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What Causes High Estrogen Levels: A Comprehensive Explanation Based on Research

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Estrogen is a vital and essential hormone for both men and women. 
  • Different types of estrogen and their normal levels vary with age, gender, and other factors. 
  • Hormonal imbalances, medications, underlying medical conditions, environmental factors, diet, and lifestyle can contribute to high estrogen levels. 
  • Symptoms of high estrogen can differ between men and women, impacting various aspects of health and daily living. 
  • Management options range from medical interventions to lifestyle changes and measures to maintain balanced estrogen levels. 


Estrogen is an important hormone for both genders. It plays a big role in many body functions. In women, it aids sexual growth, menstrual control, and reproductive health. Men too produce estrogen, but in lesser amounts. It helps maintain sexual function and overall well-being. This article will go into detail about what makes estrogen levels high, its effects, and ways to manage them. 

We’ll look at different types of estrogen and their normal levels. We’ll also cover symptoms of high estrogen in both males and females. We’ll discuss about complications, ways to diagnose and test for it, and available management options. We’ll also help answer some common questions about high estrogen levels. 

what causes high estrogen levels

Did you know?

  • High estrogen levels can be caused by obesity, as adipose tissue produces estrogen. source: NCBI
  • Certain medications, such as hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills, can increase estrogen levels. source: NCBI
  • Excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt estrogen metabolism and result in high estrogen levels. source: NCBI
  • High estrogen levels can cause symptoms such as breast tenderness, weight gain, and mood swings. source: NCBI
  • Managing high estrogen levels may involve lifestyle changes, medication adjustments, and hormone therapy. source: NCBI

Estrogen Function 

Estrogen has a signficant impact on health and well-being. It helps grow secondary sexual traits, controls menstrual cycles, ensures bone health, and supports heart health. 

Here is a summary of all the functions of estrogen in a table form.  

Estrogen Function Women Men 
Sexual Development Boosts female growth Helps with sperm production and sexual desire 
Menstrual Cycle Controls menstruation N/A 
Bone Strength Keeps bones healthy N/A 
Cardiovascular Health Supports heart health N/A 

Different Types of Estrogen 

There are several forms of estrogen. The key ones are estrone, estradiol, and estriol. They each have different functions which are described below.  

  • Estrone (E1): Estrone is a weak estrogen produced mainly after women hit menopause. Ovaries, fat cells, and adrenal glands make estrone. 
  • Estradiol (E2): This is the main female sex hormone. It is mainly produced in non-pregnant, premenopausal women and helps mature and keep the reproductive system healthy. Men also produce it in small amounts. 
  • Estriol (E3): Estriol is mostly produced during pregnancy, with its highest levels in the final trimester. The placenta makes estriol during this time. 

In my opinion, your doctor’s recommended course of action for managing your elevated oestrogen levels is the best. A change in lifestyle may be helpful in some situations. Your doctor might suggest more aggressive therapies if elevated oestrogen levels raise your risk of cancer or exacerbate an existing cancer.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Normal Estrogen Levels 

Normal estrogen levels are different based on sex, age, and if a woman is pregnant or has periods. The usual levels for men and women are as follows.  

Here is a table with the clear view of normal estrogen levels. 

Normal Estrogen Levels Females Males 
Preteens Hard to find – 20 pg/ml (estradiol) Hard to find – 13 pg/ml (estradiol) 
Teens 10 – 200 pg/ml (estrone); hard to find – 350 pg/ml (estradiol) Hard to find – 40 pg/ml (estradiol) 
Adults before menopause 17 – 200 pg/ml (estrone); 30 – 400 pg/ml (estradiol) N/A 
Adults after menopause 7 – 40 pg/ml (estrone); less than 10 pg/ml (estradiol) N/A 

In my experience, changing your lifestyle might help reduce your oestrogen levels. Your doctor might suggest weight loss too. Your fat cells produce oestrogen and losing weight may decrease oestrogen production too.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Causes of High Estrogen Levels 

Many factors can make estrogen levels soar. These can range from hormonal imbalances to being around harmful substances. These are described below.  

1. Hormonal imbalances 

Hormonal shifts during periods and menopause, as well as illnesses like PCOS, can lead to high estrogen levels. 

2. Medications 

Some drugs, like hormone therapy and birth control pills, may raise estrogen levels. 

3. Underlying medical conditions 

Certain illnesses like ovarian tumors that make estrogen and liver issues can lead to high estrogen levels. 

4. Environmental factors 

Being around harmful environmental estrogens like xenoestrogens found in plastics and pesticides can raise estrogen levels. 

5. Diet 

Eating foods that are high in estrogen, such as soy, can lead to higher estrogen levels. 

6. Lifestyle factors 

Things like obesity, stress, and drinking alcohol can also make estrogen levels rise. 

If your lifestyle is linked to elevated oestrogen levvels, you may benefit from dietary, exercise, reduced alcohol intake, and sleep modifications. I recommend that go over your medical history with your healthcare professional to find out when you can get your hormones balanced.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Also Read: What is Anterior Placenta: A Comprehensive Insight into Maternal Health

Signs and Symptoms of High Estrogen 

High estrogen can cause many symptoms in both males and females. Some common signs and symptoms are as follows.  

In females 

  • Sore breasts 
  • Irregular or heavy periods 
  • Worse premenstrual symptoms  
  • Tiredness 
  • Weight gain 
  • Lower sex drive 
  • Mood swings, depression, or anxiety 

In males 

  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Infertility 
  • Gynecomastia (larger breasts) 

Complications of High Estrogen Levels 

High estrogen levels can cause many health problems. These are as follows.  

In women 

  • Higher risk of breast, ovary, and uterus cancers 
  • Bigger chances of blood clots and strokes 

In men 

  • Infertility due to less sperm 
  • Gynecomastia (larger breasts) 

Diagnosing and Testing Estrogen Levels 

If your doctor thinks you have a hormone imbalance, they may do tests to measure estrogen levels. Usual tests include blood tests, saliva tests, and image studies. 

1. Blood tests 

Blood tests measure the different types and amounts of estrogen, giving a clear view of hormonal imbalances. 

2. Saliva tests 

Saliva tests are a less invasive way to check estrogen levels, but they might not be as accurate as blood tests. These are rarely done.  

3. Imaging studies 

If your doctor thinks there may be an underlying illness, they may order image studies like ultrasound or MRI to see if there are tumours that make estrogen or other issues. 

Management Options for High Estrogen Levels 

Management options for high estrogen depend on the root cause. Some usual ways included are as follows.  

1. Medical  management 

Doctors may give hormone replacement therapy or drugs to stop estrogen production if needed. 

  • Hormone replacement therapy 

If there are hormone imbalances, doctors may adjust hormone therapy plans to form a healthier balance. 

  • Drugs to stop estrogen production 

For cancers sensitive to estrogen, doctors may suggest drugs that stop cancer cells from binding to estrogen or stop the enzyme aromatase from changing androgens into estrogen. 

2. Lifestyle changes 

Things like diet, exercise, and managing stress may help lower high estrogen levels. 

  • Diet 

Adding a balanced diet with fiber, healthy fats, and less processed foods may help control estrogen levels. 

  • Exercise 

Regular physical activity may help maintain a healthy body weight and avoid hormonal imbalances. 

  • Managing stress 

Managing tension through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or counseling may help balance hormone levels. 

3. Alternative  management options 

Some people try supplements, acupuncture, or other alternative management options for high estrogen, but it is vital to talk these options over with a healthcare professional before starting any new  therapy. 

Measures to Maintain Balanced Estrogen Levels 

Taking steps may help keep balanced estrogen levels, avoiding potential problems. These are as follows.  

1. Keeping a healthy body weight 

A healthy body weight stops too much fat tissue from making extra estrogen and lowers the risk of hormone imbalances. 

2. Leading an active life 

Regular physical activity supports a healthy body weight and helps keep hormones balanced. 

3. Eating a balanced diet 

Eating a diet full of fiber, healthy fats, and less processed foods may help avoid hormone imbalances. 

4. Cutting down exposure to environmental estrogen 

Avoiding xenoestrogens and pollutants may help control estrogen levels more naturally. 

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional? 

It is vital to talk with a healthcare professional. When to do so is described below.  

1. Serious or lasting symptoms 

If symptoms of high estrogen keep going or get worse, seeking medical advice may help diagnose and deal with potential underlying issues. 

2. Worrying test results 

Test results that are not normal need further checking and guidance from a healthcare professional to decide the best way forward. 

3. Questions about management options 

Talking about your concerns and questions related to management options with a healthcare professional may help you take informed decisions about managing high estrogen levels. 


High estrogen levels can stem from many things like hormonal imbalances, drugs, hidden medical conditions, and lifestyle choices. Spotting the signs and symptoms of high estrogen levels, dealing with the underlying causes, and adding steps that may help maintain hormonal balance, will help improve overall health. 

By working closely with your healthcare professional, checking your hormones, and changing your lifestyle, you may manage high estrogen levels and cut down the potential risks and problems. Remember that every person is unique, and the solutions to getting balanced hormone levels might be different for everyone. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

What are the symptoms of high estrogen in females and males? 

In women, high estrogen symptoms may show up as sore breasts, irregular or heavy periods, mood swings, and weight gain. In men, symptoms may show up as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and larger breasts. 

How can I reduce my estrogen levels in a natural way? 

You may naturally lower estrogen levels by keeping a healthy body weight, staying active, eating a balanced diet, and cutting down exposure to environmental estrogen. 

Can high estrogen levels cause weight gain? 

Yes, high estrogen levels can make you gain weight, especially around the hips and waist, because extra body fat may lead to more estrogen production. 

Are there any foods that can help lower estrogen levels? 

Foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains, may help lower estrogen levels. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are particularly helpful in reducing estrogen levels. 

What are the long-term effects of high estrogen levels on health? 

Long-term high estrogen levels can lead to many health problems, including a higher risk of breast, ovary, and uterus cancers in women, as well as infertility and larger breasts in men. 


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