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Is Berberine Bad for Kidneys? Unraveling the Research-Based Truth

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Berberine is a natural compound with various potential health benefits, including blood sugar management, heart health, and inflammation reduction. 
  • Research on berberine’s effects on kidney health shows both positive and negative outcomes, leading to controversy.  
  • A comparison of berberine and metformin, a common diabetes drug, reveals similarities and differences between the two, affecting their overall use.  
  • Berberine safety and precautions are crucial, considering potential side effects, drug interactions, and special population considerations. 
  • It is essential to consult healthcare professionals before using berberine and discuss alternatives if necessary. 


Berberine is a natural compound found in various plants, such as goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape. It has been long used in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine for managing a wide range of health issues. The importance of maintaining healthy kidneys cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in regulating the balance of electrolytes, blood pressure, and filtering out waste products from the body. This article aims to explore the research-based evidence on   whether berberine is bad for kidneys, to help readers make informed decisions. 

We will delve into the origin and significance of berberine, its potential health benefits, and its impact on kidney health. We will also discuss how it compares to metformin, a common drug used to manage blood sugar levels, and important safety precautions one should follow when using this natural compound. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

is berberine bad for kidneys

Did you know?

  • High doses of berberine can lead to acute kidney injury. source: National Kidney Foundation
  • Berberine has been found to improve kidney function in patients with polycystic kidney disease. Source: NCBI
  • Berberine significantly ameliorates chronic kidney disease by altering the composition of the gut microbiota and inhibiting the production of gut-derived uremic toxins. Source: NCBI

What is Berberine and its Significance? 

Origin and Uses 

Berberine is a natural active ingredient found in different plants which are as follows.  

  • Goldenseal 
  • Barberry  
  • Oregon grape  
  • Chinese goldthread 

For hundreds of years, it has been a part of Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional practices. Commonly used to manage infections, digestive problems, and inflammation. 

Potential Health Benefits of Berberine 

Many potential health benefits are linked to berberine  in the body, which are as follows.   

1. Blood Sugar Management 

Both humans and animal studies show that berberine may help control blood sugar. It is proposed to do  this by: 

  • Making the body more responsive to insulin. 
  • Increasing insulin production. 
  • Keeping track of glucose metabolism.  
  • Slowing down carbohydrate absorption in the gut. 

2. Heart Health 

 Research suggests that berberine may improve heart health  by: 

  • Lowering blood pressure. 
  • Reducing inflammation.  
  • Making blood vessels function better.  
  • Easing artery plaque buildup. 

3. Gut Health 

Berberine’s action against microbes is said to maintain the gut healthy. It is proposed to decrease harmful bacteria and increase helpful ones. 

4. Inflammation Reduction 

Early studies have shown that berberine has anti-inflammatory properties. It may help manage many inflammatory conditions. 

5. Cholesterol Control 

Berberine may help  by reducing LDL or “bad” cholesterol and increasing HDL or “good” cholesterol. 

6. Weight Loss 

Some data advocates that berberine may help manage weight. It activates a tissue type that makes the body burn calories better. 

Although several studies have shown the potential benefits of berberine for kidney health, further large scale human studies are needed to confirm these. 

Berberine and Kidney Health 

1. Kidney Functions 

The kidneys are key to overall health. Key roles of the kidney in the body are as follows.  

  • Getting rid of waste and toxins from the blood. 
  • Balancing body’s electrolyte levels.  
  • Maintaining blood pressure in check.  
  • Making hormones that push out red blood cell production and keep bones healthy. 

2. Research on Berberine’s Effects on Kidneys 

Results from studies looking into the effects of berberine on the kidneys done until now, are showing mixed results.   

  • Positive Outcomes 

Some studies suggest berberine benefits kidney function in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is proposed to do this by: 

  • Lowering the levels of toxins like p-cresol and indoxyl sulfate in the blood. 
  • Increasing the presence of good gut bacteria.  
  • Reducing inflammation  
  • Boosting antioxidant levels 
  • Negative Outcomes 

But some studies bring up possible harms to kidney health. These include: 

  • Drug interaction between berberine and other medicines the patient is on.  This can lead to higher blood levels and possible harm to the kidneys. 
  • Some animal studies report nephrotoxicity. But dosage and management duration might be the reason. 

Further studies are needed in this regard. 

Berberine vs. Metformin 

Both berberine and metformin are used to control blood sugar levels. They also work in similar ways. But also have differences as well. 

1. Similarities 

  • Both berberine and metformin increase insulin sensitivity and control glucose metabolism. 
  • Both have shown they may help manage type 2 diabetes and boost metabolic markers. 

2. Differences 

  • Berberine is a natural compound, while metformin is made in laboratories. 
  • Berberine has wider uses. It may help control blood sugar, cholesterol levels, inflammation, and improve gut health.  
  • We don’t know the best dose and timing for berberine use yet. But metformin comes with clear dosing guidelines. 

 3. Advantages of berberine: 

  • Acts as a natural option for managing blood sugar and other health benefits. 
  • Can be an option if standard medicines are not suitable due to heart, liver, or kidney problems. But incorporate it only after getting the approval of your doctor.  

 4. Disadvantages of berberine: 

  • May interact with some drugs and could harm kidneys. 
  • No clear advice on dosage, dosing frequency, and duration for which it must be taken.  
  • The effects of berberine for sugar control is not as predictable as metformin.  

5. Advantages of metformin: 

  • Comes with a clear dosing guide. 
  • Low-priced and readily available. 

6. Disadvantages of metformin: 

  • Can lead to stomach issues like upset stomach, diarrhoea, or rarely lactic acidosis. 
  • Users may become resistant or intolerant to it over time. 

Berberine Safety and Precautions 

Berberine is easy to take with few side effects. But keep the following in mind. 

1. Side Effects 

  • Mild side effects: Gut issues like loss of appetite, upset stomach, and diarrhoea. Rash might also occur. 
  • Severe side effects: So far, there are none if taken in recommended doses.  

2. Drug Interactions 

Berberine might interfere with some drugs. These include: 

  • Immunosuppressive drugs: Berberine could make blood levels of these drugs rise or harm kidneys. 
  • Sulfonylureas (a type of diabetes medication): The two together and cause a huge drop in glucose levels.  
  • CYP450 substrate drugs: Berberine might lower the effectiveness of drugs metabolised by certain enzymes. 

3. Special Populations 

Certain people need to be careful with berberine. These include the following.  

  • Pregnant and nursing women: Berberine might harm unborn babies or infants, leading to yellowing skin and possible brain disorders. 
  • Children: We lack data on berberine’s safety in children.  
  • Elderly: Even though berberine is generally safe for older adults, it is key to check with healthcare professionals before using.  
  • Those with kidney problems: Since berberine can affect kidney health, they need extra care with its use. 

Always ensure to discuss with your doctor before incorporating berberine in your daily routine.  

4. Dosage and Recommendations 

There is no standard dose for berberine. Most studies suggest daily doses between 0.4 and 2 g. Discuss with a healthcare professional before starting berberine. They can keep track of your health history, current medications, and possible contraindications. 


Berberine is a natural compound with various potential health benefits, including blood sugar management, heart health, and inflammation reduction. Research regarding its effects on kidney health, however, remains controversial. While some studies show positive effects, others highlight potential adverse effects and drug interactions. Therefore, consulting with healthcare professionals and considering individual circumstances is crucial before using berberine as a supplement. 

Moreover, it is essential to remember that while berberine shows promise as a natural alternative to medications like metformin, proper dosage, and an understanding of its possible side effects and interactions with other drugs are crucial for ensuring its safe and effective use. More rigorous research is necessary to determine the optimal dosage and long-term safety profile of berberine so healthcare professionals can provide more accurate guidance on its use for managing different health conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is berberine harmful to kidneys? 

Studies on berberine and kidney health show mixed results. Some report benefits while others warn of risks.  Always check in with a healthcare professional first, especially if you have kidney problems. 

How long is it safe to take berberine? 

The safe period for berberine intake is not fixed. Most studies advise daily doses between 0.4 and 2 g. But always consult with a healthcare professional before adding berberine to your daily routine. 

Who should avoid berberine? 

Pregnant and nursing women, and people with kidney issues should steer clear of berberine because of potential risks.  Always check with a healthcare professional first. Especially if you have a health condition. 

What are the alternatives to berberine for managing blood sugar levels? 

Instead of berberine, you could manage blood sugar levels with medication (like metformin), diet changes, regular exercise, and other supplements. But always consult with a healthcare professional before trying new management options. 

What can I do to protect my kidneys while taking berberine? 

To stay kidney-healthy while taking berberine, monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure. Maintain a balanced diet. And, of course, regularly check in with your healthcare professional. They can measure kidney function and suggest any required alterations to the therapy. 

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