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Neem Oil Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide Based on Research Studies

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Neem oil is derived from the seeds and fruits of the neem plant, which is native to India. 
  • Potential benefits of neem oil include managing various skin conditions like eczema, acne, and dermatitis.  
  • Neem oil may promote hair growth, improve oral health, and have antimalarial effects.  
  • Side effects of neem oil include skin irritation and allergic reactions.  
  • Consult a healthcare professional before using neem oil products. 


For ages, neem oil has been a prized natural remedy. It’s sourced from neem tree seeds and fruits. It holds a special place in traditional medicine like Ayurveda. This article delves into the potential benefits and possible side effects of neem oil. It scopes out how you can best use this oil for better health and well-being. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What is Neem Oil? 

Source and extraction process 

Neem oil hails from neem tree seeds and fruits found mainly in India. To get the oil, we press these seeds. The oil is then cleaned and cold-pressed to keep its strength. 

neem oil benefits

Components of neem oil 

Neem oil has unique ingredients that make it effective. These are as follows.  

  • Fatty acids: Like linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic 
  • Limonoids: Such as Azadirachtin, salannin, Nimbin, and others  
  • Antioxidants: Vitamin E, β-sitosterol  
  • Triglycerides 

Traditional uses of neem oil 

Traditionally it was used in healthcare, beauty, and farming. Historically, in Ayurveda,  people use neem oil to manage infections, reduce inflammation, boost dental health, and guard against pests. 

Did you know?

  • Neem oil is used in soaps, waxes, and lubricants, as well as in fuels for lighting and heating. source: NCBI
  • Neem oil is composed primarily of triglycerides of oleic, stearic, linoleic, and palmitic acids. source: NCBI
  • Neem oil is used as a beauty aid in India and is found in nail polish and other cosmetics. source: NCBI
  • Neem oil is used as a lubricant for cartwheels in rural India. source: NCBI

Potential Benefits of the Skin Care 

1. Anti-inflammatory properties 

Neem oil may reduce redness, swelling, and pain in skin problems.  

  • Eczema 

Eczema is itchy, red, and inflamed skin. Neem oil is proposed to soothe this. It may help reduce oxidative stress and combat swelling. This eases eczema signs.  

  • Psoriasis 

Psoriasis is an immune issue triggering rapid skin cell growth. This causes inflamed, scaly patches. Early study findings suggest neem oil might ease psoriasis symptoms. It does this via its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers.  

  • Dermatitis 

Dermatitis is a term for varied skin inflammation. Neem oil may help soothe the skin. It mostly works by fighting inflammation.  

2. Antimicrobial properties 

By killing harmful tiny lifeforms, neem oil may manage skin infections.  

  • Acne 

Acne is often due to bacteria, excess oil, and clogged pores. Neem oil may  help. A 2013 study showed possible long-term acne relief from neem oil.  

  • Skin infections 

Neem oil may fight skin infections, including those from bacteria and fungi.  

  • Wound  recovery 

In an animal study, applying neem oil helped repair of wounds. It might do so by promoting blood flow and reducing inflammation.  

3. Anti-aging effects 

  • Reducing wrinkles and fine lines 

A 2017 study on hairless mice found that neem oil eased aging symptoms. These include thin skin, dryness, and wrinkles. Neem oil did this by stopping harmful free radical build–up.  

  • Improving skin elasticity 

The same study suggests that neem oil may boost collagen production and elastin protein levels. This results in plumper skin that keeps its healthy shape.  

  • Moisturising agent 

Fatty acids in neem oil, such as linoleic and oleic acids, make it an excellent moisturiser. It can restore and keep your skin’s natural hydration.  

Before incorporating neem oil for any of the above purposes always discuss it with your doctor.  

Potential Benefits for Hair Care 

1. Reducing hair fall 

Neem oil may safeguard hair roots from harm, thus slowing hair fall. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties may improve scalp health. This is key for good hair growth.  

2. Improving scalp health 

By fighting swelling and removing infectious agents on the scalp, neem oil may help make a healthier scalp. This, in turn, promotes hair growth.  

3. Fighting dandruff 

Dandruff is often due to a fungus called Malassezia. This leads to small, flaky, itchy scalp pieces. Neem oil’s antifungal property may control this fungus. Its anti-inflammatory effect may soothe the irritation coming with dandruff.  

4. Promoting hair growth 

Initial study findings suggest that neem oil may boost hair growth. It does this by improving scalp blood flow and reducing inflammation that can slow the growth process.  

Remember to discuss with your doctor before using neem oil for any of your hair health concerns.  

Potential Benefits for Dental Health 

  • Antimicrobial properties 

Neem oil can fight harmful tiny lifeforms in your mouth. Research suggests that neem oil mouthwash may hold back bacteria buildup. This buildup can cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.  

  • Reducing plaque 

In 2017, a study found that neem mouthwash reduced plaque and gum bleeding quite well.  It worked as well as chlorhexidine gluconate, which is a popular mouthwash often recommended by dentists. Neem potentially fights off bacterial build-up on teeth and gums. This can stop plaque from forming. 

  • Reducing inflammation 

By fighting inflammation, neem oil may ease gum swelling. This is often seen in gingivitis or periodontitis patients. Regular use of neem-based mouthwash may lower pain and inflammation related to these conditions. 

Always discuss with your doctor before incorporating it into your daily routine.  

Other Potential Health Benefits 

Neem oil has other health benefits too. These aren’t as well-studied but are still noted in studies. 

1. Antimalarial effects 

Laboratory and animal studies suggest that neem oil might be good for managing malaria. However, we need to do more research on people to confirm this. 

2. Contraception  

Neem oil seems to have potent antifertility effects seen in animal studies. It could be used as a contraception method. But more human studies are needed for this. 

3. Liver and kidney health 

Neem oil’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may shield the liver and kidneys from oxidative stress. We still need to look at possible neem oil effects on human liver and kidney health. 

4. Diabetes management 

In animal studies, neem leaf extract seems to help control diabetes. It does this by increasing insulin production in cells in the pancreas. Yet, we still need more human studies to corroborate these findings. 

Risks and Potential Side Effects 

While neem oil has many potential health benefits, you should still use it with care.  

Side effects of topical application 

Most people can put neem oil on their skin safely. Some might face allergic reactions like skin rashes or hives. If you get a bad reaction, stop using the product right away. Reach out to a healthcare professional for advice. 

  • Allergic reactions 

Some people may be allergic to neem oil. This can cause hives, skin redness, or puffiness. If you think you’re allergic to neem oil, stop using it.  Discuss with your doctor. 

  • Skin irritation 

If you put undiluted neem oil on the skin, you may get skin rashes or an allergic reaction. To lower the chance of a bad reaction, dilute neem oil before using it. 

Avoiding oral intake 

Neem oil might be safe to drink in small amounts or as tablets or powders. However, consuming a lot of neem oil can be poisonous. Signs of neem oil poisoning may include throwing up, getting  drowsy, and having less brain activity.  It is advisable not to consume it orally. 

How to Use Neem Oil Safely? 

Tips for topical use 

  • Mix neem oil with carrier oils like coconut or jojoba oil. 
  • Do a patch test before applying the oil all over. If you see signs of skin rash or an allergic reaction, stop using it and seek medical help.  

Guidelines for oral consumption 

  • Discuss with a healthcare professional before taking in neem oil. 
  • Don’t gulp in a lot of neem oil, as it may cause serious side effects. Instead, opt for forms like tablets or powders. It is better to avoid oral consumption.  

Choosing the Right Neem Oil Products 

When picking neem oil products, bear in mind the following: 

Things to consider when buying neem oil products 

  • Organic certification 

Go for neem oil items that are marked as organic. This ensures that they’re from neem trees grown without chemicals or pesticides. 

  • Purity 

Select 100% pure, cold-pressed neem oil. Cold-pressed oils are made without heat, keeping the oil’s quality and strength. 

  • Quality 

Don’t buy neem oil from brands making bold health claims about curing diseases. Rather, pick a well-known brand that  discusses how it sources and extracts the oil. 


Neem oil is valued in ancient medicine practices like Ayurveda. Its rich properties, confirmed by recent research, offer a range of potential health benefits. From soothing skin conditions to boosting hair and dental health, the potential of neem oil is immense. However, it’s vital to pursue this natural remedy responsibly. To unlock its potential benefits safely and effectively, heed the advice of your healthcare professional.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can neem oil be used for managing various skin conditions? 

Research points out that neem oil could manage skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. But people should remember that outcomes may differ. They must always get advice from a healthcare professional before using neem oil as an option.  . 

What precautions should be taken when using neem oil? 

Use neem oil with care. Some may get allergic reactions or skin rashes. Mix the oil with a carrier oil before using it on your skin. Do a patch test before applying it all over. For advice on using neem oil for specific health problems,  discuss with a healthcare professional. 

How can I choose the right neem oil products? 

Pick organic, cold-pressed neem oil items from known brands. Make sure the product is pure and has no added chemicals and avoid those making big health claims. 

Are there any side effects of using neem oil? 

Some might get allergic reactions or skin rashes after applying neem oil. If you face such issues, stop using it and discuss it with a healthcare professional. 

Can neem oil be used to improve hair and scalp health? 

Several studies indicate that neem oil may help support hair growth, improve scalp health, and fight dandruff. Its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective part of hair care routines. However, outcomes may differ from person to person. 


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