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Shungite: Uncovering the Research-Based Potential Benefits and Uses

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Shungite is a rare black stone composed of up to 99 percent carbon. 
  • It contains fullerenes, which exhibit unique electrochemical and antioxidant properties. 
  • Shungite has potential antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. 
  • Practical applications include jewelry, water purification, skincare, and EMF protection. 
  • User precautions: proper maintenance and selecting high-quality shungite. 
  • Comparisons to popular beneficial crystals such as obsidian, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and lapis lazuli. 


Shungite is a captivating stone well-known for its potential health benefits that have intrigued many in recent years. This ancient stone, rich in carbon, comes with its very own set of exclusive qualities and possible uses, making its appeal less mainstream compared to other natural remedies. Through this article, we will delve deep into the science of shungite while laying out its structure and the research-based benefits that it may present. From jewelry to water purifiers, we will also explain about how one can integrate shungite into everyday life. Then, we’ll throw light on the safety aspects tied to its use. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.


Did you know?

What Is Shungite? 

Shungite is a unique black stone mostly made up of carbon, with some even holding up to 99 percent carbon. It falls under the category of a mineraloid, meaning, although it displays characteristics of minerals, it does not qualify to be a pure mineral due to certain chemical and structural deviations. Mostly found in Shunga, a village nestled in Karelia, Russia, shungite has caught the eye of many due to its distinct composition and potential health benefits. 

Composition of Shungite 

Apart from carbon, shungite holds pretty much every item on the periodic table. But, its key characteristic is the presence of fullerenes. These molecules are made up of 60 carbon atoms. Shaped like spheres, these hollow structures often called “buckyballs” give shungite its unique attributes. 

Origin of Shungite 

The exact birthplace of shungite remains an enigma. Generally, high-carbon objects originate from the decay of elements like ancient forests. Yet, shungite is at least two billion years old. It’s older than the known existence of living beings on Earth. Different theories about shungite’s formation exist. They stem from the idea of a meteorite impact, microorganisms in nearby water bodies, and shifts in organic content in sedimentary rocks. 

The Science Behind Shungite 

In this section, we’ll delve into the scientific reasons behind what makes shungite special. We’ll delve deeper into the role of carbon in shungite, and why fullerenes matter. We’ll also get acquainted with shungite’s distinct electrochemical properties. 

1. Role of Carbon in Shungite 

Carbon is the most important element in shungite. It forms the bulk of shungite’s structure. A versatile and crucial ingredient for life, carbon forms many compounds. This offers shungite a vast array of possible benefits. With a high carbon base, shungite is a good conductor of electricity, making it valuable for many potential uses. 

2. Fullerenes in Shungite 

Fullerenes are exclusive carbon formations found in shungite. These lend some phenomenal properties to it. Their hollow sphere-like shape lets them swallow other molecules. Or, they mix and mingle with many compounds, thus adapting to various applications. They’re being studied to understand their potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. These could all be reasons behind the potential health benefits related to shungite.  

3. Shungite’s Unique Electrochemical Properties 

Fullerenes present in shungite are responsible for the electrochemical properties. This makes it an ideal material for multiple practical applications like cleaning water and electromagnetic field (EMF) shielding. Additionally, shungite’s electrochemical qualities might contribute to its believed ability to battle oxidative stress, inflammation, and harmful bacteria. 

Research-Based Potential Benefits and Uses of Shungite 

In this section, we’ll delve into the possible benefits and uses of shungite as seen through scientific study. We’ll cover shungite’s antibacterial and viral properties, its potential in cleaning water, its proposed ability to bring down oxidative stress, and its promising anti-inflammatory effects. We’ll also discuss shungite’s possible role in easing physical discomfort, shielding from EMFs, and reducing emotional stress.  

1. Antibacterial and Antiviral Properties 

Studies suggest that shungite’s distinct carbon nanostructures (fullerenes) can wipe out harmful pathogens. Their ability to damage the cells of bacteria and viruses makes this possible. As a result, when fullerenes interact with harmful microbes, the microbes lose electrons and perish.  

  • Impact on Bacteria and Viruses 

Research into shungite’s antibacterial and viral effects showed that its fullerenes are proposed to break the cell walls of these microbes, effectively neutralising them. However, more research is necessary to learn how we may apply these findings to manage human illnesses and diseases. 

  • Applications in Medicine 

The antibacterial and viral properties of shungite may potentially be tapped into for medical use. Think about creating new therapies for bacterial and viral infections. However, we need more study to fully understand the exact mechanisms of how shungite combats pathogens for effective use in medicine. 

2. Water Purification Capabilities 

Shungite has a long history of being used to purify water. It has an amazing ability to filter out pollutants and organic substances like pesticides. A study even showed that shungite’s carbon content may also pull out radioactive compounds from water.  

  • Modes of Action 

You may wonder how shungite cleanses water. It interacts with bacteria and viruses and may filter out pollutants and organic substances. The fullerenes in shungite destroy harmful pathogens, whereas its carbon acts like a natural sift to remove impurities and radioactive compounds. 

  • Making Shungite-infused Water 

Simply use a shungite filter or drop some shungite stones directly in water. Wait for 2-3 days. Now, this process is proposed to purify the water by pulling out contaminants, bacteria, and viruses, leaving you with clean and safe drinking water. 

3. Reduction of Oxidative Stress 

An animal study suggested that shungite has antioxidative properties. It has a potential to lessen skin damage and oxidative stress caused by exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelengths. In mice, shungite led to a decrease in reactive oxygen species’ (ROS) production and enhanced the activity of antioxidant enzymes. But, we need more research to establish these findings in humans. 

  • Shungite’s Antioxidant Effects 

The antioxidative impacts of shungite may be owed to its fullerenes. They are said to neutralise ROS, molecules that can damage healthy cells.  

  • Impact on Skin Damage and Cellular Oxidation 

Research suggests shungite may help bring down skin damage and oxidative stress caused by UVB light. In a mice study, they applied a shungite solution on their skin which led to much-reduced skin damage while it boosted the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Even though these results promise hope, we need more research to understand shungite’s antioxidative potential in humans. 

4. Anti-inflammatory Effects 

A study showed that shungite may also reduce inflammation. After getting hit with UVB rays, mice that were given shungite solution had lower levels of inflammation markers like cytokines. Cytokines are proteins that play a role in inflammation. This result could hint at shungite’s possible use in managing inflammatory diseases. However, we need more research on this front. 

  • Usage in Skincare and Medical Therapies 

The anti-inflammatory property of shungite may possibly be used in skincare products and medical therapies, especially for inflammatory skin conditions and diseases. But, we need more research to fully grasp shungite’s effect on inflammation and its potential therapeutic applications. 

  • Role in Pain Relief 

Shungite has been used for pain relief historically, but there’s not enough scientific evidence to back this claim. More research is needed to verify if shungite’s antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties may possibly contribute to pain relief for certain conditions. 

5. Easing Physical Ailments 

Historically, water infused with shungite has been in use to manage a slew of physical ailments. These include allergies, sore throats, asthma, and issues related to the digestive system. Although it’s believed that shungite’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may aid in managing these conditions, currently, there’s no clinical evidence to support this claim.  

  • Effects on Various Health Conditions 

Even though we have anecdotal evidence suggesting possible health benefits of shungite, lack of clinical research denies these claims. It’s safer to stick to standard medical therapies and consult with a healthcare professional before using shungite for managing health conditions. 

6. Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Shielding 

There’s a belief that shungite can act as a shield against emissions from an Electromagnetic Field (EMF), like the ones from electronic devices. An old animal study suggested that shungite could protect rats from electromagnetic radiation. However, this lone study is outdated and focused only on animals. We need more research to understand shungite’s potential benefits in EMF shielding for humans. 

  • Applications in Modern Technology 

If the claims about shungite’s potential to shield EMFs turn out to be true, it could be applied to modern technology. For instance, to develop protective barriers for electronic devices and wireless equipment. But, to make sure, we need more research to confirm these applications and their effectiveness. 

7. Stress Relief 

There’s anecdotal evidence that reveals that shungite might offer stress relief and help balance emotions. Some people use shungite stones during meditation or keep them in their pockets to relish their calming presence. However, remember, right now, there’s no scientific evidence to claim that shungite directly impacts emotional stress. 

  • How Shungite Affects Emotional Stress? 

While reports from users are fascinating, we still lack scientific evidence to back the idea of shungite directly affecting emotional stress. We need more research to study the potential stress-relieving property of shungite and how they can be used for therapy. 

Practical Applications of Shungite 

Shungite’s exclusive properties and potential health benefits have given birth to various practical applications which are as follows. 

1. Shungite in Jewelry and Accessories 

Shungite is often used to create jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and pendants. Many wear shungite jewelry to gain from its proposed calming effects. Keeping shungite close to your body might let you reap the benefits to the fullest. However, remember, scientific evidence supporting these benefits is limited. 

2. Shungite for Water Purification and Filtration Systems 

One of shungite’s prominent uses is for water purification and filtration. Shungite filters cater to both home and business needs. They help to pull out pollutants, bacteria, and viruses from water. Water infused with shungite can also be made by simply placing shungite stones directly in it.  

3. Shungite in Skincare and Cosmetic Products 

The probable antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of Shungite are reasons it’s an attractive ingredient for skincare and cosmetic products. Including shungite in creams, lotions, serums, and cleaners might help overcome skin issues like inflammation, redness, and oxidative damage. But, we need more research to validate the efficacy and safety of skincare products containing shungite.  

4. Shungite for EMF Protection 

While the evidence is scarce, some believe that shungite can offer protection against EMFs from electronic gadgets. Shungite plates or protective covers may be used on phones, computers, and other similar devices to help shield against EMF exposure. However, keep in mind, current scientific evidence supporting shungite’s ability to shield from EMFs is lacking. 

5. How to Properly Use and Maintain Shungite? 

To extract the most out of your shungite and ensure its continued effectiveness, correct care, and maintenance are vital. Here are some pointers for using and taking care of shungite are as follows.  

  • Clean shungite stones on a regular basis to clear out built-up impurities. 
  • Recharge shungite by exposing it to direct sunlight for a few hours or under moonlight overnight. 
  • Keep checking shungite’s effectiveness in water purifiers. Replace filter cartridges or stones as needed to keep up top performance. 

Shungite Safety Considerations 

While shungite opens up an array of potential uses and benefits, it’s important to keep in mind possible side effects and safety measures when adding shungite into your daily life.  

1. Potential Side Effects 

Although generally safe, some people might experience side effects or allergic reactions while using shungite products. If you notice anything unusual while using shungite, be it applied topically or consumed internally (like shungite-infused water), stop use and consult your healthcare professional. 

2. Precautions To Be Taken 

When managing and using shungite, follow the producer’s guidelines and take necessary safety steps. This might include wearing gloves when handling raw shungite, avoiding drinking shungite-infused water if heavy metal pollution is a worry, and being cautious when using shungite for EMF shielding to ensure proper grounding and electrical safety. 

3. How to Choose High-Quality Shungite? 

To enjoy your shungite experience to the fullest, it’s vital to buy top-quality stones and products. Opt for trustworthy traders with a track record of satisfied customers and pick shungite products that pass quality, purity, and effectiveness tests. 

Other Popular Stones and Crystals with Beneficial Properties 

Besides shungite, many other stones and crystals are believed to have calming properties. In this section, we will briefly explore some popular picks like obsidian, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and lapis lazuli.  

1. Obsidian 

Obsidian is a volcanic glass credited for its protective and grounding properties. Users claim it fosters emotional health and aids in releasing negative energy. 

2. Amethyst 

Amethyst is a purple variant of quartz known for its calming and soothing properties. It’s often used to help manage stress, promote spiritual growth, and enhance overall well-being. 

3. Rose Quartz 

Rose quartz, often referred to as the “love stone,” is a soft pink crystal believed to encourage love and recover emotionally. This crystal is often used to cultivate self-love, draw romantic partners, and recover from emotional wounds.  

4. Citrine 

Citrine, a yellow-orange variety of quartz is thought to inspire abundance, prosperity, and creativity. It’s commonly used to boost self-esteem while attracting success and wealth. 

5. Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli, a deep blue stone, is believed to promote a clear mind and emotional recovery. It’s often used to support creative expression, communication, and decision-making. 


Shungite is an unusual mineraloid with a realm of potential health benefits and practical uses. Studies into shungite’s properties uncovered potential antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. As well as its ability to purify water and some degree of EMF protection. Despite sparse scientific evidence, many choose to infuse shungite into their daily lives for its proposed benefits and curious characteristics. 

It’s key to approach the use of shungite and other beneficial crystals with caution and a critical eye, relying on standard medical therapies and evidence-based practices for managing health conditions. While shungite’s potential benefits and uses are interesting, more research is needed to substantiate its effectiveness. We also need to understand any potential risks or side effects. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is Shungite just a type of coal? 

Shungite is often mistaken for coal due to its high carbon content. However, it is a metamorphosed Precambrian coal or carbonaceous rock known as mineralised carbon, which has a unique composition and various potential health benefits. 

What Zodiac sign is Shungite associated with? 

Shungite is not typically associated with a specific zodiac sign, as its properties and potential benefits may apply to individuals of any astrological background. Instead, shungite is praised for its potential beneficial abilities and practical applications.   

What is the difference between Obsidian and Shungite? 

Obsidian and shungite are both black, carbon-rich stones, but they have different origins and properties. Obsidian is a volcanic glass formed from rapidly cooling lava, whereas shungite is a rare mineraloid formed from ancient organic matter. Additionally, shungite contains unique fullerenes, contributing to its proposed health benefits, while obsidian is known for its protective and grounding properties. 

How often should I cleanse my Shungite? 

Regular cleansing of shungite stones is essential to maintain their effectiveness and remove accumulated impurities. You can cleanse shungite by rinsing it under running water, placing it in direct sunlight for a few hours, or letting it bask under moonlight overnight. The frequency of cleansing depends on how often the shungite is used and exposed to impurities or negative energies.  

How can I tell if my Shungite is authentic? 

Determining the authenticity of shungite can be challenging due to its varying composition and appearance. Some methods of checking authenticity include examining the stone’s luster, texture, and electrical conductivity. Authentic shungite is more likely to have a slightly oily feel and a matte black luster, and it should be able to conduct electricity. Additionally, purchasing shungite from a reputable supplier can help ensure you are getting an authentic product. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Review on the Antimicrobial Properties of Carbon Nanostructures – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5615720 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5574306 
  1. PubMed. Shielding effect of mineral schungite during electromagnetic irradiation of rats [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14968159 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Shungite (Mineralized Carbon) as a Promising Electrode Material for Electroanalysis – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9919474 

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