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Chandanasava: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects by Dr. Smita Barode 

By Dr Smita Barode +2 more


Ayurvedic formulations may have emerged as a traditional alternative for a variety of health problems. Chandanasava is one such Ayurvedic formulation may be considered a traditional medicine. Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation prepared using one or more medicinal herbs. The name Chandanasava is derived from one of the main ingredients, Chandan, known as sandalwood in English. Asava in Chandanasava refers to a fermented infusion that is produced by microbes. Chandanasava has a moderate alcohol content and is made with herbal juices from 24 different herbs. Chandanasava can be fermented with sugar, honey or jaggery. For Chandanasava preparation, an equal amount of herb powder is mixed with water, as well as jaggery and sugar and the mixture is boiled and chilled. This is then poured into large vessels and left to ferment for several days. It may belong to alcohol-based category of drugs. Chandanasava could have been used as a valuable medicine to enhance health.​1–3​ Let us discuss the health benefits of Chandanasava, its nutritional value, potential uses and more.  

Nutritional Value of Chandanasava: 

Below listed are the Chandanasava ingredients: 

Ingredients Value 
Chandan 120g 
Hribera 120 g 
Kashmari 120 g 
Musta 120 g 
Priyangu 120 g 
Lodhra 120 g 
Indivara 120 g 
Manjistha 120 g 
Patha 120 g 
Priyangu 120 g 
Raktachandana 120 g 
Bhunimba 120 g 
Vata 120 g 
Ashwattha 120 g 
Parpata 120 g 
Patola 120 g 
Madhuka 120 g 
Shati 120 g 
Rasna 120 g 
Kanchanara 120 g 
Mocharasa 120 g 
Amra 120 g 
Mridvika 2400 g 
Dhataki 1800 g 
Guda 6 kg 
Water 70 litres 
Sugar 9 kg 

Table 1: Ingredients of Chandanasava.1 

Furthermore, phytochemical compounds like glucosides, alkaloids, phytosterols, stilbenes, terpenoids, phenols, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins and various alcohols and non‑volatile compounds may also be present in it.1,2 

Properties of Chandanasava: 

The benefits of Chandanasava may be due to the following properties:  

  • It may have diuretic properties (increase urination). 
  • It may increase hunger (appetizer). 
  • It may have cooling effects in the body. 
  • It may have antioxidant properties. 
  • It may have antimicrobial activity. 
  • It may have antiseptic activity. 
  • It may have anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • It may have analgesic properties (relieve pain). 
  • It may have anti-ulcer activity.​1–6​ 

Chandanasava is a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation. This formulation consists of many nutrients. Research suggests that there are some ten bioactive compounds. These bioactive compounds might be beneficial for managing various systemic diseases like chronic kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Potential Uses of Chandanasava: 

Chandanasava may be ideal for enhancing human health.2 The following may be the potential uses of Chandanasava: 

Potential uses of Chandanasava for body heat 

Women in their forties and fifties may experience physiological changes that cause mild to severe symptoms such as hot flashes, body heat, night sweats and a burning sensation. Certain phytochemicals in Chandanasava may have cooling properties. Regularly consuming Chandanasava (15-30 ml) with water may produce cooling effects within the body. This properties of Chandanasava may aid in the relief of symptoms such as hot flashes, body heat, night sweats and a burning sensation.5 More human research is required to suggest Chandanasava’s true use for body heat. Consult your doctor if you experience excessive body heat. Do not attempt to self-medicate. 

Potential uses of Chandanasava for the kidney  

A study by Vinothkanna et. al. in 2022 showed Chandanasava may be used against chronic kidney diseases (a long-term kidney failure). It may contain compounds such as piperine and melatonin which may have the potential to stop the bacterial layer (biofilm) formation of infectious diseases involved in kidney diseases.4 More clinical research is required to form the true scope of Chandanasava against chronic kidney diseases. If you have kidney dysfunction, seek medical attention. 

Potential uses of Chandanasava for urinary tract infection (UTI) 

The most common clinical condition among people may be urinary tract infection. Burning sensations and dysuria are possible side effects (difficulty in urination). Chandanasava may be used as a urinary antiseptic. It may have a diuretic effect that may increase urine production and help clear out the urine passage, providing relief from urinary tract infections. Goel and Singh (1991) discovered that the ingredients in Chandanasava may have antimicrobial and antiseptic activity in a clinical trial. This activity may aid in the relief of symptoms such as burning and dysuria.6 More human trials are required to establish the efficacy of Chandanasava for UTI. However, if you have a UTI, please take proper medication and do not self-medicate. 

Potential uses of Chandanasava for peptic ulcer 

Dixit et al. (2012) discovered that Chandanasava has antiulcer activity in animals. A stomach juice imbalance can cause a peptic ulcer. Chandanasava may be used as a therapeutic agent to improve stomach conditions. It contains flavonoids, tannins and terpenoids, all of which have antiulcer properties. As a result, Chandanasava may be beneficial in the healing of peptic ulcers in patients. However, more research is needed to determine Chandanasava’s antiulcer activity.3 Consult a doctor if you have ulcers. 

Other Potential Uses of Chandanasava: 

  • Phytochemicals present in Chandanasava may have anti-arthritic properties which may benefit joint stiffness and joint pain related to arthritis.4 
  • Chandanasava may be used as an appetizer. It may help increase hunger, preparing you for your meals. It may benefit people with malnutrition (poorly nourished).1  
  • It may help overcome the inflammation and pain associated with infection caused by pathogenic bacteria. It may limit the growth of pathogenic organisms and help regulate infections.6 

Though studies show the potential uses of Chandanasava in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a necessity for further studies to develop the scope of the benefits of Chandanasava on human health.  

How to Use Chandanasava?  

  • Chandanasava syrup may be taken with the same amount of water.5 

You should consult a qualified doctor before having Chandanasava in large quantities. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medical treatment with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation of Chandanasava without consulting an ayurvedic physician. They will guide you with its form and dosage per your health condition. 

Side Effects of Chandanasava: 

  • No major studies reported the Chandanasava side effects in humans.  
  • Chandanasava contains moderate levels of alcohol. Overdose of Chandanasava containing alcohol might cause symptoms like mental confusion, vomiting, dull responses, difficulty in breathing, etc. 

However, more human research is needed to study the adverse effects of Chandanasava on humans. You must consult your doctors to get the proper treatment if you encounter side effects. 

Chandanasava is formulated using self-fermentation methods known as Arishtas and Asavas. Studies show that Chandanasava might have antibacterial and anthelmintic activities and might be useful against bacterial and parasitic infections.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Precautions to Take with Chandanasava: 

Chandanasava in small and prescribed dosages might be safe. However, having it in larger amounts may harm the body. Therefore, a few precautions are essential:  

  • You should not use Chandanasava to self-medicate. It is important to follow the doctor’s advice and have it only if it is recommended. 
  • Pregnant and lactating women must consult doctors before having Chandanasava to avoid complications in their babies’ health. 
  • You need to be more cautious when giving it to small children and the elderly, as it might produce allergic reactions in their bodies. 

Also Read: Can You Have Sex With UTI? Understanding Risks and Precautions

Interactions with Other Drugs:  

Chandanasava is a polyherbal Ayurvedic preparation. Its ingredients may or may not interact with other drugs. Further clinical studies are needed to suggest the herb-drug interaction between Chandanasava and other medicines. We advise that you consult with a doctor before taking Chandanasava and only take it in the prescribed dosage.  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is Chandanasava? 

Chandanasava is a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation. Chandanasava is a fermented formulation made from 24 herbal ingredients. Chandanasava preparation is done using an equal amount of herbs powder in water, jaggery and sugar and boiled and cooled. Then this is poured into big vessels and allowed to ferment for days.1 

What are the ingredients of Chandanasava? 

The Chandanasava ingredients may include Chandan, Raktachandana, Hribera, Priyangu, Musta, Kashmari, Lodhra, Patola, Madhuka, Indivara, Parpata, Manjistha, Ashwattha, Patha, Vata, Priyangu, Bhunimba, Kanchanara, Shati, Rasna, Mocharasa Amra, Dhataki, Guda, Mridvika, water and sugar.1 

What are the properties Chandanasava? 

Chandanasava may have properties such as diuretic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, appetizer, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-ulcer activity.​1–6​More studies are needed to confirm the true properties of Chandanasava in humans. 

How to take Chandanasava?

Chandanasava may be taken with water.5 However, consult with doctors, they will guide you with its better form and dosage according to your health condition. 

What are the advantages of Chandanasava for Urinary Tract Infection? 

In a clinical trial by Goel and Singh, 1991 found that the ingredients of Chandanasava may have antiseptic activity and antimicrobial activity. It may provide relief against urinary tract infection. This activity may help overcome the symptoms like burning sensation and dysuria (burning urination).​6​More human studies are necessary to state the uses of Chandanasava for UTI. However, if you suspect UTI, take proper medicine and do not self-medicate. 


  1. ​​Vinothkanna A, Sekar S. Influence of intrinsic microbes on phytochemical changes and antioxidant activity of the Ayurvedic fermented medicines: Balarishta and Chandanasava. Pharmaco Study. 2018; 39:169–81. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6454907/pdf/AYU-39-169.pdf 


​2. Vinothkanna A, Karthikeyan B, Vijayan R, Sekar S. Assessment of anti-arthritic potential of traditionally fermented ayurvedic polyherbal product chandanasava by molecular modelling, docking and dynamics approaches. Intern J of Comput Biol and Drug Design. 2018;11(4):346–68. Available from: https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJCBDD.2018.096130 


​3. Dixit P, Sharma P, Jain DK, Jharia V. Systematic Evaluation of Antiulcer Activity of Herbal Formulation ‘Chandanasava’ in Rats. Asian Paci J of Trop Dis. 2012;2(SUPPL.1):192–6. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2222180812601509 


​4. Vinothkanna A, Prathiviraj R, Sivakumar R, Ma Y, Sekar S. GC–MS and Network Pharmacology Analysis of the Ayurvedic Fermented Medicine, Chandanasava, Against Chronic Kidney and Cardiovascular Diseases. Appl Biochem and Biotech. 2022;1–26. Available from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12010-022-04242-7 


​5. Menopausal Syndrome | National Health Portal of India [Internet]. [cited 2023 Feb 2]. Available from: https://www.nhp.gov.in/menopausal-syndrome_mtl 


​6. Goel K, Singh R. Clinical Trial of Candanasava, In the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection. Vol. Anci Sci of Life.1991;X(4):248–52. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3331297/pdf/ASL-10-248.pdf 

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