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Potential Benefits of Activated Charcoal: An In-Depth Look into its Properties

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Activated charcoal refers to a fine, black powder used in emergency medicine in the case of overdoses and poisonings.  
  • It works by adsorbing toxins in the stomach and doesn’t allow their absorption into the body. 
  • Some research supports the use of activated charcoal for kidney health, cholesterol lowering, gas reduction, diarrhoea relief, and other applications. 
  • However, many of these potential benefits are not firmly supported by scientific evidence. 
  • The use of activated charcoal is generally considered safe, but individual reactions and risks may vary. 


Activated charcoal has gained fame in recent years, thanks to its possible health benefits. It’s also used in medical emergencies and cosmetics. Many believe it has medicinal properties. 

In this article, we’ll try to understand what this substance is, how it’s prepared, how it functions, its possible medical uses, safety measures, and correct recommended dosages. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

activated charcoal benefits

Did you know?

What is Activated Charcoal? 

Origin and Manufacturing Process 

Activated charcoal comes from several carbon-rich natural sources. These include wood, peat, coconut shells, and sawdust. These materials get exposed to high heat. This process called activation increases the charcoal’s surface area, making it super adsorbent. 

Natural Sources of Charcoal 

  • Wood 
  • Peat 
  • Coconut shells 
  • Sawdust 

The Activation Process 

  • Raw materials get heated (up to 900°C or 1652°F) in a controlled space with no oxygen. 
  • This heating results in the breakdown of carbon in the materials, creating tiny pores. 
  • The product is a fine, black, smell-less powder with a highly porous structure. 

How Activated Charcoal Works? 

Adsorption Properties 

 It has a unique property that allows it to trap toxins and chemicals in the body. Its porous structure provides a large surface area where these substances could attach to, stopping them from getting absorbed by the body. 

Binding with Toxins and Impurities 

The negatively charged surfaces of activated charcoal magnetise positively charged molecules like many toxins and chemicals. This allows the charcoal to bind with these substances and block their absorption by the body. 

Potential Medical Benefits of Activated Charcoal 

1. Emergency Poison Management  

Activated charcoal is known for a crucial role: managing certain poisonings and drug overdoses in emergencies. By binding to toxins in the stomach and blocking their absorption, activated charcoal may help neutralise the harmful substances safely. 

  • Drug overdoses 

Your healthcare professional may suggest using activated charcoal for various substance overdoses. These could include prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and others. It can be used for overdoses of NSAIDs, sedatives, calcium channel blockers, dapsone, malaria medications, carbamazepine, and mild stimulants. 

  • Ingestion of toxic substances 

For those who have consumed poisonous substances, activated charcoal may be vital. But remember, it won’t be effective for all types of toxicity. It won’t work on alcohols, heavy metals, iron, lithium, lye, potassium, acid, or alkali.  

2. Kidney Health 

Activated charcoal might play a part in improving kidney function by filtering harmful toxins and waste from the body. Studies suggest that it may help people with chronic kidney disease as it is proposed to aid in removing urea and other toxins in the blood. 

  • Filtering harmful toxins and waste 

Activated charcoal might help support kidney function by reducing the amount of waste the kidneys need to filter. 

  • Potential improvement in kidney function 

For those with chronic kidney disease, activated charcoal might be an effective in improving kidney function by lowering inflammation. This might aid in reducing the risk of organ damage.  

3. Reducing Intestinal Gas and Bloating 

Activated charcoal is well-known for its effectiveness in reducing gas and bloating in the gut.  Its adsorbent property enables it to bind to gas-producing compounds in the gut. These may then be expelled from the body. Thus, aiding better digestion, reduction in discomfort, and bloating.  

Additional Possible Health Benefits 

Activated charcoal has potential benefits that need more study. These include lowering cholesterol levels and dealing with fish odour syndrome. 

Lowering Cholesterol Levels 

Activated charcoal may help in reducing cholesterol levels. It is proposed to do this by adsorbing cholesterol in the digestive tract, thus blocking it from getting absorbed by the body. Although the research backing this benefit is limited and outdated, early studies show promising results. However, we need more scientific studies to confirm this.

Dealing with Fish Odour Syndrome 

Activated charcoal may help reduce unpleasant odours in people with trimethylaminuria (TMAU). TMAU, also known as fish odour syndrome, is a genetic condition. It causes trimethylamine (TMA) to build up in the body, leading to a strong, fishy smell. It adsorbs the smelly compounds like TMA, there are some studies supporting this, however more research is warranted.   

Cosmetic and Household Uses of Activated Charcoal 

Besides its potential medical benefits, activated charcoal serves some cosmetic and household uses as well. These include teeth whitening, skincare, water filtration, and deodorant. 

1. Teeth Whitening and Oral Health 

You might find activated charcoal in toothpaste and oral care products. It is proposed to whiten  teeth and promote better mouth hygiene. The adsorption properties of activated charcoal may help remove stains and bacteria from teeth. However, research to back its success in improving dental health is limited. 

2. Skin Care 

Activated charcoal may help with acne or blemishes.  It might help cleanse the skin of dirt, dust, and other impurities. This may help enhance its texture, look, and brightness. It may aid in fighting the bacteria that causes acne and tighten pores as well. However, further scientific probing is required.   

3. Water Filtration 

 Activated charcoal has been a natural water filter for ages.  It helps remove impurities and contaminants like suspended solids and microorganisms from drinking water without altering the taste and pH. 

4. Deodorant 

Activated charcoal may also be found in natural deodorant. It’s good at absorbing sweat and bacteria that cause odour.  

Safety and Precautions 

Even though activated charcoal is often seen as safe, some potential side effects and precautions must be considered before you use it. 

Potential Side Effects 

Activated charcoal is usually well taken by people, but some may experience mild side effects, such as: 

  • Constipation 
  • Gastrointestinal issues 

If you feel like you’re having side effects from activated charcoal, stop using it and consult a healthcare professional right away. 

Interactions with Medications 

Taking activated charcoal with certain medications might decrease the absorption of the drugs. If you’re taking any medications, it’s vital to discuss with a healthcare professional before having activated charcoal. This can help avoid any unwanted drug interactions. If you want to lower the risk of drug interactions, try consuming activated charcoal at least 2 hours prior to or after taking your regular medications. Always ask your healthcare professional before taking activated charcoal, especially if you’re on any medications. 

Proper Dosage and Usage 

It is always important to follow the right dosage recommendations to avoid toxicities.  

Suggested Dosage for Different Applications 

The advised dose for different activated charcoal uses depends on what you’re using it for. For example: 

  • Emergency poison management: 50–100 grams for adults or 10–50 grams for children 
  • Kidney health: 4–32 grams per day 
  • Cholesterol-lowering: 4–32 grams per day 
  • Gas reduction: 1 gram 30 minutes before and after each meal 
  • Diarrhoea relief: Dose amounts may vary 

Forms of Activated Charcoal 

Activated charcoal comes in several forms, including: 

  • Capsules 
  • Powders 
  • Suspensions 

Always follow the dosage rules on the product label. Or seek advice from a healthcare professional on correct usage. 


In conclusion, activated charcoal has a broad range of potential health benefits, including emergency poison management, kidney issue management, cholesterol lowering, and cosmetic uses. However, it’s key to note that not all these benefits are backed by strong scientific evidence. Some might need more research to be confirmed. 

Before using activated charcoal, it’s crucial to understand any possible side effects, drug interactions, and advised dosages. Always remember to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine as they can give you the right guidance based on your needs, never self-medicate. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is it safe to take activated charcoal daily? 

While activated charcoal is generally seen as safe, it’s crucial to follow the dosage rules provided on the product label or by your healthcare professional. Never self-medicate. 

Does activated charcoal detox the body? 

Activated charcoal’s key function is to adsorb toxins, which may help reduce the number of harmful substances in the body. However, note that this only happens under certain situations. Activated charcoal isn’t meant for general detox. 

Can activated charcoal reduce belly fat? 

There’s no direct evidence to suggest that activated charcoal may specifically reduce belly fat. 

How long does it take for activated charcoal to work? 

How fast activated charcoal works in binding to toxins depends on the circumstances. Usually, it works best when taken soon after the ingestion of a toxin, ideally within the first hour. 

Can activated charcoal be used for topical applications? 

While there’s limited scientific evidence for the use of activated charcoal topically, some anecdotal tales suggest it might be beneficial for skin care, teeth whitening, and odour control. 

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