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Nattokinase: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More!

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Nattokinase is a powerful enzyme derived from natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. 
  • It has numerous potential health benefits, including promoting heart health, improving circulation, supporting bone health, and aiding digestion. 
  • Nattokinase may help to lower blood pressure, avoid blood clots, and reduce inflammation in the body. 
  • To incorporate nattokinase into your diet, it can be taken as a supplement, or consumed in its traditional form of natto. 
  • Consult your healthcare professional before starting nattokinase supplementation, as it may interact with certain medications and have potential side effects. 


There is a potent enzyme in a classic Japanese dish called natto, known as nattokinase. Drawn from fermented soybeans, this enzyme has been a natural health remedy in Japan for ages. It could be an answer to some health issues like weak bones, circulation problem, and some heart diseases.  

In this article, we will discuss the potential benefits of nattokinase, how to safely add it to your meals, and what side effects to look out for. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

nattokinase benefits

Did you know?

  • Nattokinase, an enzyme found in natto, has been shown to have potential health benefits, such as improving blood circulation and reducing blood clot formation. source: PMC
  • Natto is a good source of vitamin K2, which is important for bone health and may help prevent osteoporosis. source: PMC
  • Natto contains a high amount of menaquinone-7 (MK-7), a form of vitamin K2 that is more bioavailable and has a longer half-life in the body compared to other forms of vitamin K. source: PMC
  • Natto is rich in soybean isoflavones, which have been associated with various health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. source: PMC
  • Natto contains γ-polyglutamic acid, a compound that has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. source: PMC

What is Nattokinase? 

Coming from the fermentation process of natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from soybeans, nattokinase is a special enzyme. Because it breaks down proteins, and is suggested to provide many health benefits, especially for heart health. 

The Origin and Production Process of Nattokinase 

Traditionally natto used as a nutritious food and home remedy for various health problems in Japan for over 1000 years. In the early 1900s, scientists singled out the Bacillus subtilis bacteria that turns soybeans into nattokinase during fermentation. 

To produce nattokinase, first, boil soybeans. Then we introduce these friendly Bacillus subtilis bacteria to carry out the fermenting process. This process gives birth to nattokinase and leads to a sticky texture and the potential health benefits in natto. 

Nutrients Found in Nattokinase 


Probiotics are live bacteria that improve gut health, digestion, and the immune system.  Bacillus subtilis bacteria in nattokinase are natural probiotics that give support to gut health.  

Vitamins and Minerals 

Nattokinase is full of vitamins and minerals in them. They contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C.  

Potential Health Benefits of Nattokinase 

1. Heart Health 

Natto is proposed to improve circulation, reduce clot risks, and maintain blood pressure. 

  • Improving Circulation and Blood Flow 

Nattokinase breaks apart fibrin, a protein that produces blood clots. This action improves blood flow and thus is said to reduce blood clot risks.  This may be the reason why it is proposed to reduce the risk of strokes.  

  • Blood Pressure Regulation 

Nattokinase is said to block a key enzyme involved in blood pressure control. Additionally, nutrients like potassium and magnesium in nattokinase may also help manage blood pressure. 

2. Bone Health 

Rich in calcium, nattokinase is a great food source for stronger bones. Plus, it carries vitamin K2, which plays a big part in bone health because it activates bone-building proteins. 

  • The Role of Vitamin K2 in Bone Health 

Vitamin K2 spurs osteocalcin to life. Osteocalcin is a protein that binds calcium to bone. This action checks calcium buildup in the arteries and supports both heart and bone health. 

  • Nattokinase and Calcium Absorption 

The process that makes nattokinase also lowers phytic acid content, a nutrient found largely in soybeans. Phytic acid can block the bodies’ use of minerals, like calcium. By using nattokinase, you can be sure your body takes in and uses the calcium you eat. 

3. Digestive Health 

 Nattokinase due to its probiotic and protein-breaking ability is proposed to support digestive health as well.  

  • Probiotics and Gut Flora Balance 

Bacillus subtilis bacteria in nattokinase are probiotics that may help balance out gut bacteria. Maintaining a gut flora balance is vital for good digestive health because it avoids overactive bacteria, helps the body take in more nutrients and eases discomfort in digestion disorders like IBS. 

  • Breaking Down Proteins for Improved Digestion 

Also, nattokinase aids digestion by breaking down proteins more efficiently. This may help reduce gas and bloating tied to eating protein. 

4. Immune System Support 

 Nattokinase is also proposed to aid the immune system, making sure it works well. 

  • Antioxidants in Nattokinase 

Within nattokinase lie antioxidants like vitamin C and zinc. They guard the cells against damage from harmful free radicals. This action is said to support immune function and lessens inflammation. 

  • Role of Probiotics in Immune Function 

Probiotics in nattokinase may foster a healthier immune system by boosting the growth of good bacteria. Good bacteria create vitamins and other nutrients while using up resources that harmful bacteria could use to grow. 

5. Brain Health 

Nattokinase might protect against weak brain health and help guard overall brain function. 

  • How Nattokinase May Protect Against Cognitive Decline? 

Antioxidants in nattokinase is proposed to defend the brain from damage caused by harmful free radicals, increasingly linked to brain disease. Also, better circulation from nattokinase may stop toxic proteins and other harmful stuff from gathering in the brain. 

  • Nattokinase and Cerebral Blood Flow  

Better blood flow and fewer clots from nattokinase implies that the brain gets more oxygen and nutrients it needs to function well. This is key in maintaining brain function and lowering risks of age-related brain decline. 

6. Other Potential Benefits 

Apart from these main benefits, there may be more benefits linked to nattokinase: 

  • Inflammation Reduction 

Nattokinase shows anti-inflammatory properties and may bring down inflammation in the body. This action may reduce symptoms of inflammation and improve general health. 

  • Skin Health 

Antioxidants and probiotics found in nattokinase may also improve skin health. These may help reduce inflammation, spur collagen formation, improve skin elasticity,  and reduce fine lines, and wrinkles. 

Although several studies have shown potential health benefits of nattokinase, further large-scale human studies are needed to confirm these. 

How to Safely Incorporate Nattokinase into Your Diet? 

If you’re keen on adding nattokinase into your eating habits, take key factors like dosage suggestions and allergy risks into account. 

1. Dosage Recommendations 

 A general rule to be followed is to consume it as part of a balanced diet. If you choose to go with supplements, stick to manufacturers’ suggestions, and always discuss with your healthcare professional before adding them into your routine. 

2. Tips for Choosing a High-Quality Supplement 

Always look for those tested for purity from trusted companies. Certification seals like USP or NSF International guarantee they’re safe and reliable. 

3. Consumption of Traditional Natto 

To get nattokinase, try using traditional natto in your meals. Grab natto from Asian grocery stores and pair it with rice or eat it by itself. But mind you, its flavour and texture could need getting used to.  

4. Dietary Restrictions and Allergies 

One thing to remember, natto comes from fermented soybeans. If you are allergic to soybean, stay clear of natto.  Discuss with your healthcare professional before welcoming nattokinase or natto to your diet. 

Possible Side Effects of Nattokinase 

Nattokinase is usually safe to eat, but knowing possible side effects and how it interacts with drugs is important. 

1. Common Side Effects 

Rarely do severe side effects involving nattokinase use turn up in health studies. But be mindful that some people could get minor issues like upset stomach or slight headaches. If these don’t go away or are serious, stop using, and consult your healthcare professional. 

2. Severe Side Effects 

While rare, nattokinase might lead to severe allergic reactions marked by hard breathing, itch, or rash. There is also the risk of life-threatening bleedings and bruise.  

3. Drug Interactions 

Nattokinase could interfere with certain drugs, such as warfarin and some blood pressure drugs. If you’re using any medicines, consult your healthcare professional before introducing nattokinase into your diet. 

Nattokinase versus Similar Supplements 

A bunch of other enzyme-based supplements claim similar benefits to nattokinase. Making a wise choice when buying supplements requires comparing them. 

1. Comparison with Other Enzyme Products 

Numerous supplements based on enzymes offer similar benefits as nattokinase, making it tricky to choose. Take serrapeptase and bromelain, both promising anti-inflammatory and blood thinning benefits. But they could differ from nattokinase in their source, extraction methods, and makeup. Be sure to check each product, discuss them with your healthcare professional and take their potential benefits and side effects into account before deciding. 

2. Benefits Unique to Nattokinase 

You’ll find plenty of probiotics in nattokinase. Additionally, it contains really helpful nutrients for heart health, bone health, and immunity.  These are traits unique to nattokinase. 

3. Pricing and Availability 

Finding nattokinase supplements depends on the maker, purity, and amount. Scan the shelves of health food outlets, online markets, and vitamin shops for the most value. If you prefer traditional food grab natto at any Asian grocery store for a direct hit of nattokinase. 

Homemade Natto Recipe 

If the idea of homemade natto excites you, you can try this following recipe. 


  • Raw soybeans (750g or 1.5lbs) 
  • Natto starter culture or store-bought natto (to use as a starter) 
  • A big cooking pot 
  • A clean dish (oven-safe) with a lid 
  • A kitchen thermometer 
  • A pressure cooker (optional) 


  1. Wash the soybeans well under running tap water. 
  2. Soak the soybeans using about 3 parts water to one part beans for about 9 to 12 hours. 
  3. Drain the water off and simmer them in fresh water till they’re soft (say about 9 hours). Or use a pressure cooker to cook them for around 45 minutes. 
  4. Drain the cooked beans and shift them to the clean, oven-safe dish. 
  5. Mix in the natto starter culture or store-bought natto to the cooked beans so that all the beans get covered by the starter. 
  6. Put the dish in an oven set at 100°F (or about 37.8°C) and let the mix to ferment for 22 to 24 hours. 
  7. After the fermenting, move the natto into the fridge and let it age for a whole day before eating. 


Nattokinase, a potent enzyme found in fermented soybeans, offers many potential health benefits like supporting heart health, digestion, and immunity. Add nattokinase to your daily routine either through supplements or by taking traditional natto. 

Just remember, always consider your health circumstances and discuss with your healthcare professional before adding any supplement or making dietary change. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How long does it take to see the benefits of nattokinase? 

Noticeable benefits from nattokinase can take time and vary from person to person. Be patient, stick to suggested doses and give it time to work. 

Can I take nattokinase with my current medications? 

Don’t mix nattokinase with any medicines without discussing with your healthcare professional, mainly if you’re on blood thinners. They can help manage likely interactions and aid in safe use of nattokinase with your medicines. 

How much nattokinase should I take daily? 

There’s no set daily dose for nattokinase. Go by what’s written on the supplement packaging, and always discuss with your healthcare professional before starting on supplements. 

Are there any food sources of nattokinase other than natto? 

Nattokinase mostly comes from natto, made from fermented soybeans. Other fermented soy products may have similar enzymes but the unique process that makes natto isn’t present in other foods. 

Can I consume natto if I have a soy allergy? 

No, avoid natto and nattokinase-found products if you are allergic to soybean. 

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