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Why Do I Regain Weight After A Strict Diet?

Whenever you go to a gym, you must have heard the instructor tell you – ”you must be regular with your diet!” and I have come across so many people who do the exact opposite only to tell that all the weight they had lost because of a stringent diet, has come back for worse!

Here are the most common reasons why:

Blame the Biological Clock

Your biological instincts kick in -The body is not aware of the process of dieting and perceives it as starvation! This makes the body activate its survival mode and it results in an escalation of food cravings. Most people on a diet succumb to these cravings and are then no longer on the losing end of their weight loss program!

Researchers have postulated that the levels of ghrelin, a hormone tends to increase after the weight reduction brought on by diet and exercise may be the cause of “rebound weight gain”. Ghrelin is known to promote the desire to eat. It has the ability to control hunger, fat storage, and energy management. It also has interactions with other hormones like insulin that are important in regulating energy and storing fat.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Random Gym Sessions

You do not follow your gym schedule: Most people believe that eating carefully is enough to lose weight and the gym routine is either not needed or is secondary. This is a myth. If you stop going exercising, your body will stop burning off the stored fat that is essential for weight loss! Dieting only prevents additional weight gain, to burn off what is already stored, you need to exercise.

Also Read: 8 Effective Exercises for Weight Loss

Eating Junk Foods

You have returned to your normal eating habits: This is by far the least obvious thing to do but people still do it! If you have lost weight after strict dieting, then your body is lighter and that means it needs fewer calories. But now, you, my friend, have gone back to eating the usual diet and therefore all the extra calories are being converted and stored as fat!

Did you know the weight gained following reduction may result from a diet high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates? Studies have revealed that when a regular diet is resumed, water is replenished, the weight soon recovers, and some muscle tissue is regenerated. which results in weight gain.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Lack of Proteins

You ignore the protein in your diet: So you achieved your weight goals and the world seems brighter! However, if you notice yourself gaining a little weight here and there, it could be because you are not consuming enough proteins. Not getting enough proteins will slow down your metabolic rate and that makes the body more vulnerable to weight gain as your metabolism is no longer burning fats at the required rate!

It is true, what they say! The correct weight is not as difficult to achieve as it is to maintain!

So be aware of your habits if you are following a weight loss diet and come what may do not slip into the old habits!

Also Read: Green Coffee Beans for Weight Loss: Fact or Fiction?

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10 Best Foods For Diabetes That You Should Know

Patients with type 2 diabetes must rely on oral hypoglycemic drugs to maintain blood sugar levels. However, it is hazardous to rely on either drugs or surgery for long-term benefits.

There has always been some debate amongst physicians and nutritionists on the role of diet in the management of diabetes in the long term.

Evidence suggests that certain foods can help to curb sugar spikes and improve insulin resistance that may eventually lead to less dependence on medications.

A diet that is loaded with fresh vegetables, fibrous fruits, healthy proteins and good fat can benefit people with diabetes.

10 Foods That Are Good for Diabetics

When we substitute refined grains with whole grains in our diet, it may reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. [1]

Whole grains have loads of fibre and nutrients as compared to refined white grains. Fibre slows the digestion process, thus nutrients are absorbed by the body at a slower pace, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Also, whole grains have a lower glycemic index (GI), thus having comparatively less impact on blood sugar levels.

Brown rice, bulgur wheat, buckwheat, oats, millet, quinoa and barley all are useful for diabetics.

Beta-glucans in oats and barley, prevent blood glucose levels from increasing after the intake of food. [2]

Green leafy vegetables contain loads of nutrients and are low in calories. They are also low in carbohydrates which may raise our blood sugar levels. They are rich in dietary fibre, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. Their consumption is known to decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. [3]

Diabetics should eat raw vegetables like salad, at the beginning of meals since cooking vegetables can destroy certain phytochemicals.

Research has shown that nuts are highly beneficial for type 2 diabetes. Consuming nuts along with a controlled diet can help in improving blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Almonds are known to manage blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal. [4]

Studies have shown that pistachios contain the hormone glucagon-like peptide1, which reduces glucose levels, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. [5]

Walnuts also are known to manage blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes. [6]

Greek yoghurt is rich in protein, calcium, probiotics and low in carbohydrates. It also has a low glycemic index (GI). Unsweetened, low-fat Greek yoghurt regulates blood glucose levels and may prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. [7]

Diabetics can have Greek yoghurt along with meals or have it as a snack between major meals.

Read More: 10 Health Benefits of Eating Yoghurt

Consumption of garlic improves glycemic status and is known to reduce fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels. [8]

Garlic also contains vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Vitamin B6 helps in carbohydrate metabolism and vitamin C helps to maintain blood sugar levels.

Diabetics can consume raw garlic or add it to foods or they can even have garlic supplements available in the market.

Read More: 10 Health Benefits of Garlic

Cinnamon may reduce the risk of diabetes and related complications. [9]

Cinnamon enhances the release of insulin and the signalling of insulin receptors, thus helping in the management of diabetes. It is also a powerful antioxidant, preventing the development of diabetes.

Cinnamon also prevents a sudden rise in sugar levels after meals. [10]

I advise including tomatoes as a healthy food choice in your diabetes-friendly diet. Whether you prefer them pureed, raw, or in a sauce, tomatoes may provide essential nutrients such as vitamins C and E, and potassium. These nutrients are beneficial for your overall health and might be a great addition to your meals.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Apple cider vinegar is made by subjecting the juice obtained from apples to fermentation. It also contains vitamin C, B vitamins and acetic acid.

Apple cider vinegar effectively reduces blood glucose levels after meals and is also known to improve the function of insulin. Thus, it is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. [11]

Read More: 6 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Beans are loaded with nutrition. They are rich in fibre and protein, keeping us full longer and reducing our carbohydrate intake.

Beans also have a low glycemic index (GI) and effectively reduce blood sugar levels. GI of soybean is 15, while kidney beans are 28 and chickpeas is 33.

Beans thus are extremely beneficial for diabetics. [12]

If you’re trying to manage diabetes and looking for protein-rich food options to include in your diet, I might suggest adding lean meats, chicken or turkey without the skin, fish, eggs, and meat substitutes like tofu. These protein sources may provide you with essential nutrients while helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Berries are powerful antioxidants. They are also rich in Vitamin C and fibre. Berries also have a low GI value.

Berries like blueberries, strawberries were found to be useful in regulating blood glucose levels and thus proved to be beneficial for diabetics. [13]

Read More: 10 Low GI Fruits of Diabetics

Fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3 fatty acids protect diabetics from various diabetes-related complications like nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, retinopathy etc. [14]

Fatty fish is also loaded with proteins, making us feel full for a long time and reducing our carbohydrate intake.

For those having diabetes, I should suggest incorporating citrus fruits into your diet regularly. You may choose from a variety of options such as grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and limes. These fruits are not only delicious but might also provide essential nutrients like fibre, vitamin C, folate, and potassium, which are beneficial for your health.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Read More: Understanding Types Of Blood Sugar Levels

Foods to avoid in Diabetes:

Check out diabetic essential products required to maintain an ideal level of blood sugar in your body.

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Keeping Up With Cholesterol: Importance Of Fitness & Health Management!

For a fit body, you need an active lifestyle that is devoid of stress. We all know this, but how many of us actually follow it in this fast-paced and stress-laden life?

High cholesterol is a major trigger for the onset of cardiac ailments and other diseases. It has the potential of interfering with the blood flow and damaging the arteries which may also result in a stroke. Your doctor would tell you that not all the cholesterol in your body is bad and high–density lipoprotein or HDL is actually good for your body as it helps in transporting the excessive LDL out of the body through the liver.

But how do we know what is good and bad cholesterol? Read on to know what Vinata Shetty has to say about cholesterol management in the digital age.

Vinata Shetty is a certified trainer and has trained over 1000 instructors to date. The Reebok University Master Trainer has been a part of the fitness industry for more than 18 years now. She is the brand ambassador to Gatorade, the fitness drink for sports enthusiasts and has been associated with many fitness conventions as a presenter. She has also held many corporate seminars and workshops to make people aware of the benefits of living a fit and healthy life. She is also an avid writer who has been featured in major fitness and health magazines.

Often, high cholesterol level is a condition that doesn’t present itself with symptoms and many are not aware of it till it worsens and causes further damage. While many contributing factors lead to high cholesterol levels, one can definitely manage it with good lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits.

Cholesterol can be managed by lifestyle management unless you have some genetic predisposition which leads to high cholesterol levels.”

Cholesterol Management for a Healthier Body

In general, cholesterol level above 240 mg/dL is considered high and anything between 200mg/dL and 239mg/dL is considered borderline. There are many contributing factors for this condition, like:

Read More: Recommended & Normal Cholesterol Levels

”There is never one contributing factor and it is very hard to say which the most contributing factor is.”

Impact of High Cholesterol on your body

Read More: Cholesterol Side Effects To Watch Out For

“You should know the root cause of your high cholesterol levels to be able to treat it effectively.”

Eating soy, nuts, oats, barley, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables coupled with an active lifestyle and plenty of rest can help you manage cholesterol effectively. It is always better to avoid developing tendencies of high cholesterol level by managing it through diet, discipline and exercise. Prevention is always better than cure.

Also, read: Cholesterol Diet – Food to Eat & Avoid For High Cholesterol

Child Obesity- Who is at risk?

Of late, it has been observed that many children are way off their normal growth chart and at risk of being obese. When a child’s weight trajectory is not proportional to his/her height it means that he/she has a lot of fat accumulation which is not healthy for their growth. If left unchecked, this might lead to various chronic ailments as they grow.

This rise in child obesity can be attributed to the following factors:

”The growing cases of child obesity are alarming and we must work towards giving our children a fitter childhood.”

Upholding a healthy lifestyle and cholesterol management becomes a natural process if lifestyle habits are taken care of at an early age and kids are educated about the benefits of living healthy. Parents must make more efforts to promote health-conscious eating habits at home. Along with that, families who spend time doing physical activities such as playing sports together, are happier and healthier.

Here are some tips on managing child obesity

  1. Discouraging sugary and cholesterol-rich food – Avoid giving your child food high on sugar and trans-fat. Don’t give chocolates and fast foods as a reward.
  2. Follow a healthy food regime – You reap what you sow and children learn from what you do. Inculcate the habit of healthy eating and make your kids aware of the impact of obesity on their health
  3. A family which plays together stays together – Indoctrinate the habit of cycling or exercising together as a family.
  4. Keep up with your exercise regime –. A balanced diet combined with any sort of physical exercise goes a long way. Make sure you work out consistently.

”Food high on sugar levels must be an occasional indulgence because what starts as a one-time thing becomes a habit and then it becomes hard to break out of that habit.”

Also Read: What is Spirulina: Understanding the Research-Based Benefits and Uses


Managing your cholesterol levels is very critical for your overall health. An active lifestyle coupled with a good diet is essential to keep your cholesterol levels in check. You must set a good example yourself to raise awareness among your kids so that they start believing in it and practice it as part of their daily routine. There is nothing you don’t know about cholesterol management; it is just about taking it seriously and working towards it. Make short goals and work towards achieving them instead of taking a huge leap and failing miserably.

Read More: 6 Simple Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation

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