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Mangosteen: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Mangosteen is a tropical plant scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana L. It is amazing that it has been used globally for about hundreds of years as traditional medicine.1 The fruit is red or purple in colour and has a somewhat unique sweet-sour acidic taste.2,3 Due to its several potential benefits and its crown-like top, it is popularly titled ”The Queen of Tropical Fruit.” It is cultivated in tropical countries of South-East Asia, such as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. It is also grown in Japan, China, Middle Eastern countries, Europe and the United States of America for its high commercial value.3 

mangosteen fruit benefits

Did you know that mangosteen is a major component of health supplements? 3 There is much to learn about mangosteen and its abundant benefits; read along to explore!  

Did you know?

  • Mangosteen has been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including diarrhea and skin infections. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Mangosteen may help reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Mangosteen has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which may help fight against bacterial and fungal infections. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov

Nutritional Value of Mangosteen: 

Mangosteen fruit contains important bioactive compounds such as vitamins, anthocyanins, terpenes, xanthones, phenols and tannins.1 

Nutrient Component  Value 
Protein 0.5 g 
Fibre 1.7 g 
Carbohydrates 18.4 g 
Calcium 9 mg 
Phosphorus 14 mg 
Iron 0.5 mg 
Vitamin C 2 mg 
Vitamin B5 (niacin) 0.1 mg 
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg 
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.09 mg 

Table 1: The nutritional value of mangosteen per 100 g1  

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Properties of Mangosteen: 

Mangosteen has been used for a long time as a traditional medicine across the world. The presence of several bioactive compounds in mangosteen may be responsible for mangosteen’s beneficial properties, some of which are: 

  • It may have anticancer potential.  
  • It may be a potent antioxidant.  
  • It may have antimicrobial potential.  
  • It may have anti-diabetes potential.    
  • It may help with potential benefits for the liver.    
  • It may have a protective potential for the skin.    
  • It may be potentially joint protective.  
  • It may be potentially eye-protective.  
  • It may help with depression.  
  • It may have protective benefits for the bowel (colon).  
  • It may potentially help in cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) health.  
  • It may be potentially helpful for tissue.3  

As we know that oxidative stress produced in the body due to free radicals might accelerate the ageing process. Based on some studies, Mangosteen contains various phytochemicals that exhibit antioxidant and antiaging activities. Therefore, Mangosteen might be useful to decrease ageing-related symptoms.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Also Read: Grapefruit: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Potential Uses of Mangosteen: 

Mangosteen might have several benefits, and it  may promote general wellbeing.3 Some of the benefits are: 

1. Potential Uses of Mangosteen for Microbial Infections:  

 The extract of mangosteen might show antibacterial activity and help in managing the growth of several infection-causing bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori, Staphylococcus epidermidis.1 Extract of mangosteen may show antifungal activity against infection-causing fungi such as Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophyte, Trichophyton rudrum, Alternaria tenuis, Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, and Dreschlera oryzae.1 

However, the studies available are insufficient, and we need further studies to establish the effect on human conditions and infections.  

2. Potential Uses of Mangosteen for Diabetes:  

In an animal study in 2017, Husen et al. studied the extract of mangosteen for its potent antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. The extract might show kidney protective and liver-protective functions as per animal studies. The traditional usage of mangosteen suggests that the extracts may be effective in humans for managing diabetic wounds. Further studies and scientific evidence are needed to support its use for diabetes in human beings.1 You must consult a qualified doctor for proper diagnosis and prescription for diabetes and related conditions.  

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3. Potential Uses of Mangosteen for Cancer:  

Yu et al. suggested that mangosteen might have benefits for immune response and potential anticancer activities due to mangosteen’s fruit pericarp (a part of the fruit). Several studies suggest that it may help against various cancer cell lines in animals. It may also decrease the tumour growth and volume and spread of cancer in humans.1 Further studies may be needed to understand the extent and actual benefit of mangosteen in human cancer. Cancer is a serious condition; it is advisable to consult a doctor and discuss your condition and requirements and never try to treat yourself without proper advice.  

4. Other Potential Uses of Mangosteen:  

  • In an animal study, it was found that mangosteen might display an antidepressant-like effect and reduce mental confusion, disorientation or restlessness.1  
  • Mangosteen may have the ability to manage mast cells present in the bone marrow. These cells are responsible for the response of the immune system to allergy-causing substances.1  
  • Animal studies of mangosteen suggest that it may be developed as a novel analgesic (pain-relieving) drug as it may have the ability to block the sensory nerve cells responsible for the detection of pain.1  
  • Mangosteen may inhibit obesity-related enzymes and biochemical processes. It might also inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids and thus might be helpful in preventing obesity.1  
  • Mangosteen may be helpful in serious gum infections. You might improve your gum health by eating mangosteen or applying mangosteen-containing gel to your gums.2 
  • Mangosteen might have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to its bioactive compounds. Thus, it may provide protection against disorders of various human organs such as the eye, skin, joints, liver, bowel, heart and blood vessel tissues.3 

Though there are studies that show the benefits of mangosteen in various conditions, these are insufficient, and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of mangosteen on human health.   

Also Read: Jackfruit: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

How to Use Mangosteen? 

All parts of the mangosteen plant, such as the leaves, roots, bark, whole fruit, stem, arils (an extra seed covering, typically coloured and hairy or fleshy), seed and heartwood, are consumed in different forms as they have rich bioactive compounds that may have numerous health benefits. Other forms in which mangosteen may be taken are: 

  • Mangosteen fruits, leaves and bark might be used to make tea. 
  • Dried and powdered fruit hull may be eaten for medicinal benefits.1 
  • Health foods or drinks may be commercially developed from mangosteen fruit by adding vitamins and other substances.3 

You must always seek the advice of your Ayurvedic physician regarding the form and dosage of mangosteen. They will recommend you the dosage as per your health condition. 

Some studies suggest that Mangosteen-containing supplements might have unfavourable effects on microbes present in the digestive tract. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Side Effects of Mangosteen: 

 The most common side effects of mangosteen are: 

  • Eating mangosteen for a short duration might be possibly safe, but a prolonged consumption may cause bloating, vomiting, nausea, constipation, and tiredness.2 
  • Some animal studies show that drinking mangosteen extract might be toxic and may cause death at certain concentrations.1 

It is advised not to take any herb for its benefits on your own. You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an Ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor. 

Also Read: Can You Eat Mango Skin? Unraveling the Truth with Scientific Evidence

Precautions to Take With Mangosteen:  

Even natural products can show specific side effects on individuals as certain compounds present in them may react differently in each body as per the health conditions of the person. Therefore, it is important to take general precautions while eating mangosteen fruit or its extract. 

  • Bleeding disorders: Mangosteen may have the ability to slow down blood clotting. Thus, the risk of bleeding may increase in people suffering from bleeding disorders on taking mangosteen.2 You must consult your Ayurvedic doctor about your health conditions and associated risks. 
  • Surgery: Eating mangosteen may increase the chances of bleeding during or after surgery. It is advised to stop eating mangosteen sometime prior to the surgery.2 
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is advisable for breastfeeding and pregnant women to avoid including mangosteen in their diet since no scientific evidence-based studies have been documented about its safe use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.2  

Additionally, if you observe uneasiness or any other symptoms on eating mangosteen, you must immediately consult your Ayurvedic physician as they can guide you further.    

Also Read: Green Apple: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Interactions With Other Drugs: 

You must always consult a qualified doctor for advice and also disclose your ongoing treatments and conditions to your doctor and seek their advice for consuming mangosteen for its possible benefits. Mangosteen may interact with some drugs in the following ways: 

  • Mangosteen may have the ability to slow down blood clotting. Taking mangosteen along with medications that are used to slow blood clotting may show the interaction of mangosteen with the drug. This may increase the risk of uncontrolled bleeding and bruising.2  
  • Donepezil is a medication used for the management of dementia, a brain disorder that affects the ability to remember, think clearly, communicate, and perform daily activities. Mangosteen might enhance donepezil’s effects.2 
  • Mangosteen may interact with some herbal supplements that have anticoagulant (prevent the formation of blood clots) properties and raise the risk of bleeding. Examples of such herbs that may show interaction with mangosteen include ginkgo, ginger, garlic and ginseng.2 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What are the health benefits of mangosteen?  

Mangosteen may have several benefits as it may boost general health. It may also be beneficial in several health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, infections, depression, obesity, and gum problems, and may protect organs like the eye, liver, skin etc., from damage.13 

Is mangosteen good for pregnant women?  

There are no studies that validate the safety and benefits of mangosteen for pregnant women. Thus, it’s better to avoid mangosteen in diet during pregnancy.2  

Is mangosteen good for kidney health?  

Animal studies show that mangosteen extract may protect the kidneys and help to maintain proper kidney structure and function.1 There are no human studies that validate the effects of mangosteen on human kidney health.  You must take advice from a qualified doctor. 

Does mangosteen interact with anticoagulant drugs?  

Yes, mangosteen may slow down blood clotting. Thus, it may interact with anticoagulant drugs that have the same action and raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding.2 For consuming mangosteen, you must disclose your conditions and all going treatments to your doctor and follow their instructions.  

Does mangosteen have an effect on herbal supplements that have anticoagulant properties?   

Yes, it is possible that mangosteen may raise the risk of bleeding by interacting with anticoagulant (prevents blood clots) herbal supplements.2 You must consume mangosteen only after consulting your Ayurvedic physician.  


  1. Ansori AN, Fadholly A, Hayaza S, Susilo RJ, Inayatillah B, Winarni D, Husen SA. A review on medicinal properties of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2020 Feb 1;13(2):974-82. Available from: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/63073945/AReviewonMedicinalPropertiesofMangosteen20200424-74754-zspa79-with-cover-page-v2.pdf 
  1. NIH. Mangosteen. [Internet] [cited on: June 13]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/1081.html  
  1. Aizat WM, Jamil IN, Ahmad-Hashim FH, Noor NM. Recent updates on metabolite composition and medicinal benefits of mangosteen plant. PeerJ. 2019 Jan 31;7:e6324. Available from: https://peerj.com/articles/6324/  

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