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Cordyceps Benefits: A Deep Dive into Research-Backed Advantages

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Cordyceps is a fungus with potential health benefits. 
  • Potential for enhanced athletic performance and anti-aging properties. 
  • Possible anti-tumor effects, management of type 2 diabetes, and heart health benefits. 
  • Available in various supplement forms, such as powder, capsules, and liquid extract. 
  • Consult your healthcare provider before incorporating cordyceps supplements into your regimen. 


Cordyceps is a fungus popular for its potential health benefits. It contains loads of health-promoting compounds such as cordycepin, polysaccharides, and ergosterol.  In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of cordyceps, their nutritional profile, active ingredients, the various forms of supplements, advice on dosages, possible side effects, and tips to select good quality products. Lastly, we will answer frequently asked questions regarding this topic.   

Cordyceps Overview 

Cordyceps is a well-loved fungus with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).  In this section, we’ll discuss about cordyceps history and its various species.  

cordyceps benefits

What are Cordyceps? 

Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus growing on specific insects, mostly found in high-altitude areas like the Himalayas. For centuries, they have been dried and used in traditional Chinese medicine. Conditions like low energy, respiratory issues, kidney ailments, and low sex drive have been managed using it in traditional medicine. 

  • History and traditional uses 

The use of cordyceps in Chinese medicine isn’t new. It’s more than 2000 years old. It’s been used to improve energy levels and overall wellness. Fresh research is shedding light on its potential health benefits. That’s why it’s becoming a vital part of supplements for alternative medicine. 

  • Types of Cordyceps species 

There are over 400 known types of cordyceps. But two, in particular, have stolen the limelight for their possible medicinal uses. They are – Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris. Although current research mostly involves animals or laboratory studies.  

Did you know?

  • Cordyceps has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to enhance lung function and improve respiratory health. source: nccih.nih.gov
  • Cordyceps extract and its bioactive compounds have shown remarkable clinical health effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. source: PMC
  • Cordyceps mycelium can be cultivated on insect larvae or cereal grains for commercial production. source: PMC

Nutrition and Active Compounds 

Cordyceps are rich with several compounds known to enhance health. The main active ingredients in cordyceps include cordycepin, polysaccharides, ergosterol, and adenosine.  

Key active compounds in Cordyceps 

The main ingredients in cordyceps are listed below.  

  • Cordycepin 

Cordycepin is proposed to be linked to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer uses.  

  • Polysaccharides 

Polysaccharides are  carbohydrates made up of multiple sugar units.  They are proposed to support immune health, regulate blood sugar, and show antioxidant activity.  

  • Ergosterol 

Ergosterol is a sterol seen in fungi that is said to help reduce inflammation.  

  • Adenosine 

Adenosine is found naturally in cordyceps. It has a crucial role in many body functions. Adenosine is said to help with heart health, reduce inflammation, and boost energy production.  

Research-Backed Potential Benefits of Cordyceps 

1. Exercise and Athletic Performance Enhancement 

A key area of cordyceps study is its ability to lift athletic performance.  The fungus is proposed to boost the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP delivers energy to muscles and helps with oxygen use which aids exercise. 

  • How cordyceps may improve stamina and endurance? 

Studies suggest that cordyceps helps older adults perform better during exercise. It does this by boosting VO2 max. That’s a fitness level index showing a person’s oxygen use during intense exercise. It found that older adults had a significant rise in VO2 max when they took Cordyceps. 

  • Research studies and findings 

One study took healthy older adults. Those who got a synthetic form of cordyceps named CS-4 over six weeks saw a 7% increase in VO2 max. The placebo group did not show this rise. In another test, older adults were given 1 gram of CS-4 daily for 12 weeks. They showed improvement in exercise performance. 

But note that research so far shows cordyceps does not enhance exercise in trained athletes. More studies are needed to confirm if cordyceps raises athletic performance in different groups. 

2. Anti-Aging Properties 

Cordyceps has been used in traditional medicine to slow down aging.  Present studies suggest that its anti-aging effect might be due to the strong antioxidants it contains. 

Antioxidants are molecules that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. These unstable molecules can react with nearby cell parts and lead to cell dysfunction. So, by neutralising free radicals, antioxidants bring down oxidative stress thus delaying cellular damage.  

Some studies suggest that cordyceps might prolong life by reducing cell damage from harmful environmental factors. For example, mice given cordyceps lived for a few more months than those given a placebo. Another study showed that cordyceps lengthened the lifespan of fruit flies. 

However,  we need human trials to explore the anti-aging effects of cordyceps. 

3. Potential Anti-Tumour Effects 

The potential anti-tumour features of cordyceps are in the limelight in the last few years. The fungus is proposed to help fight cancer through several ways. 

How does cordyceps help fight cancer cells? 

Laboratory studies show that cordyceps may stop the growth of different types of human cancer cells, such as those of lung, colon, skin, and liver cancers. Mouse studies show that cordyceps has anti-tumour effects on lymphoma, melanoma, and lung cancer cells. 

  • Recent research findings 

In one study they found that cordyceps had the potential to counteract the side effects of some cancer therapy. An example is leukopenia where there is a fall in the white blood cell count, making the body prone to infection. Another study found that cordyceps reversed leukopenia caused by radiation therapy and the chemotherapy drug in mice. 

The results are promising but how Cordyceps affects leukopenia and tumour growth in humans is still unknown. Moreover, the studies were done in animals and test tubes, not on humans. Hence, further large-scale human research needs to be done. 

4. Managing Type 2 Diabetes 

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition where blood sugar levels increase. That’s due to low insulin production or the body’s resistance to its effects. Cordyceps seems to have potential sugar-lowering properties. This suggests it might benefit those dealing with type 2 diabetes. 

  • Research studies and findings 

Animal studies reveal that cordyceps might aid blood sugar control by mimicking the effects of insulin.  

A study on diabetic mice showed that cordyceps supplementation reduced blood sugar and improved cholesterol levels. It also improved weight control and kidney function. But note, these findings are based on animal studies and more research is needed to confirm the potential benefits of cordyceps for individuals with type 2 diabetes. 

5. Heart Health  

Animal research showed that cordyceps may help to lower LDL cholesterol, resulting in healthier cholesterol levels.  LDL is the bad cholesterol with respect to heart health.Aside from reducing cholesterol, cordyceps might also avoid atherosclerosis. That is when the arterial walls get plaque build-up, limiting blood flow. Animal studies show that cordyceps may lower triglyceride levels as well. Though we do not have many human trials, smaller studies imply that cordyceps could have potential benefits for the heart  .

However, currently, there isn’t enough evidence to says for sure how cordyceps impacts heart health in humans. More research is needed. 

6. Fighting Inflammation 

Cordyceps is proposed to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Animal and test-tube studies show that cordyceps reduces inflammation in different contexts. For example, water extracts of cordyceps brought down inflammation and improved lung function in asthmatic mice. Another mouse study showed that skin inflammation dropped drastically when cordyceps was applied topically. 

However promising, cordyceps’ potential anti-inflammatory effects have yet to be observed in humans. Until more research is conducted, the true reach of cordyceps as an anti-inflammatory agent stays unclear. 

Also Read: Nattokinase: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More!

Cordyceps Supplements 

A wide range of cordyceps supplements is available. It lets consumers opt what suits their needs best. In this section, we’ll discuss about the various types of supplement , outline suggested dosages, and cover any possible side effects or precautions linked to cordyceps use. 

1. Forms of Cordyceps Supplements 

Cordyceps supplements are available in several forms. So, you can choose what works for you. The most common forms of cordyceps supplements are as follows.   

  • Powder 

You can add cordyceps powder to   food and drinks. It’s a simple and handy way of taking cordyceps. 

  • Capsules 

Capsules are easy to swallow. If you prefer a solid supplement form.. They let you control dosing and are easy to carry around. 

  • Liquid extract 

Cordyceps liquid extract is a concentrated form. It’s usually taken by placing drops under the tongue or mixing with a beverage. Quick to absorb, it’s an option for those who find it hard to take capsules or tablets. 

2. Dosages and How to Take Cordyceps? 

 Research suggests that doses of 1,000-3,000 mg per day could yield health benefits. It’s best to discuss with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, as individual needs may vary. 

  • General guidelines 

When starting cordyceps supplement, it is advised to start with the lowest dose. See how you respond to the product before you raise your intake if necessary. If you have any bad side effects, ask your healthcare provider for advice and adjust  the dosage as needed.  

3. Side Effects, Precautions, and Safety 

Though cordyceps are typically safe for short-term use, some people may have side effects. Also, some groups might have to use caution when thinking about cordyceps supplementation. 

  • Common side effects 

Usually, cordyceps use is well-tolerated. But, some people might face mild side effects like an upset stomach, feeling sick, diarrhoea, or dry mouth. Most of the time, these side effects stop once cordyceps usage ends. However, if you feel significant discomfort or other symptoms after taking cordyceps,  discuss with your healthcare provider. 

  • Contraindications and interactions 

Some people should avoid cordyceps or use it under caution who are as follows.  

  • Those with known allergies to molds or fungi. 
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women, due to limited studies on the safety of cordyceps during these periods.  
  • People who are on medications that thin the blood or dissolve blood clots. 
  • Those taking medications that help with swelling or inflammation, such as Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).  
  • Patients on MAO inhibitors, a class of antidepressant medications.  
  • Safety guidelines 

Before starting any new supplement, it’s key to ask your healthcare provider to know if it’s appropriate for your needs and to get guidance on correct dosing. Go by the directions on the product label or what your healthcare provider advises. And stop using cordyceps if you get any bad side effects. 

How to Choose High-Quality Cordyceps Products 

Assessing the quality of Cordyceps 

Tips to follow to find quality cordyceps products are as follows.  

  • Sourcing and cultivation 

Where cordyceps is sourced and how it’s grown matter in determining the product’s quality. Wild-harvested C. sinensis is rare to find and costs a lot; hence, most supplements use laboratory-grown strains like Cs-4 or C. militaris. Look for products that clearly mention their sourcing and growing methods, along with any quality control measures in place. 

  • Standardization and active ingredient content 

A good cordyceps supplement will typically give you a set value of active compounds, like cordycepin, polysaccharides, and adenosine. Always choose a standardized product.  

  • Third-party testing 

Another way to vouch for the quality and safety of cordyceps supplement is to go for products tested and certified by third-party bodies like United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or NSF International. These organizations affirm that the supplements have the ingredients listed on the label. 

Also Read: Kratom Benefits: A Research-Based Exploration of Its Potential


Cordyceps is a marvelous fungus with deep roots in traditional medicine. It also has a myriad of potential health benefits which include exercising performance enhancement, anti-aging, anti-tumor, antidiabetic, and heart health-promoting effects. There is new research shedding more light on its varied properties. However, more research is still needed to confirm these effects. It is advised to choose good quality products and always discuss them with your doctor before incorporating it into your daily diet.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can cordyceps be taken daily? 

Yes, you can normally take cordyceps supplements every day. But, do ask your healthcare provider before you start taking any new supplement. You’ll learn the right dosage and whether it’s safe for your specific needs. 

Are there any long-term side effects from Cordyceps supplements? 

At present, we don’t have much research on the long-term safety of cordyceps supplementation. Yet, it’s viewed as generally safe for short-term use. Always check with your healthcare provider before you start any new supplement. Also, stop using it if you get any bad side effects. 

Do Cordyceps directly boost testosterone levels? 

Research shows that in animal studies, cordyceps support hormone production and might raise testosterone levels. But we need more research to see if these effects extend to humans, as well. 

How can Cordyceps benefit kidney function? 

Research hints that cordyceps might help shield against kidney disease by reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar control, and boosting overall kidney health. But human research is still limited, and more studies are necessary to confirm these effects. 

How soon can I see the benefits from taking Cordyceps? 

This can vary. It depends on factors like the supplement’s quality, active ingredient content, and individual health status. Discuss with your healthcare provider about your specific needs and expectations before incorporating cordyceps supplementation. 

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