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Scalpe Plus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: Flaunt Dandruff-Free Hair!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

We all want healthy and strong hair because it makes us look and feel good. But one common problem that plagues almost all of us is dandruff. And dandruff is not something you should take lightly. Dandruff is the result of fungal infection on your scalp. Unless you take action, new problems will show up.  

Untreated dandruff could increase hair fall until bald patches appear. Dandruff could also cause severe flaking and itching. The flakes could end up on your clothes and cause embarrassment.

Scalpe Plus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: Flaunt Dandruff-Free Hair! - PharmEasy

But is there any way you can bid goodbye to dandruff and other hair problems? The answer is yes. Try Scalpe Plus, an Expert Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with a proven track record in the treatment of dandruff related issues. It is based on a globally recognized formulation that has proven efficacy against the root cause of dandruff – the Malassezia fungus. Its special formula targets some very persistent hair problems that almost everyone faces at some point in their lives- dandruff, itching, flaking, scaling and hair fall. No wonder, Scalpe Plus has earned the position of doctor’s most prescribed* anti-dandruff shampoo.

What causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is a non-infectious skin condition that may be caused due to the excessive production and secretion of oil from the glands present on the skin. It may also be due to the under secretion of the said natural oil, which in moderate amounts is responsible for skin protection. Dandruff is also caused when the number of yeasts living on the skin suddenly increases by many folds. Any area on the body which has hair follicles may get affected by dandruff and is not something that just affects the scalp. The following are common reasons which are known to trigger dandruff in certain individuals:

  1. Heredity
  2. Extreme weather conditions  
  3. Extremely dry skin
  4. Extremely oily skin
  5. Damp hair for prolonged periods of time
  6. Poor personal hygiene
  7. Mental stress
  8. Weak immune system
  9. Chronic health conditions

Consequences of having Dandruff

Not only does dandruff cause embarrassment when out in public, but it is also responsible for giving rise to a number of other problems as well. Let us take a look at some other problems associated with dandruff.

  1. Itchy scalp
  2. Acne on the forehead
  3. Persistent ear eczema
  4. Scalp rashes
  5. ‘Bacne’ or back acne
  6. Painful inflammations on the chest
  7. Itchy eyebrows
  8. Hairfall

Why do you need Scalpe Plus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo?

Whilst dandruff is caused due to a fungal infection on the scalp, unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor diet, and pollution in the air, food, and water can trigger dandruff, itchy scalp, hair fall and weak hair. Regular anti-dandruff shampoos just wash away the visible flakes, but Scalpe Plus addresses the root cause of dandruff & gives you relief from recurring dandruff.  

Here are the ingredients in Scalpe Plus that make it an Expert Anti-dandruff Solution:

1. Ketoconazole

This ingredient can be very helpful in the treatment of not just dandruff but the symptoms of dandruff as well. Dandruff is often accompanied by itching, flaking of scalp skin and scaling. Ketoconazole has potent anti-fungal properties. It falls under a type of medication called imidazoles that are widely recommended by dermatologists to fight dandruff and bring its symptoms under control.

Moreover, Ketoconazole can also aid in slowing down and preventing hair fall caused by dandruff. Regular usage can help in preventing the recurrence of dandruff.  

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Static Hair Naturally: Home Remedies and Tips


ZPTO or bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties (it stops bacterial and fungal growth by inhibiting the cell division of bacterial and fungal cells). It can yield great results in the treatment of mild to moderate dandruff and even harsh conditions such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which causes red scaly patches on the scalp and recurrent dandruff. It also aids in preventing hair fall. It is often used in the treatment of male pattern baldness.

3. Extensive conditioning for strong hair

Conditioning is a must for healthy hair. It provides nourishment and hydration to hair. Well-nourished hair means healthy hair and reduced possibility of fungal infection and dandruff. Scalpe Plus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo contains conditioners that protect the moisture on the scalp and hair.

Use Scalpe Plus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo regularly^ to give yourself the gift of dandruff-free hair.  

*Basis IQVIA audit data June 20
^ To be used once in 3 days for 4 weeks and once a week thereafter as maintenance therapy

Also Read: How To Increase Melanin In Hair: A Research-Based Guide To Restoring Color Naturally

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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