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What Does Liver Pain Feel Like? Symptoms and Possible Conditions Explained

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Liver pain is often described as a throbbing or stabbing sensation felt in the upper right abdomen or back. 
  • The liver is responsible for vital functions such as detoxification, metabolism, and the production of essential proteins. 
  • Symptoms of liver issues can include abdominal pain, right shoulder pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting. 
  • Common causes of liver pain include hepatitis A, B, and C, autoimmune hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and liver cancer. 
  • Speak to a healthcare professional if you suspect something might be wrong with your liver. 


The importance of understanding liver pain 

Intense pain in your liver is often a warning sign. There’s likely a problem in your body needing medical attention. It’s critical to know what liver pain is like ignoring the signs can later lead to serious health problems. 

You might be wondering why does my liver hurt? This article gives you an in-depth look at what does liver pain feel like? Where do you feel liver pain? Its causes, and risk factors. Recognizing these may help keep your liver healthy. We will help you understand when it’s time for you to seek medical attention.

what does liver pain feel like

An Overview of the Liver 

1. What is a liver?

The liver, a crucial organ in the body, plays a central role in detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient storage. It filters blood, produces bile for digestion, and aids in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. 

2. The structure and location of the liver 

Your liver is a large organ that is present inside your body and weighs about 1.4 to 1.6 kg (around 3 pounds). But where is your liver located? Well, it is located under your diaphragm, above your stomach, right kidney, and intestines, on the upper-right side of your abdomen. Now let’s move onto the table that speaks more about this vital organ. 

3. The function of the liver 

Our liver is indeed a lifeline. It processes food and removes harmful things from our body. Let’s explore its primary jobs. 

  • Detoxification 

Think of your liver as a filter. It purges toxins and waste from your blood including things like alcohol and drugs. 

  • Metabolism 

The liver plays a key part in breaking down carbs, fats, and proteins. It turns food into substances your body needs. It also stores important things like sugar and vitamins. 

  • Producing essential proteins 

The liver makes crucial proteins for blood clotting and maintaining blood pressure. 

Location of the liver Major Primary Functions 
Upper-right abdomen Detoxification 
Beneath diaphragm Metabolism 
Above the stomach, right kidney and intestines Production of essential proteins 

The liver is an organ which does not have pain receptors, pain from liver and gall bladder are usually referred to the shoulder and neck region, the pain is always to be correlated with other symptoms like jaundice, gassy feeling, and fluid retention.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Symptoms of Liver Pain

The way in which the liver can communicate that something is wrong is via liver pain symptoms. Therefore knowing where liver pain is felt and types of pain can help spot trouble early. 

1. Abdominal pain 

The most common signal of liver trouble is a throbbing or stabbing pain in the upper-right belly sometimes it can be a dull ache that becomes noticeable when applying pressure or moving. 

2. Pain in the right shoulder 

Liver-induced pain can affect other parts of your body too. The right shoulder is one such place. This is known as referred pain. Which means the origin and site of pain are different. 

3. Additional liver pain symptoms to consider 

Apart from pain, other signs may point toward liver trouble. 

  • Enlarged liver: If your liver grows bigger than normal, it can lead to discomfort right under your rib cage on the right side. 
  • Fever: Problems in your liver can sometimes cause fever, making you feel tired and ill. 
  • Nausea and vomiting:  Your liver plays a big part in the process of digestion and any trouble in the liver may cause nausea and vomiting. 

Time for a quick review of what we’ve talked about so far: 

Symptoms Additional Symptoms 
Abdominal pain, usually in right upper region Enlarged liver 
Right shoulder pain Fever 
 Nausea and vomiting 

Liver pain is sometimes confused with a pain in the right shoulder, or in the abdomen, or the kidney. Many liver diseases and other organ conditions can cause liver pain. Some of these can lead to liver damage.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Possible Causes of Liver Pain 

So the question is what causes liver pain? There could be various causes for trouble in the liver, which are as follows: 

1. Infections affecting the liver 

Various infections can inflame the liver and lead to pain. Some common ones include: 

  • Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is a short-term liver infection. It usually resolves by itself but may sometimes lead to liver failure. It is usually transmitted when feces-infected food is consumed. 
  • Hepatitis B:  This virus attacks the liver and can turn into a long-term issue. It can scar the liver or lead to liver cancer. It is usually transmitted when one comes in contact with infected blood, semen or other body fluids, or syringes. 
  • Hepatitis C: Hepatitis C is a virus that spreads through blood. It often results in chronic liver disease. Transmission is the same as in the case of hepatitis B. 

2. Immune system abnormalities 

Certain liver concerns may be due to an abnormal immune response. These include: 

  • Autoimmune hepatitis: In this condition, your immune system attacks healthy liver cells. This damages the liver. 
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis: Here, the ducts that carry bile from the liver get inflamed and destroyed. This leads to liver scarring. 

3. Genetic conditions 

Some inherited diseases can lead to liver pain. 

  • Hemochromatosis: Here, your body absorbs too much iron from food resulting in a buildup in the liver. 
  • Wilson’s disease: Too much copper builds up in your liver and other organs, leading to liver damage, if not treated. 

4. Cancer and liver-related growths 

Tumors can cause liver pain. The cancers can be as follows: 

  • Liver cancer: Liver cancer happens due to long-lasting liver diseases and pain in the upper right abdomen often accompanies other symptoms. 
  • Liver adenoma: These benign tumors can cause pain and frequently occur in women on birth control pills. Ruptures are uncommon but life-threatening. 
  • Secondary metastases: Sometimes the primary cancer is elsewhere in the body, but cancer cells can travel to the liver and produce secondary tumors in the liver. This process is known as metastasis. This may cause liver pain as well.  

5. Other causes 

Let’s look at some other reasons for liver pain. 

  • Fatty liver disease: When your liver cells start storing fat, fatty liver disease happens. Obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes can trigger this. 
  • Liver cirrhosis: Liver cirrhosis is the end stage of chronic liver disease. It involves scarring and decreased function, causing pain. 
  • Liver injury or trauma: Injuries or trauma to the liver can result in liver pain. 

Let’s review these causes in the following table: 

Infections Immune System Abnormalities Genetic Conditions Cancer and Liver Growth Other Causes 
Hepatitis A Autoimmune hepatitis Hemochromatosis Liver cancer Fatty liver disease 
Hepatitis B Primary biliary cirrhosis Wilson’s disease Liver adenoma Liver cirrhosis 
Hepatitis C    Liver injury or trauma 

Risk Factors and Prevention 

If you drink a lot of alcohol, have liver disease in your family, or are overweight, then you are at a higher risk of liver pain.

Lifestyle changes for better liver health 

Wondering how you can avoid liver pain and boost your liver health? Here are a few lifestyle tips: 

  • Decrease alcohol consumption: Cutting down on alcohol is one of the top ways to stop liver damage and pain. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Keeping your weight in check can lessen your chances of getting fatty liver disease and other related issues. 
  • Eating a balanced diet: Eating a diet filled with fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats, and limiting processed foods helps your liver do its job well. 
  • Regular exercise: Regular workouts not only help with weight management but also enhance overall liver health and function. 

Also Read: Stabbing Pain Left Side Under Ribs: Possible Causes and Solutions

When to See a Doctor 

Here are a few instances when you should seek medical help: 

Recognizing when professional help is needed 

  • Persistent or worsening pain: If the pain never reduces or gets worse even after you’ve made changes or tried to tackle it, it’s time to consult a healthcare professional. 
  • Presence of additional symptoms: Call a doctor if liver pain is joined by other signs like jaundice, nausea, vomiting, or fever. 
  • Risk factors for liver disease: If you have family members with liver disease or habits that increase your risk of liver problems, it’s best to get regular check-ups and advice. 

Testing and diagnosis 

To find out if you have a liver problem, the doctor may take a detailed history of liver pain symptoms and family history, perform a physical examination, blood tests, scans like ultrasound or MRI, and sometimes even a liver biopsy. 

Check out the below table for a quick recap: 

When to seek medical attend  
Pain is persistent  
Additional symptoms present  
Strong family history   Very bad lifestyle 
Diagnosis methods  
History and examination by doctor  
Blood tests  
Ultrasound or MRI  Liver biopsy 

Treatment Options for Liver Pain 

Treating underlying conditions 

The course of treatment for liver pain hinges on its root cause. This may include taking medicines for infections, cancer treatments, or a liver transplant in grave cases. 

Managing symptoms and discomfort 

To control liver pain, your healthcare provider may prescribe painkillers and suggest changes to your lifestyle. Do not take any treatment on your own always consult the doctor first. 

Also Read: What is Cirrhosis of the Liver: An In-Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


It is important to address liver pain promptly. Using this guide to identify liver pain early can steer you towards timely medical care, dodging harsh complications, also paving the way for early treatment and better results. By following healthy habits like regular workouts, eating nourishing meals, and drinking less alcohol, you may lower the risk of liver pain and boost overall liver health. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How do I know if my pain is liver pain? 

If you have pain in the upper-right belly or right shoulder, it might be your liver. Consult a healthcare professional for an exact diagnosis. 

What does an inflamed liver feel like? 

A bloated liver can cause pain, often felt in the upper right belly or back as a pulsating, stabbing, lingering, or dull ache which may intensify on pressure or on moving. 

What pain can be mistaken for liver pain? 

Belly pain can hint at health problems unrelated to the liver like gallstones, pancreatitis, kidney stones, or infections. Always consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnoses. 

What are the 4 warning signs of a damaged liver? 

Four signs to watch out for, are prolonged pain in the upper-right belly or right shoulder, other signs like jaundice or fever, a family history of liver disease, or risk factors such as heavy drinking and obesity. 

Where is liver pain located?

Liver pain is typically felt in the upper right abdomen beneath the rib cage. It can also radiate to the back and shoulder. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

What can be mistaken for liver pain?

Liver pain can be mistaken for conditions such as gallbladder inflammation, peptic ulcers, or muscle strain in the abdomen. Accurate diagnosis requires medical evaluation to differentiate between various possible causes.

What side is your liver on?

The liver is located on the right side of the body, beneath the rib cage. It extends across the upper abdomen, with a portion also present on the left side.

What does liver pain from alcohol feel like?

Liver pain from alcohol consumption can manifest as a dull ache or discomfort in the upper right abdomen. It may be accompanied by bloating and a feeling of fullness, signaling potential liver inflammation or damage.

What does liver pain feel like in pregnancy?

Liver pain in pregnancy is uncommon, but if present, it may feel like a dull ache or discomfort in the upper right abdomen. However, any persistent or severe pain should be promptly addressed by a healthcare professional to rule out potential complications.

Why does my liver pain after eating?

Liver pain after eating may be due to various factors, including gallbladder issues, fatty liver disease, or inflammation. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the specific cause and appropriate treatment for the discomfort.

Does liver pain hurt when you move?

Liver pain may intensify with movement, causing discomfort in the upper right abdomen. If you experience persistent or severe pain, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial to identify the underlying cause and appropriate management.

Does liver pain go away?

The resolution of liver pain depends on the underlying cause. If it stems from temporary issues like inflammation or injury, it may alleviate with time and appropriate treatment. However, persistent or severe pain requires medical evaluation for a comprehensive diagnosis and proper management.

Does liver pain cause back pain?

Liver pain may occasionally cause referred pain to the back or shoulder region, especially if there is inflammation or irritation. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to accurately diagnose the source of the pain and determine the appropriate course of action.

Does liver pain mean cirrhosis?

Liver pain is not always indicative of cirrhosis, as it can be caused by various factors like inflammation or fatty liver disease. Persistent or severe pain should prompt a medical evaluation to identify the underlying cause, including the possibility of cirrhosis.

Does heat help liver pain?

Applying heat, such as a warm compress, may provide temporary relief for liver pain by helping to relax the surrounding muscles and reduce discomfort. However, it is crucial to address the underlying cause of the pain and consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Does dehydration cause liver pain?

Dehydration itself is not a direct cause of liver pain. However, severe dehydration can contribute to overall discomfort and may exacerbate underlying liver conditions. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for overall health, but specific liver pain should be evaluated by a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis.

Does gas cause liver pain?

Gas is not a common cause of liver pain. Liver pain is usually associated with issues such as inflammation, infection, or other liver conditions. If you experience persistent or severe pain, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to identify the precise cause and appropriate treatment.

How long does liver pain last?

The duration of liver pain varies depending on the underlying cause. It may be temporary and resolve with appropriate treatment or persist if there is a chronic condition. Consulting a healthcare professional is essential for a proper diagnosis and management plan.

Can stress cause liver pain?

While stress itself may not directly cause liver pain, it can contribute to conditions like tension and muscle tightness, which may manifest as discomfort in the abdominal region. It’s crucial to differentiate stress-related symptoms from potential underlying liver issues and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment.

Can constipation cause liver pain?

Constipation is generally not a direct cause of liver pain. However, severe or prolonged constipation may lead to abdominal discomfort, and in rare cases, it could indirectly affect the liver. If you experience persistent or severe pain, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

Can alcohol cause liver pain?

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver pain, indicating potential liver inflammation or damage. If you experience persistent or severe pain, it is crucial to seek medical attention for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management of any underlying liver issues.

Can coffee cause liver pain?

Coffee is not known to cause liver pain. In fact, moderate coffee consumption has been associated with potential protective effects on the liver. Persistent or severe pain should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause accurately.

Can antibiotics cause liver pain?

Some antibiotics may, in rare cases, cause liver-related side effects leading to pain or discomfort. If you experience persistent or severe liver pain while taking antibiotics, it’s essential to promptly consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate guidance.

Can IBS cause liver pain?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is typically not associated with liver pain. However, abdominal discomfort experienced in IBS may be confused with liver pain. If there are concerns about liver health or persistent pain, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for proper diagnosis and guidance.

Can liver pain cause rib pain?

Liver pain may sometimes radiate and cause discomfort in the area of the ribs, particularly the right upper abdomen. If you experience persistent or severe rib pain associated with liver issues, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management.

Can liver pain be cured?

The resolution of liver pain depends on identifying and treating the underlying cause. In many cases, addressing the root issue, such as inflammation or liver conditions, can alleviate pain. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.

Is liver pain dangerous?

Liver pain can indicate underlying health issues, and its severity may vary. While not all liver pain is inherently dangerous, persistent or severe pain should not be ignored, as it could signify serious conditions like liver inflammation or disease. Seeking prompt medical attention is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.


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