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Foods to Avoid When Taking Lamotrigine: A Detailed Guide for Safe Consumption

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Lamotrigine is a medication used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder.
  • It is important to avoid certain foods while taking lamotrigine due to their potential to trigger seizures, affect medication absorption, worsen side effects, and interact with the drug.
  • Developing and maintaining good food habits and an active lifestyle can help with better management of epilepsy and bipolar disorder.
  • Close monitoring and regular consultation with your healthcare provider are essential to ensure the efficacy and safety of treatment with lamotrigine.
  • Be aware of the potential side effects and precautions associated with lamotrigine, and discuss dietary changes and concerns with your healthcare provider. 


Are you taking lamotrigine as part of your treatment for epilepsy or bipolar disorder? If so, you may be wondering about the interaction between this medication and the foods you consume. Knowing which foods to avoid while taking lamotrigine can prove crucial in safeguarding your health and minimizing the risk of complications. This detailed guide will walk you through the essential information about lamotrigine, including its uses, and provide insights into safe and nutritious eating practices while you are on this medication. 

In this blog post, we will talk about the types of foods to steer clear of if you are on lamotrigine. We will also discuss about healthy eating habits and safe physical activities to engage in while on this treatment. Also, we’ll explore how crucial it is to constantly stay in touch with your healthcare provider throughout your treatment. So, let’s start! 

Understanding Lamotrigine 

Lamotrigine is a medicine mainly used to control seizures in people with epilepsy and to treat bipolar disorder in adults. By understanding how lamotrigine works and the measures to take while using it, you can improve its benefits and cut down on possible side effects. 

1. Description and general usage 

So, what is lamotrigine? Lamotrigine is a medicine that belongs to the class of drugs called anticonvulsants. It helps reduce the activity of neurons in the brain and controls seizures. Moreover, it serves as a mood balancer when used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. 

2. How it works 

In treating epilepsy, lamotrigine lessens the release of glutamate, a neurotransmitter. This substance stimulates brain activity. Thus, reducing its secretion makes the neurons less dynamic, which results in a drop in the frequency and severity of seizures. When used for bipolar disorder, it affects specific receptors in the brain that are responsible for stabilizing the mood. 

3. Side effects and precautions 

Like all drugs, lamotrigine may cause side effects. It is crucial to know these and consult your healthcare provider if you experience any worrisome symptoms. Common side effects include feeling dizzy or lazy, having headache, and feeling sick. Serious but rare side effects may include problems with blood and bone marrow, heart disease, aseptic meningitis, and life-threatening skin rash. Moreover, lamotrigine may cause changes in behavior. So, it’s crucial to watch out for shifts in mental state or an increase in suicidal thoughts. 

The following table summarises the key points related to lamotrigine side effects. 

Precautions & Effects 

Key Points 

General Precautions 

Avoid rapid dose increases; consult your healthcare provider about any allergies to medications 

Serious Skin Rash 

Watch for symptoms and consult your doctor immediately 

Mood Changes 

Monitor for mood or behavioral changes and inform healthcare provider 

Aseptic Meningitis 

Observe for symptoms and contact your healthcare provider promptly 

Heart-Related Side Effects 

Review history of heart issues with your healthcare provider 

Did you know ?

  • Lamotrigine has a lower risk of weight gain compared to other mood stabilizers. source: ncbi
  • Lamotrigine has been associated with a low incidence of major congenital malformations in pregnant women with epilepsy. source: ncbi
  • Lamotrigine has been found to be effective in the adjunctive treatment of treatment-resistant bipolar depression. source: ncbi
  • Lamotrigine has been associated with a low incidence of serious rash, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrosis. source: ncbi
  • Lamotrigine has shown efficacy in the prophylaxis of bipolar depression. source: ncbi

Foods to Avoid When Taking Lamotrigine 

While taking lamotrigine, choosing the right foods is important. Certain food items may negatively impact individuals taking lamotrigine. Do these sound bad? They can be, due to their potential to spark off seizures, mess with drug absorption, make side effects worse or possibly interact with the drug. 

Here is a list of certain food groups that you should avoid for safe and effective treatment 

 1. Foods that can trigger seizures 

People with epilepsy often have specific triggers for their seizures. Certain foods or food additives may also cause these episodes. Some examples include: 

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Found in canned soups, processed snack foods, and fast-food items. 
  • Aspartame: Found in diet sodas, sugar-free gum, and many other “low-calorie” products.  
  • Cured meats: Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats contain nitrates. These can trigger seizures.  

Based on my observations, certain foods might reduce the efficacy of Lamotrigine. I would highly recommend that one must take it empty stomach for maximum benefits.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

2. Foods that can affect medication absorption 

While using lamotrigine, it’s best to steer clear from: 

  • Grapefruit and its juice: Even though no direct interaction has been noted between grapefruit and lamotrigine, it’s best to be cautious. This is because grapefruit is known to interact with other medications used for epilepsy or bipolar disorders. 

3. Foods that can worsen side effects 

Some foods can enhance the side effects of lamotrigine. Examples include: 

  • Alcohol: Alcohol may amplify the nervous system side effects of lamotrigine, such as drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. 
  • Tyramine-rich food: These include food items such as aged cheese, pickled vegetables, citrus fruits and certain alcohol beverages. These should be avoided with lamotrigine as it can cause tyramine build-up in the body, which may lead to dangerously high blood pressures. 

4. Foods with possible interactions 

Even though not well-documented, there could be a potential interaction between lamotrigine and the following: 

  • Kava kava: Known for its calming effects, this herbal remedy might increase the sedative properties of lamotrigine. 

You must always check with your healthcare provider or nutritionist before introducing new foods or supplements while taking lamotrigine, as they can provide personalized advice based on your medical history. 

Also Read: What Can Happen If Epilepsy Medicine Doses Are Missed: A Guide to Understanding the Risks

In the table below are the reasons to avoid certain food types: 

Food Types to Avoid 

Reasons to Avoid 

Seizure-triggering foods 

To prevent the onset of seizures 

Foods interfering with medication absorption 

To maintain medication effectiveness 

Foods worsening side effects 

To minimize discomfort and treatment complications 

Foods with possible interactions 

To minimize any potential negative interactions 


Though lamotrigine might not interact with any food, I would highly advise that one must take this medicine with a glass of water. In case, if it upset stomach, one can have it with a glass of milk.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Safe Food Consumption Practices 

Safe food consumption habits go hand-in-hand with using lamotrigine. Doing so may help you manage your condition more effectively and might also slash any potential side effects or complications. 

1. Food habits to consider 

Besides avoiding specific foods while taking lamotrigine, keeping up with healthy food habits is vital. It helps achieve the best treatment results. 

2. Importance of regular meal timings 

Irregular meal schedule can cause changes in blood sugar levels. These changes can, in turn, trigger seizures. Regular meal timings and balanced meals might aid in managing epilepsy more effectively. 

3. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol 

Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol may worsen side effects or interfere with lamotrigine’s effectiveness.  

4. The significance of staying hydrated 

Staying properly hydrated is vital to health and wellness. Striving to drink enough water each day may help lower the chances of side effects and promote optimal medication absorption. 

5. Allergies and related food items 

Some individuals may have food allergies that worsen their condition or interact with lamotrigine. Always remember to inform your healthcare provider of any known food allergies. Plus, consider undergoing allergy tests to rule out any unknown sensitivities. 

Also Read: Foods to Avoid When Taking Carvedilol: A Comprehensive Guide for Safe Medication Use

Creating a balanced diet 

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet is key for overall health, especially while on medication. Trying The following tips may help: 

  • Include rich nutrient foods: Add a mix of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats to your daily meals.
  • Importance of portion control: Eat mindfully and avoid extra-large portions. This helps keep a healthy weight and prevents unnecessary body stress.
  • Tips for planning meals: Pre-plan your meals. This allows for picking choices that are rich in nutrients, balanced, and helps to adhere to a healthy eating routine. Also, it lessens impulsive, unhealthy food choices.
  • A nutritionist can help you with designing a diet plan that best suits your medical condition. 

Also Read: Role of Stress & Sleep in Epilepsy Management: A Comprehensive Research-Based Guide

Monitoring progress and adjusting 

If you are on lamotrigine, you must regularly check your progress and assist your doctor in making the required changes to your treatment and diet plan if needed. Here are some steps to consider: 

  • Keeping a food diary: A record of daily food intake can give valuable insights into dietary triggers or possible interactions with lamotrigine. You can share this info with your doctor for a better understanding of the dietary modifications that may be needed. 
  • Consulting a dietitian or nutritionist: These professionals can tailor your meal plan to meet your specific nutritional needs while on lamotrigine.  
  • Monitoring seizures and side effects: It’s wise to keep a record of any changes in seizure activity or intensity also any side effects that you experience. Discuss this with your healthcare provider for the correct changes in your treatment plan.  
  • Having regular meetings with your healthcare provider: Keeping open channels of communication with your healthcare provider can ensure that you get the most beneficial treatment plan and essential changes are made as and when needed. 

Aside from being mindful of the foods you consume, it’s also crucial to inform your healthcare provider about any major changes in your diet. This includes starting a new diet plan, like a ketogenic diet, which may affect epilepsy. Their guidance can help you make safe and informed decisions based on your medication, treatment plan, and overall health. 

Also Read: Importance of Diet for Epilepsy: A Closer Look at Research-Based Findings

Importance of Active Lifestyle 

Regular physical activity in your daily life may help in better management of your condition be it epilepsy or bipolar disorder. Exercise is found to not only boost your physical health but also positively impact your mental well-being. 

1. Benefits of regular physical activity for people taking lamotrigine 

Regular physical activity potentially improves the seizure control in some people with epilepsy. Exercise is also known to enhance mood and overall wellness, aiding the management of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. At the same time, regular exercise may help manage side effects of lamotrigine, like weight gain or drowsiness.  

2. Tips to maintain an active lifestyle 

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This could be brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Here are some tips to stay active and healthy: 

  • Choose activities you enjoy to better stick to your exercise routine.
  • Mix up different types of exercise, like cardiovascular activity, strength training, and flexibility exercises.  
  • Start slow and gradually increase the intensity and the time spent on the activity. Listen to your body and adjust as needed. 

3. Precautions to exercise safely 

Exercise is great but don’t forget the necessary safety measures. Before starting a new exercise routine, consult your healthcare provider first. Also, always listen to your body’s signals. Stop any activity if you feel pain, discomfort, or notice an increase in seizure occurrence. 

Also Read: Foods to Avoid While Taking Cymbalta: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding the vital role food choices play while taking lamotrigine may augment safety and effectiveness of treatment for patients with epilepsy or bipolar disorder. Possibly, by avoiding certain foods, promoting healthy eating habits, and keeping an active lifestyle, you can greatly boost your overall health and potentially the treatment experience. 

You must openly communicate with your healthcare provider, monitor your symptoms, side effects, and take the required measures to optimize lamotrigine’s benefits. Remember, making responsible decisions regarding your food choices and lifestyle can play a crucial role in managing your condition effectively. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What not to eat with Lamotrigine? 

It’s suggested to avoid foods that can trigger seizures, impact medicine absorption, worsen side effects or interact with lamotrigine. Examples are monosodium glutamate, aspartame, cured meats, grapefruit, and kava kava. It’s a good idea to keep record of your daily food intake so that your healthcare provider can get valuable insights into the dietary triggers or possible interactions with lamotrigine.  

What foods can trigger seizures?

Foods containing monosodium glutamate, aspartame, or nitrates (found in cured meats) can trigger seizures. 

What food should people with epilepsy avoid? 

People with epilepsy should avoid foods that contain monosodium glutamate, aspartame, or nitrates, such as cured meats. This is because these can trigger seizures. 

Can Lamotrigine be used for depression or anxiety?

Although Lamotrigine is not officially approved to treat depression or anxiety, doctors might prescribe it for these conditions. Lamotrigine is primarily used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder. 

Does Lamotrigine cause weight gain? 

Weight gain is rare with Lamotrigine, but it’s important to monitor your weight and consult your healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes. 

How can I manage the side effects of Lamotrigine through my diet? 

To manage side effects through diet, avoid foods that trigger seizures, affect medicine absorption, or worsen side effects. Also, focus on fostering healthy eating habits and stay hydrated. A dietitian or nutritionist can tailor your meal plan to meet your specific nutritional needs while on lamotrigine. 

When should I consult my healthcare provider about my diet while taking Lamotrigine? 

You should see your healthcare provider about your diet if you’re planning significant changes in your diet, facing side effects triggered by food or drink, or thinking about starting a new supplement or medicine. Regular check-ins will ensure your medicine stays effective and safe.


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Black Box Warning [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 16]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538521 



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