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Home Remedies For Dark Underarms

By Dr Siddharth Gupta +2 more


Skin is the largest organ in the body. The human skin in the underarm (axilla) region is unique. It contains large numbers of hair follicles and oil glands. Women are more concerned about dark skin areas that develop in their underarms as it has an impact on their physical appearance.1,2

Skin in the underarm is treated differently as we like to avoid odor and sweat. There is also an urge for hair removal to maintain personal hygiene. These hair removal treatments have a risk of skin irritation and reddening (usually in patches) because of injury. Injury to the skin can make it dark due to increased melanin (a skin pigment responsible for colour) production. More research is needed to fully understand the darkening of underarm skin.1,2 If you face similar issues with your underarms, read along for some helpful home remedies that will come in handy.

how to get rid of dark underarms

Did you know?

  • Dark underarms can be caused by excessive sweating, friction, and the use of certain deodorants. Source: aad.org
  • Certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and diabetes, can increase the risk of developing dark underarms. Source: ncbi
  • Shaving the underarms can cause darkening of the skin due to the irritation and inflammation caused by the razor. Source: aad.org
  • Treatment options for dark underarms include topical creams, laser therapy, and chemical peels. Source: aad.org

What Causes Dark Underarms?

Studies support that underarm darkening is characterised by increased production of a natural skin pigment called melanin due to mild irritation. Hair plucking is mainly responsible for skin damage.2

Other factors that may be responsible for dark underarms are:

  • Shaving or using cleansers and soaps may cause skin irritation.1
  • Using antiperspirants (substances that reduce sweating) and deodorants may cause skin irritation and underarm skin darkening in some skin types.
  • Underarms may also appear dry and dark due to a condition called acanthosis nigricans. This condition is characterised by dry and dark patches of skin in the neck, groin (area between the abdomen and the upper thigh), or underarms area.3

Apart from hormonal changes, pregnancy, medications and genetics, it is pretty common and a usual occurrence to have dark armpits. A person need not worry about that. Vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency may also cause the condition. Supplementation with niacin can reduce the darkness of the armpits.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Symptoms of Dark Underarms:

  • Development of dark areas of skin in the underarms.2
  • The dark patches of skin in the underarms can also appear slowly without any symptoms in the condition called acanthosis nigricans.3

Shaving leads to an inflammatory response, which results in the following symptoms in the underarms:

  • Redness
  • Soreness
  • Dryness1

In certain skin types, this can result in hyperpigmentation (skin darkening)1

Suggested Home Remedies for Dark Underarms:

Traditional medicinal remedies are used to treat a number of skin disorders, with medicinal plants being particularly effective in the treatment of skin hyperpigmentation.4 Following are some home remedies for managing dark underarms:

1. Saffron

Saffron is also known as red gold. Studies report that saffron is capable of lightening skin colour. It is used in combination with milk or cream.5 This mixture can be applied to the affected area for lighter underarms.

2. Grape Seeds

Grapeseed oil has antioxidants such as vitamin C and E. It also consists of beta carotene (a component of vitamins and several types of fatty acids). Due to the presence of these compounds, grape seed oil can be used to manage dark underarms. The main activity that contributes to its skin lightening effect is that it inhibits the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of pigment that causes skin darkening.5

3. Coffee and Green tea:

The rate of skin darkening can be suppressed by the consumption of coffee and green tea. Thus drinking coffee and green tea may result in suppression of hyperpigmentation in the underarms.6

4. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera inhibits the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of pigment, causing skin darkening.7 Aloe vera gel can be applied and massaged gently in the underarm area for lighter armpits.

5. Liquorice Extract:

Liquorice is known to inhibit the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of pigment that causes skin darkening and inhibits pigmentation.7 You can use liquorice in any form and apply it to your underarms.

6. Plants:

Some plants can be useful to manage skin darkening. These include heartwood, white mulberry, citrus fruit peel, pomegranate, corn bran and beefsteak plant.5,7

Dark underarms can be a source of insecurity for many individuals, but with the right treatment and preventive measures, they can be lightened and eventually fade away. Consult a dermatologist to determine the best course of action and find the right combination of home remedies and medical treatments.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

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When to Seek Medical Help?

You should seek medical advice for dark underarms due to acanthosis nigricans as sometimes it can indicate something more serious, such as cancer. Visit your doctor if you observe the following:

  • Fresh dark patches on your skin
  • Changes in the skin that you are not sure about.3

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The underarm skin is unique and contains oil-producing glands and hair follicles. Thus, the skin in this region has special requirements based on the desire to maintain hygiene and personal care. Personal care activities may cause irritation, redness and hyperpigmentation, causing dark underarms. Dark underarms may be of concern due to their impact on a person’s physical appearance. Several home remedies like using saffron, coffee, green tea, etc., can help in the management of underarm skin hyperpigmentation. You should contact a doctor for underlying conditions such as acanthosis nigricans.

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies For Blackheads

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does routine personal care cause dark underarms?

Yes, personal care involves the use of chemical products like antiperspirants and deodorants to reduce sweat and bad body odour. It also includes the removal of hair from the underarms. These practices may result in skin irritation and darkening of the underarms.1

Are home remedies safe for treating dark underarms?

Yes, the products used as home remedies are made from natural ingredients. Thus, the use of herbs is recognised as a better alternative to chemical treatments for improving skin conditions such as dark underarms.4

What are effective home remedies to lighten the skin of dark underarms?

Some of the home remedies that are effective to manage dark underarms are saffron, grape seed, beefsteak plant, pomegranate, aloe vera, coffee, green tea, etc.5-7

Should I visit a doctor for dark underarms?

You should seek medical advice if you observe sudden dark patches and unexplained changes in the skin. These changes may be a sign of a condition called acanthosis nigricans; it can be a sign of something more serious, such as cancer. Your doctor can identify if it is acanthosis nigricans by general examination.3

What is acanthosis nigricans?

Acanthosis nigricans is the name for dry, dark patches of skin that usually appear in the armpits, neck, or groin. It could be a sign of an underlying condition, so it needs a doctor’s consultation.3


  1. Evans RL, Marriott RE, Harker M. Axillary skin: biology and care. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2012 Oct;34(5):389-95. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark-Harker/publication/225051996_Axillary_skin_Biology_and_care/links/5f61db5a4585154dbbd57a38/Axillary-skin-Biology-and-care.pdf
  2. James AG, Pople JE, Parish WE, Moore AE, Dunbar N. Histological evaluation of hyperpigmentation on female Filipino axillary skin. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2006 Aug;28(4):247-53.  Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-2494.2006.00328.x
  3. NHS. Acanthosis nigricans. [Internet] Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/acantho sis-nigricans/
  4. Rondo M. Phytochemical and biological studies on some South African plants used in traditional medicine for skin hyperpigmentation. University of Cape. Available from: https://etd.uwc.ac.za/bitstream/handle/11394/6079/867-1595-1-RV.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  5. Kaur A, Singh TG, Dhiman S, Arora S, Babbar R. Novel herbs used in cosmetics for skin and hair care: A review. Plant Archives. 2020;20(1):3784-93. Available from: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/NOVEL-HERBS-USED-IN-COSMETICS-FOR-SKIN-AND-HAIR-%3A-A-Kaur-Singh/ab3c9cdb988252358eb43a1abf69048f2c6892ec
  6. Fukushima Y, Takahashi Y, Kishimoto Y, Taguchi C, Suzuki N, Yokoyama M,et al. Consumption of Polyphenols in Coffee and Green Tea Alleviates Skin Photoaging in Healthy Japanese Women. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2020 Mar;13:165-72. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32104042/
  7. Smit N, Vicanova J, Pavel S. The hunt for natural skin whitening agents. Int J Mol Sci. 2009 Dec;10(12):5326-49. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/10/12/5326

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