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Selenium Benefits: A Comprehensive Overview Backed by Research

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Selenium is a trace mineral, that plays an essential role as an antioxidant and in maintaining a healthy thyroid. 
  • Sufficient selenium intake may help reduce cancer risk, avoid mental decline, support the immune system, and protect against heart disease. 
  • Best dietary sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, fish, pork, ham, enriched foods, beef, turkey, chicken, dairy products, and some plant-based sources. 
  • Excessive selenium intake can lead to toxicity and associated health risks; the recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.  
  • Selenium supplements, when taken under the supervision of a healthcare provider, may offer additional health benefits for certain individuals or conditions. 


Selenium is a trace mineral that our body requires. Even so, it’s crucial for several key bodily functions. These include acting as an antioxidant, supporting thyroid health, and aiding immune function.  Maintaining optimal selenium levels aids general well-being. 

In this article, we’ll study selenium’s important role in our diet. We will discuss potential health benefits, useful food sources and dangers of too much selenium. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.

selenium benefits

What is Selenium? 

Selenium is a trace mineral found in the earth. Humans require a small amount of it for well-being. 

Selenium’s Role in the Human Body 

In our bodies, selenium is an active antioxidant. It helps make thyroid hormones and strengthens immune function. Selenium is said to ward off diseases, support metabolism and improve mental focus. . 

Importance of a Balanced Diet 

Health starts with a balanced diet. This includes minerals like selenium. A solid diet plan can help provide enough selenium for your body to function well. 

Did you know?

  • Selenium supplementation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. source: National Cancer Institute
  • Selenium deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. source: Arthritis Foundation
  • The recommended daily amount of selenium for adults in the United States is 55 mcg. source: NIH
  • People who eat only local foods grown in selenium-deficient soils may have trouble getting enough selenium. source: NIH

Potential Health Benefits of Selenium 

The possible health benefits of selenium are described below.

1. Powerful Antioxidant Properties 

  • How Antioxidants Work? 

Antioxidants are substances that keep free radicals in check. Free radicals can damage cells and cause health problems if not kept in check.

  • Selenium in Antioxidant Enzymes 

Selenium forms a part of antioxidant enzymes. It helps fight free radicals and reduces body stress. This is linked to inflammation and illnesses like heart disease and cancer. 

2. Cancer Risk Reduction 

  • Selenium’s Anticancer Effects 

Selenium’s proposed antioxidant behavior and immune support contribute to its anticancer effects. Getting enough selenium may help reduce the risk of cancer. 

  • Research Supporting Cancer Risk Reduction 

Many studies have examined the link between selenium and cancer risk. Some results suggest higher selenium levels can lower the risk of specific cancers. 

3. Protection Against Heart Disease 

  • Selenium’s Role in Cardiovascular Health 

Selenium is suggested to lower inflammation markers and body stress, both of which are heart disease risk factors. 

  • Studies on Selenium and Heart Disease 

While some studies show higher selenium blood concentration reduces the risk of heart disease, others have found no benefit from selenium supplements. Therefore, we need more research to corroborate these claims.  

4. Reduces the Risk of Mental Decline 

  • Selenium and Cognitive Function 

The antioxidant property of selenium may protect brain cells from damage. This is linked with cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and other cognitive conditions. 

  • Research on Selenium and Cognitive Decline 

Several studies have found a link between higher blood selenium concentrations and cognitive performance. Some research suggests selenium may help avoid cognitive decline. 

5. Importance for Thyroid Health 

  • The Role of Selenium in Thyroid Hormone Metabolism 

Selenium is important for metabolising thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones regulate growth, evolution, and energy utilisation in the body. 

  • Studies on Selenium and Thyroid Disorders 

Maintaining selenium levels balanced may help avoid thyroid conditions. 

6. Immune System Boost 

  • How Does Selenium Support the Immune System? 

Selenium is said to help maintain the immune system  so that they may fight off infections and illnesses. 

  • Research on Selenium and Immunity 

Evidence suggests maintaining enough selenium may enhance immune health. 

7. Reduction of Asthma Symptoms 

  • Selenium’s Anti-inflammatory Effects 

Selenium’s is proposed to have anti-inflammatory effects which may help ease asthma symptoms. 

  • Studies on Selenium and Asthma 

Research shows that individuals with asthma typically have lower selenium levels. Some studies also suggest that selenium supplementation may help reduce symptoms and improve lung function in individuals with asthma. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings. 

Best Dietary Sources of Selenium 

To get enough selenium, you can think about including some of the following dietary sources mentioned below.  

1. Brazil Nuts 

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium. Just six to eight nuts contain over 500 micrograms of selenium. 

2. Fish 

Fish like tuna and halibut offer a good amount of selenium. 

3. Pork and Ham 

Lean pork and ham provide reasonable amounts of selenium. 

4. Enriched Foods 

Some foods like bread, pasta, and whole-grain cereals are fortified with selenium. Check each product’s nutritional information for exact selenium content. 

5. Beef and Turkey 

Both beef (especially lean cuts) and turkey provide significant amounts of selenium. 

6. Chicken 

White chicken meat supplies selenium as well, helpful for meeting your selenium needs. 

7. Dairy Products 

Dairy products provide 8 micrograms of selenium per cup of serving. 

8. Plant-based Sources 

Plant-based selenium sources include brown rice, sunflower seeds, baked beans and bananas. While they give less selenium than animal-based foods, they still contribute to the selenium  requirements. 

Dangers of Excessive Selenium Intake 

Eating too much selenium can cause serious issues ranging from minor problems to life risks. 

Recommended Daily Intake 

It’s essential to stick to the suggested daily intake of 55 micrograms for adults. Pregnant and lactating women require  60 to 70 micrograms per day. 

Potential Health Risks 

  • Toxicity 

Consuming too much selenium can be toxic. The symptoms range from nausea to kidney or heart failure. 

  • Interactions with Other Nutrients 

Too much selenium might interact with other nutrients, leading to nutrition imbalance. 

Use of Selenium Supplements 

  • When to Consider Supplements? 

If you can’t get enough selenium through diet, you may have to take supplements. Seek advice from a healthcare provider before using selenium supplements. 

  • Precautions and Side Effects 

When taking selenium supplements, follow doctor’s advice to avoid the risk of toxic side effects. 


Selenium is a required trace mineral for maintaining several aspects of our health. Eating a balanced diet rich in selenium may help support overall health. 

However, keep in mind that eating too much selenium can cause health risks. Supplementation should only be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional. The right balance of selenium in the diet is crucial. 

Also Read: Colloidal Silver Benefits: A Science-Backed Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is taking selenium good for? 

Enough selenium intake may help protect against certain health conditions like cancer and cognitive decline, besides supporting the immune system. 

What are the signs of selenium deficiency? 

Signs of selenium deficiency may range from muscle weakness to a weakened immune system. 

Who should not take selenium? 

If you get enough selenium in your diet or have health conditions, you should consult with your healthcare provider before taking selenium supplements. 

What does selenium do for a woman’s body? 

Selenium is important for both men and women. It supports the immune system, and thyroid function, and acts as an antioxidant. 

How much selenium should I take? 

The daily selenium intake depends on age, sex, and life stage. Always consult a healthcare provider when considering selenium supplementation. 

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