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What is an Empath: A Research-Based Look at Emotional Intelligence

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Empathy: Definition and the importance of understanding others’ emotions. 
  • Emotional intelligence: Definition and its importance in personal & professional relationships. 
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence: How do they contribute to each other? 
  • Traits of an empath: Characteristics that distinguish empaths from others. 
  • Types of empaths: Variations in empathic abilities, from emotional to earth empaths. 
  • Benefits and difficulties: How does being an empath impact relationships and personal growth? 
  • Tips for maintaining emotional well-being: Strategies for empaths to avoid burnout and self-care. 


Empathy and emotional intelligence is of great importance. They help make relationships better. People bond deeply when they connect with others on an emotional level. Dealing with people can be tricky so having these skills is useful. In this article,+ we will make you understand what an empath is and how it’s related to emotional intelligence. We will discuss the traits of an empath and how they’re different from others. We’ll also discuss about the good and bad of being an empath. Along with that, we will give tips on how you may be able to maintain a balanced emotional state if you’re an empath. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

Understanding Empathy and Emotional Intelligence 

A common mistake people make is thinking empathy and emotional intelligence are the same. They’re not. The ability to connect with others based on their feelings is empathy. Emotional intelligence includes identifying and dealing with personal feelings and social situations productively. 

what is an empath

Definition of Empathy 

Empathy is feeling what another person is feeling. You put yourself in their shoes and understand their emotions. It’s a vital tool to connect and build relations with people around you. 

Definition of Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is managing your own feelings and that of others. It plays a big part in interactions with others both in personal and professional spaces. There are many core skills involved like being aware of self, managing emotions, empathy, and good social behaviour. 

Did you know?

  • Studies have shown that empaths have increased activity in the mirror neuron system, which is responsible for empathy and understanding others’ emotions. source: NCBI
  • Empaths are more likely to experience chronic fatigue syndrome compared to the general population. source: NCBI
  • Studies suggest that empaths may have a higher risk of developing autoimmune diseases. source: NCBI

The Connection Between Empathy and Emotional Intelligence 

Empathy has a big role in emotional intelligence. It’s crucial to identify and understand people’s feelings while being in social settings. 

How Empathy Contribute to Emotional Intelligence? 

Empathy has a big hand in building emotional intelligence. Below we have listed why being empathetic is important. 

  • It helps form stronger bonds as it allows us to understand others better. 
  • Open and fair communication becomes easier when we value and recognize others’ feelings. 
  • Problem-solving becomes constructive as empathy lets us find solutions that everyone is happy with. 
  • Understanding others also enhances our awareness of our own emotional state. 

The Role of Empathy in Personal and Professional Relationships 

In any kind of relationship, empathy is a key player. It builds trust, understanding, and open communication. The proposed advantages of being empathetic are as follows.  

  • Teamwork becomes comfortable leading to better decisions taken together. 
  • Misunderstandings may be sorted better. 
  • Leads to deeper connections and appreciation. 
  • Encourages sharing, support, and understanding. 

What do you mean by an Empath? 

An empath is more than just someone who understands what others feel. They feel the emotions of others as if they were their own. This level of sensitivity opens up an exclusive view of the world around them. This also makes them very aware of what others are experiencing. 

Traits and Characteristics of an Empath 

To help you understand better, below we have described some traits that separate empaths from just being compassionate or understanding. 

1. High Sensitivity to Others’ Emotions 

The whole experience of an empath is based on being sensitive to everyone else’s feelings. They pick up on little hints and vibes, making them very aware of the emotional state of others. 

2. When In Close Relationships it Leads to Feeling Overwhelmed 

Because empaths are so sensitive, the emotions involved in close relationships can be too much for them. To regain balance, they might need to be alone and disconnected from others at those times. 

3. Intuition and Gut Feelings 

Empaths often ‘know’ about people,  situations, and outcomes even before they happen. This allows them to get a read on the emotional environment around them and make decisions accordingly. 

4. Connection with Nature 

Most empaths like to spend time in nature and reveal feeling a deep connection to the natural world. Such environments give them peace, refresh their energy, and also help them cope with the energy demands of day-to-day life. 

5. Discomfort in Crowded Places 

Crowds can be overwhelming for empaths. This is a result of the mixture of emotions and energy in such places. This leads to stress and anxiety and empaths often feel the need to retreat to quieter, less crowded places. 

6. Hard Time Ignoring the Problems of Others 

Empaths naturally care about people and are empathetic. This makes it hard for them to look away when others are in distress. This trait can be both a gift and a challenge for empaths. 

7. Natural Confidant  

People trust empaths and they are often seen sharing their issues with them. While this ability to connect and support can be positive, it can also lead to an emotional overload without clear boundaries. 

8. High Sensitivity to Sensory Stimuli 

Added to their emotional sensitivity, empaths also respond to sensory inputs like noise, light, and touch more than others. This sensitivity can either enrich their experience or make them uncomfortable, depending on how intense these stimuli are and their capacity to filter these inputs. 

9. Need for Time to Recharge 

Since empaths are sensitive to the emotions of others, they may need some alone time to recharge. These moments help them to regain balance and clarity and interact in a balanced way with the world. 

10. Avoiding Conflict 

Empaths dislike fights as the negative energy and feelings associated with arguments can make them upset. This can lead to passive behaviour to maintain the peace and avoid discord. 

11. The feeling of Not Fitting In 

Many empaths feel like outsiders, even with close friends and family. As their understanding is deeper than most, they often want to connect at a deeper level and want understanding and acceptance. 

12. Urge to Isolate 

While forming an emotional bond with others is important for empaths, they may often want to withdraw from others to protect themselves. This may be to either protect themselves or recover from emotional overloads. But if this goes on for long periods, it can lead to feelings of loneliness 

13. Hard Time Setting Boundaries 

Empaths can find it hard to set limits in their relationships. Their need to help can often override their need for self-care, leading to feelings of burnout or resentment. 

14. Unique Perspectives on the World 

Since empaths have a strong awareness of emotions and intuitive abilities, they often have a unique way of seeing the world and its people. These insights can  help understand human connections. 

15. Coping with Sensory and Emotional Overload 

Empaths have to deal with emotional and sensory overload. It’s important that they learn to manage this through self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking help from trusted people. 

Different Types of Empaths 

Even among empaths, there are differences. There are many types of empaths, and they vary in how sensitive they are and what they’re sensitive to. The various types are described below.  

1. Emotional Empaths 

Emotional empaths connect deeply with the feelings of others. It feels like they’re feeling the emotions themselves. With their understanding, they can make strong emotional bonds with others and give great emotional help. 

2. Physical Empaths 

Like emotional empaths, physical empaths can feel other people’s emotional states. Moreover, they are said to be able to feel physical issues that come with other people’s emotions like stress and anxiety. 

3. Intuitive Empaths 

Intuitive empaths have well-developed intuition. They can sense the emotions and energy of people around them without having any direct personal ties with them. They pick on emotional indicators from their environment which gives them an understanding of the thought, feelings, and motives of others. 

4. Plant Empaths 

Plant empaths have a heightened connection with nature. They are said to experience the feelings and energy of plants at an exceptional level. They also have a natural understanding of plant life, and this knowledge allows them to grow, heal, and transform themselves and their surroundings. 

5. Animal Empaths 

Animal empaths love and understand animals and their feelings. Like plant empaths, they connect and experience animal emotions. This helps them heal and transform their life and also that of the animals they deal with. 

6. Earth Empaths 

Earth empaths have a deep connection with Earth itself. They resonate with the emotions, energy, and vibrations of the entire planet. They might feel one with nature and have the ability to sense that all living beings are interconnected and related to the Earth. 

How do Empaths Experience Emotions Differently? 

How empaths experience emotions not only varies from non-empaths but also among different types of empaths themselves.  

1. Mirroring Emotions Without Realizing 

Empaths often mirror the feelings of those around them, without realizing it. They experience the emotions of others as if it’s their own. This gives them a deeper connection and helps them not only understand but share these feelings. 

2. Absorbing Others’ Pain 

Empaths don’t just mirror emotions; they can also take in other people’s pain and distress as their own. This gives them further insight and empathy but also can affect their emotional, mental, and physical health. 

3. Better and Faster at Recognizing Emotions 

Empaths have a gift for recognizing and reacting to other people’s feelings quickly. They catch on to emotional hints and nuances that others may miss, and their reactions are generally fast and correct. 

4. More Likely to Help Those in Need 

Empaths have this inherent need to help out others who are suffering. Because they’re compassionate, they often go out of their way to help those in distress. 

5. Less Likelihood to Behave Aggressively 

Because they understand the impact of their actions, empaths try to avoid causing harm or distress to others. This makes them less likely to act aggressively. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an Empath 

Being an empath has its good and bad sides which are discussed below.

Advantages  of Empathy and Emotional Intelligence 

The possible advantages you get by being more empathic and emotionally intelligent are as follows.  

  • Better Relationships 

Because empaths understand others deeply, their relationships are often stronger. They understand the needs, desires, and fears of friends and family and provide the support and assurance that is  needed. 

  • Improved Communication Skills 

Being an empath also means having better communication skills. They understand both spoken and unspoken messages which makes their communication powerful and meaningful. 

  • Better at Dealing with Stress 

Empaths who have learned to manage their sensitivity and set boundaries can deal with stress better. Being aware of personal emotions and those of  others help them adjust easily to tough situations and bounce back faster after setbacks. 

  • Ability to Help and Heal Others 

The deep understanding that empaths have can be a great help in times of hardship. Whether it’s about providing emotional support or listening without judgment, empaths can help people face life’s trials. 

Difficulties Faced by Empaths 

Every coin has two sides.  So, while there are advantages of being an empath, here are some of the challenges that they can face.  

  • Overwhelm of Emotions 

Being so sensitive to other people’s feelings can sometimes be too much for empaths. They might deal with too many and too intense feelings. If it’s unchecked, this can cause anxiety, depression, and emotional fatigue. 

  • Hard Time Setting Boundaries 

Since empaths care deeply for others, they sometimes find it hard to limit their compassion. This can often result in giving too much and ignoring their own emotional health and well-being. 

  • Difficulty with Crowds 

As we’ve noted, empaths can find crowded or busy places difficult. Too many emotions and energies can quickly become overwhelming. That makes large gatherings or workplaces demanding. 

  • Feelings of Loneliness 

Even though empaths can connect deeply with others, they can still feel alone. Being so sensitive can often make it hard for them to fully engage with those who do not share their unique abilities and experiences. 

Tips for Empaths to Maintain Emotional Well-being 

If you’re an empath, it’s vital that you learn how to maintain your emotional well-being. Here are some tips: 

1. Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation 

Practicing mindfulness and meditation may help you manage your sensitivity. It gives a space for self-reflection and self-awareness. With that, you may identify and manage the different energies you encounter daily. 

2. Need for Clear Boundaries 

Setting clear boundaries is essential for empaths. By accepting their own limits, they may avoid feeling burned out emotionally. They can continue supporting others without causing harm to their own well-being. 

3. Importance of Self-Care and Recharging 

Empaths need to prioritise self-care. They need to regularly rest and refresh to maintain their senses balanced. 

4. Creating a Support System 

Develop a network with supporting friends, family, and healthcare providers. This gives empaths the resources to deal with the issues of being sensitive. It also provides a sense of community and connection where empaths can resource knowledge from others who understand their unique gift. 


Being an empath is an exceptional and rich experience. If you’re an empath, your ability to connect with others on a deep level makes you very special. You can help others to deal with their problems effectively. But on the flip side, there are some challenges you need to deal with. When you learn to manage them by prioritizing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, and building a strong support system, you start using your special skills to benefit you and others. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What do you mean by an empath? 

An empath is a person who is highly sensitive to others’ feelings. They connect with others on a very deep level and experience the emotions of others as if it’s their own. 

What causes one to be an empath? 

The reason behind someone being an empath is still not known. However, some research indicates that there are special brain cells called mirror neurons that could be playing a role in their sensitivity to the emotions and energy of others. Factors like genetics and the environment also play a part. 

Are there different types of empaths? 

Yes, there are several types of empaths like emotional, physical, intuitive, plant, animal, and earth empaths. Each kind has different capabilities and experiences of the world in its own unique way.

How can empaths manage their unique traits? 

Some ways that empaths can manage their traits are by practicing mindfulness and meditation, setting up healthy boundaries, making self-care a priority, and having a strong network of supporters. 

Can empaths be narcissistic? 

It is possible to find similarities between empaths and narcissists. One such is their sensitivity to the feelings of others. But the difference lies in motives. Empaths use their sensitivity to support others, while narcissists use it for manipulation or control for their personal gain. 

What is toxic empathy? 

Toxic empathy happens when an empath gets involved in other people’s emotions so much that it starts affecting their well-being and relationships. To avoid this, empaths have to engage in self-care, set boundaries, and prioritise their emotional health. This will help them make meaningful connections with others.  


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The Science of Empathy – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5513638 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Neural mechanisms of empathy in humans: A relay from neural systems for imitation to limbic areas – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC154373 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Why empathy has a beneficial impact on others in medicine: unifying theories – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4294163 
  1. PubMed. Differential pattern of functional brain plasticity after compassion and empathy training [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23576808 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Mirror neurons: Enigma of the metaphysical modular brain – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3510904 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Elevated empathy in adults following childhood trauma – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6169872 

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