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Kratom Benefits: A Research-Based Exploration of Its Potential

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia with leaves containing compounds that have potential medicinal benefits. 
  • Kratom has been reported to help with conditions like pain, anxiety, depression, and opioid withdrawal, but more research is needed to verify these claims. 
  • While kratom may offer some benefits, it also comes with side effects and safety concerns. 
  • Kratom’s legal status varies worldwide, and its use has been surrounded by controversies. 
  • More research is needed to understand the potential benefits and risks of using kratom for various conditions. 


Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, whose leaves have been used traditionally for their various proposed medicinal benefits. As an increasing number of people search for alternatives to mainstream medicine, interest in kratom has grown worldwide. 

In this article, we will explore research-based evidence surrounding the potential benefits of kratom, delving into its history, usage, benefits, mechanism of action, side effects, controversy, and ongoing research. Lastly, we will also answer some frequently asked questions regarding this tree kratom. 

kratom benefits

Did you know?

  • Kratom was detected in 0.56% of overdose deaths analyzed in 11 states from July 2016 to June 2017. source: CDC
  • Kratom use is also prevalent among individuals who use cannabis, cocaine, and prescription stimulants. source: NIH
  • Kratom use is associated with adverse events such as liver toxicity, seizures, and substance use disorder. source: FDA

What is Kratom? 

The Kratom tree is also called as Ketum, Biak-Biak, or Maeng Da. This is a kind of evergreen tree. This tree is a part of the coffee family and is native to places like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. What’s special about this tree are its leaves. They contain active compounds called alkaloids. These might have different impacts on the body. For centuries, these leaves have been used as natural medicine. They are said to help with several health problems. 

Origins and history 

150 years ago in Southeast Asia, workers chewed on Kratom leaves. They needed a boost to get through their long, hard workdays. Besides that, they would brew tea from Kratom leaves. This helped them relax and relieve their pain. 

  • The kratom tree and its leaves 

The color of Kratom leaves can differ based on the type of Kratom. These leaves are rich in active compounds known as alkaloids. These compounds cause the body’s reaction to Kratom. They can vary in strength based on the strain of the plant. 

Different types or strains of Kratom 

Each type of Kratom has its own special property and effect. The most common ones include Maeng Da, Indo, Bali/red vein, Green Malay, Thai, Borneo, and Malaysian. 

1. Maeng Da 

Meet Maeng Da. It’s a powerful Kratom strain. People say it strikes a balance between relieving pain and stimulation. Many report feeling more energetic, focused, and in a better mood after using it. 

2. Indo 

Indo-Kratom originates from Indonesia and comes in red, green, and white vein forms. It’s less stimulating than other strains. Many people report that it helps with relaxation and overall well-being. 

3. Bali/red vein 

Then there’s Bali Kratom. This also comes from Indonesia. It has a red vein and is known for easing pain. It also creates a feeling of euphoria, like opioids. 

4. Green Malay 

The dark green, Green Malay kratom comes from Malaysia. At low doses, it may boost energy, focus, and ease pain. At higher doses, it may have calming effects. 

5. Thai 

Known to originate from Thailand, Thai kratom is available in red, green, and white vein types. The green and white vein types often cause stimulating and euphoric effects. The red vein, on the other hand, is great for pain relief. 

6. Borneo 

Borneo kratom comes from Borneo. It is also available in red, green, and white vein types. This strain was reported to have more calming effects. Many people use it to cope with stress and anxiety. It might also help with pain relief. 

7. Malaysian 

Malaysian kratom strains come in green, red, and white vein types. People say these strains strike a balance between excitement and calm, while boosting mood, focus, and energy levels. 

How is Kratom Used? 

Kratom is used in many ways, both traditionally and today. It may help relieve pain or may be a management option for opioid problems. Each method of use can affect what sort of reaction you might have. 

Traditional vs. modern usage 

Traditionally, workers chewed raw kratom leaves. They needed an energy boost to get through their workdays. People also used to make tea from kratom leaves. This was proposed to help them relax and ease their pain. 

Today, people in Western countries use kratom as an alternative medicine. They use it in many forms to help with specific health issues. These might range from chronic pain and anxiety, to opioid withdrawal. 

Oral ingestion methods such as teas, capsules, and extracts 

You can take kratom orally in many forms. Tea, capsules, and extracts, for example. Some people prefer brewing kratom leaves into a tea. Others find it easier to swallow capsules or use potent extracts for quicker effects. The method used can affect how soon and how long you feel kratom’s effects. 

Topical use in creams and balms 

You can put kratom in creams and balms. This is less common, but these products might provide localised pain relief and reduce swelling. You apply them directly to the skin. 

Potential Health Benefits of Kratom 

Many people claim that Kratom has potential benefits for many conditions. For example, pain relief, coping with anxiety and depression, and managing opioid withdrawal. But we need more research to know for sure what its benefits and risks might be. 

1. Kratom for pain relief 

Kratom may help manage chronic pain. It may reduce swelling, offering an alternative to mainstream pain medicines. The active alkaloids in  Kratom might be responsible for this. These include mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine which are proposed to have pain-relieving and anti-swelling properties. More studies should be conducted to further explore these properties of kratom. 

2. Managing anxiety and depression with  Kratom 

Some people say that  Kratom may help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. It might lift mood, lower stress, and promote a sense of well-being. But we don’t have much evidence of this yet. We need more trials to be sure about these effects. 

3. Kratom’s potential as an energy booster and stimulant 

Certain strains of Kratom might provide more energy and focus on low doses. This may make users more alert and productive. It may be an alternative to caffeine.  

4. Kratom for opioid withdrawal and addiction recovery 

Kratom is sometimes used by people trying to get free from opioid addiction. It might help ease withdrawal symptoms, because the active compounds in kratom interact with the brain’s opioid receptors. But we don’t know enough about how good and safe kratom is for this yet. We need more research to understand its long-term effects on handling addiction and withdrawal. 

Other potential benefits and claims 

Some people who promote Kratom say it might have several other health benefits. It might reduce muscle cramps, manage diarrhoea, and be a muscle relaxant, for example. But science has not proven these claims yet. 

Mechanism of Action 

To get a better grasp of Kratom’s effects and risks, we should understand how it interacts with the body. We need to know what its active compounds do. 

  • How does Kratom interacts with the body? 

Kratom’s main active compounds are mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. These interact with the brain’s opioid receptors. Doing so can have various effects, determined by dosage and personal factors. These interactions might cause reported effects like pain relief, mood enhancement, and stimulation. 

  • Active alkaloids in Kratom and their effects 

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are the main active substances in Kratom. They are known to have pain-relieving, anti-swelling, and psychoactive properties. Other alkaloids in kratom include things like mitraphylline and corynanthidine. Combined, these alkaloids shape the overall experience of using Kratom. 

  • Effects on brain and behavior 

Kratom may affect mood and behaviour by acting on the brain’s opioid receptors. The effects can range from more energy to calmness, depending on the strain and dosage. It might also help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, promote relaxation, and improve cognitive function. 

Side Effects and Safety Concerns 

Like any substance, Kratom may have side effects. We should consider these safety concerns before using it. 

1. Potential short-term side effects 

Possible short-term side effects of kratom include dry mouth, itching, need to urinate often, headaches, stomach problems, sleepiness, dizziness, sickness, and throwing up. How bad these side effects are can depend on personal factors, the strain of Kratom, and the dosage. 

2. Long-term risks from daily use 

Over a long time, using kratom every day might lead to dependence and harmful side effects. These could include liver damage, kidney problems, ongoing stomach problems, and even addiction. The quality and pollution of kratom bought from different sources can vary. So, that also carries risks for users. 

3. Interactions with other medications and substances 

Kratom may interact with medicines or substances. These could be prescribed drugs, alcohol, or illegal drugs. These interactions could lead to serious health problems. Always ask a healthcare professional before mixing Kratom with any medication or substance. 

4. Concerns about contamination and adulteration 

Since Kratom is not regulated in many places, there’s a risk of swindled or tainted products. Such products could have harmful bacteria, heavy metals, or other harmful substances. This could pose a risk to a person’s health. 

The Controversy Surrounding Kratom 

Kratom has caused much debate. Its legal status, how it is handled by authorities, and different opinions on its safety and possible benefits all play a part in this. 

1. Legality and regulation 

The laws for Kratom are different around the world. Some places criminalize having, selling, or using it. Others leave it unregulated. In parts of the USA, Kratom is managed as a health supplement. However the FDA has not approved it for any medical use. 

  • Differences in legality worldwide 

The rulings on Kratom vary a lot around the world. Some places, like Thailand, Australia, and some EU countries, ban having, selling, or using it. In other parts of the world, like most of the USA, there aren’t clear rules, making it easy to get Kratom products. 

2. FDA and DEA involvement 

Both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) worry about the safety and possible misuse of Kratom. The FDA has warned about misuse of Kratom. They’ve also taken steps to control how it’s sold, distributed, and marketed. 

3. Advocacy efforts from kratom supporters 

People in favour of Kratom argue it may provide many benefits. It is proposed to help with pain, anxiety, and depression. They say it’s a safe and workable alternative to opioids. And that it carries less risk of dependency or side effects. 

4. Opposition and concerns from medical professionals 

Yet many doctors and researchers are concerned. They’re not sure that Kratom helps as people claim. They question its safety and potential risks. They note that Kratom hasn’t undergone rigorous tests or clinical trials. And they fear it may have side effects or long-term risks we don’t yet fully know. 

Also Read: Potential Benefits of Nutritional Yeast: An In-Depth Research-Based Guide

Research on Kratom 

Even though Kratom has been used for a long time in traditional medicine, there’s limited research on it.  The studies we do have are not all of the same quality and scope. We need more research to better understand just how Kratom affects us. 

Overview of existing studies 

The research we have on Kratom includes preclinical studies, animal studies, and fewer human trials. These studies have shed light on possible benefits of Kratom. These include pain relief, mood improvement, and relief from symptoms of opioid withdrawal. But we still have a lot to learn about Kratom’s long-term effects, best doses, and safety. 

  • Preclinical studies 

Preclinical studies involving Kratom and its active compounds have provided useful information. They’ve given us some idea of how these might work and what benefits they may provide. But these studies often have a narrow focus and can’t always be applied to human use. 

  • Clinical trials 

There have been limited clinical trials involving human use of Kratom. They’ve shown mixed results. Some point towards possible benefits regarding pain relief and opioid withdrawal management. But these studies were often small and might not reflect the experiences of most people. Additionally, many focused on specific Kratom strains. This gives us a limited understanding of the full range of possible Kratom benefits and risks. 

Research limitations and future possibilities 

Despite the ongoing research, there are significant gaps in our understanding. We lack large-scale, randomised controlled trials, consistent methods across studies, and data on long-term Kratom use. We need more in-depth research on Kratom and its active compounds. And we need to study their effects on the body, to fully understand their potential benefits and risks. 


Kratom, a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, has been at the center of ongoing debate and controversy regarding its potential medicinal benefits and risks. While some users report relief from conditions such as pain, anxiety, depression, and opioid withdrawal, limited research supporting these claims and known side effects raise concerns about its safety and effectiveness. More comprehensive research on kratom, its active compounds, and their effects on the human body is needed to determine the full extent of its potential benefits and risks. 

As we learn more about what Kratom does to the body, both doctors and people looking for alternative management options will need to weigh the potential benefits against the risks. Please remember, before you use Kratom or any herbal remedy, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How does Kratom compare to traditional pain medications? 

Kratom is sometimes used instead of traditional pain medicines like opioids. But it’s not certain that Kratom is safe or effective. Some people do find it relieves their pain. But the research we have so far is limited, and Kratom can have side effects and interact with other medicines. 

Is Kratom addictive? 

Regular use of Kratom can lead to dependence, with withdrawal symptoms similar to those of opioids. It’s important to use kratom wisely and to ask a healthcare professional before making it part of your routine. 

What should I look for when purchasing Kratom? 

Because there aren’t rules about Kratom in many places, it’s important that you buy pure Kratom from a trustworthy source. Look for tests by third parties and clear product labels. This can lower the risk of polluted or tampered products. Also always discuss with your doctor first, don’t self-medicate.  

How can I safely incorporate Kratom into my wellness routine? 

You should always talk to a healthcare professional before using Kratom. They can tell you the possible benefits, risks, and how it might interact with other things you’re taking.  

Can Kratom help with my anxiety or depression? 

In some cases, Kratom may help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. But there isn’t much research to support these claims. Always talk to your healthcare provider before using Kratom for anxiety or depression. It’s important to consider the potential risks and existing management options.

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