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Castor Oil For Eyelashes: A Research-Based Guide On Growth And Care

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Key Highlights:

  • Castor oil is a natural remedy that has been traditionally used for various purposes
  • The oil can improve the health and appearance of eyelashes by promoting hair health, conditioning, and strengthening them
  • Scientific research supports the effectiveness of castor oil for hair health, although more studies are needed to confirm its benefits for eyelashes specifically
  • When choosing the right type of castor oil, consider factors such as cold-pressed vs. Jamaican black castor oil, and organic options
  • To apply castor oil to eyelashes, ensure proper hygiene and tools, follow application techniques, and establish a nightly routine


Are eyelashes not just a mark of beauty but protectors of the eyes as well? Of late, natural remedies to boost eyelash care and growth have gained much attention. One such treatment is castor oil. It’s thought to help enhance eyelashes without needing chemical methods or costly procedures.

We’ll examine its benefits for your lashes. We’ll also look at relevant scientific studies. In addition, we will provide suggestions on how to pick the best type of castor oil. We will also discuss how best to use it, possible side effects, and other options to think about. By the end, you will know all about castor oil for eyelashes. You will understand why constant care and correct usage are so important.

Castor Oil: Origin and Properties

Ever wondered where castor oil comes from? It’s derived from the beans of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). People have been using it as a medicine and an industrial product since older times. This oil is rich in chemical elements. The main one is ricinoleic acid. It’s thought to be behind many of its health perks. Whether it’s managing constipation or reducing inflammation, castor oil has been a go-to remedy. It’s also used to nourish skin and hair. It’s easy to see why it’s seen as a multi-purpose natural wonder.

Castor Oil Benefits for Eyelashes

So what can castor oil do for your eyelashes? It may encourage their growth. It could condition and enrich the hair strands. It might even strengthen them, reducing breakage and shedding.

Promoting Eyelash Growth

Are there studies that support castor oil’s impact on lash growth? The answer is that research is still ongoing. However, we do know that ricinoleic acid, found in castor oil, are beneficial for hair health. Plus, the hydrating nature of castor oil can help to foster a good setting for eyelash growth. But more studies are needed to prove the role of castor oil on eyelash growth. 

Conditioning and Nourishing

Why is castor oil a good conditioner and nourisher for eyelashes? Because it’s packed with fatty acids, such as ricinoleic, oleic, linoleic, and stearic acids. These can help condition and enrich eyelashes. They supply them with vital nutrients and this may prevent dryness and brittleness.

If you regularly use castor oil on your lashes, you’ll keep them well-moistened. This could also better their texture, making them softer, smoother, and more lustrous.

Did you know?

  • Castor oil has been used in alternative medicine for wound healing, arthritis, headache, menstrual cramps, and labor induction, but scientific evidence is lacking. source: NCBI 
  • Castor oil is commonly used as a stimulant laxative for constipation. source: NCBI 
  • Castor oil can be effective in bowel evacuation for diagnostic tests like colonoscopies. source: NCBI 
  • Adverse effects of castor oil include abdominal cramping, vomiting, bloating, and dizziness. source: NCBI 
  • Castor oil should be avoided in pregnancy as it can cause premature contractions. source: NCBI 

Choosing the Right Type of Castor Oil

Several types of castor oil are vying for your attention in the market. Know the differences to make an informed choice for your lash care.

1. Cold-Pressed Castor Oil

How is cold-pressed castor oil prepared? By a process involving little heat. The method keeps the oil’s natural nutrients intact. Cold-pressed castor oil is transparent and has a light smell.


  • Keeps the oil’s nutrients and properties intact.
  • It’s less processed, making it a cleaner form of castor oil.


  • It may not be good for all skin types due to its thick nature.

2. Jamaican Black Castor Oil

To make Jamaican black castor oil, castor beans are roasted before extracting the oil. Its colour is dark brown. This type of castor oil is said to be more alkaline due to its higher pH level, which might be better for hair and scalp health.


  • Has a higher pH level for improved hair and scalp health.
  • Has more ash content because of the roasting process.


  • Some may find its strong smell unattractive.

3. Organic Castor Oil

Organic castor oil is made from organically grown castor plants. These are free from man-made fertilizers and insecticides. Go for organic castor oil if you want a product with no harmful chemicals. This is better for your health and our environment.


  • It’s free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • It’s eco-friendly and healthier.


  • It may cost more than non-organic alternatives.

How to Apply Castor Oil on Eyelashes

Want to make the most of castor oil’s benefits for your lashes? Make sure you apply it the right way and keep up the pattern.

1. Choosing the Right Tools

You can put castor oil on your lashes using clean fingers, cotton buds, or mascara brushes. Remember, sanitize your hands and tools first. This will keep from tainting the oil and keep infections at bay.

2. Application Techniques

How should you apply castor oil? Gently glide a cotton bud or mascara brush along your upper and lower lash lines. Ensure equal coating of each lash with the oil. Take care not to let any oil into your eyes, as this could cause irritation and blurred vision. If you can, put castor oil on before bedtime. This gives the oil ample time to absorb into your lashes overnight.

3. Establishing a Night-time Routine

Is being regular with castor oil important for lash growth? Absolutely! Make a daily habit of applying castor oil every night before you snooze. Over time, this will give you the best results.

Be very careful when you apply castor oil and take it slow. It may take 2-3 weeks to see the fullness and perceived thickness in the eyelashes, but if not used carefully it may commonly lead to irritation and burning of the eyes. Please note that it is not scientifically proven to trigger new hair growth.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Potential Side Effects and Risks of Castor Oil

Though generally safe and tolerated well, castor oil for lashes may have some side effects and risks. Be in the know about these, and how to reduce their chances of occurrence.

Skin Irritation and Allergic Reactions

Some people may have mild to severe allergic reactions or skin irritation after using castor oil on their lashes. If you notice redness, itchiness, swelling, or discomfort around your eyes or eyelids, stop using the oil right away. Your doctor may prescribe medications if your symptoms persist or get worse.

You can reduce the risk of an allergy by doing a patch test before using castor oil on your eyelashes. Just apply a small amount of the oil on a small area of your skin, maybe inside your wrist or behind your ear. Wait 24 hours to see if irritation or redness appears.

Eye Infections and Contamination Risks

If you do not keep your hands and tools clean while using castor, there are high chances of eye infection or contamination. So, remember to clean and sanitize your hands and application tools before applying castor oil to your eyelashes.

If you suspect an eye infection, stop using castor oil and consult a healthcare provider. Signs of eye infections may include redness, fluid, irritation, and blurred vision.

It consists glycerides of isoricinoleic acid, ricinoleic, dihydroxy-stearic acid, stearic acid,eicosanoic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic, and linolenic acid. These fatty acids have very good penetrability and have been claimed to provide nourishment to the hair follicle and increase the rate of hair growth

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Alternatives to Castor Oil for Eyelash Growth and Care

If you’re unsure about trying castor or want to try other options for lash growth and care, here are some choices to consider:

Other Natural Oils

Ever thought about trying other natural oils for eyelash growth and care? Oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and sweet almond oil could help. Much like castor oil, these oils have nourishing and hydrating qualities. They could benefit the look and health of your lashes.

Commercial Eyelash Serums

The market is awash with commercial eyelash serums. These claim to promote eyelash growth, thickness, and strength. Some of these serums contain prostaglandin analogs. These have been shown to encourage hair growth. However, some of these products may be costly. They may also have side effects. So, be sure to study each product closely before trying them.


Castor oil has gained popularity for lash growth and care. But you must be careful about trying it on your lashes. Always do a patch test and consult a dermatologist about its safe application. Never apply in excess, oil dripping in the eyes can be harmful.  Whether you decide to use castor oil or other lash growth and care methods, always be safe, consistent, and patient. Remember, beautiful, lush lashes are not cultivated overnight!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How quickly can I expect to see results with castor oil?

It’s different for everyone, visible results may take time. Consult your doctor for the best advice.

Can castor oil help regrow over-plucked eyebrows?

Castor oil can not miraculously bring back over-plucked eyebrows. In fact, once plucked by mistake eyebrow hair usually grows back in its usual cycle. You may try castor oil after speaking to a dermatologist. 

Is it safe to use castor oil on eyelash extensions?

No, it’s not advised to use castor oil directly on eyelash extensions, as it may weaken the adhesive and cause the extensions to fall off sooner. Focus instead on applying castor oil to your natural lashes and avoid getting the oil on the extensions.

Can I use castor oil if I wear contact lenses?

You should avoid using castor oil while wearing contact lenses. If advised, you may apply them at night after removing your lenses. This will prevent oil from clouding your lenses. 

Are there other products to enhance the effects of castor oil on eyelashes?

There are many commercial eyelash serums and enhancers that can complement the results of lash growth and care using castor oil. You can also think about using other natural oils. Coconut oil, olive oil, or sweet almond oil added to your routine can provide extra nourishment and growth support. Always do a patch test and consult a doctor.


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