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Sea Salt Spray for Hair: A Quick Guide to Achieving Beachy Waves

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • What is sea salt spray and its importance for beachy waves? 
  • Ingredients in sea salt spray and how it works on hair. 
  • Choosing the right sea salt spray for your hair type. 
  • Proper application techniques for using sea salt spray. 
  • Benefits of using sea salt spray for achieving beachy waves. 
  • Potential drawbacks and precautions associated with sea salt sprays. 
  • DIY sea salt spray: Ingredients, recipe, and customisation options. 


If you are looking to bring more bounce to your hair, sea salt spray may be of use. In this article, we’ll delve into sea salt sprays, how they work, what they are made up of, how to use them, and we will also explore some DIY sea salt spray recipes. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

sea salt spray for hair

Understanding Sea Salt Spray 

Sea salt sprays are made to get your hair looking like you just stepped off the beach.  

Ingredients in Sea Salt Spray 

Sea salt sprays have certain key ingredients that are responsible for their effects. These include: 

  • Sea salt: It adds volume and texture to hair for that beachy, messy look. 
  • Magnesium sulfate: It helps define curls and keep hair from frizzing. 
  • Glycerin: It doesn’t allow your hair to dryout by locking in moisture. 
  • Essential oils: These add to the spray’s benefits with their nourishing properties and lovely smell. 

How Sea Salt Spray Works? 

  • Soaks up oil: The spray’s salt absorbs extra oil from your hair, keeping it clean and fresh. 
  • Adds texture: It roughens up your hair strands to make achieving a tousled look easy. 
  • Boosts natural waves: The ingredients in sea salt spray work together to define your hair’s natural waves and make them beach-waves-like. 

Choosing the Right Sea Salt Spray 

There are many sea salt sprays available, to choose from. The choice can be made by considering the following factors.  

  • Hair type: Your hair type helps determine the right sea salt spray for you. Lighter ones work for thin or fine hair. Thicker or wavier hair may need a stronger sprays. 
  • Desired style: If you want tight curls, choose a strong spray.  For a loose, natural look, a lighter one will do the trick. 
  • Key ingredients: Look for ingredients that benefit your hair type. Also, make sure the spray doesn’t contain anything you’re allergic to or that could dry your hair. 
  • Price: Be ready to try a few different options before you find the one that fits your hair needs and budget. 

How to Use Sea Salt Spray? 

1. Proper Application Techniques 

Whether you’re spraying onto damp or dry hair, follow these steps for the best results: 

  • Damp hair: On clean, towel-dried hair, apply 2-3 sprays of sea salt spray. Scrunch and twist your hair into waves as  it air dries. 
  • Dry hair: Lightly mist the spray onto dry hair, focusing on the middle and ends. Use your fingers to shape and scrunch your hair for more texture and definition. 
  • How much to use: Start with a small amount. Add more only if needed to avoid making your hair heavy or stiff. 
  • Styling: After adding the spray, try creating different styles. Try braids and twists. Or use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer. 

2. Tips for Achieving the Perfect Beachy Waves 

For an even better finish, you can give the following expert techniques a try: 

  • Diffuser: Attach a diffuser to your hairdryer. While drying, gently scrunch your hair to bring out your natural wave without frizz. 
  • Braiding: Braid your hair after applying the spray. Let it dry, then undo the braids for perfect wavy hair. 
  • Twisting: Divide your hair and twist each part around your fingers. Set the waves with a warm hairdryer, then release and gently comb through with your fingers. 

3. Finishing Touches 

To round up the beachy waves look, you may try these tips: 

  • Using other styling products: Mix sea salt spray with other styling aids like volumizing mousse or texturising spray for even more hold and definition. 
  • Fixing mistakes: If your waves go flat or get frizzy, spray a bit more sea salt spray and reshape with your fingers. 
  • Keeping your style all day: Spray a bit of hairspray to lock in your beachy waves without losing that natural, tousled vibe. 

Potential Benefits of Using Sea Salt Spray 

When used right, sea salt sprays may do a lot for your hair and overall look. 

1. Volume and Texture 

  • Tousled charm: The texture-enhancing power of sea salt spray potentially gives your hair a volume boost for a relaxed beachy look. 
  • If your hair tends to go flat, sea salt spray may give it a helpful lift with added texture and movement. 

2. Absorbing Excess Oil 

  • No more greasiness: Sea salt sprays can suck up extra oil, leaving your hair fresh and stopping it from turning greasy. 
  • Longer between washes: By soaking up the extra oil, sea salt spray lets you space out your washes and reduce on shampooing. 

3. Protecting Hair from Damage 

  • Less heat: Sea salt spray doesn’t need much heat styling to give you beachy waves. That means less heat damage to your hair. 
  • Guard against wind and sun: Some sea salt sprays have essential oils and other ingredients that may protect your hair from harsh weather. 

Potential Drawbacks & Precautions 

No doubt, sea salt spray is great for getting beachy waves. But there are certain risks and things to keep in mind.  

1. Potential Drying Effects 

  •  Watch out for high salt content or overuse of sea salt sprays as they can dry your hair. Always read the ingredient list. Opt for sprays with hydrating elements. 
  •  If your hair seems dry or brittle, cut back on the sea salt spray. Think about switching to a recipe that’s more hydrating. 

2. While Using Heat Tools 

  •  Apply a heat protection spray before using hot tools with sea salt spray. It will lower the risk of heat damage. 
  • Keeping up with regular trimming and deep conditioning will keep your hair healthy even when you’re using hot tools and sea salt sprays. 

3. Allergic Reactions 

  • Allergy alert: Keep an eye out for potential allergic reactions or irritation from certain ingredients in sea salt sprays. Read the ingredient list before trying a new product. Patch test on a small part of your skin first. 
  • If you’re not sure if you’re hypersensitive to a certain sea salt spray, conduct a small patch test before applying it to your whole head. 

DIY Sea Salt Spray 

If you love tailoring products to fit you or find it hard getting the right sea salt spray in shops, crafting your own can be fun and just as effective. 

1. Ingredients Needed 

Craft your very own sea salt spray with these: 

  • Sea salt: It adds texture and helps waves stay put. 
  • Water: It carries the other ingredients and spreads the formula. 
  • Essential oils: Not mandatory but they can add nutrients and a nice smell to your spray. 

2. Step-by-Step Recipe 

  • Measure out: You’ll need to get the right amounts of sea salt, water, and essential oils. Follow a ratio of 1 tablespoon of sea salt to 1 cup of water. 
  • Mix and store: Combine all your ingredients in a spray bottle, then shake until the salt dissolves. Keep your homemade sea salt spray in a cool, dark place when you’re not using it. 

3. Customisation Options 

Feel free to adjust your homemade sea salt spray to fit your unique tastes and hair type: 

  • Change recipe for your hair type: You may need to change the amounts of sea salt, water, and essential oils based on your hair type. Less salt and more hydrating ingredients can be beneficial for frizzy or dry hair. 
  • More nourishing ingredients: You could add nurturing ingredients like aloe vera gel, coconut oil, or glycerin to your spray to lock in more moisture. 
  • Your own scents: Make your DIY sea salt spray smell just how you want it with your favourite essential oils. Try lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus. 


This article shows how sea salt spray can give you the perfect beachy waves without costing much. Just find the right one for your hair type and learn how to apply it well.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What’s the best sea salt spray for straight hair? 

The top sea salt spray for straight hair depends on personal taste and hair type, however a light formula with strong hold tends to work best to boost wave creation and texture. Remember to look at reviews and try out different products to find what works best for your specific needs. 

How to make your own sea salt spray for hair? 

Making your DIY sea salt spray involves mixing a tablespoon of sea salt with a cup of water and adding in your chosen essential oils. Mix all your ingredients in a spray bottle, shake until the salt dissolves.  Adjust the amounts to fit your hair type, and add more moisturising ingredients if you’d like. 

Can sea salt spray replace hair spray? 

Sea salt spray can give your hair a relaxed, beachy texture and hold, but it won’t have the same strong grip or precision as hairspray. Sea salt spray is great if you’re looking for a more laid-back, wavy style. But if you need a long-lasting, firm hold for more intricate styles, you’ll still want to reach for the hairspray. 

What does sea salt spray do to your hair? 

Sea salt spray is said to absorb extra oil from your hair, add some texture, and boost your hair’s natural waves for a relaxed beachy look. It also lifts up your hair and reduces limpness. For casual hairstyles, sea salt spray is a standout option over traditional hair styling products. Also remember not to over use it as it may end up damaging your hair.  

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