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How to Get Rid of Ants: Top Methods from Pest Control Experts

By Dr. Aastha Manchanda +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Understand ant behavior and signs of infestation  
  • Apply natural pest control methods like diatomaceous earth and essential oils  
  • Utilize chemical pest control methods such as boric acid and commercial ant baits  
  • Implement preventive measures to keep your home and surroundings clean  
  • Know when to call a professional exterminator for persistent infestations 


Ants are pests that can be annoying. They get into your home, yard, or office, and spoil your food. Some can even harm your house’s structure and pose health threats. With many types of ants around, it’s important to know their behavior to handle them well. To help you do this, our guide suggests you some easy ways to handle ants using both natural and chemical methods. The blog also discusses the steps to keep these insects away. So are you ready to create a safe, ant-free space? Let’s use the prime tactics from pest control experts to deal with ants. 

Did you know?

how to get rid of ants

Understanding Ant Behaviour 

Do you know ants behave in intriguing ways? They live in large groups and follow strict ranks. Knowing about their acts can help you figure out the root of the problem and choose the best way to handle the situation. 

Are ants harmful to people? 

Most ants don’t cause harm to people. However, certain types can. They can carry germs, spoil your food, or may bite or sting, causing pain and allergies. 

Species of ants 

There are over 12,000 types of ants all over the earth. But, only a few become pests in our houses. The usual ones found in homes are carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants. 

Ant colonies and nests 

Ant groups have different roles, like the queen, workers, soldiers, and males that can reproduce. Each role is unique and important in the group. Ant nests are found both inside and outside. Often in damp spots or near food. 

Ant life cycle 

The life of an ant has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The time it takes to grow from an egg to an adult depends on the species of ant and its environment. 

Signs of an ant infestation 

Spotting ants early can prevent a full-blown problem. Here are some signs to watch out for: 

1. Ant trails 

A clear sign of ant trouble is ant trails. Worker ants leave a scent trail for others to follow. This ends up as a line of ants going between their nest and food source. 

2. Damage to wood and plants 

Carpenter ants carve wood to make nests, which can harm your house. They usually go for damp or rotting wood. Some ants can also harm plants searching for food or honeydew made by aphids and other insects. 

3. Anthills 

Distinct heaps of soil, sand, or plant stuff around a nest entrance can signal an ant group outside. Outdoor nests are usually in gardens, lawns, and near house foundations. 

In my opinion, to manage ants, a combination of methods, including mechanical, sanitation, and chemical might be helpful. Completely eliminating outdoor ants is unrealistic; instead, focus on keeping them away from buildings and plants by removing their food and water sources. Minimising outdoor ant activity near structures might help avoid indoor infestations.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Top Methods to Get Rid of Ants 

It’s often best to use a mix of natural and chemical ways to tackle ant trouble in and outside your house. 

1. Natural pest control methods 

Do you know you can fight ants without harsh chemicals? Several home remedies are available that can be of help. 

2. Diatomaceous earth 

Diatomaceous earth comes from fossilized marine creature remains called diatoms. It cuts the ants’ outer shell and dries them out. You can spread food-safe diatomaceous earth where ants are found near entry points, in cupboards, and around machines. 

3. Vinegar solutions 

 A mix of white vinegar and water can offer a good solution to get rid of ants. You can spray it where you see ant trails, especially around windows and doors. Vinegar smell messes with their scent paths, making it hard for ants to communicate with each other. 

4. Essential oils 

Oil scents from peppermint, tea tree, and lemon eucalyptus can help keep ants away. You can mix a few drops of any oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it where you find ants. 

5. Baking soda and sugar 

A mix of baking soda and sugar in equal parts can make homemade poison bait. Place the mix where ants are found. The sweet sugar gets them to the bait, and baking soda disrupts their digestion, killing them eventually. 

6. Lemon 

Lemon juice can break ant scent paths just like vinegar. You can mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle and apply it to the problem areas. Also, putting lemon peels near entry points can keep ants away. Their strong citrus scent acts as a natural repellent. 

7. Cornstarch 

Cornstarch can drown big groups of ants when mixed with water. Pour cornstarch over the ants and add water on top. Clean up the dead ants once they are covered in cornstarch. 

8. Coffee grounds 

Old coffee grounds can also help fend off ants. You can place the grounds on throw-away surfaces like index cards or wherever ants gather. 

9. Spices 

Strong spices like cinnamon, black or red pepper, and mint, commonly found in our kitchen, can help keep ants away. Just put the spices around your house’s baseboards and windows; they will keep the ants from coming in. 

10. Boiling water 

Pouring boiling water over anthills outdoors can kill many ants inside their nest. It may not wipe out the entire group but can limit their numbers and avert them from causing more trouble. 

Let me shed some light upon some indoor and outdoor methods that might help in getting rid of ants. For the indoors, eliminate crevices, store food in sealed containers, clean spills, and dispose off garbage promptly. Also, treat potted plants with insecticidal soap and water. For the outdoors, avoid planting trees that attract honeydew-producing insects, keep plants away from foundation of buildings, and fix any leaks.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Chemical pest control methods 

Apart from natural ways, there are chemical products too that work well against ants. These include: 

1. Boric acid 

Boric acid acts like a slow poison affecting the ants’ digestion. Ants eating the boric acid carry it back to share with their group. This leads to the whole group dying out. You can mix it with tasteful or fatty food to make bait that will lure the ants! 

2. Sodium tetraborate (Borax) 

Borax works like boric acid, poisoning ants. Mix of equal parts of borax and sugar can make an attractive bait for ants, which can be placed in areas where ants frequent to kill them. 

3. Commercial ant baits and traps 

You can get ant baits and traps from stores that have different chemical insecticides to remove ant groups. These baits attract ants who carry the toxic bait to their group, destroying it in the end. 

Let’s take a glance at how to handle ants – both naturally and chemically. 

Natural Control Methods 

Chemical Control Methods 

Diatomaceous earth 

Boric acid 

Vinegar solutions 

Sodium tetraborate (Borax) 

Essential oils 

Commercial ant baits and traps 

Baking soda and sugar 


Lemon juice, lemon eucalyptus 




Coffee grounds 


Spices (cinnamon, pepper) 


Boiling water 


Preventative Measures and Tips 

To avoid any problems later, you must carry out regular upkeep and take certain preventive steps, including: 

1. Keeping your indoor environment clean 

A clean house is the first wall against ants. Clean your countertops, floors, cupboards, and pantries regularly, and check for any crumbs. Store food in tight containers, seal trash cans, and keep the kitchen clean. 

2. Cutting off food sources 

Stop ants from getting food by cleaning up spills, boxing food in containers, and throwing away food crumbs. 

3. Sealing garbage bins 

Make sure trash cans are covered and check for residue that might bring ants. 

4. Kitchen cleanliness 

A neat kitchen can stop ants from finding food. Clean countertops, floors, and machines, and store food in sealed boxes. 

5. Eliminating damp spots and rotted wood in homes 

Ants thrive in moist places like showers, windows, and damp spots in basements. Fix leaks, replace bad materials, and ensure good ventilation to cut down humidity at home. 

6. Regular maintenance of pipes 

Check your plumbing for any leaks or signs of dampness. Fix issues as required to keep your home dry and less alluring to ants. 

7. Ventilating areas with high humidity 

To cut down condensation, air out humid places such as bathrooms and basements. This discourages ants from nesting in these places. 

8. Sealing ant entrances 

Close small spaces, cracks, and openings in your home’s structure. This includes filling gaps in windows and doors with caulk and closing any holes or cracks in walls and foundations. 

9. Caulking windows and doors 

Fill in gaps and openings around windows and doors with caulk to prevent ants from entering your house. 

10. Closing gaps and cracks 

Find and fill any holes and cracks in walls, foundations, and around utility lines to limit access for ants. 

11. Ensuring outdoor cleanliness 

Keep up with your lawn and garden care to lessen the chance of ant groups setting up near your house. 

12. Regular lawn maintenance 

Cut and edge your lawn often, remove waste and standing water, and fix any weakened landscaping materials to deter ants. 

13. Removing potential ant nesting sites 

Clear potential sites for ant nests such as wood piles, leaves, or waste. Trim overgrown plants and shrubs and keep a clear outdoor setting. 

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods

Here’s a quick recap of the ways to dodge ant problems- 

Indoor Prevention 

Outdoor Prevention 

Clean environment 

Regular lawn maintenance 

Seal food 

Remove possible ant nesting places 

Seal garbage bins 


Keep kitchen clean 


Solve damp spots 


Block ant entries 


Provide ventilation in wet areas 


Fix pipes and leaks 


When to Call a Professional Exterminator 

In some cases, you may need to call a professional exterminator to handle stubborn ant trouble. A professional exterminator can assist you in: 

1. Dealing with persistent infestations 

An exterminator can smartly and effectively handle severe or repeated troubles by finding the problem source. They then decide on the best treatment ways. 

2. Identifying and treating specific ant species 

A professional exterminator can help pin down the specific type of ant. Also, they can offer custom treatments that are more useful and crafted for the particular type of ants causing trouble. 

3. Choosing the right exterminator 

When picking an exterminator, look for one with a record of dealing with ant troubles successfully. It would be great if they provide environment-friendly and pet-friendly treatment options. Also, they should give you a detailed plan showing the steps they will take to clear the ants. 

Here are the reasons to bring in an expert to manage ant problems. 

Reasons to Call an Exterminator 

Stubborn infestations 

Identifying ant types 

Made-to-order treatment plans 


Handling ants can be hard, but with the right moves, it’s possible to tackle these pests in an effective way.  By using natural and chemical control ways, and maintaining a neat setting, you can well manage ant problems. The methods and tips given in this guide can enable you to handle and stop ant problems, ensuring a safe and cozy living place. In some cases, however, getting a professional exterminator may be needed for a complete solution.  

Also Read: Spanish Fly: Debunking Myths and Understanding Potential Effects

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does it take for natural methods to work? 

Natural ways to control ants may take longer than chemical treatments. You may need to apply them many times over several days or weeks to get the results you want.

Can pest control methods be harmful to pets and children?

Some pest control ways, like chemical insecticides, can harm pets and kids if swallowed or breathed in. Always follow the guidelines on the product label and keep them beyond the reach of kids and pets.

How often should I apply preventive measures? 

Prevention steps should be carried out all the time to maintain an ant-free setting. Regular cleaning, securing food sources, and keeping a clutter-free place can help keep ants away. 

What is the best method for controlling specific ant species? 

The best strategy to control a specific type of ant depends on their behavior, nesting habits, and likes. A professional exterminator can identify the type and give an effective treatment plan tailor-made for the specific type of ants. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Monomorium ant is a carrier for pathogenic and potentially pathogenic bacteria [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 23]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6469133 
  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Pharaoh Ant ( Monomorium pharaonis ): Newly Identified Important Inhalant Allergens in Bronchial Asthma [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 23]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC2782192 
  3. ScienceDirect. Terminating red imported fire ants using Cinnamomum osmophloeum leaf essential oil [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 23]. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/ 
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Control of the Pharaoh ant with borax bait formulations [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 23]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2095049 




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