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Longan: Research on Its Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Longan, a tropical fruit tree, is related to lychee and rambutan. 
  • Longan has various potential health benefits, such as immune support, anti-cancer properties, and heart health promotion. 
  • The fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 
  • It is used in traditional Asian cuisine for desserts, drinks, salads, smoothies, and baking. 
  • To maintain freshness and proper storage, harvest fruits carefully and store them in appropriate conditions. 


Longan is a sweet and musky flavoured fruit that is not just used as a food but also a medicine across Asia. Its potential health benefits and nutritional quality have been important throughout history. This article will break down everything from its botanical makeup, subspecies, history, distribution, nutritional worth, proposed health benefits, culinary uses, and cultivation.  Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What is Longan? 

The longan tree falls under the Sapindaceae family. This family includes other famous tropical fruits like lychee and rambutan.  


1. Tree Description 

The longan tree is striking. It grows tall and doesn’t lose its leaves. It can stretch up to 100 feet tall but is usually about 30 to 40 feet tall. The tree is lush with dark green leaves. 

2. Size 

In south Florida, most longan trees are 30-40 feet tall and wide. If not trimmed, they can grow even bigger. Their trunks can get as thick as 2.5 feet. 

3. Leaves 

Longan leaves are dark green, oblong, and blunt-tipped. Each leaf usually has 6 to 9 pairs of leaflets. This helps create a dense canopy. 

4. Flowers 

Longan flowers are small and yellowish-white. They can be male, female, or both genders. The flowers hang down and attract pollinators. 


There are a few key subspecies of longan. The fruit size, taste, and growth habits differ between them. This diversity helps Longan thrive in different settings and meet varying needs. 

Did you know?

History and Distribution 

Longan’s past traces back to the mountains between Myanmar and Southern China. Also present in southwest India and Sri Lanka. Over time, it spread across Asia and gained global recognition.  

  • Origin 

The longan tree likely comes from the mountainous regions between Myanmar and Southern China. It’s also found in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. 

  • Growth across Asia 

The Longan tree has spread across many Asian countries over time. This includes natural spread and intended cultivation. As the potential health benefits and nutritional worth became known, the longan tree grew popular with farmers and buyers. 

  • Global Cultivation and Popularity 

Now, longan trees grow not only in Asia but also in other warm parts of the world. This includes Australia, Kenya, Central and South America, and South Africa. In the US, longan trees grow well in Hawaii, California, and South Florida. This gives them global appeal. 

To my knowledge, longans may aid in healing and the management of chronic inflammatory diseases like oedema, GERD, IBS, skin allergies, wounds, burns, psoriasis, and Crohn’s disease due to their high vitamin B and C content.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Nutritional Value of Longan 

Longan fruit is a hub of nutrients that are good for overall health. It has macro-nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats as well as micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. 

1. Macronutrients 

The macronutrients found in longan fruit are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. They serve as key sources of energy and building blocks for growth and maintenance. 

2. Carbohydrates 

Longan is rich in carbohydrates. These are the fuel the body needs to run well. These carbohydrates are present in natural sugars, making the fruit both tasty and good for you. 

3. Protein 

Longan fruit does contain some protein, though not much. Still, it can be a part of the body’s protein needs if you eat a balanced diet. 

4. Fats 

The fat content in longan fruit is very low. This makes it a top option for those wanting to manage fat intake but still fancy a tasty snack. 

5. Micronutrients 

Small nutrients, or micronutrients, are also present in longan fruit. Essential vitamins and minerals play a part in keeping us healthy and feeling good. 

6. Vitamins 

Excellent source of vitamin C, longan fruit gives over 100% of the daily needed intake in a single 100g serving. Vitamin C helps keep your immune system healthy, aids in making collagen, and acts as an antioxidant. 

7. Minerals 

Speaking of mineral content, longan fruit offers calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. They all support various body functions. Things like strong bones, stable blood pressure, and good muscle and nerve function. 

8. Phytochemicals 

Longan fruit is also a source of various phytochemicals, or plant chemicals if you like. That includes antioxidants. They protect against cell damage, lower inflammation, and may lower the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease and certain cancers. 

Below is a table summarizing some key nutrients found in longan: 

Nutrient Amount in longan (per 100g serving) Health Benefits 
Carbohydrates 15.14 g Provide energy for the body 
Protein 1.31 g Support the body’s growth and maintenance 
Fats 0.1 g Serve as a secondary energy source 
Vitamin C 84 mg Support immune function, collagen production, and act as an antioxidant 
Minerals Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium Support various bodily functions 
Phytochemicals Antioxidants Protect cells from damage, reduce inflammation, reduce risk of  chronic diseases 

Potential Health Benefits of Longan 

The nutritional worth of longan fruit carries many proposed health benefits. Below we have discussed some key benefits you are said to get when you add this yummy fruit to your meals. 

1. Immune System Support 

High in vitamin C, longan fruit is proposed to stimulate the immune system possibly by aiding in the creation of more white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant. Think of it as your shield against harmful pathogens. 

2. Anticancer Properties 

Studies hint that longan fruit might have potential anticancer properties. That’s due to its antioxidants and other unique plant chemicals. These compounds may help reduce the risk of cancer by knocking out harmful free radicals and lowering inflammation.  

3. Heart Health Benefits 

Potassium and other key minerals potentially make longan a good choice for heart health. Potassium helps relax blood vessels and fix electrolyte balance. This may help in reducing the chances of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. 

4. Cognitive Function Support 

Essential nutrients and antioxidants from longan fruit may assist with healthy cognitive function. They may help protect brain cells from harm, promote healthy blood flow to the brain, and help overall brain health. 

5. Gastrointestinal Health 

The fiber in longan fruit may aid gastrointestinal health. It is proposed to promote regular bowel movements and may help avoid constipation. Also, the natural sugars in longan fruit may provide an easy energy boost without causing blood sugar spikes. 

6. Antistress and Mood-Enhancing Effects 

Longan fruit has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its possible stress-fighting and mood-lifting effects. The belief is that the fruit has calming properties and could even improve sleep quality. 

7. General Health Promotion 

Eating longan fruit as part of a balanced diet may contribute to overall health and wellness. Its rich mix of nutrients, antioxidants, and other health-promoting compounds may help support the body’s various systems and most importantly, keep you feeling your best. 

Although studies have shown several health-promoting effects of Longan, more large-scale human research is needed to corroborate the above-mentioned benefits of this tasty fruit.  

Culinary Uses of Longan 

Not only is longan fruit yummy, but it’s also useful in the kitchen. Below we have discussed a few ways in which you can incorporate them into your diet in a tasty manner.  

Traditional Cuisine in Asian Countries 

In Asian countries where longan is commonly grown, the fruit is often a component in a variety of dishes described below. 

1. Desserts 

You can add longan fruit to classic Asian desserts like sweet soups, fruit salads, and sticky rice dishes. It pairs well with these dishes due to its sweet, slightly tart flavor. 

2. Drinks 

With its sweet taste, longan is a popular choice for beverages, such as smoothies, juices, and teas. It can be used fresh or dried to vary the desired flavour and texture. 

3. Snacks 

Longan fruit is a stand-alone snack, or it can be dried and enjoyed as a chewy, sweet treat. Dried longan packs a flavourful punch and makes for a satisfying snack. 

Contemporary Cooking with Longan 

New-age chefs have taken a liking to the unique taste and versatility of longan fruit. Here are some recent cooking uses for longan. 

  • Salads 

You can add longan fruit to salads. On its own or mixed with other fruits or greens, longan’s sweet, tangy flavour works well. Especially with acidic dressings. That twist in flavour can elevate traditional salad recipes. 

  • Smoothies 

Longan fruit works great in smoothies. It adds sweetness and increases the nutrition. Just blend fresh or frozen longan with your favourite fruits, yogurt, and ice for a revitalizing dessert. 

  • Baking 

You can include longan in baked goods. Think cakes, muffins, and cookies. The fruit brings a tropical flavor that complements other ingredients like coconut, pineapple, and mango. 

Storage and Consumption 

Proper storage and intake of longan fruit are needed to enjoy its full flavour and nutritional benefits. Below we have covered the best ways to harvest, store, and prepare longan fruit. 

  • Harvesting Techniques 

Pick ripe longan fruit, with a deep tan colour, and sweet pulp. Harvesting early could make the fruit smaller and less tasty. Tread lightly when harvesting to avoid damaging the fragile skin and pulp. 

  • Ripening Process 

Once removed from the tree, longan fruit won’t ripen further. Make sure to pick the fruit when it’s fully ripe to enjoy the most flavour and sweetness. 

Shelf Life and Storage Conditions 

Fresh longan fruit can stay in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days. To extend its shelf-life, place the fruit in plastic bags and store it in a cool, dark place. 

  • Preparing Longan for Consumption 

To get ready to eat longan fruit, gently remove the outer shell to get to the clear, juicy flesh inside. Watch out for the big, black seed at the center. Longan fruit can be eaten fresh, added to drinks and smoothies, or worked into different recipes as you want. 


Longan is a standout tropical fruit. It has a wide history, many potential health benefits, and a host of culinary uses. From its start in the mountains between Myanmar and Southern China, the longan tree spread across Asia and won global love. Thanks to its high nutritional worth and many proposed health benefits, longan fruit is a great addition to a balanced and nourishing diet. As we discussed, cultivating longan trees requires paying attention to climate and soil needs. Ensuring the right care and maintenance may lead to rich harvests. Whether you’re eating it fresh, preparing mouthwatering recipes, or growing it in your backyard, longan fruit is surely worth your attention. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Longan taste like? 

Longan has a sweet, musky taste. In this way, it’s like lychee but less fragrant. The texture is like that of a grape, with clear, juicy flesh around a big, black seed. 

Is Longan and lychee the same thing? 

While being closely related as members of the Sapindaceae family, longan and lychee are not the same thing. They are two separate fruit species. Longan fruit is usually drier and less fragrant than lychee, with the taste, size, and look varying. 

Are longan fruit good for you? 

Longan fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Because of this, it carries many potential health benefits. Regular intake of longan fruit may help boost your immune system, promote heart health, and offer other health benefits too. 

How many longan fruits can I eat a day? 

Eating a fair number of longan fruits daily as part of a balanced and healthy diet is generally safe. However, balance is key. Good control is needed because too much of any one food may cause an imbalance in nutrient intake or lead to tummy discomfort. 


  1. PubMed. Defense and Counterdefense During Plant-Pathogenic Oomycete Infection [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jan 25]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31226025 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Taxonomy browser (Dimocarpus longan) [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jan 25]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=128017 

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