.  

  • Limiting mouthwash usage to maintain oral bacteria 

Mouthwashes are commonly used to eliminate oral bacteria that contribute to cavities and other dental issues. However, some mouthwashes can also eradicate beneficial oral bacteria that are responsible for converting nitrates into nitric oxide. By limiting mouthwash usage, you can help preserve these beneficial bacteria and support your body’s natural nitric oxide production. 

Nitric Oxide Supplements 

There are a lot of supplements on the market that claim to increase nitric oxide levels. Some of the most popular ones are L-arginine, L-citrulline, nitrate-based supplements, and flavonoid-based supplements. 

1. L-arginine 

L-arginine is an amino acid found naturally in red meat, dairy products, poultry, and fish. It also comes as a supplement, available in pill, powder, or cream form. L-arginine is directly turned into nitric oxide in the body. It can offer various potential health benefits when consumed as a supplement. 

  • Potential Benefits 

Studies suggest that L-arginine supplements may help lower blood pressure, reduce risk of hardening arteries, and improve erectile function. It has also been linked to improve exercise performance, particularly in people who don’t exercise regularly. 

  • Dosage and potential side effects 

While generally considered safe, L-arginine supplements can cause digestive symptoms, such as diarrhoea, stomach pain, bloating, and heartburn, at doses as low as 10 grams per day. People with certain health conditions, including cirrhosis, guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency, and low blood pressure, may want to avoid using L-arginine supplements due to potential health risks. 

2. L-citrulline 

L-citrulline is another amino acid found in meat, nuts, legumes, and watermelon. It is also made in laboratories and can be taken as a supplement in pill or powder form. L-citrulline is turned into L-arginine in the body, which is then used to make nitric oxide. 

  • Potential Benefits 

Taking L-citrulline has been found to increase levels of L-arginine in the body more effectively than taking L-arginine. Studies have also shown various potential health benefits linked to L-citrulline supplements. These include lowered blood pressure, better exercise performance, and support for erectile function. 

  • Dosage and potential side effects 

L-citrulline supplements are generally viewed as safe, with few known side effects. It’s best to seek advice from a healthcare professional on the right dosage when considering L-citrulline supplements. 

3. Nitrate-based supplements 

Supplements based on nitrates, such as ones from beetroot, can also help increase nitric oxide levels in the body. These supplements often have a lot of nitrates. These nitrates are turned into nitric oxide once they’re consumed. 

  • Potential Benefits 

Studies show that nitrate-based supplements may help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and increase athletic performance in athletes. Plus, they have been linked to better heart health. This happens mainly through their ability to dilate blood vessels. 

  • Dosage and potential side effects 

While generally viewed as safe, nitrate-based supplements can sometimes cause side effects like a headache, diarrhoea, and stomach cramps. Women who are pregnant should discuss with  a healthcare  professional before using nitrate-based supplements. This is because too much nitrate might pose risks to the growing baby. Don’t self-administrate. 

4. Flavonoid-based supplements 

Supplements based on flavonoids—from plant sources like cocoa and dark chocolate—have been found to increase nitric oxide levels. These benefits are likely due to the strong antioxidant properties of flavonoids. They help maintain nitric oxide levels in the body  and stop their break down. 

  • Potential Benefits 

Studies suggest that flavonoid-based supplements may help improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease. They may also help exercise performance. They do this by promoting vasodilation and improving oxygen delivery to muscles. 

  • Dosage and potential side effects 

Reliable data on the right dosages and possible side effects for flavonoid-based supplements is currently limited. So, people thinking about these supplements should ask a healthcare professional for guidance on the right use. 

Boosting Nitric Oxide Production Naturally 

On top of a good diet and supplements, there are several natural ways to maintain nitric oxide production. These methods ensure that this key molecule levels stay optimal in the body. 

  • Regular exercise 

Doing regular physical activity is said to keep nitric oxide levels at healthy range. This is done by promoting blood vessel dilation and boosting endothelial function. A mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, done at least three times per week, has been shown to offer major benefits for nitric oxide production and all-around heart health. 

  • Stress reduction techniques 

Long-term stress can have a negative effect on nitric oxide production. This might harm blood vessel function and make existing health problems worse. Employing various stress control techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises is said to help keep nitric oxide levels healthy. This promotes overall wellbeing. 

  • Sleep optimisation 

Getting good quality sleep is key for all-around health. It may also play a part in keeping up nitric oxide production. Making sure you have good sleep habits, including maintaining a steady sleep timetable, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and making your sleep setting optimal, can aid restful sleep. This supports optimal nitric oxide levels in the body. 

Risks and Precautions Associated with Nitric Oxide Supplements 

While nitric oxide supplements may have potential health benefits, it’s important to beware of possible risks and precautions tied to their use. This is especially for people with certain health conditions or who take specific medicines. 


There are several situations where taking nitric oxide supplements might not be advisable. These include people with certain existing health conditions like liver disease, kidney disease, or low blood pressure, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those on certain medicines. It’s best for them to discuss with a healthcare professional before using nitric oxide supplements. It is always advisable to refrain from self-administration. 

  • Medical conditions and medications 

Nitric oxide supplements can interact with medicines or make certain health conditions worse. They can be potentially unsafe for certain people. As nitric oxide can affect blood pressure, medicines for high blood pressure or diabetes  interact with nitric oxide supplements.  Also, people with a history of heart attack, kidney disease, or herpes might need to avoid these supplements due to potential health risks.   

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding 

The safety of nitric oxide supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding are largely unknown. So, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should be cautious and discuss with  a healthcare professional before using nitric oxide supplements. This ensures they make safe and informed choices for themselves and their babies. It is always advised to avoid these supplements and never self-administrate them. 

2. Side effects 

While usually viewed as safe, some people might experience mild side effects when using nitric oxide supplements. These side effects can include digestive symptoms like diarrhoea, stomach pain, bloating, or heartburn. Besides, headaches or tachycardia are also possible. It’s key to be aware of these potential side effects. Always discuss with  a healthcare professional if you’re concerned. 

3. Interactions with medications 

As mentioned before, nitric oxide supplements might interact with specific medicines. These include prescription drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction. Before using nitric oxide supplements, those taking these or other medicines should get advice from their healthcare professionals. This ensures safe use. 

4. Communications with healthcare professionals 

Due to possible contraindications, side effects, and interactions with medication, it’s key to discuss with a healthcare professional before using nitric oxide supplements. This guidance can help people make informed decisions about their health and ensure the safe and effective use of supplements to promote overall wellbeing. 


Nitric oxide is a key molecule that offers lots of  potential benefits for overall health. It aids  vasodilation,  the immune system, and cell  communication. By keeping nitric oxide levels optimal, people may boost heart health, athletic performance, support erectile function, and manage type 2 diabetes. 

To ensure enough nitric oxide production, consumers can focus on consuming a diet rich in nitrate and antioxidant-containing foods, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress, and getting quality sleep. While nitric oxide supplements may also offer potential health benefits, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before use to avoid  side effects and medication interactions. By focusing on maintaining balanced nitric oxide levels, individuals may enjoy overall health.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is the primary function of nitric oxide in the body? 

The main function of nitric oxide in the body is to dilate blood vessels. As a vasodilator, nitric oxide relaxes the smooth muscles within blood vessels, letting more blood flow through and reducing blood pressure. 

Is it safe to use nitric oxide supplements daily? 

Whether it’s safe to use nitric oxide supplements every day depends on the person and their specific health status. It’s key to discuss with a healthcare professional before using nitric oxide supplements to ensure their safe and correct use. Also never self-administrate, medical guidance is always advised before starting any supplements.  

Who should not take nitric oxide supplements? 

People with certain health conditions, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or low blood pressure, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those on certain medicines should discuss with a healthcare professional before using nitric oxide supplements. 

Can nitric oxide deficiency lead to health problems? 

Yes, a lack of nitric oxide can result in health problems. Not having enough nitric oxide production can harm blood vessel function. This might lead to high blood pressure, poor blood flow, and a higher risk of developing heart issues. 

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