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How Long Can You Freeze Chicken: A Comprehensive Guide to Food Safety

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Factors influencing the freezing duration of chicken 
  • Guidelines for freezing raw and cooked chicken 
  • Tips for preventing freezer burn 
  • How to tell if your frozen chicken is still safe to eat 
  • Learn how to safely thaw and cook thawed chicken 
  • Importance of following food safety practices 


Food safety affects everyone’s health. It’s crucial to store chicken right to avoid ill health. In this post, we will give a clear picture on how to store chicken in the freezer. This includes how long it stays safe, preventing freezer burn, and cooking tips. 

Going through this post will help you understand factors affecting how long chicken can be frozen, storage methods, and how to know if chicken is safe after freezing, defrosting, and cooking chicken. By adhering to these rules and storing properly, food safety may be ensured. This also means enjoying tasty meals made at home. 

how long can you freeze chicken

Did you know?

  • Fresh chicken should be stored in a refrigerator at 40°F or below and used within 1-2 days. source: USDA
  • Frozen chicken can be stored indefinitely, but the quality may diminish over time. source: USDA
  • The refrigerator temperature should be kept at 40°F or below to slow the growth of bacteria . source: FoodSafety.gov
  • Chicken stored in the refrigerator should be used within 1-2 days. source: USDA

Factors influencing the freezing duration 

The period chicken stays frozen depends on quality, packaging, and storage. Once you understand these factors, the quality and safety of your chicken won’t be a problem while storing it. 

1. Quality and freshness of the chicken 

The initial quality of the chicken matters a lot. It shows how long chicken can be frozen without losing taste and texture. It’s best to freeze fresh chicken to keep good quality after thawing. 

2. Type of packaging 

Correct packaging stops freezer burn and keeps the quality of the chicken. The packaging used must be airtight and also stop moisture to guard the chicken against freezer burn and air. 

3. Storage temperature 

It is crucial to have a consistently low freezer temperature to keep frozen chicken safe and of good quality. The optimal temperature to freeze chicken is 0°F or below. 

Here’s what we’ve just discussed in a table: 


Importance in Freezing Duration 

Quality and freshness 

Initial quality of chicken determines how long it may be kept in the freezer 

Type of packaging 

Protects from freezer burn and air exposure 

Storage temperature 

Influences safety and quality preservation 

How Long Can You Freeze Raw Chicken 

How long raw chicken can stay frozen depends on the cut. Here are some ways to know how long different raw chicken cuts can be frozen: 

Freezing different cuts/types of raw chicken 

  • Whole chicken: Whole raw chicken can stay frozen for a year without losing quality and taste. 
  • Chicken pieces: You can freeze chicken pieces like breasts, thighs, and drumsticks for up to nine months without losing flavor and texture. 
  • Ground chicken: Freezing ground chicken lasts for about three to four months without losing taste and quality. 

This table sums it up. 

Type of Raw Chicken 

Maximum Freezing Duration 

Whole chicken 

Up to 1 year 

Chicken pieces 

Up to 9 months 

Ground chicken 

3 to 4 months 

Also Read: Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken? A Guide to Food Storage Practices

How to Freeze Raw Chicken 

Following the right freezing methods keeps the quality and taste of raw chicken. Here are a few ways you can store raw chicken in the freezer: 

1. Store it in its original packaging 

If the chicken is vacuum sealed in its pack, it can be stored directly in the freezer. For non-vacuum bags, if you want to store for more than 2 months then add another layer of wrap-like aluminum foil to keep quality and guard against freezer burn. 

2. Place pieces of chicken in airtight containers 

You can put raw chicken in airtight containers or freezer bags. Always label and date the containers to follow the First In, First Out (FIFO) method. 

3. Use freezer bags for storage 

You can store chicken in freezer bags, even with marinades. To avoid freezer burn, take out as much air as possible before closing the bag. 

4. Proper labeling and dating 

Labeling your packed chicken with the freezing date helps to track how long the chicken has been in the freezer. This way, you use older packaged chicken first and keep maximum quality. 

Below is a table to help you quickly review the storage methods. 

Freezing Method 


Storing in original packaging 

Convenient, and adequate for vacuum-sealed chicken 

Using airtight containers 

Protects from air exposure 

Freezer bags 

Versatile, can include marinades 

Proper labeling and dating 

Organizes storage, prevents food waste 

I have a simple tip for freezing fresh chicken: You have two options. You may either freeze it at 0 °F in its original packaging or freeze it after repackaging. If you’re planning to freeze chicken for more than 2 months, it may be a good idea to wrap the stored plastic packages with airtight heavy-duty foil, plastic wrap, or freezer paper. Another option might be to place the package with the chicken inside a freezer bag.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

How to Prevent Freezer Burn 

The right storage can stop freezer burn which comes from exposing chicken to air and causes it to dry. Here are ways to stop freezer burn: 

1. Ensuring proper sealing 

Ensure you seal whatever packaging you’re using so that air does not come in. For freezer bags, get rid of as much air as you can before sealing the bag. 

2. Wrapping chicken in foil or plastic wrap 

Protect your chicken by wrapping it in aluminum foil or plastic wrap, then put it into airtight containers or freezer bags. 

3. Regularly checking and maintaining storage conditions 

Keep your freezer always at 0°F or less. Don’t make your freezer too full, and often check for temperature changes. 

Here’s a quick recap in a table. 

Prevention Method 


Proper sealing 

Eliminates air exposure 

Wrapping in foil or plastic wrap 

Adds extra layer of protection 

Checking storage conditions 

Maintains proper temperature throughout 

In my experience, chicken nuggets can surely be frozen. However, it’s important to note that their freshness might be relatively short-lived in the refrigerator (40° F), typically lasting only 3-4 days. If you wish to extend their storage life, you may freeze chicken nuggets for a longer duration, typically ranging from 1-3 months in the freezer (0 °F).

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Tell if Your Frozen Chicken is Still Safe to Eat 

Once the chicken has been frozen for a suggested time, its quality may start reducing. Look out for signs of spoilage after defrosting your chicken: 

1. Discoloration 

Spoiled chicken changes colour from pink to gray-green. If you see any odd colour or texture, it’s best to throw away the chicken. 

2. Off-smell 

A strong, bad smell coming from thawed chicken is a clear sign that it is spoiled, so don’t eat it. 

3. Freezer burn and ice crystals 

Though chicken with freezer burn and ice crystals is safe to eat, the quality and flavor might be lost. 

Here’s a table summarizing what we’ve discussed above. 

Sign of Spoilage 



Change in colour from pink to gray green 


Strong, offensive odor 

Freezer burn and ice crystals 

Compromised taste and quality 

I always suggest wrapping chicken before freezing to avoid a condition called ‘freezer burn.’ Freezer burn might occur when air reaches the surface of the food, resulting in greyish-brown leathery spots. To avoid this, proper wrapping may help create a barrier against the chilled air.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

How to Thaw Chicken Safely 

You must thaw chicken right to assure food safety and keep its taste and texture. Below are a few ways to thaw chicken with care: 

1. The Refrigerator Method 

This way involves moving wrapped, frozen chicken from the freezer to the fridge at least one day before eating it. Once it thaws, the chicken can stay in the fridge for one or two more days before cooking. 

2. The Cold Water Method 

Fill a big bowl with cold water and put your frozen chicken in a leak-proof pack in it. Change the water every half hour until the chicken thaws. Once thawed, cook at once. 

3. The Microwave Method 

Put the chicken in a microwave-safe box and defrost it using the defrost option or medium-high power. Cook directly after thawing to prevent germs from growing. 

4. Safety tips and precautions 

Don’t thaw chicken at room temperature or in hot water as it can cause germs to grow. Plus, always make sure to cook thawed chicken within the suggested time window for top safety and quality. 

To summarize our discussion on thawing methods, let’s look at the table below. 

Thawing Method 

Basic Steps 

The Refrigerator Method 

Transfer wrapped chicken to fridge 

The Cold Water Method 

Submerge in cold water, change water often 

The Microwave Method 

Use defrost setting or medium-high power 

The Importance of Thawing Chicken Properly 

The importance of correct thawing, whether in the refrigerator, under cold water, or in the micro, boils down to two main reasons: 

Ensuring food safety 

Correct thawing methods lower the risk of germs growing. This may safeguard you and your family from likely foodborne infections. 

Preserving taste and texture 

By thawing chicken well, you get to keep the desired taste and texture, which leads to better-tasting food. 

Let’s glance at a quick summary of the above points in the table below. 

Why Proper Thawing Matters 


Ensuring food safety 

Reduces risk of foodborne illnesses 

Preserving taste and texture 

Enhances overall culinary experience 

The Relationship Between Freezing and Thawing 

Knowing the link between freezing and thawing is key for food safety and quality: 

The effect of freezing duration on thawing time 

The time since when the chicken was frozen can impact the time to thaw it. Remember this when you cook thawed chicken. 

Understanding food safety risks 

Using the right freezing and defrosting methods lowers the risk of foodborne diseases. This also makes certain that safe, yummy meals are served. 

Here’s a quick look at the key points we’ve discussed in a table. 

Freezing and Thawing Factors 


Freezing duration 

Affects thawing time 

Food safety risks 

Proper techniques prevent foodborne illness 

Cooking Thawed Chicken 

Different cuts of chicken need unique methods of cooking for optimal taste and texture. Below are a few tips for cooking different thawed chicken cuts: 

Tips for cooking different cuts of chicken 

  • Baking: Baking suits whole birds or chicken pieces. Bake at 375°F, allowing 20 to 30 minutes per pound for whole chicken and 20 to 25 minutes for pieces. 
  • Grilling: Grilling is nice for many chicken cuts, especially bone-in pieces, and whole birds. Heat up your grill and cook at medium heat for 15 to 25 minutes based on the cut. 
  • Frying: Frying is good for thinner cuts like chicken tenders and boneless breasts. Heat up oil to 350°F and fry till it’s golden brown and completely cooked. 
  • Slow Cooking: Slow cooking is a simple way to cook whole chickens or large cuts without keeping watch. Just cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. 

Here are the cooking methods summed up in a table. 

Cooking Method 

Ideal Cuts 


Whole birds or pieces 


Bone-in pieces and whole birds 


Thinner cuts like tenders and boneless 

Slow Cooking 

Whole chickens or large cuts 


Correct ways of freezing, defrosting, and cooking go a long way to ensure your chicken dishes are safe and tasty. By knowing how long you can freeze different chicken cuts, as well as the best methods of thawing and cooking, you take major steps toward keeping your kitchen safe. 

Finally, always give food safety and careful storage habits priority; from freezing chicken to cooking and eating it for a great eating experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Can I refreeze previously thawed chicken? 

It’s not wise to refreeze thawed chicken due to likely germ growth and loss of quality. 

How do I know if my frozen chicken has gone bad? 

Check for signs of spoilage like colour change, bad smell, or a slimy touch. When you see any of these signs, it’s best to throw away the chicken. 

What is the best way to package chicken for the freezer? 

The preferred way to package chicken is using airtight boxes or freezer-safe bags. This stops air and moisture from getting in. 

How long can cooked chicken be stored in the freezer? 

You can store cooked chicken in the freezer for around 2 to 6 months which is roughly for 4 months. The dish type plays a part in this. 

Can I freeze marinated chicken? 

Yes, you can freeze marinated chicken. Just be sure to store it in airtight boxes or freezer-safe bags to keep its quality. 


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov 


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