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What Causes Morning Wood: A Scientific Explanation

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Morning wood, also known as nocturnal penile tumescence, is a natural phenomenon experienced by males. 
  • The main causes include the sleep cycle, hormonal influences, physical stimulation, brain relaxation, and a full bladder. 
  • Morning wood can be an indicator of sexual and reproductive health, as well as mental health. 
  • Reduced frequency or intensity of morning wood may be due to aging, hormonal shifts, medical conditions, or medications. 
  • Managing morning wood includes lifestyle adjustments, improving sleep quality, and seeking medical advice from a doctor if needed. 


Morning wood is also known as nocturnal penile tumescence. It’s a phenomenon that many men routinely experience. It doesn’t matter how old men are and it’s not related to sexual arousal. By understanding what causes it, you may be better prepared to take the necessary steps to cope with it. 

In this article, we’ll delve into what triggers morning wood.  These include your sleep cycle, hormones, bodily contact, brain activity, and yes, even a full bladder. Plus, we’ll discuss why it occurs less often as one gets older. We’ll also give advice on what to do if morning wood stops. We’ll discuss about how to handle morning wood if it becomes unwelcome. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

Morning wood typically occurs when a person is in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. During an eight-hour sleep cycle, REM sleep may happen many times. When a person falls into a deeper sleep, the erection might subside on its own. Consequently, it’s possible for someone to experience multiple erections during the night without realising it.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Understanding Morning Wood 

We will first discuss some terms that are usually linked to morning wood. We’ll also discuss about who experiences it, and how it varies across age groups. 

Understanding Jargon related to Morning wood 

  • Morning wood: The penile erection seen in males when they open their eyes in the  
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence: This is the scientific term for morning wood.  
  • Sleep erections: These are penile erections that occur during sleep without any sexual sparks. 
  • Boner: It is a slang term used for a penile erection. 

Who Gets Morning Wood? 

  • Age groups affected: Boys in their teens into adulthood may encounter morning wood. 
  • Varying occurrence: It’s more frequent for younger males while older men don’t experience it as much. 

Did you know?

Why Does Morning Wood Occur? 

There are a few things that make morning wood occur. These are described below.  

1. The link with Sleep Cycle  

  • Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: It is more likely for males to get penile erections during the REM phase of sleep when their eyes flutter during deep sleep.  
  • Non-REM sleep: Penile erections may still happen during this phase, but not as often as during REM sleep.  

2. Hormones  

  • High levels of testosterone may make morning wood more likely. Any shift in hormones, whether up or down in levels, has a potential effect on the frequency of erections. 

3. Body Contact  

  • Even accidental touching of the penis can cause an erection. 
  • Feeling your sheets or pajamas against your body can trigger morning wood too. 

4. Dreams 

  • Sexual dreams don’t always trigger morning wood. 

5. A Full Bladder  

  • A full bladder may excite a nerve, causing a sleep erection.  It may increase the chance of morning wood but isn’t the only reason morning wood happens. 

An erection in the morning may be a comforting indication of healthy nerves, blood flow, and circulation. Erections in the morning are typical and common. In my opinion, see a doctor if you never get these erections, if they cease, or if they linger for several hours.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Morning Wood: A Health Indicator? 

Morning wood may be a sign that your sexual and mental health is in check. 

Signs of Sexual and Reproductive Health 

  • Having regular morning wood may indicate healthy testosterone levels. 
  • Morning wood assures proper blood and nerve supply to the penis. 

Mental Well-being and Morning Wood 

  • Not having morning wood very often may hint at poor sleep or possible sleep disorders. 
  • Stress and depression may make morning wood less frequent. 

When to Approach Your Doctor

When and why you should talk to a doctor 

When Morning Wood Slows Down or Stops 

  • If morning wood hasn’t occurred in a long time, talk to a healthcare professional. 
  • If your morning wood hurts or you’re worried about it, then discuss it with your doctor. 

Why it Might Diminish or Stop 

  • As men get older, lower testosterone levels may result in less frequent morning wood. 
  • Certain health problems and medicines may affect penile erection. 

Handling Morning Wood 

Dealing with morning wood means trying to cut down on unwanted excessive erections and making sure you get enough nocturnal erections. 

Dialing Down Morning Wood 

  • Trying out different sleeping poses and having a comfortable sleep space may help reduce unwanted morning wood. 
  • Lifestyle changes and stress management.  

Making Sure You Get Enough Morning Wood 

  • Life habits that back up testosterone like exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep habits may help boost testosterone levels. 
  • If there are changes in how often you get morning wood, or how strong it is, ask a healthcare professional for advice. 

Also Read: Does Masturbating Lower Testosterone? Unveiling the Scientific Truth


Factors that may cause morning wood include sleep patterns, hormonal changes, body contact, sexual dreams, and how full your bladder is. Also, remember that it’s an indicator of sexual and mental health. Shifts in the frequency or strength of morning wood may warrant a need to discuss the situation with your healthcare professional. 

Simple tips like changing sleep poses or stress management may help reduce unwanted morning wood. Also, by ensuring regular exercise, a good diet, and good sleep habits. Mainly, don’t hesitate to go to a healthcare professional if needed.  

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Does morning wood show you’re healthy? 

Regular morning wood may signal good sexual and mental health. It suggests the right blood flow and nerve supply to the penis, balanced testosterone levels, and good sleep quality. 

Is it normal for a guy to wake up hard every day? 

Morning wood varies from person to person and even with age. For some, it’s a daily routine, while others might not experience it as often. 

How can I stop getting morning wood? 

Improve your sleep quality, give different sleeping poses a try, and make your sleep space cozy. These actions may reduce the number of unwanted morning wood. 

What if I don’t wake up with a boner every day? 

It’s okay not to experience morning wood daily. However, if it stops or becomes less frequent suddenly, you must communicate with your healthcare professional. 


  1. PubMed. Erectile Dysfunction in Individuals with Neurologic Disability: A Hospital-based Cross-sectional Study [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27413582 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Sleep-Related Painful Erections—A Case Series of 24 Patients Regarding Diagnostics and Treatment Options [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5693397 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Erectile dysfunction [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5027992 

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