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What is a Sitz Bath: Understanding the Benefits and Uses

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • A sitz bath involves plunging the perineum in warm water as it is proposed to reduce pain, enhance circulation, and produce the feeling of relaxation. 
  • Sitz bath has been known to be used in postpartum care, treating hemorrhoids, and for taking care of the perineal area. 
  • Substances that may increase benefit while doing a sitz bath include warm water, epsom salt, herbal components, and baking soda. 
  • The precautions to be considered while doing a sitz bath are the possibility of allergic reactions, overdoing it, usage of unsuitable substances, and using water that’s too hot. 
  • It’s always important to pay attention to aftercare, upkeep, and seeing a doctor as and when required. 


Every now and then, we might feel discomfort or issues in our most private regions, like soreness or irritation. The private area is also called the perineum or perineal area which is the sensitive skin between the vaginal opening or scrotum and the anus. But there’s an age-old remedy for these problems, that is, the sitz bath. It’s a unique type of bath, designed to soak your perineal zone, and it is proposed to offer a wide range of healing benefits. It may help in situations ranging from pain relief to reducing the risk of infections. In this broad-ranging article, let’s look at the background of the sitz bath, its various proposed methods, uses, advantages, and risks. We’ll also talk about the top ingredients that may add benefit to your sitz bath, tips for aftercare, and when to talk to a doctor about your status. 

Understanding the Sitz Bath 

Before getting into the specifics of a sitz bath, let’s start by exploring its history and how it works. 

History and Origin 

We think the sitz bath came into existence in ancient Europe. Greeks and Romans made bathing spots devoted to giving healing relief for numerous illnesses. Since then, this activity has changed and is now widely adopted across different cultures. It has become a well-liked form of self-care for many facing perineal problems. 

How It Works 

You squat in a container mostly a wide bucket or a tub containing a shallow bath of warm water. You have todip the perineal area for around 15-20 minutes. It is suggested to help clean the area, enhance blood flow, produce a soothing effect, relieve pain, and reduce swelling in the area. 

Different Methods 

It is suggested that there are two ways of carrying out the sitz bath which include using your own bath or a designed kit. 

  • Bathtub Method 

This is known as a typical sitz bath that can be done in your bath by filling it with 3-4 inches of warm water. Make sure that the water isn’t too hot but just right for you. Lower yourself into the bath and sit with your knees bent to relieve pressure off the perineal area. Soak for 15-20 minutes, and when done, pat the area dry softly with a clean towel. 

  • Sitz Bath Kit Method  

A sitz bath kit would usually have a plastic basin, a plastic bag with a tube attached to it, and at times extra things like a nozzle or paddle for creating a whirlpool effect. The basin sits firmly on your toilet seat, and the plastic bag is filled with warm water. The water flows through the tube into the basin. You can control the water temperature and flow easily during your sitz bath for a comfortable and effective experience. 

Let’s compare the methods of taking a sitz bath: 

Sitz Bath Methods Description 
Bathtub Method  Fill your bathtub with 3-4 inches of warm water, sit, and soak for 15-20 minutes 
Sitz Bath Kit Use a plastic basin placed on your toilet seat and fill the plastic bag with warm water using the attached tube. The temperature and speed of water flow can be controlled while doing the sitz bath, 

Though there are various companies selling sitz bath kits, most scientific studies trying to find out the usefulness of sitz baths in different situations have mostly tried the bathtub method probably because of it’s affordability. 

Did you know?

  • Sitz baths are a promising treatment modality for anal fissures, with a 73.7% recovery rate and an average healing time of 3.5 weeks. source: NCBI
  • Sitz bath may induce relaxation of the internal sphincter muscle. source: PubMed
  • Cold sitz bath decreases perineal edema more than warm sitz bath. source: PubMed
  • Complications of sitz baths include dissemination of herpes, maternal-neonatal Streptococcus outbreak, and skin burns. source: NCBI
  • Sitz baths can be used as a postpartum care practice to promote healing and comfort. source: American Pregnancy
  • Sitz baths can help relieve symptoms of urinary incontinence in women. Source: NAFC

Uses of Sitz Baths 

Sitz bath is suggested to have several uses.. Following are some of the conditions where it may be used:  

1. Post Partum Care 

After having a baby, some women might sense discomfort, swelling, pain, and or ripping in their perineal area. Sitz baths can potentially bring soothing effect and promote healing. which may help new mothers to get back on their feet whilst caring for their babies.  

2. Hemorrhoids 

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus. They cause severe discomfort, itching and even bleeding. Sitz bath may provide some type of relief post-surgery or when a patient complains of anal itching or dull pain or in case of clotted hemorrhoids.  

3. Perineal Care 

Regular sitz baths are proposed to be beneficial in keeping the perineal area clean and hygienic. Especially, when dealing with things like incontinence or excessive sweating. This could potentially reduce infections and discomfort, however more studies are needed to to confirm the same 

4. Anal Fissures 

Anal fissures are tiny tears in the anal canal lining. They cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Taking a sitz bath may soothe this pain and aid healing by relaxing the anal muscles and increasing blood flow in the affected area. More studies are needed to support the usage.  

5. Constipation 

Constipation can cause uneasy straining during bowel movements. This might lead to more problems like hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Sitz bath has been tried to relieve the discomfort but doesn’t cure constipation.  

Let’s summarize the potential uses of a sitz bath: 

Sitz Bath Uses Purpose 
Post Partum Care Help in healing and providing comfort after giving birth 
Hemorrhoids Alleviate pain, itching, and inflammation 
Perineal Care Keep the area clean and hygienic 
Anal Fissures Lessen pain and aid in healing 
Constipation Reduces discomfort, and straining 

The temperature of the water used for sitz bath should be warm, not hot—about 37 degrees Celsius to 39 degrees Celsius, or 99 degrees Fahrenheit to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water feels too warm on your wrist, it is too hot to sit in.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Sitz Bath Ingredients 

While a sitz bath can simply be warm water, adding specific ingredients may boost its overall healing effect. Let’s check some popular sitz bath ingredients and their advantages: 

1. Warm Water 

Warm water is the base of every sitz bath. It helps clean the perineal area and provides soothing feeling to any injured tissues. The temperature of the water is debatable, as some studies do show that cold water potentially causes better soothing effect.  

2. Epsom Salt 

Epsom salt is a natural supply of magnesium sulfate. It is known for having actions like relaxing muscles, lessening inflammation, and aiding in removing toxins. Thus, it is usually added to sitz bath. The addition of epsom salt resulting in additional benefits is yet to be confirmed though.  

3. Herbal Additives 

Some herbs have various healing properties that could potentially augment the perks of using a sitz bath, but studies need to be conducted to corroborate it. 

Here are a few proposed popular choices : 

4. Witch Hazel 

Witch hazel is an astringent with anti-inflammatory qualities. An astringent is any substance that can precipitate proteins on the surface. It could help in reducing itching, pain, and swelling linked with r perineal conditions  

5. Lavender Oil 

Lavender oil emits a calming aroma and has mild anti-inflammatory qualities. Its addition can possibly augment relaxation and promote healing. 

6. Chamomile 

Chamomile is proposed to have anti-inflammatory properties. It’s tinctures have been tried in sitz bath as it may calm irritated skin and encourage healing. 

7. Baking Soda 

Baking soda is suggested to maintain skin pH, decrease itching, and have a cleansing effect.. 

Let’s summarize the ingredients for a sitz bath: 

Sitz Bath Ingredients Benefits 
Warm Water Cleanses and soothes 
Epsom Salt Muscle relaxation, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying 
Witch Hazel Astringent, reduces itching, pain, swelling 
Lavender Oil Calming scent, mild anti-inflammatory 
Chamomile Anti-inflammatory, soothing 
Baking Soda Balances skin pH, reduces itching, lightly cleansing 

A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath people sit in to cleanse the perineum, which is the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum. A sitz bath can also provide relief from pain or itching in the genital area.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Sitz Bath Benefits 

The potential benefits of sitz bath that make it useful are mentioned below. 

1. Pain Relief 

Over centuries sitz baths have been used to offer relief from various kinds of perineal discomfort. This includes hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and post-birth soreness. Some studies have shown the use of cold water causing better relief in some cases.  

2. Improved Circulation 

The warmth of the water in a sitz bath is suggested to help drive blood flow to the perineal area. This eventually aids the body’s natural healing processes and reduces inflammation. 

3. Relaxation 

The calming warmth of a sitz bath may help foster relaxation. It is suggested when mixed with epsom salt or calming herbal additives like lavender oil the relaxation is supposed to improve. 

4. Reduce Infections  

By keeping the perineal area clean and hygienic, a regular sitz bath might help in reducing the risk of infections. 

5. Reducing Swelling 

It is proposed that the increased blood flow from a sitz bath can lower inflammation. This may aid in providing relief and encourage healing in conditions such as hemorrhoids. 

6. Healing Wounds 

For perineal problems that involve open wounds or tears (e.g., anal fissures), it is suggested that a sitz bath can speed up the healing process. It does this by boosting circulation and keeping the area clean as mentioned above. 

Let’s summarize the benefits of a sitz bath: 

Sitz Bath Benefits Effects 
Pain Relief Offers relief from discomfort due to perineal conditions 
Improved Circulation Promotes blood flow, aiding in healing and reduces inflammation 
Relaxation Enables relaxation  
Reduce Infections  Helps keep the area clean and hygienic, lowers the risk of infection 
Reducing Swelling Lessens swelling in perineal region 
Healing Wounds Speeds up healing for open wounds and tears 

Risks and Precautions 

Sitz baths are usually seen as safe, but it’s vital to take the necessary precautions to avoid potential risks: 

1. Potential Allergic Reactions 

When using herbal additives or other ingredients in your sitz bath, be aware of any allergies. Some individuals could be allergic to the ingredients used therefore caution must always be practiced. 

2. Overuse 

Avoid using sitz baths too often or for very long periods. This could lead to overly dry skin and irritation of the perineal area. How often the sitz bath is to be done must be in accordance with the health care provider’s advice.  

3. Inappropriate Ingredients 

Don’t add things like soaps, bubble baths, or substances not meant for sensitive skin. These might worsen existing conditions or cause irritation. 

4. Excessively Hot Water 

Always make sure the water temperature in your sitz bath feels comfortable. It shouldn’t be too hot as this could result in burns or additional discomfort. 

Aftercare and Maintenance 

Correct aftercare and upkeep are key to ensuring the effectiveness of your sitz bath. This also helps in avoiding complications. 

1. Drying Off 

Gently wipe yourself dry with a clean towel after your sitz bath. Be careful not to scratch or scrub the area as this might cause irritation to the area. 

2. Moisturizing 

If needed, apply a soft, fragrance-free cream to the perineal area after your sitz bath. This helps in dealing with excessive dryness. Make sure to use a moisturizer that you know you aren’t allergic to. 

3. Hygiene 

Make sure all gear used for your sitz bath, including the basin and any plastic bags or pipes, are cleaned, and sanitized before each use. 

4. Regularity and Frequency 

Your doctor may suggest a specific repetition or duration for your sitz bath, based on your unique needs and condition. Be sure to follow their instructions for the best results and minimize any potential problems. 

When to Consult a doctor 

Knowing when to talk to a healthcare expert about your perineal discomfort or sitz bath usage is crucial: 

1. Persistent Pain 

If you sense ongoing pain or discomfort in the perineum despite regular sitz baths and homemade treatments, talk to your doctor. You might need further tests and perhaps alternative treatments. 

2. Infection Signs 

If you see signs of an infection (e.g., increased redness, discharge, increased temperature in the perineum, fever or worsening pain), get medical help right away. This could indicate a more serious issue needing intervention. 

3. Worsening Symptoms 

If your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with regular sitz baths, talk to your healthcare provider for further tests. They can offer guidance on suitable treatments. 


To wrap up, sitz baths have been a priceless tool over centuries. They could potentially bring relief and encourage healing for various perineal issues. They have been tried for perineal care after delivery, in hemorrhoids, and in the case of anal fissures. Their healing benefits may help improve your overall state as well.  

A sitz bath is usually recommended as it is mostly safe, but more evidence is needed to confirm the claims of it’s benefits. With correct use, care, and foresight, a sitz bath can be a simple but effective home solution for discomfort coming from perineal issues. Before starting the sitz bath and while using it if you notice ongoing or worsening symptoms, always speak to your health care provider. They can steer you in the right direction for treatment. 

Also Read: Baking Soda Bath: Research-Based Benefits and How to Do It Properly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

How long should a sitz bath last? 

A sitz bath should go on for roughly 15-20 minutes for the best results. 

Is a sitz bath safe for pregnant women? 

Sitz baths may be safe for pregnant women but always talk to your doctor before starting any new self-care methods. 

Can children take a sitz bath? 

Yes, kids can take a sitz bath, but they should be always watched by an adult.

Is it possible to use a shower for a sitz bath? 

While a shower does not provide the same full coverage benefits as a sitz bath, it can still deliver some cleaning and soothing effects for the perineal area. 

How often should one take a sitz bath? 

The frequency of sitz baths depends on your exact needs and condition. Talk to your healthcare provider for personal advice. 

Can regular baths replace sitz baths? 

While regular baths may offer some relief for perineal discomfort, sitz baths are specially made to target and treat the perineal more effectively. 

When should you avoid taking a sitz bath? 

Don’t take a sitz bath if you have an open cut or infection in the zone, or if you notice an allergic reaction to any ingredients added to the bath water. Never start a sitz bath without firstt bringing to the notice of your health care provider.  

Are there any alternative treatments to sitz baths? 

Alternative treatments could include medicated creams, ointments, and pads, as well as dietary and lifestyle changes (e.g., increasing fiber intake, and drinking enough water). Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new treatments. 


  1. ScienceDirect. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: Sitz bath vs. ano-rectal cream: A comparative prospective study of two conservative treatment protocols [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871519217302822?via%3Dihub
  2. National Health Service (NHS). Overview – Bartholin’s cyst [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Bartholins-cyst/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  3. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Treatment of first episodes of acute anal fissure: prospective randomised study of lignocaine ointment versus hydrocortisone ointment or warm sitz baths plus bran. [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1340178
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Comparison between a new electronic bidet and conventional sitz baths: a manometric evaluation of the anal resting pressure in normal healthy volunteers [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26223798
  5. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Anal fissure [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4816871
  6. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Perianal Diseases in Pregnancy and After Childbirth: Frequency, Risk Factors, Impact on Women’s Quality of Life and Treatment Methods [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8894587
  7. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). External Hemorrhoid [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK500009
  8. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Anal Health Care Basics [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 18]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5101094

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