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Black Garlic Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide Based on Research

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Black garlic is aged, fermented raw garlic with a unique taste, texture, and health benefits 
  • The aging process is said to enhance garlic’s nutritional profile, increase antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals  
  • Potential health benefits include improved heart health, blood sugar regulation, and even cancer prevention  
  • Black garlic has fewer side effects compared to regular garlic, but potential downsides still exist, such as interacting with certain medications 
  • Incorporating black garlic into your diet can be simple and delicious 


Garlic is widely used in India, particularly for its flavorful culinary and useful medicinal properties. After undergoing aging process, garlic is transformed into something sweeter, softer, and even more beneficial, known as black garlic. Aged through fermentation at high temperatures and humidity, black garlic develops a unique set of health benefits that surpass those of regular garlic. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will talk about the nutritional profile of black garlic, uncover its wide-ranging health benefits, discover any potential downsides, and understand how you can seamlessly incorporate this fascinating food into your diet. 

black garlic benefits

Did you know?

  • Garlic consumption in the United States has increased by 57% from 1999 to 2019. Source: usda.gov
  • Garlic is a good source of vitamin C, providing 17% of the recommended daily intake. Source: usda.gov
  • Regular consumption of garlic may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Source: usda.gov
  • Garlic has been used as a natural remedy for fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot. Source: usda.gov

The Nutritional Profile of Black Garlic 

Let’s have a look at how black garlic is richer in nutrients than its raw version. 

Key Nutrients 

1. Vitamins and Minerals 

Black garlic holds key vitamins and minerals. They include: 

  • Vitamin B6: Supports brain function and keeps the nervous system healthy. 
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and makes skin and tissue healthy.  
  • Selenium: Fights cell damage and promotes thyroid health.  
  • Manganese: Helps keep bones strong and break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

These help your body function and keep it healthy. 

2. Antioxidants 

The method of producing black garlic pumps up its antioxidant content. Black garlic thus has more antioxidants than regular garlic, which fight harmful free radicals in the body. They help in reducing the oxidative stress linked to illness and inflammation. 

3. Amino Acids 

Black garlic has at least 18 types of amino acids. These help make proteins and are a role in key bodily functions like producing brain chemicals and repairing muscles. 

4. Fiber 

Black garlic is also a good source of fiber. This aids in digestion, helps keep bowel movements regular, and boosts gut health. It is also said to play a big role in keeping blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check. 

Potential Health Benefits of Black Garlic 

The simple act of letting garlic age could have quite a few health perks, owing to its rich mix of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

1. Contains More Antioxidants 

Black garlic contains potent antioxidants that guard cells against harm. They affect your health in the following ways. 

  • Fighting Free Radicals 

The antioxidants in black garlic may aid in fighting free radicals. These are unstable molecules that harm cells and lead to disease. By lowering their number in your body, you can lower the risk of chronic diseases and slow down aging. 

  • Slowing Aging Process 

As black garlic is proposed to fight cell damage and increase antioxidants, it can slow aging. It may help keep the skin elastic and fight lines and other signs of aging. 

  • Boosting Immune System 

Black garlic’s antioxidants play a key role in keeping the immune system strong. This means a better defense against disease, helping you feel more active and lively. 

2. May Help Regulate Blood Sugar 

Some research suggests that black garlic may also help keep blood sugar levels healthy. It shows strong potential for managing diabetes too. 

  • Effect on Insulin Resistance 

Black garlic is said to help keep the insulin levels balanced. This can prevent insulin resistance and ensure a steady blood sugar level. 

  • Prevention and Management of Diabetes 

As mentioned, black garlic intake may help keep blood sugar levels stable. This could aid in lowering the chance of getting diabetes, or help manage existing diabetes better. 

3. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease 

Heart disease is a big global issue. Some studies have shown that the rich nutrient content of black garlic may promote heart health. 

  • Lowering Cholesterol 

Black garlic may help reduce total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. This can, over time, lower the risk of heart disease. 

  • Reducing Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure plays a huge role in causing heart problems. And black garlic may aid in managing high blood pressure better and keeping the heart healthy. 

  • Improving Blood Circulation 

The various antioxidant properties of black garlic may help improve blood circulation. They aid in boosting the blood flow all over the body, which can further reduce the risk of heart disease. 

4. Compounds in Black Garlic May Protect Brain Health 

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in black garlic are proposed to have strong brain-protection abilities, according to some studies. 

  • Anti-inflammatory Effects 

By fighting inflammation, black garlic may protect the brain. It may help guard against mental decline and keep the brain well-functioning. 

  • Cognitive Function and Memory Improvement 

The antioxidants in black garlic may protect the brain by helping boost memory and cognitive function. This ensures neurons get the nourishment they need. 

  • Potential Prevention of Neurodegenerative Diseases 

Because black garlic fights oxidation and inflammation, it may hold great promise for reducing the risk of brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. 

5. May Have Anticancer Properties 

Black garlic has potential cancer-fighting abilities, which are said to be due its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and the ability to boost the immune system. 

  • Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth 

Some studies have found that black garlic’s rich nutrient mix can stop cancer cells from growing. 

  • Potential Reduction of Tumor Size 

Compounds in black garlic like diallyl sulfide and allicin might reduce tumor size. This may help when blending in with a person’s cancer treatment plan. 

  • Enhancing the Effect of Cancer Treatments 

When made part of a complete cancer treatment plan, black garlic and its compounds show potential to boost the effect of various therapies in fighting cancer. However, remember that it is only an adjunct to cancer therapy and further studies are needed to confirm its anticancer potential. 

6. Black Garlic May Help Protect Your Liver 

Black garlic may aid in guarding the liver against harm by toxins, harmful substances, and germs. 

  • Detoxification Properties 

Black garlic may help clear the liver of harmful substances. This prevents future damage. 

  • Promoting Liver Function and Regeneration 

Through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, black garlic is said to encourage the liver to work well and also helps restore liver cells after they get damaged. 

Although several studies have revealed beneficial properties of black garlic, further large-scale human studies are needed to confirm these findings. 

Potential Downsides of Black Garlic 

Despite its many health perks, there are a few things to keep in mind before adding black garlic to your diet. 

1. Allergies 

If you know you’re allergic to regular garlic, it’s crucial to avoid black garlic. You might have the same allergic reactions. 

  • Recognizing and Managing Garlic Allergy 

If you have a garlic allergy, it’s good to know the usual signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, which may include skin rashes, breathing problems, and digestion issues. 

  • Alternatives to Black Garlic 

If you can’t have garlic due to an allergy, you can still get antioxidants and other precious nutrients from other foods. You can try berries, green leafy veggies, and spices like turmeric. 

2. Interactions with Medications 

Black garlic could interact with certain drugs, in particular, blood thinners and some common diabetes drugs. 

  • Blood Thinners 

People who take blood thinners should talk to their healthcare provider before adding a lot of black garlic to their diet. It could increasethe risk of bleeding. 

  • Diabetes Medications 

Since black garlic affects blood sugar, people who take diabetes drugs should talk with their healthcare provider. They might need to adjust the dosage of medication if you are eating black garlic. 

  • Other Possible Interactions 

Since people react differently to black garlic, it’s key to check with your healthcare provider before consuming black garlic if you have any medical issues or take any prescription medicines. 

3. Costs and Availability 

While black garlic has outstanding health benefits, compared to regular garlic it is often harder to find and costs more. 

  • Comparing Black Garlic to Regular Garlic 

Even though black garlic isn’t easily available, it has a milder taste and stronger antioxidant power. And it likely causes fewer side effects compared to regular garlic. 

  • Finding Affordable Options 

You can take a look at some online stores and supermarkets to find black garlic options that are pocket friendly. Or you could think about black garlic supplements- they might be cheaper and easier to find. 

4. Rare Side Effects 

Eating black garlic could lead to rare side effects, such as digestive problems or bad breath and body smell. 

  • Gastrointestinal Issues 

Some people who eat black garlic might have digestion issues. These often include heartburn, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. 

  • Bad Breath and Body Odor 

While black garlic smells less pungent than regular garlic, it still might cause bad breath and body odor in some people. 

How to Add Black Garlic to Your Diet 

Following are some ways of adding black garlic to your diet. 

  • Cooking with Black Garlic 

Use black garlic in your cooking for a healthy and delightful change to your usual dishes. Some ideas to mix black garlic into your meals include adding it to a homemade salad dressing, stir fry, or pasta sauce, spreading it on sandwiches or burgers, or using it instead of regular garlic in dips, soups, or casseroles. You can also use it in place of regular garlic if you want a milder, sweeter flavor. 

  • Supplements and Extracts 

If you prefer not to eat whole cloves of black garlic, you can try supplements and extracts. Black garlic supplements come in forms like capsules, tablets, and powders. Don’t forget to consult your healthcare provider before adding black garlic supplements. This helps ensure you use them safely and in the right form and amounts. 

Comparing Black Garlic to White Garlic 

While both have their benefits, it’s helpful to know where black and white garlic differ. It informs your cooking choices and makes for more tasty and healthy meals. 

Taste and Texture 

The taste and feel of black garlic are quite different from those of white garlic. 

  • Flavor Profiles 

White garlic has a strong, sharp taste. On the other hand, the taste of black garlic is more unique. It’s often said to be sweet and tangy, with a touch of balsamic and caramel. 

  • Culinary Applications 

Both black and white garlic can spice up a wide range of dishes. They bring different flavors and textures based on the specific recipe. Try out both types to experience the unique taste of each and how versatile they are. 

Health Benefits Differentials 

Black garlic has some perks over white garlic in a few areas. 

  • Antioxidant Levels 

Due to its unique way of aging, black garlic is said to have higher antioxidant level than white garlic. This means it could provide more protection against cell damage and inflammation. 

  • Other Health-Related Differences 

While both types of garlic are proposed to have health benefits, the mild taste and less side effects make black garlic a popular pick for those who want a new way to enjoy garlic’s perks without the drawbacks of raw garlic. 


Black garlic, as a result of a unique aging process, becomes high in its antioxidant content. Due to this, it is said to offer several health benefits that go beyond those of regular garlic. Black garlic may help safeguard the heart, brain, and liver, balance blood sugar, and possibly serve as an agent against cancer. Although milder in flavor and smell, the potential health benefits of black garlic could make it a worthwhile addition to your regular diet, giving your meals a nutrition-packed twist. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is the best way to store black garlic? 

You should keep black garlic in a cool, dry area and away from direct sunlight. Ideally, keep it in a tightly closed container to ensure it stays fresh and doesn’t dry out. 

Can I make black garlic at home? 

Yes, you can. You can do this at home using a slow cooker or rice cooker set to the “warm” setting. However, the process can take several weeks and you might need to check it regularly to make sure it’s heating evenly and in a controlled humidity environment. 

Could eating too much black garlic cause any problems? 

Black garlic is generally safe to have in moderate amounts as part of a balanced diet. But if you consume it in large quantities, it may cause potential side effects such as digestive issues, bad breath, or body odor. So, remember to eat it in moderation like any food or supplement. 

How long does it take to make black garlic? 

The process of turning raw garlic into black garlic generally takes about 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, the cloves are fermented under high temperatures and controlled humidity. 

Can the supplements of black garlic offer the same health benefits as the actual cloves? 

Black garlic supplements are said to provide many of the same potential health perks as the actual cloves. But remember to talk to your healthcare provider to figure out the right dosage and form for you. And don’t forget that using whole cloves in cooking not only adds flavor but is also more enjoyable than taking supplements. 


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  1. PubMed. Randomized double-blind factorial trial of three treatments to reduce the prevalence of precancerous gastric lesions [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16849680 

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